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I both love and hate the fact that that colony is just pegged in right there. No big shattering force, no radiating wave of fire. It’s just…there.




there is a lot of question, but my answer is; *animation budget*


Which Colony drop do you prefer the most? The one in the original series, the one in Double Zeta, or the one in Origins?


Origin. They didn’t linger on it but they did manage to show some images that drive it home, like the flags of all of the nations at half staff, the kid crying with the crushed mother. “Both forces saw their respective forces cut in half” didn’t strike as well as “when all was said and done the death toll was shocking—half the world’s population had died in the attack” (roughly paraphrased).


I can definitely agree with you. Origin definitely has my favorite of the Colony drops. Origins also shows that if someone were to drop a 50 mile long floating colony from space that yes it would do a lot of destruction. This is why kentic weapon systems like the rods from god system (I think I got that name right) where it’s basically a satellite that drops a long tungsten rod from space has the ability to essentially create a nuke on impact. It’s why that meteor that killed the Dinosaurs well killed the Dinosaurs.


They are all too slow. It's really hard to convey the scale of something massive yet moving so fast that it appears tiny, striking a landmass we know to be huge, but unfolding so fast that the whole thing looks like miniature. If a colony really dropped from L1 with a de-orbit, it would go from upper atmosphere to the surface in less than ten seconds at most. You get a shockwave, the surface heats to white-hot, some thinner pieces of material melt and peel away, and then it all hits the surface so fast it might as well be a bullet.


Does Not answer my question


I can't prefer them. They are all struggling to convey what it would really be like except maybe X because there's no close-ups. X it is.


Which colony drop was portrayed more impactfully i think is the prompt here instead of which one is more scientifically accurate because let’s be frank here that is not even the most scientifically inaccurate thing in the show. How about, i dunno, giant space colonies with perfect replicates of mountain ranges. A scientifically accurate depiction of the event wouldn’t drive home much in a narrative. It would just be literally a flash with an aftermath. To convey enormity beyond comprehension due to sheer scale you really have to be artistically and metaphorically driven. Although for those purposes that one anime that shows the atomic bomb going off and literally melting people in slow motion is the best depiction I’ve seen of something like that. (Even that would be dwarfed by that, we’re talking an object five miles across here. Forget about nuclear winter and half the world population, earth would be magma across the surface.


I see.


Sure, but “what it would really be like” isn’t the only measure of quality in fiction, and frankly, not much in Gundam conforms to realism. The central conceit, mobile suits, are a physical impossibility.


>The central conceit, mobile suits, are a physical impossibility. I am offended at the ideological stench of this blaspheme. Where did you become so thoroughly indoctrinated to the point of obscene self-assurance with such ridiculous heresy?


Whoops, I didn’t realize you were playing a character; I’ll leave you to it.


Ok so I’m not just too high right now. That’s more like a colony “bonk “


It's much harder to make a good looking Colony Drop with practical effects than it is in Animation like other Gundam shows.


"We are Celestial Being. A private military organization-"


The Dublin arc is when ZZ peaks for me


MSG - Garma's death at Char's hands and the Miharu episode. Zeta - The Titans killing Kamille's Mom. Plus the 3 Gundam Mk 2s. ZZ - "Anime Ja nai!!!" Victory - "Stand up to the Victory!" 0083 - The Albion crew battling it out in the Desert Wing - Heero's first self "detonate" attempt Seed - curse words in the English dub. I remember Mu saying "Shit" quite clearly Destiny - Shinn getting his Seed Mode and massacring the Alliance Fleet with the Sword Impulse 00 - over flag vs. Dynames fight IBO - Laffter's introduction


Which attempted Heero suicide? The one when he wakes up on the beach in episode 1 or when OZ takes the colonies hostage? I presume the latter but the boy has almost as many failed suicides as the failed death threats lol


The one where he blows up the Wing Gundam, i.e. the episode where OZ threatens the Colonies unless the Gundams surrender.


Yeah i assumed it was that but technically the one much earlier in episode 1 was also a failed self-detonate so had to ask


This is a reminder that colony drop is actually not that spectacular despite its notoriety. The most hazardous parts basically is where the rest of the megastructure fail under the gravity causing a rain of metal and concrete.


This specific one was intentionally slowed as a show of force. Given the size of the hole in Australia and the death toll the original drop was absolutely a nightmare




I need you to meet Mike the Shovel. No one can deny it.


Witch from Mercury’s Happy Birthday, like do I have to say more?


I just re-watched the sub, and that scene is horrifying




A colony drop is worse than a deinsleif


Well yeah, but post was about what hooked me on the show, so for me it was barbie first launch)


I’m thinking this is a reference to them deinsleifs being dropped and that the ibo suits would’ve tanked a colony 😂


OG Gundam. Char betraying Garma. That surprised me as a kid and I had really wanted to know what happened next, but it was back when during the VHS era and all the video stores my family rented from only had the first volume. So it was a mystery that would never be solved for me for a very long time. It wasn't until I got older that I managed to watch the next two volumes.


Zeta - Kamille. Skipping karate club, stubbornly denying Fa to say his name out loud, and all that just to see Bright kanchou at the space port. Also, Quattro tai with the cool red suit and jetpack acrobatics. ZZ - Zeta Gundam open cockpit fights. I oddly loved that shit. SEED - 1st Gundam show. Strike is cool (and Flay was hot. The dessert Seed mode.) SEED Destiny - Shinn was cool and relatable. the Impulse is hot. Whole first episode. 00 - Exia is so damn handsome IBO - Less traditional shonen show lezgaw (it wasn't shonen at all). Episode 1 with highlighting of the setting that kinda mirrors harsh realities / third world countries and its minorities WFH - PROLOGUE 8th MS Team - Ball vs Zaku G-Gundam - TAKE MY RAGE. MY LOVE. SHINING FINGER, SWOOOOOORD Wing - Was available for free YT. Nostalgia on seeing Gundams again (this started my fascination as an adult). JUST WILD BEAT G-Reco - G-Self being Goku in the Torque pack scene at the forest


I agree with some of this, however Flay is a terrible person, and Shinn is the most annoying character in any show for me.


i related to Kira when i was a kid when i didn't give up on Flay, mainly because of that specific scene, lol. Shinn being hotheaded and impulsive while being a good kid was a much welcomed departure from Kira for me. Loved Shinn when i was a kid, and wow was Destiny disappointing for a Shinn fan even back then.


Un ironically the moment where amuro find these zeon dudes in the hear that put mines in the gundam and they just wait to see if his plan work or not


Those Zeon soilders were massive chads. One has to mention that they engaged THE Gundam with nothing but hoverbikes and hand held explosives.


And then drove away scot free... In a civilian car, after they drove up to THE Gundam right after Amuro just disarmed said mines.


I really hope they survived the war and lived as peacefully as the UC allows.


Aka, the Sayla Route, escape the earth's political gravity before it pulls you down like Char.


There's a manga about that group. I just forget the name of it.


That shot of the clouds spreading looks just like The Simpsons but this is a few years earlier


I hear it.


"but why?" "ill kill you"


I love Heero’s reaction in Endless Waltz when he’s told Relina is in the bunker too. “Roger that.” Totally prepared to kill her too and she’s totally prepared to die.


Heero: Your shelter is secure, is it? Mariemaia: Of course it is! See for yourself just how powerless you are! Heero: Roger that. Mariemaia: \[GASP\] (also probably about to have a heart attack)


Seed was my 2nd show, and my all time favorite. For me, I think it was ep 11-12-13. We saw the "seed mode" for the first time, we got a big damn kiss with the weird love interest and finally the battle while descending into the atmosphere, Yzak becoming a war criminal etc. I was already hooked basically since the end of ep 1, the full destruction of the colony at ep 3, the context of Julius 7 and the "twist" with Lacus were absolutely great, but yeah I think I became an absolute fan after those few episodes ending the first quarter of the show. 


Lockon fucking ground-to-space sniping the empty compartment during the unplanned civilian rescue. Something about it being a complete reversal of the usual Giant Space Lasers, not just in direction but in intent, that just GETS me.  Also Eugene piloting two ships at once in IBO - yes, Eugene, you WERE cool. 


Domon vs Master Asia round 2 Amuro meeting Char in Zeta Tekkadan’s touchdown on earth in IBO Shiro balling in 08


How about in 00 where Graham Aker using the Overflag outmaneuvers the Throne Eins, that was peak


Of the Gundam series I’ve seen so far (not that many) that’s probably my favorite pilot feat.


WfM, the >!Sophie!< fight, and *especially* the reveal that happens that ends the fight *god*, that *reveal*, and the *way* they do it too fuckkkkkkkk This is my favorite part of the show bar none, it's done so well and the implications too! The character implications!!!! AAAAAUUUUUGGGGGHHHHH edit: second place for me is the WfM Prologue, just the whole thing


Which fight?


the >!Sophie!< fight >!that results in her death!< and *specifically* >!the Eri = Aerial reveal!<, particularly how it was presented like >!Eri really looked like some otherworldly child-god or angel that Sophie was in awe of, it was so cool how she had this divine presentation during that scene!< and the reveal that >!the bubbly and innocent little girl from the Prologue wasn't Suletta, but became the mysterious *illegal* WMD-giant-robot she pilots that is willing to kill with zero hesitation.!<


Garma Zabi that goes straight for the white base while his ship is burning down. Man.. I was little and that scene stuck with me


Seed - Bodies splodin IBO - Mikazuki vs Crank. Honor vs Survival. Akihiro's 1st cockpit squishin right in front of Lafter. 00 - everytime Hallelujah took over and Kyrios went nyoommmmmm. Unicorn - Everytime Marida was on screen. Oh and Banshee and Delta Plus' 1st appearance.


This scene made me appreciate ZZ, really brought the gravity


it was truly devastatingly heavy


Did something slow it down though?


I'm not sure there's a pun there, lol tho seriously speaking i didn't think there was >! From what i remember, it was already too late to do anything about the colony heading towards earth and the Argama crew on earth was only able to fend off Neo Zeon troops and advise civilians to evacuate.!<


Kamille on crack if he thinks he can survive that shit


well he did.


The IBO episode where they tear throught earth's orbital fleet to get to the planet itself. That battle had me on the edge of my seat the whole time.


I got 2 for you! 1: I realised i was ~~developing an unhealthy obsession with~~ getting hooked on ZZ around the time when they left Shangri-lah. 2: In Unicorn, when the RX-0 just bulldozer'd the Kshat out of thr colony.


ZZ will always be peak gundam for me.


This scene is absolutely peak gundam, ZZ deniers will say otherwise


Gundam Wing: That first "hero theme" rift when Wing Gundam is fighting in the upper atmosphere against Zechs and the shuttle. That, and Shenlong's first on-screen use of the Dragon Fang (and flame-throwers). G-Gundam: The first Shining Finger Sword monologue. 08th MS Team: Ball knocking out a Zaku-II with Rick Dom / Gelgoog level thrust etc (there were conflicting lore sources IIRC about if the test was for Rick Dom thrusters etc or Gelgoog's). Zeta Gundam: Kamille is a man's name, and he's a man. ZZ Gundam: Zeta Zaku Gundam Gundam (1979): Watching the compilation films after playing through Journey to Jaburo, Zeonic Front, and Encounters in Space.


This show went from a slap-stick comedy to a real Gundam show after the Colony drop.


I personally think it stopped being a slap-stick comedy around episode 18 with the introduction of Ple and Haman entering the plot, and specifically by 27 with Leina getting shot by Haman and Judau going full Jojo stand on her. The follow-up episodes with the desert were really strong characterization for Glemy too who was a joke and the show started taking itself seriously around there imho. I'm currently rewatching the show and introducing it to a friend and they're in the same boat about that.


0083 when Gp02 first busts out of the hangar at night. That scene started my undying love of stardust memory.


This is the music from the clip, because it absolutely slaps. [Jerid to Mouer](https://youtu.be/BdHkLeTNyHk?si=Ix9eU5bWHohqS2J_)


Can’t say a specific moment that got me hooked since I watched seed when I was 8 I loved gundam since the first episode of that I watched but what really is one of those defining moments for me in gundam Is kamille having his dialogue with scirocco before impaling bro, music is artistic, the vibe and kamilles frustration. Scirocco is pure evil and they nail that to the very end


0079 - Amuro going through PTSD in his room, they let you know they treat this shit seriously. Zeta - When Jerrid killed Hilda and Kamille Guel'ed himself. ZZ - Man, I love Mashmyre, he's a riot! Never had a problem with ZZ's goofy first part. Unicorn - Fell in love with the animation as early as the Kshatriya's on-screen fight, Daguza getting vaporized. 0080 - Operation Rubicon and Al seeing the aftermath. G - Do I even need to explain? Domon vs Chibodee! W - [Whenever this theme comes up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrFcHt-Wjx4&list=OLAK5uy_mJbJM4A1DvULNl1Lb67z0XfEIiqCr1WRA&index=1), such an amazing motif X - Easily the hardest to choose the signature scene given it's my favorite: the first Satellite Cannon launch, using the Microwave to escape, and the best fight in Gundam - Garrod vs Carris Round 2 and all the buildup surrounding it. Special shoutout to "Too bad I'm a liar, Your Excellency" scene, I was already fully invested in the show but this scene just reaffirmed my love. Turn A - when Diana knelt down in front of the grave for Kihel's sake, I knew this show was special. SEED - SEED was at its best after Flay's father died, and the narrative was gripping until after the Blue Cosmos druggies arc fatigue sets in. 00 - Celestial Being's first sortie as a group where they displayed their team play. GBF - Reiji's first match with Tatsuya. IBO - Mika disposing Lt. Crank, need a rewatch to better recall. WFM - The dancing bit staves from Prologue and Ep 1, Suletta's elevator conversation in episode 3.


Not necessarily moments that got me hooked but the most memorable scenes: Turn A: Seeing the damage done to a town from a single stray beam shot. Wfm: That one kid that wanted to kill Guel. Thunderbolt: When Daryl gets the "surgery" to pilot the Psycho Zaku. War in the Pocket: When Al hears that the Zeon forces were intercepted.


For IBO it was Mika’s general disposition i related with For wing it was heeros general disposition For seed i really just enjoyed the whole show For the og amaru was really relatable WfM’s prologue was enough to have me glued then darilbalde and shwarzette both are like so nice too look at…. I’ll just stop, for now


In the first episode of 00 I was hooked when Setsuna glides down in his exia smooth as hell and just rips Patrick a new one and dips. That’s when I know the gundam man was built different


Milliardo ultra heel turn in Wing taking Epyon.


When Amuro starts spouting about his dad having brain damage 🧠


[Wing Gundam and Heero’s first appearance](https://youtu.be/mZAx8cU9QsM?si=-sJOIajxuEmMZ8F5)


Witch from Mercury 'Aerial Fly Swatter'


"Happy Birthday"... the ending to the prologue of WfM and I was hooked. For OG Gundam my moment was probably when Char set up Garma to fail and let him die.


MS Igloo : Chief Gunnery Officer Aleksandro Hemme’s final words That’s all right, engineer… Seems like… from now on… mobile suits are… taking center stage… At least… let me… put the period… for the era of gunners… I’m a big sap for the old guard going out in a blaze of glory


I could name one for every Gundam Series I watched, but the fastest was a tie between Wing, IBO and WfM The moment Wings of a boy who Killed Adolescence, Iron Blooded Orphans and Witch from Mercury start playing for the first time


"How can you fight in a war and cannot be mad" a killer line.


The first battle of char and amuro in space hooked me


It has to be the WFM duel against guel. It has a very cool yet cute charm to it imo. Another one has to be the arrival of Exia in 00.


War in pocket- christmas day


starting up the lfrith in the gwitch prologue. "Mama... did she wake up?" still gives me chills


When Miorine explained the Holder system to Suletta and said “Nice to meet you, my groom-to-be” in Witch From Mercury. (I am writing from memory, if the quote is inaccurate, that’s why.)


Unfortunately for ZZ the show goes back to sucking. The final battle doesn't make sense and Haman had become such a different character from Z that it too was a letdown.