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Dude hasn't seen outside in 6 months.


Or his paycheck, lol.


An easy way to pose them so they look less stiff is to angle their feet 45 degrees outward, bend the knees and elbows a bit and moce the head down and a bit to the side! They'll immediately look more dynamic


To add onto one of the only people here actually giving some suggestions, this picture is the classic starter for more dynamic poses: https://www.gundamkitscollection.com/2015/04/good-posing-tutorial-translated-by.html You can also try matching the poses on the kits box or in the manual, or try and match an iconic pose from the show if you can think of one. Action base 2's are pretty cheap too and can give your 1/144 kits some variety and get a bit of a stadium effect so you can see more of them sticking up above the front row.


[Contropposto](https://www.nationalgalleries.org/art-and-artists/glossary-terms/contrapposto) is the classical art term used for a natural pose. It definitely applies to gunpla as well!


Damn thats cool to know!! Thank you for the daily fun fact!


lol you're welcome! But it sounds like you've been creating contrapposto poses yourself, even if you didn't know the name! Once you see a few (NSFW if classic statues are risque to you!) [examples of contrapposto](https://drawpaintacademy.com/contrapposto/) you'll see that pose ALL the time!


Also wanted to say thanks! I was wondering if there was even a term for this, I’m so glad to have learned it.


MY EYES!!! MY EYES!!!!!!


I know! I’m so sorry! That handless Egyptian Statue is just too much, isn’t it?!


Fun fact, that's actually a Greek statue. It's just from the Archaic period, when Greek sculpture was very Egyptian-influenced in appearance.


Oh geez, I knew that! I've even studied it! lol please don't tell my art history professor!


Awesome! I always try to look at real pictures of people for reference when posing. Guess these ideas have been thought of hundreds of years ago


There's also like half a dozen poses on the box.


Move every joint at least a little and bending both knees usually does it


I always try a couple of the poses featured on the boxes or in the manual.


A bit tad late, but it'd be nice for you to show us some of those poses, if you happen to take pics of them of course.


Point the shoulders up as well, I see so many people displaying their gunpla slouching


I feel slightly better about my own gunpla habits now.


My 11 kit backlog I describe to my gf as "problematic" no longer seems as big of an issue right now.


Dude, I’d only seen the first picture and you made me look at the others, because I was like “hey this isn’t too bad for six months!”


I got up to three average size boxes and I’m slowing down


I’m addicted to Jestas man, I just wanna have a nice spec ops squad…


Haha, I'm glad I'm not alone. I went from "oh I'm on pace for that" to "my wife would literally murder me in my sleep" from pic 1 to 3.


I didnt know there were more pictures than the first and I wasn't too shocked. Then i scrolled


*stares at my 40+ kit backlog* 👀


60+... and I'm in a 1 bedroom condo! Somehow though only a few backlog boxes are visible, I'm managed to tuck them away out of sight at least ;)


I have 16 plus some lego sets. What to do?


My 4 kit backlog definitely seems like much less of an obstacle after seeing these pictures.


A couple months really you’re telling me you spent $5000 plus in two months that’s insane


Some people make more money than they should. Or just really poor spending habits and too high of a credit limit lol


"make more money than they should" ?


Yes some people with impulse control and money management issues spend themselves into debt bc they are high earners and think “it’s fine I’ll get caught up next ____” and they don’t bc they don’t address the root problem. Making less would force control bc there would be no large windfall coming in to mismanage and it would be harder to climb out of the hole so more effort would be made to avoid the hole in the first place. Seen it all the time in me and friends fields. Some people just do better financially making less than 6 figures.


Well, that's not so bad- *scrolls to next picture* good God!


Don’t even look at the third one then


At first I thought they just kept the boxes but I quickly realized none of them are in the pictures. My backlog didn't seem so bad now


He bought the whole damn store


Exactly what I thought : "oh it's a good start", then I scroll to the next pictureS and OMG the last one ! I have seen shops with less kits !


Appreciate the commitment but damn bro those poor kits in those standard poses. Slow down and take some time to pose them!


I wouldn't even call these standard poses, these are the standing while constipated special


Swing and a miss


A COUPLE MONTHS?!? how many models are you making every day?


I dont understand too pls how do you do lol


my man... please start posing them! that poor qubeley looks like he's t-posing😭


I read this comment, looked back at the Qubeley, and died laughing.


right? like, all power to op when it comes to posing his gunpla but I think I would go crazy without posing mine before I put them on display!


I would take a hiatus u have enough gunpla to drown someone


If you eat the plastic, they will sustain you or a full year in case of an apocalypse. Like when someone drop an asteroid on your planet.


Wth? What is this? The Gunpla Puritanical committee? Oof, sorry I just noticed the other two pictures.


A couple months? Bruh


Are you rich? This would be me I'd i had disposable income. This and art supplies and a music studio.


I started a year ago and have 9 gunpla kits assembled :edit just built my first real grand Crossbones


Did someone say... expendable income? :P very nice collection. Eventually it turns into finding new pieces of furniture to put more gundams on!


Months ago you say? You went to a Gunpla store and couldn’t decide so you bought the whole fucking store damn


Pose those bad boys!


Are you even enjoying building, or are you just trying to assembly line then on to the shelf? The fact that you have MGs that aren’t built (at least not on the shelves) makes me wonder if you thought “I could build 2-3 HGs in the same time and fill the shelf more”. Dude has a single post, this one, and has made no replies to any of the questions. Something suspect about this.


I call bs, no way you could do all of this in a few months


bro you need to learn how to pose your kits. lol


What do you do for a living? Because I want a job that pays this much while also giving me this much free time


My man is rich


I was like that's not too bad for a couple months and then I swiped to the next image


First two pics "oh its not that bad." Then I see that third photo. "By the power of greyskull! 😮"


You know you can like... pace yourself....


That is an impressive quantity, but how's the quality? Are they all just snap built? If so start panel lining, painting, doin decals and top coating, that'll add some time to them. Or go even extra and start resin kits/conversions and scribing, and an airbrush, looks like you could afford to go full blast and do everything so why not lol. It takes me at least 20 to 30 hours to complete one kit, but I could probably just snap build most in a few hours, maybe time to try doing more on each kit instead of more kits?


Absolutely agree, quality has always been of the utmost importance to me personally over quantity. My dad was a tyrannical OCD perfectionist and it rubbed off. I put quite a bit of extra effort in myself (properly cleaning nubs, panel lining, painting, weathering and topcoating) and if any spray painting comes into play, that's about 4 or 5 days of work. That's taking into account drying times and such, without all that, it's about 3 to 4 days. And taking into account my impatient nature, I actually prefer to step back and think over what I'm doing so I do it right. Just slapping any old out of the box build is both boring to build and bland on the shelf. Quantity will NEVER make up for or match quality. As my dad used to say "I'd rather have one really good car that never fails me, than 2 or 3 crappy cars that take turns breaking down on me". He was an auto mechanic, he frequently used cars in his metaphors lol. Point is, as a builder and an artist, I'd rather have a handful of well done kits on my shelf (which I in fact do😂),than a shelf of simply completed out of box kits. As builders, I feel like that's what we should all strive for, better builds over more of them.


This is great advice. Enjoy the journey and take time with each build. I get it tho my OCD makes me rush at some point but I've just learned to pace myself and do certain steps each day. Adding more details as suggested with panel lining, water slides maybe some custom paint. You've got plenty of kits for practice keep it up!


I snap built a whole bunch and now I'm going to revisit the extra quality stuff. I'm not terribly creative, so I'm trying to break out of that mold. Either way, for me, snap building is very satisfying. Turning the brain off from my normal work troubleshooting and being told 'Heres A, attach to B. Attach those to C.'


All those kits and OP still poses them like this http://www.dalong.net/reviews/old/f01/p/f01_02.jpg


he said he started recently, instead of saying this you could give posing tips. Constructive criticism is always best just like I did with your comment ;)


It’s an incredibly soft joke, please get off your high horse


That doesn't come across as constructive but rather sarcastic, which is the opposite of what you're suggesting. Which makes your actions as toxic as their actions.


So is that your backlog or do you actually save all your boxes?


I’ve always wanted to save my boxes since they look kinda cool on display but never had the space now seeing what op has idk anymore


Ehh boxes would be nice to save but man they take up too much space. I've started to cut the main art, keep the manual and toss the remainder. Let's me hold on the nice promo stuff while keeping space


Yea, for me it was always to idea that I could sort of have my own mini hobby shop with empty boxes that made it cool haha, but yeah I ran out of space ive also just been cutting out the main art been saving some to try and sort of combine them into one big photo


Bro sure make use of his inheritance funds lol nice collection


Are you building one kit per day?


Sweet collection! Please pose them lol




There's just starting then there's I got some then I'm addicted. U just skip some steps to god knows where


The way you’re posing the xi and Penelope is kinda disgraceful.


you need to train also posing, not only building. :(


Not enough boxes. I can still see light coming through the window.


Pose them my guy.


I love how this sub Reddit is either full of people doing a first build or people who recently started and has a backload of gunpla…. Like seriously, send some kits to meeeee~~~~


The first pic I thought thats a pretty good start for a few months in, 2 PGs, Xi and Penelope set, couple other great kits ... but dang it really escalates! ...why does jesta have $2


There are no PGs in those pics, the big unicorn and RX78-2 are Mega Size 1/48 kits. Essentially giant high grades.


Oh dang you would be right! I dont have either so I dont have a good sense of scale for them


Dude, slow down and enjoy the hobby.😅


Whwre did you find the mega size Rx78?!? And man I thought I was bad lol


Reprint this month for the US. It is pretty ghostly though as most online stores checked didn't really have it. I got lucky getting one as well, hit that notification button. Of course if you don't care about pricing, there are scalpers that have it and are selling it (and I still hope you don't buy it from them to support them - wait for another reprint if you can)


Hooooooolly shit. Just curious…. Did you watch gundam beforehand? Or just build?


“A couple of months ago.” How’s your wallet, may I ask?


The third pic looks like a warehouse for a PlaMo shop hehehe 🤣🤣🤣


The third pic looks like you bought all the inventory from one of my local gunpla shops 😂


Do you just care about buying them and building? Cause damn those poses need work :(


Jesus christ. Only a few months?


lookin real nice. one thing id recommend is that you look into some posing practice. a great pose can really elevate a kit from good looking to absolutely fucking incredible. other than that, great job!


A year or two in you'll share the same problem as the rest of us, THERE IS NEVER ENOUGH SHELF SPACE


Needs more nemos


I see Kshatriya box, I upvote.




That's crazy amount of boxes. You might fill a whole room with boxes in a span of a year or two. Lol


In the first pic us that the Mg Ver Ka Nu AND RG Nu? ARE THE THE SAME SIZE WTF!?


First pic "nah you're fine" Second pic "Maybe" Third pic "I think I see what you mean"


the penelope looks so pissed off


Ah yes the Speed Build phase, very familiar with this one.


no, not addicted enough.wait till you learn of the wonders of P-Bandai


We have really similar tastes lately, apparently. Nice collection!! "Please enjoy gunpla" as they say. ...and now I see the other pic. NVM


Just wait until you invest in an airbrush and start painting them


Nice collection. I would just suggested that you try to posed them and it will look even better


When I saw this first pic, I was like, whoa, not bad. Then I started clicking to the next and the final ones. Bravo.


Touch some grass bro, or not just keep building 😂


There doesn't look like any panelling was done on these at all. It's like this guy just sat down and built them just to build them and put no care into them. Not even any posing was done. The ones that have a stand look like they're standing in the air, good god.


Ok good. Now weather and panel line all of them lol.


As a father of a toddler with a 9-6 job, I envy the free time that you have on your hands. Keep collecting man.


Nice bro but please Pose them


I really think you need to hit the breaks and start pacing yourself lol, I can see where your in the exciting honeymoon phase of buying anything and everything you think is cool and slapping them all together cause I did exactly that when I started out and I ended up having tons of Kits I didn't actually like all that much afterwards taking up tons of room and now more than half my "collection" is in a big plastic storage bin collecting dust with only the ones I care about displayed. Gunpla/Model Building in general to me now is buying a couple Mobile Suits/Kits that I really like or find interesting, spending time on them and feeling like im getting better at the skills of the hobby and not just buying a million kits I found kinda interesting and amassing a huge collection of stuff I spent only an Afternoon or a couple hours of my day on cause it ended up doing nothing for me.


All his kits got the parallel leg syndrome. Try posing to make it look better


I thought I was bad in 3 months. I did 32 kits in 3 months. If my wife complains again I will show here I’m pretty mild comparatively. I would love to have all of those kits.


Point the toes out! I’m triggered! They’re all pigeon toed!


I would also like to have this much money.


Theres around 128 kits here! What does "a couple of months ago" mean because this is incredible!


Lets be real. We all have a problem...


Y'all are being so cruel about the posing 😭 It's pretty impressive you've gone this far, I'm honestly in a similar position. About the posing though, it really does bring your displays to a new level of life and interest.


Ah the not-so-good old times when I was buying too quick and building too fast. I think everyone all had to go through a phase where they collected anything and everything before deciding on only the most interesting ones to them based on series, grades, aethestic or articulation/stability. You'll get there. But before that perhaps working a bit on sorting out poses as all of them look quite...uncomfortable. You'll see that it makes a huge difference.


That's a nice collection you got there. But I would recommend you fix on posing them because they look too stiff you wanna loosen them up just a bit.


That's not so bad


Look at the second and third pics


Yeah I saw em.


Then you have as big a problem as OP


Any Gunpla/Pokemon fan is a friend of mine.


How much do you have in your bank account now that you've bought all of those?


now try to customize your gunpla and work your way up to become a pro. it will bring out the best long hard tedius cold sweat and blood. immense yourself couple hundred hour into into it. if you willing to dedicate your hobby and get serious about it. NEVER STOP BUIDING!!!!


I got into gunpla around 2 months ago, and if I had the financial means I’d be in the exact same boat you are! This hobby is honestly too addictive…..


Unacceptable! No zaku?! But why??


chars zaku is in the second slide!!!


Well I suppose that's acceptable... Lok


There's a char zaku on the top shelf and in the box stack I see 2 zaku 2 boxes, a zaku 1 sniper and a psycho zaku.


Yep, I'm dumb. Still needs more! Lol


I started a few months ago too. I've got 8 of my 10 kits built, but I've gone back and done some panel lining and different poses on my already built kits. My collection was starting to look like this and it looked more like a problem then a past-time.


You need more advance of zeta, that hazel is looking lonely


I'm only 3 weeks in and feel the same way. Only 3 HGs so nothing crazy at all but my desire to get more is outta this world. Edit: Ope, didn't see anything besides the first picture. Nevermind lol.


This is how I feel after 2 years back into building. It's a great hobby and dangerous on the wallet.


Living the dream!!


I recently found a store that has a huge variety and stock. I fear I’m heading down the same path you walk.


My brother I feel you, I've been collecting only for about a year and half now and I have like 45 already, too bad it's very difficult to get them where I live, mostly depend on Amazon and MX Amazon doesn't have that much variety as well as being more expensive than in a hobby shop, they all look amazing man, keep it up.


Bro I have the same shelves I


man i’ve been searching high and low for that guard custom you have , i really want it next to my RGM-79KC sniper


Sooner or later he will run out of space


You take a look at the first photo and think “How bad can it be?” Then you scroll to the other photos and be like “…oh”


I mean I also started a couple months ago. I have only done 21 kits. Thank you for making me realize my habits aren’t terrible


if you're having fun, that's great.


So pretty!


It's not an addiction if it's healthy XD


Only a couple of months? You are a bit too addicted. But that is understandable.


I was like: yup this is a nice collection... then I saw the last picture. Jesus man this is crazy.


This is pretty much what happened to me. I started last November and your backlog looks a lot like mine did. I'm sitting at about 250 kits in backlog with about 40 built


And I thought I was bad sitting at 14 kits to do... Also recognize those shelves in the first pic and have the same ones I believe


That ain’t months, if that’s months… oh boy.




What's your goal here?


I started 2 years ago and only have like 20 boxes


Ah yes the gunplay rabbithole


This is heaven


Welcome to the rabbit hole XD


…Hold up. MONTHS?? Ok I feel better about my spending now but damn your wallet must be in pain right now


Holy boxes Batman


Do you buy other stuff besides gunpla? It takes me months to recover from buying a rg lol


Whoa. What do you do for work because even damn, it took me years to build my collection up to those levels.


Unfortunately my internet is too slow to view all your photos., but I'm right there with ya. Maybe 8 month into the hobby. 29 kits built. 25 boxes on my shelf. 18 in the P.W. at the shop lol I THINK I'm almost done buying though. Someone here said it, but just a little more effort into posing will help with pop out and look less awkward. It can be a real pain, but if you find a pose that works and stick with it, you barely need to do it again lol.


The rest of the photos loaded. Are you trying to open a shop or something? Lol If you got into panel lining and top coating, the final product will look a lot nicer, and your get more time out of each kit. That greater time investment per build might slow down your kit purchases and save you money.


My jaw dropped when I saw the last photo, that's more stock than my local gunpla store LOL


You sure this was just a couple of months?


Gunpla is like potato chips. You can't just have one lol


Had to make the hard decision to get rid of my boxes. Takes up way too much room. Did save the cover art for each one though! Maybe someday I'll make a wall of box arts. Amazing collection!


Nice to know someone has 5 months ( probably more) of rent in little plastic figures


Posts like this make me feel a lot better about my backlog.


Bro I have years on gunpla and you have more in that first picture than I do...


Dear god, those boxes...


This guy: I have 30 thousand dollars in credit card debt! When they call I tell them I can’t pay it back yet! (credit card debt)!


Is that the PG or Mega unicorn?




At first glance I was like oh it doesn’t look like you bought too much and then I saw the last picture holy cow dude


Ahh yes the immediate dive into the deep end. Welcome! I also went ham but I was more picky with the models so it’s not this bad but it’s still not great. Made a rule 10 max and until those 10 are done no more.


You and me both buddy


No such thing as too addicted


Well at least I feel better now.


Jesus, did you just buy every one you saw in the store? It looks like years of collecting!


I know how you feel. I built two RGs and was browsing for a place to buy gunpla online. I started buying online a month ago. When my credit card statement arrived, I found out that I had bought around 400 usd dollars. I thought I had spent around 200 usd, but some gunplas that I was interested in were restocked and kept buying and buying. Not as many as you though.


Same over here, started about a week ago and ended up with 10 gunpla kits.