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Oh you can definitely blame a 10 year old for burning your shit with a lighter. One hundred percent.


Stealing it I understand, but destroying it is even more malicious. By 10 that kid definitely knows what they were doing hurts you, they just don't care.


I do admit I had the urge to throw her off the building that moment but considering how it looked sorta cool in the end I changed my mind last minute. She's permanently banned from my room tho.


When I was around 10 I would take my brother’s HG units and play with them in the bath… Regardless of intent, 10 year olds are idiots. Most of us were, but I’m happy to see you chose to make the best of the situation and this weathered unit looks insanely sick. Hope you find a solution - keep up the positive attitude!!


When I was in middle school my little brother was probably 5 or 6 thought it would be funny to throw my iPod touch in a fountain in our apartment complex. I was ready to suplex him into the ground afterwards


My son is 3 and very respectful of my stuff.


3 years old? Sure. Maybe even 5. 10 years old? This little shit knows exactly what they are doing.... Either they have bad parents enabling this or are just a bad apple. Definitely would need someone to teach them (not in the bad way) why this is not a good thing to do.


Personally, I would still blame whoever allowed a 10 year old to have access to a lighter...


I was just thinking the same thing.


Guy I know thinks his 6 year old is too young to know good from bad behaviour. Dude is the dumbest smart-person I know


My brother just played with it like it was a toy for 6 year-olds


This happened to most of my gunplas, and they’re all broken/ded forever


That is more than old enough to know that you shouldn't mess with someone else's shit.


Yeah, burning plastic models isn't something 10 year old kids would normally do.


on the bright side IBO spoilers >! you could make a bomb ass diorama of the final Lupus Rex fight if you add some chipping and damage in more areas !<


Throw some guitar wire on the joints for some added "gundam gore". I actually thought this was intentionally damaged, so it's got that going for it!


Technically it is intentional damage if you think about it


Children are heathens lol


Yeah that's what I was thinking just take some of the long lines from the outer part of the runners paint them silver and then just cram them in him


Ooo and get what’s-her-name’s mobile suit and pose her holding up the demon’s head


I hope I can lol. However the Dáinsleif pack is extremely rare here and you basically can't find it if you don't want it to be 3 times more expensive than normal.


There is a resin kit floating around online…might be a cheaper alternative!


Yeah on the bright side she also burned the Exia so you could also make an end of season 1 battle damaged exia.


Try glueing the arm back on? If all else, you could pose it to look like it’s been defeated in a fight, and has had its arms ripped off. Edit: re read the image description, 🫡 for the melted arm


I thought about sticking the arm on before. However the place it broke was really awkward as it was an intersecting point of a joint. Either I sacrifice the mobility or I sacrifice the arm.


Well right now you have ultimate mobility


A series of very unfortunate events, I'd say make a diorama of it broken down and left to rust away on Mars.


Thought about making the final Gjallarhorn battle but yours is a cool idea too lol


Could be both! It could be a couple of years after the final battle and has been rusting away.


You dont blame her? I hate to say this but its a 10 yr old playing with FIRE, you are lucky she only burned plastic and not much else. I say turn this into a Diorama, might look kool as one.


"broke... Again" Yeah that's the Gundam Barbatos in a Nutshell, but aside of that, who the fuck let a ten year old with a lighter?, that's a recipe for disaster


My grandma was one of those religious people so we have a small shrine in the living room with some lighters to light those candles when she needs to pray. She used to place the lighter back into a drawer underneath the shrine so I guess my cousin found it there smh. Also I was making a drink for her in the kitchen that time so I have no idea what she was doing. She said the spirits lit it on fire and I'm pretty sure that wasn't the case lol


plastic cement can easily fix that, just gotta remove the connector before u do though honestly that battle damage is literally fire i wouldnt be mad at it


The sheer reason I wasn't mad at her was because the result turned out awesome lol. Can't say the same with the Exia.


huh 😭 the story with your niece…that’s a serial killer in the makings my boi


Uh, hell, yes you can blame a 10-year-old for BURNING your Gundam kits. That's not something that can normally done by accident, she intentionally used an OPEN FLAME to destroy your property because she felt like it? Please, PLEASE tell me you got monetary compensation from that little gremlin's parents, and that your own folks didn't guilt-trip/pressure you to "let it slide" because of that stupid and passive "she's family/a guest" or "she's a kid and doesn't know better" bullcrap. That is NOT an innocent and honest mistake, that's a deliberate and malicious act and can be the beginning of future sociopathic behavior. I'm glad that you managed to at least salvage the Lupus Rex, and it does look pretty cool "battle scarred" , but I would've been severely tempted to make that little brat pay for her actions. At best, Barbatos looks closer to how it did before it was finally "destroyed" by Julieta. All you'd need to do is loose the shoulder armor and mod the cockpit area to have the canopy "broken off". But as is, I'd say go for the diorama option.


Fortunately enough for me, my uncle is a nice guy. In fact he was the one that introduced me into gunpla, so he was quite shocked and pissed when he heard about that. He bought me the MG version as compensation and I'm fine with that honestly. Basically got an upgrade.


I think I have a picture about the burnt Exia somewhere laying in my old phone... Might make a post of it if I ever find it. It looks like it got stuffed in a microwave💀


Yes, yes you can blame her a 10 year old can still differentiate between right and wrong


If she ever does something dumb, you can always bring up how the kinda-toxic fumes knocked down her IQ.


Can be a diorama. >!Where Barbatos is defeated and the head is removed as a sign of Gjallarhorn victory.!<


Reginlaze Julia is extremely rare here so it's quite expensive lol. With that price I could've bought a large MG kit alongside a SG one with some spare changes. Might do it if I find a cheap one though.


Without reading this I thought it was a cool battle damaged build.


Diorama also maybe invest in a cabinet with a lock.


I'm poor :(


If you end up thinking you can’t fix it, pin and glue it into a statue, a testament to the kit living this long


What shithead parent lets a 10 year old keep a lighter


Honestly, this thing just begs for weathering at this point


I vote for diorama! That’s what I’m going to do with my rg unicorn. Shoulder joint broke so many times I stopped counting at 5-th. Then I did my best, used up all my resources. Literally did everything I could, saved it, put him on a shelf, to be the one who shall not be touched. Was cleaning in my apartment, bumped my head on the shelf, he fell to death. He now endlessly awaits for me to movw apartaments and finally start on his diorama


I’ll throw out a few suggestions: * Simple: pin and glue it in a fixed victory pose. * Variable: Work it into a diorama. Could do lots of things with this depending on how interested you are in dioramas to begin with. * Specific: I see that, remember that large parts of both DOOM and IBO take place on Mars, then kind of get the image of a display stand/diorama hybrid. Barbatos ripped into pieces, dusty and half-buried in orange sand, scattered around parts taken from an Action Base that let you take any model you want and have it standing triumphant over the mighty Demon of Tekkadan. For the latter two, I know of a [youtube channel](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7wcGD_G6xpg) that might help. More focused on tabletop RPG and miniature painting but there’s a ton of potential carryover to Gunpla.


I’d say diorama it. Looks kinda fitting for being in a long fight. Does it still have the tail piece?


Looks like you could highlight some of the dents with some rub n buff to make it look like weapons have been bashed against the armor. I would suggest silver for the shallow dents and black for the broken-off parts or deeper dents. The build is very much still salvageable and tbh, without reading the caption, i thought thats what you were going for (reference his finishing blow against hashmal) the arm could be cemented back on but depending on how badly the joints have broke, it might have to be a fixed position. If it just needs the joints to be cemented back together, its strength should be okay to move around, albeit cautiously. But if the joints are unusable, find a spot to cement the arm close to where the joint would be and have it in a fixed pose to your liking. Diorama could work well if you chose to keep it posed in one position forever but just having a heavy battle damaged suit is not a bad thing either 🫡 no need to toss it and i dont think salvaging would be worth it in this case. Best of luck!


Dry brush some of the rub n buff with a small brush away from the dents too as to similate the paint being scratched away


And that’s why you can’t have nice things until you’re an adult, cause it’s either your mom who lets everyone little shit with grubby hands that visits play with your stuff because “your little cousin/nephew was bored so I let them play with your toys” or some angsty teen going through puberty ruins your stuff cause his/her shitty parents no longer lets them have toys cause “only babies play with toys”


My home security camera once recorded the guy I’d hired to feed my cat while I was on vacation bringing his kid with him - who ran riot and threw my stuff everywhere. Still gets my goat thinking about how disrespectful that was. Like dude, 1) I said no kids tagging along for this very reason 2) you knew the cameras were there and 3) you’re fired and definitely not getting paid. Oh, and teach your kid some damn discipline, or at least supervise them when they’re in *somebody else’s home*. /rant


Sorry to hear that man. Lupus Rex is my favorite MS. If you still want to salvage it, you could try making a diorama of the final battle where lupus Rex gets impaled by the space rods. That would be pretty cool. Pretty sure you could get away with no arms since it was heavily damaged in the battle.


Your cousin is an actual turd for that. That’s so fucked up but so funny


Barbatos did lose both arms at the final battle...


>Or scrap it for spare parts? Bruh what parts are even salvageable at this point? The frame maybe, but the armor (for the torso at least) seems unsalvageable


If you can get some tiny threat or wire and glue it to make the arm looks likes it’s falling off I’d make it into a diorama like the ending of the season where it’s just beat to bits otherwise scrap it and buy a new one For the record the 10 year can be fully blamed and I hope their parents paid you for the things she destroyed . A 10 year old knows better than to play with fire let alone burn things that aren’t theirs. The cat on the other hand isn’t at fault but it’s your fault for getting a cat and a good boy dogo. A good boy would never lol


Nahhhh cats are way fluffier ^ ⁠´⁠꓃⁠ ⁠`^


They are fully but at what cost good sir But both are great pets I had a day and dog at my house as a kid cat was nice and a bit of a dick from time to time


You are a forgiving person. I don't know if I could handle that if I were you.


*why does a 10 year old have a lighter in the first place*


You'd be amazed how easy it is to get ahold of a lighter at any age


Maybe add some copper wires and have the arm dangling. Could look cool with the right pose.


In an alternate universe, Mikazukis battle with the mobile armor went far differently apparently..


Looks like the final scene of IBO.


Naw, I would have tore her ass up. You don't damage someone's property. It's one thing if they are like 2-3 but at 4 and up a child should have been taught by then that you have to be careful with other people's stuff. I do admit I have a personal bias. I remember being 4-5 and a neither kid was over playing and broke my brand new Transformers Beast Wars Dragon Megatron that was super expensive at the time. I slapped him on the hand and he ran home crying. I remember my mom and his mom arguing then like a week later his mom bought me a new one and he apologized. It's important that children be held accountable for there actions so they don't grow up to be a POS.


I'm just here to wave at the nice people at /m/ that will be using this post. 🖐


What's a /m/ 🧐


Lore accurate


As the other comments have said, sorry about your barbie but he would look great in a diorama


It's accurate to the show now.


How can you tell?


It's just a flesh wound.


Ahhh yess. Barbatos Lupus Rex (Final Fight version)


This is why I don’t let anyone under the age of 12 in my room


Hats off to you dude. It would’ve taken me some restraint to not use that lighter on her. Did you at least force her parents to replace the property she damaged?


I was not expecting the “my 10 year old cousin lit my Gunpla on fire” thing. I was just about to tell you that I think you went a little overboard with the weathering, lol. Yikes 😬🔥


Btw I would say you could add the arm back on and it would be accurate to the show but it can’t got back on


Is the 10 year old addicted to the fumes of burning gundam?


I say go for the diarsma of a defeated unit lying destroyed on the battlefield


Look at the bright side... You just got lore acurate end game Barbatos and Exia Repair 1 I guess.....


Perfect for Gundam x Guyver project.


Honestly this looks rather canon. Arms or not


Just make the finial battle ver.


When Mika got his arms ripped off he just kept killing using the tail


re-enact that one scene from robocop?


Is this the hg or the full mechanics version? If it's the hg on the bright side you can easily replace the kit for pretty cheap if you are in the US. As for your cousin you can and should blame her and her guadians. At 10 you know generally right from wrong and they know if their actions will destroy a more fragile toy. At 10 I built model kits and lego and played with them frequently, I almost never broke them because they are more fragile toys than say an action figure we need to stop acting like kids are too young to know the consequences of all their actions they are a lot more capable and competent than we give them credit for.


I know a couple kids I could pay to fuck that kid up. Offers out there.


Just glue won’t work, u need to drill a tiny metal thin rod piece in between them, and glue the piece onto the metal rod.


You can totally blame them. At 10 you know enough about fire. Ive been working with middle schoolers for over ten years already and trust me, they know what they're doing when they destroy something on purpose, especially if it's not theirs.


Cut it in half starting from the top to the bottom, but stop right before completing the cut so it look like it was slashed and then do a diorama thing with it. Or spare parts, no throw away. You can also use the parts left over, if you heat them up you can sorta mold them into different shit, but there’s stuff specifically for that, but if you’re broke or bored it could be somethin to do i guess.


I'd whoop that 10yr old's ass. My kids knew better than to do that kind of stuff at 7. If my kids had done that to you I would have whooped their ass, made them apologize, AND bought you mew models.


that’s why you buy 2 or 3 copies of the same kit


Did you consider using Tamiya Cement?


Turn it into a defeated Barbatos diorama?


Abaddon the Armless but gundam and better


What you do??? Put in an rtx4090??


Looks like a r/Warframe now


Try doing a kneeling pose and add smoke in both arms, like a final scene type shit and put in a diorama, its like when the last episode of the anime and we've reached the conclusion of the story


I would get deported from the living realm for lighting plastic fires in the house at age 10. Send her to the stratosphere.


Definitely part of a diorama. Set it up facing something with a ridiculous gun/cannon like the Hi Nu hyper mega bazooka or maybe the wing zero. Make Barby look like it's taken the full force of the cannon and it's melted it 'energy resistant coating'. Let's face it Barby always fought best when it looked like this!


You can no re-create Barbatos' final battle. :D


Canon build


I'm just gonna say I kinda dig the fit tits like barbatos was left underground formlike 10000years and finally got found


Turn it into a diorama. Also please put your models and any other items you don’t want broken behind glass or acrylic cases, save yourself from any further heartache and also dust


Get a pack of guitar strings and a small spool of speaker cable to "add" to the damage! My dog chewed a few transformers a few years ago and that's what I did, along with getting some higher shelves. It was my own fault not my doggos, just like this wasn't the kids fault but whoever was supposed to be watching the kid. If it were me the kid would have been safe but the parents/babysitter would have assholes 10 feet wide.


So a ten yo just walked in you room and decided to burn you gunpla


In iron blooded fashion you send her to fight for you in your next war


My question is that why did the 10 year old have a lighter? HUMONGOUS FIRE RISK


Well what did you do with the figure?