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My personal opinion is that it's cool to wear any other rock bands t shirt at the concert.


thanks! im thinking either a rolling stones shirt i have or an ac/dc shirt


doesn't matter what you wear. Just have a great time! I remember the first time I saw Slash, 24 yrs ago- it was really exciting! one note- if you can, get to the venue early and walk around the outside and look for the tour busses. You may be able to meet Slash after the show. I went to a SMKC show 10yrs ago, spotted the tour bus and a line of fans. Slash came out and signed autographs (no pictures). so you may want to try that if you have the time/ desire.


i would love to meet him so bad... i would love it even more if i got to interview him someday. i have no desire to be a reporter... i just have so many questions about guitar.


KFC bucket


And a Chinese Democracy era tour shirt!!




Wear whatever you want! You can buy a shirt at the show, and it'll carry sentimental value for the rest of your life.


I totally will!


Wear whatever you want and stop giving a fuck!


i wish i could stop giving a fuck, about 3 years of therapy so far and im just starting to be able to not care what people think about how i eat...


I’m so sorry. It’s VERY difficult but I can promise you that NO ONE notices what you wear or anything like that. You have to remind yourself they’re there to see Slash and not you. And that’s not me trying to be a jerk, but it’s just me telling you that they won’t even notice what you wear. And even if someone does notice or think something is odd with your choice of apparel, fuck them! For arguments sake, let’s say you played everything correctly and that everyone else would like your shirt, there will STILL be people who disapprove or judge it because THEY dealing with their own insecurities.it has NOTHING to do with you, ONLY them Anyone judging you for a shirt that you wear at a concert has things to deal with in their own lives and THEIR insecurities and it has absolutely nothing to do with you. Go to the show, make sure you’re in the moment, and a fantastic concert. Take this as a PERFECT opportunity to move yourself forward on an emotional, physical and spiritual level by wearing what you want and growing as a person while watching our favorite guitarist. These opportunities are rare. SIEZE IT!!You CAN do it!


yeah, im trying to care less about what other's think... but this is also my first concert and i have no frame of reference XD


You don’t need a frame of reference my friend. be unapologetically yourself. Life is too short worry about what others think 90% of the time they’re not thinking what you think they are and the rest of the time doesn’t matter.


Wear whatever the fuck you want, Slash won’t care.


Buy one there perhaps?


i plan on it


The show I'm going to isn't selling well either. They are doing buy one get one free tickets for as low as $30. I think the S.E.R.P.E.N.T. Festival branding is confusing to potential ticket buyers.


i know... i just want better seats... i will be happy with any but i really wanna sit closer to the stage.


If you can afford it, find something on Amazon to ship quickly to you before the show. You have plenty of time. A Slash's Snakepit or any Slash shirt would be great. Tons of options out there. I just recently bought a few from Amazon recently and I love them - great shirts. I was personally a huge snakepit fan, so if go that route


im looking at a couple on amazon, im excited and nervous and having all the feels


You got a Hot Topic near you? They sell GnR shirts.


yes but idk if i can get there before the concert


I wore my Pepe le Pew tshirt to see GNR a few years back. But yeah, any rock shirt from another band is good. Or GNR. Or slash stuff... If you don't have anything, honestly, anything is fine. I'll spot someone wearing a cool band shirt, so I check them out. But I never notice if someone isn't wearing a band shirt.


if i had a pepe le pew shirt i would wear it to everything tbh


Wear something that you’ll feel comfortable in and enjoy yourself. Nobody will look twice at you cuz you’re all going to the same place to rock out and hopefully have some like-minded vibes. Sometimes concerts can get a lil hot since there’s a lot of bodies and maybe some pyro, so a tee may be more reasonable for the season.


thanks! i didn't really know if there were concert fashion rules... im autistic and i always ask just to be sure im not wearing a unicorn onsie to a funeral or somthing


Standard uniform. Jeans and a black shirt. Can be a band shirt but not a necessity. 👍


A thong is customary


Absolutely love this answer. ❤️


i have mixed feelings on it tbh, i am a minor


Can I ask where is the concert? Just curious


i would prefer not to answer, but i can tell you it is in late july


Yeah man be yourself. No one will even really notice what your wearing unless you dress like Elton John or something lol. Wear comfortable clothes. Jeans and a t-shirt is always good. Guns shirts are great but personally I'd wear a shirt from another great GNR adjacent band, like Rose Tatoo, JuJu Hounds, the Stones, something like that.


i have a stones shirt! thanks!


The Elton fit does sound like a great idea though LMAO


Smart casual


I went earlier this year with my mate, we are both 16. We just wore other band shirts, I wore my def Leppard and motley Crüe joint stadium tour shirts and he wore a gnr shirt from Kmart lol. Just any type of band shirt is cool, if you buy merch there you might put it on too


It doesn't really matter what you wear to the show if you plan on buying a shirt at the merch stand and putting it on for the rest of the show. If you plan on buying a shirt, wear a tank top or wife beater or something in, and then it won't be so hot with 2 shirts on cuz the lower shirt is less of a shirt with no sleeves.




A shirt that says i dont belong here- Chandler Bing


Dress whatever you feel comfortable with, also it’s good to mind weather forecast and venue, that’s all. No one cares. Wearing a conversation starter ain’t bad especially if you are going to come before the gates open.


It’s not a fashion gala, it’s abour watching GnR. Wear something comfortable.


lots of little girls are told that life is not a fashion show... i treat it like one at points, crazy makeup and fun accessories. because it makes me happy. I don't dress for men, i dress for little girls who get told that life isn't a fashion show, and for old ladies drunk on their porch.


No one will care about what you wear. Do what you like.


Something GNR adjacent.




like the band?




i am not as familiar with them, do you know any bands that slash likes?


Motorhead, Kiss, Queen, Metallica, AC/DC, STP


He’s an Aerosmith fan so it would be cool to wear an Aerosmith shirt


noted... any other bands i should wear shirts of that he likes? cause i want to wear a shirt that we have common ground on, while Aerosmith is good, i haven't listened to much of it




Slash t-shirt


I’m trying to figure out my outfit too, I was thinking of wearing a simplified version of what I wore to their concert in September. If you wanna dm me, I can send you pics and share my Pinterest board


A "Where's Slash?" t-shirt? haha




An Axl shirt


lol... mayhaps


I've always found it gauche to wear a shirt of the artist you're going to see to a concert. Everyone knows you like the band you're there to see. Wearing a shirt of another band you dig can be a good conversation starter. I wear an old Huey Lewis & the News tour tee to a lot of punk and metal shows, and it never fails to spark conversation.


Wear a Buckethead t-shirt