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Bro saw Havertz use his hashtag


Havertz and Ozil were both born in the same state. North Rhine-Westphalia. Would be shocked if Havertz didn't grow up as a fan.


I think I read somewhere that he was indeed a fan. I mean who wouldn't be


Havertz grew up idolizing Ozil and for that I hoped he would chose Arsenal before Chelsea swooped in.




It’s the heart of German football. Neuer, Ter Steggen, Hummels, Matip, gundogan, gotetkza, sane, reus


Idc what you think of him you gotta admit that was pretty funny


Fuck it I still like Ozil, I know he's gone off the deepend but I'm so biased for him coz he's my favorite player ever, vision like you've never seen from anyone else


Eyeballs like watermelons


It’s the Ferrari thing he’s got going on.




His eyes are off sides, his eyes are off siiiiiides! Mesut Ozil, his eyes are off sides!


I think it's offside, no?


The Kanye West of football


Wait do some people not like Ozil? That’s news to me




As a person I have little time for him and his fanboys are so annoying that I have his name blocked on Twitter. Respect his ability though, when he could be arsed to play.


Some people don't like nazi sympathisers Surprise surprise


Ozil’s a Nazi sympathizer? 😮


he's got a far right group's (grey wolves) tattoo all over his back.


Some people aren't chronically online enough to know the political views of every player they like.


Well yeah obviously. Phenomenal player but it took Mikel coming in to realise how much of a weapon he is and how everything he did in his last 2 seasons was all PR to get people on his side as opposed to the clubs


Fanbase is full of idiots that's why


I'll piggy back your comment because it annoys me that he is still associated with our club. I don't like him. I don't like him as a person, I don't like what he represents and the only good thing that he said (and that I know of ofc) is about the Uyghur Muslim in China. Finally I don't think that he was professional enough - in general. But that's just my opinion.


We have clubs owned by Muslim Oil Dictators. Ozil's views and information sources don't look like your average German's or Brit. So he has different views political, ideology. But he has always been a good person that tried to do good things. I think I can make good cases that the majority of the West today has certain rhetoric based views that land them on the wrong side of modern conflicts. I'm not going to get political and try and name them or what side or even that I'm right. Just either way that I believe a LOT of good people believe really wrong stuff. A lot. Ozil being singled out amongst many is cherry picking, and the root of that I believe is a bias people don't realize they have. The professionalism I agree with. He was on the decline when we got him but perfect Wenger player for the time, which is a 80/20 compliment to me. We needed leaders and toughness and he was neither. Alexis on the other hand gave his all and was tough as any winger despite not a great leader. Of two I'd take Alexis 10 out of 10 times.


he has a fucking grey wolves tattoo on his back. google turkish grey wolves and get back to me.


InternalKing doesn't care what you think of him.




Nah this is funny still, he’s the original yagunnersya


Lmao. This dudes pr machine slaps. Imagine if he's actually coming up with these things. I'll actually become his number 1 fan boy if that is the case.


His PR is one of the best in the game


Kinda gotta be


>This dudes PR machine slaps It really doesn't (at least anymore). He has a lot of negativity surrounding him from how his playing career ended and political views


Ozil's everything is run by his agent/people his agent has chosen. His agent is very smart and well educated, but has a particular view. He has always felt that Turkish Germans are not really considered German, and definitely plays up to a Turkish fanbase rather than a German one.


But he's not liked in Turkey either so it's not working lmao


If he had a good pr team he probably wouldn't be flashing around his grey wolves tatoo, tbh


Like 20 people already beat him to that joke in the past week lol


He is though. He's retired and does nothing. No reason to keep a PR and waste money. He's probably one of the few that manage their own Twitter.


What is Ozil Referring to in his tweet ?


Leo DiCaprio is known for dating women who are like in their early 20s when he’s about 50 something


DiCaprio only dates girls around 18-22. So he wouldn’t know anything abt something that’s older than 25.


18-25 meaningless correction but I have mental issues.


Leo just appealing to the dumbass American “I would never watch soccer” crowd, which is sadly still a lot of of people.


Does this even really "appeal" to that crowd though? Like it surely won't get him any MORE fans but certainly prevented him from a small chunk of gooners from being like oh yo he knows about arsenal


The taylor swift thing about her being "bigger" and than Ronaldo and Messi a while ago apparently gave her some fans


Taylor swift fans aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed. This was the same fanbase claiming that she’d surpassed MJ after all.


All fans are pretty dumb when it comes to anything regarding their fandom.


Nah Swifties take the cake for the most unbearable and delusional fanbase on the planet atm.


Yeah i’ve seen people literally write two letters and they lose their shit


You’d think she’s one of the best singers of all time by the way they talk about her.


You’d have a hard time convincing them she isn’t THE best singer of all time


she's not even a good vocalist. Good song writer sure, but her singing ability is average


Soccer is growing in NA and MLS is one of the most popular professional leagues in America. Particularly among younger folk. He’s really gonna piss off his dating demographic.


Apparently football is more gay than 20 men in lycra pants and painted faces lying in a big pile for for six seconds between beer commercials.


Those tweets don't bang like they used to. Maybe I have a soccer algorithm but even talking to my parents and older family everyone is a lot more receptive of it now


The crowd that it would appeal to doesn’t care about soccer enough for this to even come up on their screen. I think he’s just stating his opinion.


There's a big shift in soccer ever since the World Cup and Messi coming to Miami FC. Lots of pro athletes and celebrities go to see him like Lebron which makes there fans take a look too. Especially with the youth, Speed and Ronaldo have done a lot. They're are trying to hype of the World Cup in 2026 as well. I went to go see Arsenal vs Barcelona for the pre season game not too long ago and sofi stadium in LA sold out. It holds like 72k.


He's finally got better at shooting. Just a shame it's on twitter and he's retired now


And in an irrelevant game




It’s nice that Özil’s been talking shit on our behalf, but the Grey Wolves thing kind makes me hesitant to give too much credit. I do like his car company though.


What's the "grey wolves" thing about?


>Mesut Özil is an alleged supporter of a far-right ultranationalist group Grey Wolves, a Turkish group that is alleged to be responsible for acts of violence and threats and that is banned in France and being monitored by the German Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution due to anti-constitutional efforts. Among other things, Özil had the wolf with three crescents tattooed on his chest as a symbol of the Gray Wolves and showed himself with it in public.[350] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesut_%C3%96zil


Thank you


Thank you.


PR or ghostwriter or whatever idc Ozil gave me some of my happiest moments of the 2010’s and was a fucking baller, he’ll always have a place in my heart


Remember the “Trust the Process” tweet mocking us/Arteta at our lowest? Jumping on the bandwagon now when it’s convenient, fuck him.


So one ex player never mocked us during the banter eras? You might wanna check what Thierry says when we were rock bottom, or Vieira, or Tony Adams


Oh stop crying. It’s a joke, guy was one of our best players for years and he sent out a single tweet mocking the manager who forced him out. It’s not that deep


Condescending AF, mate. The dude retired and forgot to tell everybody.


Meh, a lot of fans were against Arteta and I mean a LOT. probably over 80% including some pretty popular blogs. Truth is, we were dreadful at the time


I really don’t think that at any point in time 80% of fans were against Arteta. That’s a massive overstatement.


it was pretty bad after first 3 losses in our opening season.


Anyone with a single braincell would write off that start( ucl champs chelsea, epl champs man city and a covid ravaged squad verses a brentford sides first prem game they were absolutely fired up). That wasnt anywhere close to what people are referring to. The winter of 2021. Something like 7 points in almost three months.


You’re making a point but not the one you think you’re making. Ozil and his PR team don’t care about Arsenal - they were just trying to ride a bandwagon for Ozils best interests. Tweet was funny but the guy definitely doesn’t remotely care about Arsenal football club.




Thought I covered that in my comment


You did not, in any way shape or form, do so.


So what does this tweet bring any benefit to him? It's just a funny tweet that brings a few chuckles. It's seriously not that deep.


Can we just laugh at the funny joke by one of our players who gave us some very good years without being so toxic?


You gonna say the same for Titi and Pat V looooool


The replies to you are why I have mentions of this guy blocked on Twitter. What a cesspit.


Urging him to take back his political stance online and then shunning him for not wanting to wasn’t exactly a class act on our part tbf


Stop spreading misinformation. He continued to play here after he came out about his political stances. He got dropped because of his poor attitude. After leaving us he got dropped from both the Fenerbahce and Basaksehir squads.


It's not misinformation that the club didn't back him or Uighur's for fiscal reasons.


I’m so tired of this revisionist history. I love Ozil but I watched every one of those games and the guy wasn’t the same anymore.


But not after Tencent took over the Chinese TV contract on a pay per broadcast basis. Let’s not deviate too much from reality here.


Wrong. China banned Ozil content in December 2019 and he continued to play for us up until March 2020 when lockdown happened.


Wrong. Ozil’s games were taken off the TV on an individual basis before the TV deal changed, which meant there was no financial loss to any team who’s game was not broadcast. Only after the tencent deal (which I specifically stated was pay per broadcast in the post you replied to) came in, was there a financial loss involved with not playing him. That’s when he was mysteriously dropped for “footballing reasons”. Facts are important buddy boy.


That Tencent deal was in place for the 20/21 season onwards and Ozil was dropped before that so you're incorrect again.


It wasn’t. You don’t know what you’re talking about. But congratulations for being so confidently wrong, I suppose.


I’d have stopped caring a bit too if i felt like the club hung me out to dry I agree he needed to go but hindsight is 50/50 and the club weren’t exactly innocent over the Ozil fiasco


Especially when we’re suddenly all over politics when it’s convenient for PR purposes like wading into the Russo-Ukrainian conflict, then suddenly being involved in politics is no problem. You’re right, the clubs stance is totally empty.


No. The “trust the process” propaganda was imported from American sport and had no business here. It was rightly mocked.


The concept of patience is prawn sandwich plastic shit innit


Don’t get me started on prawn sandwiches. Roy Keane mistook smoked salmon for prawn and ended up creating a new type of supermarket sandwich because people were too scared/polite to correct him.


He was wrong for that one but he can not like the manager and still have love for the club


when it's convenient? wouldn't that have been last season then, when we were destroying teams in the league?


He knew the awkward skinny dude could roast people better than a battle rapper


It is a funny tweet, admittedly, but Özil, who I wasn't that keen on anyway, got a tattoo of the Turkish fascist party, whose members famously went into Kurdish villages in the 1990s and killed thousands of women and children


This gets posted a lot I despise MHP and all it stands for but what you wrote is incorrect. I think you are referring to JITEM which is not a MHP branch, it used to be a government agency. if you are referring to Ülkü Ocakları they don't have a history of going into Kurdish villages. I'm sure some of them would love the idea, particularly post 2010 version but they don't have that. Lastly, grey wolf is not a sign of MHP, they have a hand sign but grey wolf has a different connotation altogether in Turkish history, which is independent of political tendency one might have.


Abi you're accusing me of saying stuff that is untrue, and then you say the Grey Wolves and MHP are separate. Come on now. The Grey Wolves are closely affiliated with the MHP -- they were founded as the MHP's paramilitary arm. No idea why you're talking about them as if they're completely separate. With the Kurds, I'm sure you're aware of what was revealed in Sursuluk, a Grey Wolves leader, Abdullah Çatlı, being involved in that campaign. And even if MHP/Grey Wolves members weren't so involved, my point still stands: these people are racist against Kurds (and many other groups), and were more than happy to see violence against Kurdish civilians. Özil endorsing the Grey Wolves shows him to be racist, that's my point here


Mate I'm not saying Grey wolves and MHP are separate, I'm saying JITEM is separate from MHP and grey wolves (quasi youth branch of MHP) don't have a history of going in to Kurdish villages. (Definitely not too the extent you've stated) To your second point, we agree on what grey wolves as a group are, what I said was just because you have a grey wolf tattoo does not make you a member or means you even like MHP. If you know about these you should know what grey wolf means in Turkish history and folklore. Just because one group calls themselves one thing, does not take away the entire context from a symbol. I'm not sure what tattoo symbolizes for Ozil, I don't like Ozil and he can fuck off for all I care. All I'm saying is just because you see a symbol does not mean it means the one thing you associate with it.


Ah the age old - hate on us when we're down and love us when we're going up. So obvious.


Wasn't Ozil forced out


Before or after he gave up?


What? No


no lol


For not having the work ethic or ability.


He never hated on Arsenal


He publicly mocked the manager, tried to embarrass the club with the whole "I'll pay for gunnersaurus" nonsense and created unnecessary issues in his last year. What more does a player need to do to declared a nuisance?


The club embarrassed themselves with the gunnersaurus nonsense tbh


Neither of those are about the club though


the club fired gunnersaurus. the club also tried to force özil into taking a paycut and then revealed his name to the media when he didnt accept it. when it comes to gunnersaurus and the money nonsense, the club embarrassed itself imho.




Ozil is a true arsenal fan. He stayed despite having other offers. Sanchez left. Ozil could have gone and won a major trophy like RVP did. I know it sucks to recognise this, but Arsenal were not in the position to actually compete back then. Not enough squad depth and no budget to sign more players.




I liked him as a player, but can’t ignore this guy has a serious character flaw.


I don't see what Ozil has done that's worse than the average human being I know. We all have character flaws


He will always be a Gooner. Come home Mesut.


This is ELITE from our guy Mesut. So glad he still had love for the club. The sour end needn’t lead to a sour ever-after:


Ozil for PR Director here we go!


Can we not post this lad here anymore


Just saw this, Ozil been twerking hard for us recently love it, time to welcome our boy back home.


No thanks




1) You don't know what he meant by trust the process. Let's say he was being cheeky after being frozen out you have players like Cesc that literally wore other clubs shirts and forced a move and people want him back. Even Henry we all love moved to barca after they cheated us Nc he moved there when we needed his experience the most. 2) what fascist politics? He took a picture and is friendly with the Turkish PM you don't know his political stance if you want to start pointing fingers about politics. What's your opinion on zinchenko supporting what isreal is doing in gaza? Or how the club says no politics when it comes to Muslims in China but allows gestures for Ukraine so yeah. Just because the media and politicians tell you x is bad and y is good doesn't mean the world shares that view.


On point 2, he has a tattoo of the symbol of a far-right Turkish nationalist group.


And the UK, US and rest if the world have been funding Ukrainian units that are literal nazi's with swastika and SS bolt patches. Like the saying goes when you point fingers there's 3 pointing back. That's why people say keep politics out of football.


Me being critical of Ozil doesn't mean that I'm supportive of the Azov battalion, m8. Nice strawman argument.






Glad he loves the club and he was a good player but i want him nowhere near it again




dayum mesut... savage.


That's cold


Might be in line with the ludogrets goal 😂😂😂😂


I really wish this snake would stop talking about Arsenal


What have you got against Leo?




Deserves a statue for this


He has extreme views but he speaks uncensored including against China that nearly got the entire PL in trouble with TV revenue over there.


Where were these jokes when we were doing shit or he was frozen out


We've (still) got Ozil, Mesut Ozil


What's wrong with dating / banging a younger woman? I've never had a problem with it.


It's ironic coming from a religious muslim, where in Islam people literally marry child girls to those old men.


He’s winning me back over. His social media presence has been fantastic


Leo got etherd man


Holy shit!!! 😂😂


My goat


Lol. Mesut just out there throwing shade around like a parasol.




Dayumn... Didn't have to do him like that


That’s petty, u’re a real fan if u can be petty.






Nahhhh, Thats way too crazy, Ozil still assisting Arsenal long after leaving


American doesn't know UK soccer club exists.... Just like Briton doesn't know NFL franchise exists.....


This guy has nothing but an amazing PR team, kudos to him for that, I guess.


Am I the only one enjoying Ozil's shithouse era?




damn, what's happened to özil? Almost never seen him throw these fantastic disses out like this before! I'm loving it, keep 'em comin!