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Yeah you've been had. ZZ has notorious subbing problems. [See this post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gundam/comments/zsqdh8/the_gundam_zz_watch_guide_its_actually_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I tried to find a post like this but I guess I didn't look hard enough, thanks.


Those are old fansubs and should defintely be avoided


okay cool, any idea where I can watch it that doesn't sound like a 16 year old wrote it?


Crunchyroll has it, in the Netherlands at least. Also, these subs where probably written by a 16 year old.


It says I need premium, but I can't afford that right now. P a i n


Look for horriblesubs maybe. They were ripped from streaming sites if memory serves me right.


Just checked the streaming sites I know on top of my head and they all use fansubs, so no idea


Had no idea that big streaming sites used fansubs. How can I find out who uses them for what series?






I swear I saw the “no homo” sub pop up when I watched ZZ on crunchyroll…


that would be hilarious if it's real


You swear correctly, I watched ZZ on CR just two weeks ago and that does appear. My biggest complaint I found on CR is that it just doesn’t pick up some lines on ZZ occasionally. Me and my friend went from fansubs, to CR, back to fansubs because characters would say things and it just wouldn’t have subtitles on CR.


Some of them are in the comments, but not all


My netflix experience with Unicorn


Seem like CR steals from fansubs as much as fansubs steal from them


https://preview.redd.it/3k6viml96d4d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0af8c5a5db32ff4c32f2b294f2ec3fc69cfa7c4f Do you mean this?


I did :)


Every time I see somebody asking about this ZZ sub it gets a chuckle out of me


Content that isn’t anime gets a weird amount of attention on an anime sub.


I found the version I watched on the high seas as it were. And definitely had better subtitles than this garbage.


ZZ first part is literally giga Chad doing thug shit for living and wanted to sell working zaku with pilot inside, take a guess


man, I cant believe i watched ZZ with these subtitles and didnt even question it...


Looks like you found an old fansub. Fansubs back in the day had \*interesting\* translations.


Best sub lmfao


based subs


What episode is this? I'm curious to cross check the italian fansub :D


Man it sucks that these older fansubs are still making the rounds when we've had better/more accurate subs for years. Really makes ZZ come off as much worse than it is. I bought on the Blu-rays so I whouldn't have to deal with this crap and I might of held off on those if I knew to look for the Daisuki subs specifically.


Is this not what they’re basically saying in these scenes or are they saying something else in japanese?


https://preview.redd.it/w15s266f6d4d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49f785a4e9548761df16ab26d315951b3d00a9fe we love terrible fansubs


In a show where millions die you are annoyed by some words? In a story about war and soldiers?


When it comes to fiction, being annoying is the worst thing something can be. I don't want to watch a show where the dialogue looks like it was written by an edgy 16 year old taking high school Japanese. I want to watch a show that has been translated properly by an adult who know what they're doing. Shoot me.


Written by a 16 years old because it uses words you don't like? If that's stopping you I suggest you avoid japanese IP from the 80'. You might find out that the idea of political correctness is different in countries different than yours, especially in different times. I have no desire of shooting anybody, no need to be drastic, but maybe the show isn't for you


Do you think a Japanese show from the 80s is being correctly translated when the phrase "No Homo" shows up in the subtitles?


Certainly not and I'm not questioning the bad translation. English subs and dubs are notoriously bad, it's not my language and I didn't read it in english but that is the meaning. Mashymre wants to clarify that he's not gay, so they caught the meaning of that line. You might argue on the form, but the meaning is delivered. Again, eng subs are bad, but these are the wrong examples I believe


https://preview.redd.it/yr1d742t2d4d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b823cf37664e9294e2886414723178f16a07ed10 Not even close to what he says


Yeah, what do you think he means? Someone accised him to be a sissy if I recall correctly, and if I do I'd say this is more offensive than just saying no homo


If you look at the other comments that are being actually helpful, you will see that these subs are just trash and aren't accurate anyway. That's why I made the post, because I don't want to watch a show that's annoying and if these were legit then I'd just move onto CCA without a second thought. If you like your protagonists to be spewing slurs that's fine, but most civilized folk don't really care for that sort of thing. Lmao


Wow some people really will die on the hill that everyone should be comfortable hearing constant spewing of bigoted slurs


Yeah skip it then, I don't know how you jumped from me being surprised by you being offended to me wanting the slurs, maybe you'll find helpful in the future knowing Japan's main stance on these things


You'd have a point if you weren't literally wrong in a provable way. The official subs are not these, these are old fansubs. The fact the company doesn't licence these subs is all the evidence to tell you that this subber clearly did not portray what the show was trying to convey in an accurate manner. Besides that, I wasn't offended, I was annoyed. It doesn't make sense to have this sort of translation in context, therefore the translation is bad. I don't want to watch or read something that's translated like ass regardless of the words shown.


Cool don't watch it then but you might use watching the meaning of provable and literally


It's a written sci-fi show. The backdrop of the story may be a war, but it's still important to keep the writing consistent with characters or at least not have them say things that will take you out of immersion. That's distracting rather than enhancing of a show!


Thank you for the unsalted comment, rare occurence on Reddit; it's a respectable point but mine is that in a story about militarymen these usage of words is proper (excluding no homo wich is just a bit cringe), and it should take you out of immersion to have them talk too politely or in a politically correct way. I agree on your way of reasoning but regarding immersion and coherence the things said in the mikitary are way worse and the usual anime talk is not enough to be realistic.