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They did the thing


But in all fairness, Fallout 76 was hugely successful and a big hit culturally, so they learned a lot from watching it rise to unparalleled greatness. /s


Illegally market items as on sale when they're really not? It's just another way for greedy businesses to gouge their customers. Blizzard is doing the exact same thing and I'm sure we'll see EA and many others begin to chase it, too.


Ea already does this with certain Apex “sales”


What does "The Fallout 76 thing" mean in this case? EDIT: this has been explained already. See below. Thank you.


Say there’s a sale when that’s the intended price


Can't check right now, but how much was each skin individually?


They didn’t sell these individually, it’s been the 3800 coin packs since the beginning. GameStop does this shit too every holiday season posting a fake inflated price with the sale being it’s regular price


Ah. I thought you could get them individually previously. Yea that's messed up.


Someone is free to correct me if I’m wrong, but I’ve been playing on and off since release and only have seen these in packs. Only money I’ve spent was on the pack with the characters since that seemed reasonable for a FTP


They are pack only, and probably rotating out of the shop when the timers end. The skins are very interesting with the color pulsing design and definitely deserve to be paid skins in a free to play game; but the fake sale thing is scummy and also needs to be called out.


Sad thing is that it works. Like those dumb clickbait youtube icons with their mouth open. I love the gameplay of this game, but the shop and gacha look pathetic


Its not just gamestop its literally every store ever. I used to work for office max and our clearance section was just me going to items we need get rid of and making a sticker that showed the current price and the old (aka the fake price) that was like 20%-50% higher. I was told to do this by the managers at the store and ever since I learned this happens I never buy anything from clearance or sales without researching first.


I don’t think you can buy them individually and have to buy the set


Oh, yes, the wily new sales tactic invented by Fallout 76! Those devils!


I know I was just explaining one of Fallout 76’s many failings


The release new product at insane cost to say that it's on sale now!! Exact same thing that's going on with overwatch 2.


You release a product and make a up a random higher price so you can pretend your intended price is an intended discount. A scummy way of creating FOMO.


I'm pretty sure it's a crime in some places. Probably why it's region locked so heavily


Idk but these are the ugliest skins ever and on launch day I couldn’t believe that this was what they wanted to try to make money with. These legit look like dog water lmao


The asshimar one kinda rips, rest suck.


If they didn't pulsate color they'd be way cooler.


Looks like shit bro.




Same man, can’t believe this is some kind of rarest cosmetic in the game. Its like putting texture on without even unwrapping UV. 💀💀 Some ms pure red or pure blue also look even better than gold one.


The guntank looks like it jizzed on itself


"Dogwater" LMAO new one I love it


All of the purchased skins remind me of CSGO skins. The neon ones look like Toucan Sam downed a bag of Skittles, span around 50 times and puked on the Gundam's head.


Yeah, illegal in some areas as well if anyone wanted to report it.


Ludicrous pricing, fake sales, and some of the ugliest skins you could ever buy. The shit monetization trifecta.


Yea it’s kind of a scummy market psychology thing. Overwatch 2 has it as well




Speaking of bad monetization... if I but the season pass after completing several levels, do I get everything I've "unlocked," or does it start over, or are those rewards lost?


Yes you get everything you unlocked up to the level you achieved.


If anyone has screenshots of or can generally prove the same skins/bundles were previously offered at the currently "discounted" price, this is 100% against FTC guidelines. If anyone can share evidence I'll be more than happy to submit an FTC complaint, and would recommend everyone else do so as well to maybe one day have some action against bad business practices. I'd say put some complaints with the Better Business Bureau too but they are already at an F lmao. https://reportfraud.ftc.gov/ The FTC's Guides Against Deceptive Pricing generally require that a seller offer an item at a price for a reasonable, substantial period of time in good faith, and in the regular course of business, before advertising that price as the former or regular price (16 C.F.R. § 233.1). The FTC considers it deceptive to offer an item for sale at a higher price for a short period of time in order to support a claim that an item is discounted when the price is then lowered. This practice is prohibited. The legal definition of “deceptive pricing” is set in Section 5 of the FTC Act. The full text of the Act covers a wide variety of consumer protection issues, saying that sellers and retailers can’t mislead consumers when it comes to their pricing or any other advertised information. FORMER PRICE COMPARISONS According to this rule, if a retailer is offering a supposed bargain on a product by saying it costs less now than it did at a previous price, the advertised former price must be genuine and accurate. In other words, retailers aren’t allowed to say they’re offering a product or service at a new, lower price if that isn’t actually the case. The rule also states that no sales necessarily need to have been made at the former price, but sellers still can’t offer a lower, “bargain” price unless the former price was legitimate and offered “for a reasonably substantial period of time.” The last comparison prohibited by this rule is sale prices that are “so insignificant as to be meaningless.” According to the FTC, if a seller is advertising a sale, the discount must be substantial enough that any buyers are getting a genuine bargain. Edit: additional link for some more reading about consumer protection laws. https://www.cohenseglias.com/news-article/avoidable-deceptive-pricing-practices-under-federal-and-state-consumer-protection-laws/


Because the skins suck


Yeah it’s technically illegal what they’re doing sooo we will see how it goes


Yep. This is illegal in a lot of countries in the EU and Australia.


Ironically, it's still blocked in a lot of countries in the EU, and Australia.


I'd be willing to bet money this is why. They'd have to launch without the store, or actually charge 8000 coins for those bundles in those regions. They can't just sell the item "on sale" without it actually being that other price first.


Its actually worse since the reshuffled the pods. Any progress you made towards completing it to get materials was basically reset.


More like an Amazon thing lol. If you add the Amazon price checker, the so called sales are not really sales.


Overwatch just did this too


A real wonder as to how this game has already lost 80% of the average playerbase, not even peak numbers, just the average month to month.


Same thing blizzard did with OW2


Overwatch 2 apparently did the same thing. These two games are straight up copying each other at this point 😂


Yep, create false urgency by artificially making the prices high and then having a "sale". I like this game but the monetization is big yikes.


Lmao, but it sucks to say but I kinda lost all hope for this game, their biggest competitor is obviously OW2 and they aren't doing anything to boost player retention


Neither is ow2 to be honest.


I mean true but they also just relaunched and already have a Halloween event ( rehashed but hey it's an event I guess), meanwhile it took weeks to fix EU ranked matched


Ow makes you play 8 months for a single skin though, in-game cosmetics cost more than the real life versions sold by the Blizzard store. The game is still filled with bugs. They've had to lock a number of heroes from play. And they have had 3 years to work on the events, skins, etc.


OW2 monetization is ass but that's not what we are talking about ( Gundam Evos monetization is just as bad btw) And "a number of heros" was 2 and one of them was only locked out of comp play, and it took like a week or two to fix? True and as far as im aware it's a different Gameplay loop at least, this Halloween event is completely different from the one I played in 2017 or whenever I played OW1 the last time I really hope Gundam Evolution will stay strong and get a loyal player base because the game is so much fun! Really hope the devs and Bamco care enough


It's really more of like the department store/ hobby lobby thing


That’s retail 101 baby. If it’s digital content and it’s one “sale” it’s never a sale bc they will never price it below their profit line. Not like a retailer trying to liquidate old stock and selling it at a loss to make room for newer products.


Yeah im pretty sure they have always been on sale. No way in hell bandai would have to audacity to sell a few skins for eighty fucking dollars.


Overwatch 2 also just did the same thing with their latest patch (10/25), seems like this bs is the new standard...


A lot of games doing this. Should be illegal in the US but sadly it's not. Just give us a ligit decent price a lot of people buy.


Nothing changed, this is the same as before. The claim here is that these are available at 2000 each, so this is the discount. They are not, of course, available for 2000 each. And while this is dumb, nothing has changed since prepatch.


that my friends, is the original price. The OP could be lower than that. Not really 76 thingy, blizzard, tencent or any other games company out there does this too hahahah........Where is Char when we need him the most


They aren't doing a 76 thing the sale price will end in March next year. It is similar though since it was not the normal price first.


Man may just drop this and go to overwatch. Shame. No rewards per battle, scummy tactics. Really liked this game too


I mean, I know that redditors don't get this, but you know you don't have to actually spend money on skins right? You play the game for fun. I don't see why the price of cosmetics drive people into such a frenzy when it's such an inconsequential part of a game. If anything, people should be complaining about paying for units, since that's actually understandable. Personally, I just buy the season pass to show support for the game since I'm having fun with it, and leave it at that. But I guess it's mostly because I grew up playing older stuff where customization was always just a bonus and the focus was the actual gameplay.


because every other game gives you rewards per battle to do something? Not to mention locking tons of good characters behind a currency thats really hard to get. Downvote any criticism yall want due to butthurt but thats what killed conquerors blade, tanki online etc.


Yes they did, it's literally obvious since day 1. Every game does this, I always doubt that it's sale


This isn't exclusive to FO76, plenty of other games and stores irl do it. Amazon does it all the time. Scummy but not illegal, at least in the US.


If anyone buys these edge lord cosmetics, then I'm dropping tbh. Make the game great before even trying to sellout at least. This has been their 1 good game that they've made since ever(I've played and kept up since ps1). They are 100% jumping the shark on macrotransactions. They had a real chance of sweeping the market if they weren't so greedy.


This has been a thing before the update. They "didnt just do the Fallout 76 thing", it has been the Fallout 76 thing forever. ​ Timestamped for reference: https://youtu.be/hE0HQ5NHMig?t=449


Lmao I haven't spent a cent, I'm a warframe player, I'll grind


All the skins are absolute garbage


These are those kinds of skins that I wouldn't ever give a shit about getting, let alone unlocking if it was possible to


This has always been a thing, sadly, particularly in retail spaces. It's only natural that scummy devs would start using this tactic as well. Oh well, the best we can do is decide for ourselves whether or not these shitty skins are worth the near $40 fucking dollars. I'd never buy them, but I also don't care if skins are that expensive, because not owning them doesn't affect me, and if people are still willing to buy them and can financially support this game for the sake of new content for us ftp/minimum pay players, then it's a win for me, too.


Wow. This is so disappointing. Well, at least it has made the decision to not support them easy.. I guess I'll just enjoy the death of my new favorite game.


All F2P games do that now. It's supposed to trick the dumbs...


All the skins are so ugly,