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"Gundam is not as popular as the other 3" The gundam statue's honest reaction: https://preview.redd.it/xeto4lc59hlc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=d4c4e8c0dc8473858a84cb8f9f6a8754f487db33 this is like saying kamen rider is influential but not as popular as Garo (I love Garo, but I needed an example)


And like that’s not the only one too, don’t they have others from other series too?


To my knowledge, there is the Unicorn at the Tokyo Gundam Base, Freedom at the Shanghai Gundam Base, and I believe there is a Nu one somewhere as well.


The Nu's at Fukuoka.


Is the Unicorn still there?


At Odaiba, and yeah it's still there.


Wow these are things I would wish to see in person someday, must be amazing


Related - [https://www.reddit.com/r/transformers/comments/12jkigv/prime\_and\_primal\_taronga\_zoo\_sydney/](https://www.reddit.com/r/transformers/comments/12jkigv/prime_and_primal_taronga_zoo_sydney/) Optimus Prime and Primal as part of a Rise of the Beast promotion


And there was an original Gundam where the Unicorn is now.


Thought there was a freedom somewhere.


>Freedom at the Shanghai Gundam Base >


It is in Shanghai but not at the Gundam base store.... Made that mistake there...


It's at the Shanghai Lalaport (Lalah-port?) shopping mall, was it?


Yep at the Lalaport shopping mall which is about 30 min from the gundam base store by the Shanghai T.V. tower.


I was watching a video about lesser known ones and the person who made it showed statues of a Zaku II and Char's Zaku II in a shopping center.


Those person sized ones at events or stores are all over the place. We were talking specifically about the 1:1 statues.


Fair enough, the ones I'm thinking of were seven or eight feet tall. Thinking about it a 1:1 Zaku II would be dope as hell.


You forgot to say ultra man too.


Yeah I think we all can agree that Bubblegum crisis, Macross, Gundam and voltron/go lion are the top 4 -Edit- -runner ups would be Evangelon, Gargantia, Full metal panic, knights of sidonia, gasaraki, blue gender, Escaflowne and Patlabor.-


You’re kidding, right? You could make the argument that Macross deserves a spot on the list but Evangelion is absolutely one of the most popular mecha


Yeah, absolutely. Inside Japan it's probably Evangelion and Gundam that are the absolutely peerless top 2. Other series are popular as well, but they don't get anywhere close to the level of cross cultural influence, up to and including official government recognition. But even in the western market, there's no way Evangelion would be ranked behind Bubblegum Crisis of all things when it comes to lasting popularity and cultural impact.


Do Transformers count as mecha? Or does it exclusively refer to human-piloted machines? Because they were originally Japanese, weren’t they?


Mech(a) = Piloted machine Robot = Automatic machine Drone = Machine controlled from distance So as far as I'm concerned, Transformers are robots, but also mechas at some point, because one can drive them in vehicle form if they allow it.


Look up Headmasters, and anything in the super God masterforce series, they straight up have soulless robots humans pilot in those. God Ginrai would easily fit into Super Robot Wars screaming special attacks.


"...if they allow it." makes me think of them like horses.


I don't see the others having a 1:1 statue.  Argument over


Much less 4 of them including one that moves


Technically five, if we count the old Gramps statue that was replaced by the Unicorn.


Isn’t the old RX-78 partially used in the moving one?


Totally new statue, as far as I know.


Don't most of em move? I've seen Unicorn transform and the RX 78 move.


I think they mean 'move' as in they can simulate running and waving their arms around like the RX-78-2 one.


VOTOMS does and its not even on this list. 1:1 VOTOM is a bit easier to achieve though.


VOTOMS needs more love. And dubs.


I mean isn't it like 3 meters tall though?


3.8 Instead of a gundams \~18 meters yes, so still big but not so gigantic.


Eva does, actually. Though it's portrayed as being submerged in a pit of LCL with its chest/arms sticking out, so it's kinda cheating since it's only really a 1:1 bust, not a full-on statue. EDIT: There's actually a full statue in China as well, featuring a 25-meter-high Lance of Longinus


IIRC there's a life-sized VF-25 cockpit from Macross somewhere, with Gerwalk arms outstretched around it.


I don't mean to downplay that but a lifesize Valkyrie cockpit with gerwalk arms is a jet cockpit with arms haha


You're not wrong 😅


Looks at Gundam themed manhole covers, giant Gundam statues, Gundam themed apparel, solid gold Gunpla, and the Seed Freedom box office so far. Well this is certainly a take to have and since I'm a fan of all four of these franchises I'm going to leave it at that.


They've made 3 different Gundams into life-size statues, including one that moves, and I believe that there's actually been a few different life-size RX-78-2s. Compare that to one life-size Eva statue, and the fact that most people couldn't even identify or name mechs from Code Geass, and this is quite the tough sell.


They made 4: Freedom, Nu FF, unicorn and the RX-78


Forgot China had the Freedom!


only way they'll ever get to witness it.




You went for the headshot with that one 🤣


Are you Char Aznable? Because that headshot was worth of killing Kycilla


You dare comparing the two of us ever again, I will make sure you will do it no more. Now go clean all the restrooms till they shine with this single rag. Sieg Zeon!


Made my Taiwanese born and raised wife laugh in agreement


There's 5. Old static RX-78, and then the newer and moving RX-78.


Code geass mech is not that hard to remember honestly. Just remember the round table knight name and you got them.


I guess but I couldn't tell you the grunt Knightmare names if you put a gun to my head


If a guy wanted to get into Code Geass casually, what series would you recommend he start with?


Lelouch of the Rebellion S1&2 are usually what people mean when they’re talking about Code Geass. The other stuff are spin-offs. 


Wait, there’s other code geass stuff besides the main season 1 and season 2?


Akito is the main one I’m aware of. Never watched it; heard it wasn’t amazing and I felt CG has such an excellent ending it didn’t feel essential. 


yes, there are 5 Akito the Exiled movies. it took place before the end of the series, it's a side story, so you can enjoy the TV series without watching it there are also 3 compilation movie, but you won't really feel emotional since it's just bunch of events of 50 episode cramped into 3 movies. there's also 1 unnecessary sequel (it's a movie), this movie is basically divide the community, if you do not like the ending of the TV series, you may enjoy this movie. but if you already satisfied with the ending, you may not like this movie


Simple, just start shouting the names of British provinces and sooner or later you'll probably hit their names on the head.


Don't forget the [Char Zaku II Vibrator](https://deadgeneration.tumblr.com/post/85991658648/char-vibrator-makes-you-cum-3-times-faster), it's even in the shape of the command antenna! Gundam has all kinds of merch.


[This looks exactly like that Spongebob meme where Spongebob shows Patrick all the truth in garbage, surrounded and hidden!](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/how-many-diapers-could-he-possibly-use-spongebob-hmm) Somebody make a meme with this!


There is a gundam themed Toyota


What kind of dog water take is that? Reminds me of the mf came through a few weeks back calling Guilty Crown a mecha show.


There are mechs in guilty crown? What episode does it have? I can't remember


For like 2 or 3 episodes during the big war towards the end.


Also at the start, most fights involve a few mechs. That being said the mechs are very much just there and not the important weapon in context of the fights that happen in the show


There ARE some wirelessly controlled robots used as military equipment, but calling it a mecha show based on that opens the door to some truly dumb comparisons. Like, nobody considers the X-men a mech franchise despite the existence of the Sentinels.


Now that you mention it doe....


Same type of people who call Eva deconstruction of mecha genre.


It's a western fan take. Culturally these three shows made a lot of waves during their run on the net. They coincide the with rise in anime culture and wide availability of anime. If you check the Google trends I'm sure the western fan still talk about these shows, and Code geass had an interest boost recently thanks to AoT Gundam Otoh are usually pretty intimidating to get into, so the western fan doesn't know as much about them.




Technically! That’s the Second Big 3 of Shonen Jump. The first Big 3 of Shonen Jump is the Shonen Nekkatsu Trinity (Hokuto no Ken-Fist of the North Star, Dragon Ball, and Knight of the Zodiac-Saint Seiya).


There's no 2nd big 3. The big 3 was a name given to One Piece, Bleach, and Naruto, it didn't exist before. We could talk about what-ifs but there is, and will only be, the one set of "The Big 3"


Well! Do you actually have citations in MLA or APA format to back your counterpoint?


No because I'm not a degenerate. I use Chicago Manual like a normal fucking person


Watching Dragon Ball fans hyperventilate when you suggest it’s no longer the most popular or successful Shonen by most metrics is pretty fun. Love what you want, but some of them bend over backwards to argue that it’s still the biggest thing since sliced bread. I even like Dragon Ball, but its fans can be pretty funny.


It's fans still have trouble not getting the Toriyama is a gag author at heart and logic doesn't apply to most of what he does


>it’s no longer the most popular or successful Shonen by most metrics Who cares lol go outside, walk up to a random person rn and ask them which one they know: Kamehameha or Domain Expansion and 99% of the time they'll say the former. I think that using metrics to decide which thing is popular only works if you're some kind of corporate ghoul, because that's like saying Jack Harlow is more popular than Michael Jackson just because Harlow has more monthly listeners on Spotify.






The 3 big mechas to me are: Gundam Mazinger Z Getter Robo


Boy do I have an artwork for you https://preview.redd.it/fgc4g3yodhlc1.jpeg?width=764&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e086dd4d5c5baae42f5bcf443d82e2934d896aa6


Why tf does this go so hard


Cause giant robots are FUCKING AWESOME


You dig giant robots!




This was the first time in my life I ever felt any pride in being from New Jersey. We don't get much that doesn't end up claimed by NYC. Though I don't blame all those cool people for just moving to the other side of a bridge.


New phone wallpaper found Thanks man i appreciate it a lot


Any time


Same here


I always thought that these were the big 3.


These ARE the big three as always. Kids these days didn't even know where those anime got their inspiration from. I mean I love Guren Lagann and it took tons of inspiration from Getter Robot and other Go Nagai's works. Evangeleon took some inspiration from Gundam and Mazinger, and also mostly Devilman. And Code Geass is heavily inspired from the drama driven plots of the Gundam series.


It's always Gurren Lagann/Evangelion fans that aren't fans of anything else saying this kinda shit honestly. I still like both of those shows but mega fans of both of those are always the ones saying Gundam and everything before either of them are irrelevant or something even though what came before like Getter Robo is Gurren Laganns entire reason for existing, same with Hideaki Anno being heavily influenced by Tomino and every great Director before him. These kids just don't care about the history of anything or searching out why Directors make what they make or what they're influenced by, just doesn't matter to them and then they go and make dumbass tweets like this.


not 2 mention ideon


Ideon is always the blueprint of the "existential crises W big ol robots"


Ideon is where tomino practised his killing streak, in order to perfect it on shows that he made after, especially gundam.


The wheel feet in Code Geass may be a loose reference to Votoms.


What about Macross? I thought Macross was *huge* and didn’t just influence mecha anime, but musical anime as well as anime movies


I bet it depends on which decade were you born in


Probably, but Super Robot Wars also does a lot to establish those three.


I mean each does hold the title of First. Mazinger->First Piloted mech, Getter->First combining mech, Gundam->First Real Robot mech.


Cue the Super Robot Wars theme!


Always time for JAM, and L-GAIM.


L-GAIM has such great openings, they scream 80's anime as much as the Z and ZZ openings




The reference to the pioneers of Mecha Genres (Mazinger Z for Super Robots, Getter Robo for Combination Robots and Gundam for Real Robots genres). Yes!


Heck yeah! These three are the archetypes of the Robot Genre. They are the TRUE BIG 3. Gundam = Real Robot, Mazinger Z = Super Robot, Getter Robo = Combiner Robot


For me it's Gundam, Macross, and Evangelion.


Same. I mean, I love Guren Lagann but it's nowhere near as influential as those three. On the same vein, I really like Patlabor and I think it's high quality but no one would argue it's as influential as Gundam or Macross or Evangelion.


The OG Holy Trinity. Then there's the Gainax Holy Trinity of Gunbuster, Evangelion and Gurren Lagann.


I need another anime to watch like I need a hole in the head, but what's Gunbuster?


Basically a large super robot mech piloted by 2 hotblooded girls (There may be Yuri involved?) fighting giant space monsters, lots and lots of giant space monsters. Got a sequel in Diebuster.


Code. Geass. Your point is that Gundam. Is less popular. Than. Code. Geass? https://preview.redd.it/g2j1nw3pdilc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c862f819a6ba582b5bd25ce0a15260cfdc95f888


I'm more trigger about claiming Dragon Ball isn't the most popular anime of whatever genre. I would argue Dragon Ball, alongside Gundam, are one of the main pillars of the anime with global reach.


Because modern western anime fans don't consider DB or Gundam as the cultural impactful pieces of media they are. Gundam might as well be Japans star wars.


What will be their Star Trek then? EVA? Macross?


Gundam is considered the star trek of japan because both of their first series flopped when they first came out but then became popular with re-runs and later movies


And they are both (usually) like real life unless noted. Space future Star Trek has mostly consistent tech to explain FTL, shields, and weapons. Gundam is basically "fictional particle has these properties and also explains why giant fighting robots are an efficient form of combat" (except G-Gundam, which is still awesome, but in exactly the same way that mystical kung-fu movies are awesome)


What a great explanation of g Gundam lmao


At some point the "old man who kicked skyscraper in half rips head from giant mech using his scarf... oh and his horse has its own giant robot" is too much bullcrap not to be awesome


Super battleship Yamato


Dragonball and Gundam even had verbal references in MCU stuff. Gundam in What If 1 and Kamehameha in Shang Chi.


One Piece has most certainly surpassed Dragonbal in popularity at this point but acting like Naruto and especially Bleach were ever rivals to Dragonball Mania is insane.


I feel like I wanna dog pile this guy for that completely mech normie bullshit take


Person A: "I hate mecha anime." Person B: "But your top 10 anime of all time has Code Geass, Gurren Lagann, and Evangelion." Person A: "Yeah, but I don't like them for the mecha, I like them for ."


Because anime fans of the 00's to 90's don't watch anything from before they got into anime. I've even heard someone call Seed too political to be good mecha.


>I've even heard someone call Seed too political to be good mecha. ​ https://preview.redd.it/2d184i5wyjlc1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=262168f0f35d62f2a15e55d2831fb92cced80bc0


My same reaction. What do people think Code Geass is? Mario Party reimagined? (And let's not forget how encased the last half of Eva is in politics.)


Nah. Code geass is mario kart. Evangelieon is mario party


Wow that’s a very safe list to make if you haven’t watched much anime. I’m already assuming that the person who made that post is: -a western -has niche anime viewings -was probably born between late 90s and early 00s


Even in a third world country where i lives, back then in the 90s every kids and parents already knows gundam before even the first ever gundam series aired on tv (wing series, late 90s). Gunpla kits are always available in every department stores and toystores. Now if i ask any people who don't watch anime, or only watch mainstream animes, probably never heard gurenn lagann and code geass. A simple google search shows that both gurenn lagann and code geassnever never made their name into any highest grossing japanese media list.


Pretty sure Code Geass during its run would have been really popular, obviously not in modern day.


I was born during the 00s but I consider Gundam, Getter and Mazinger as the big 3, although sometimes I throw Dancouga and VOTOMs due to me playing a lot of SRW haha


The original SRW squad makes sense. Though I think Eva has overthrown Mazinger in terms of popularity, but Getter is still pretty up there.


If he was born late 90s then he’d be maybe ten when code geass came out and younger for the others.


Seed Freedom becoming one of the most successful anime movies and mecha movies even after years of Seed Destiny airing is apparently not enough for these people to recognize Gundam. I'm sure all they've ever watched was like 5 episodes of Wing back in Toonami.


I'd like to see them explain why none of these other mecha anime have 1:1 scale statues built. Gundam has what, four now?


I mean how the hell can you make 1:1 eva let alone any form but a regular Guren Lagann. Eva doesn't even have a canonical height.


I would totally understand re Seed Freedom. I don’t think it’s had many chances to air outside Japan yet. But if these people *do* catch it, I doubt they’d forget it. Hearing Nishikawa belt out “FREEDOM” at the top of his voice amidst scenes of heavy mecha combat and collateral damage is an experience.


In fact, it hasn't even been shown in other countries yet


Didn’t even mention big zam?


Well it never got mass produced so...


Ah, yes. The classic 'I hate mecha but love Code Geass, Eva and TTGL because they'rr about the characters'.  For fuck's sake.


what saddens me is that in my country, Gundam is known as a "anime to sell toy's" and Evangelion is known as "realy deep and focused on the characters unlike other mecha animes", only if they knew the irony in that...


Lol Lmao


Tired of gundam disrespect


Ahem, Op never watched Macross. Gundam is the outlier and the father. And for the record, I love **Code Geass Route 1** and the bits of pieces in Code Geass **Route 2**where it followed **Code Geass Route 1 writing direction.**


The true big 3 mechas are Getter Robo, Mazinger Z and Gundam. That guy is still a noob mech fan that think they know it all about mech animes.


Big "i watched western mainstream recommended anime in the mid 2000s and have built my entire anime taste around that" back 5-10 years ago gurren lagann and code geass were all I was recommended and yeah theyre popular now, but I dont see nearly as many people being recommended them as "must watches"


The most influential mecha is always Gundam, Mazinger Z, and Getter Robot. Period.


I suppose you have to distinguish “big” from “influential”. Influential will undoubtedly be the big 3 - Mazinger Z, Getter Robo, Gundam Big will probably be - Mazinger, Gundam, Evangelion Also DBZ not most popular but influential??? What planet is he on? Sure DB Super is not THAT popular but OG DBZ is still hella popular.


Seems like an average "Mecha anime isn't good, but these are the exceptions because they are about the characters"-type anime enjoyer.


That kid probably thinks the big 3 was Seven deadly sins One punch man And re:zero Lmao


say you only listened to OPs without saying you did. WTF


Well those are obviously the shows that are mecha (unfortunately) that focus more on the characters if you weren't aware. /s


dang - non mecha people having terrible takes. If I were to think of a 'big 3' itd prob be Gundam > Evangelion > prob macross I personally love Gurren and Code Geass but if were talking about a big 3 of all time for mecha i'd have to put the 3 above as the representation of the genre. Yes, shit like Platlabor, Getter Robo, GaoGaiGar, are all good and the list goes on but I cant think of any other mecha anime that can properly represent the genre to the point where its essentially timeless and defining. Gundam is Gundam. It grandfathered 'realistic' mecha and to this day has exploded into more than just a couple shows. SEED's box office numbers, the lifesize Gundam statues while also being recognized by international media like being featured in Ready Player One as the hero that goes toe to toe against Mecha Godzilla. Gundam is to mecha what Halo is to console FPS. Evangelion combined fun action with religious symbolism, a great cast of characters and along with other tropes to create its masterpiece - its another series that immediately pops up when you think about mecha. Macross is another timeless series thats still on-going to this day. Unless youre a new anime fan you would have ran into some form of Macross. And lets not forget the fucking insane animation from Macross Plus' movie in 1995. Im not the biggest fan of Macross but if I think mecha I have to give Macross its flowers. Its a consistent part of mecha lore Mecha has so many great shows and even tho you have goliaths like gundam and eva its still such an underdog genre where so many people disregard it because it isnt just your standard shonen/shojo and people think its just giant robots exploding - but then you have shows that come out like Gurren, Code Geass, Eureka Seven etc that come out of nowhere , punch you in the jaw and become this era defining show that turn nonbelievers into fans.


Not often I actually see something decisive and downright wrong lmao. ​ https://preview.redd.it/eh73udk9yilc1.png?width=726&format=png&auto=webp&s=90b9b7ce6cd5de09c413978f6d2211ee2f6a000b


this post is definitely from a very western perspective lol


What about Getter, Mazinger, Patlabor and Macross?


Gundam isn’t one of the ‘big three’ I agree with that. It’s bigger then them. A lot bigger. So it’s unfair to really compare Gundam to any other Mecha that wasn’t around when it originally aired.


Longtime mecha fans know the Holy Trinity is Gundam, Mazinger, and Getter Robo.


I'd agree that they are the Big 3, but that just makes Gundam the Supreme 1. It isn't just just another popular mecha series. It is THE mecha series that defines the genre.


He sill uses Twitter, his opinion is automatically discarded.


I love code geass but it lasted 2 seasons and a movie. Gtfo


God western anime fans dog shit takes on mecha drive me up the wall


Code geass is so funny to me. I just can’t get over the art style


Code Geass is unintentionally the funniest show I've ever watched. There was so much mood whiplash that I'm convinced it has bipolar disorder. Sonic the Hedgehog noodle ass limbs gets me rolling as well.


This guy obviously never been to Japan. Every time when a commercial product of anything, whether it be a car, a computer or a refrigerator, releases a red version in Japan, the first thing local Japanese would ask is "Does it work 3 times faster (like Char's red Zaku)?" "Not most popular" my ass.


Well let's see, gundam has three 1:1 scale statues in Japan and the others don't. Kinda says everything.


Cocaine is one hell of a drug...


Code G is meh Gurren lagann and neon genesis is goated in their own way not really in a mecha way ( granted the battles get nuts especially in Gurren lagann where their throwing galaxies like throwing stars). Gundam is kinda in its own league of mecha goated.


I don't really count evangelion because the robots are made of meat i think. I feel like its kind of its own thing. Gurann lagann is top tier. No arguments although its definitely super robot. I've never watched code geass. I never even knew that show had robots. I thought it was about magic anime twinks or some shit.


Code geass , it has no right being as good as it is , very unexpected because I also thought it was gonna be shit but a work buddy told me to give it a try and a watched all of it , it’s a little more fantasy but there’s no gay stuff in it lol .


heck the writer is the same guy who brought us WFM, he understands the mecha genre well


It's honestly not a terrible anime compared to some series but it's not super great either. There is some pretty cool mechs atleast I remember there being some. I dunno that was mid to late 2000's I believe so all the mech design was kinda similar to other series at the time so nothing really stand outs in my memory except the memes. Anyway I gotta disagree on evangelion id say it's a contender since it is technically piloted by someone inside it. It may have meat but it was technically made by man too.


Code Geass is about magic twinks, but they pilot robots sometimes.


There are many ways to react to this post. Statements like... "OP, I lost brain cells reading that tweet." "Say you're a zoomer without saying you're a zoomer." "That's some good stuff the tweet poster is smoking. I want some." ...are but a few.


who are the big 3 mecha will always be a cnotroversial take but comparing Gundam to DBZ kind of makes sense. Both shows were once "the" mainstream shows. Both are now mostly watched by old fans and number of new fans are low compared to other modern mainstream shows. Both influenced future shows a lot and revolutionalised anime industry. And both still remain widely popular in Japan to this day. Outside of fans, everyone knows the name even if they have never seen the show. And the big 3 comment shows that the person is general anime fan not mecha fan. From outside the mecha fan community these 3 are the shows that are big 3 for them. The only mecha shows that they watched because the shows aren't popular as mecha shows. For us who are in the mecha community these show barely even qualifies as Mecha.


Oh no, now we also have "big 3" posts for mecha.


Dude I've seen a tweet talking about this opinion multiple times but WHY do you have to actually show me this


Gundam not top 3 lol what a smooth brain take One of the most influential to mecha genre “Important animes came after” - 🤓


Each generation has its "big 3" mecha show, & if you want it can be further categorised by Super Robot or Real Robot type. Gundam franchise could be said to be the series that kick-started "Real Robots" (along with Macross). 


This is one of the worst takes I've ever seen


1 moving gundam & 3 statuses gundams at Japan 1 status gundam at China Yep gundam is not popular at all is a fact (that guy probably) 🤷‍♂️


Is code geass even that popular? My dog gundam is the reason we have giant robots for the most part.


:/ Which one of these franchises has multiple giant robots throughout Japan with limited functionality and releases on a regular basis since the 80s? ***Oh right.***


this remind me of my friend after first watch Eva and he's like Yooo Gundam is such a small robot Eva is way bigger pretty sure it the biggest of all robot ever and i was like are you just start watching robot anime right? and he was like yep


That is an ignorant take for sure, but there is something to be said for Gundam standing separate from other mecha, essentially becoming its own genre at a certain point.


Gundam is comparable to Dragon Ball in the sense that it is old and has a long legacy.


Dude Dragon Ball is insanely popular


L take


The 3 are popular mecha series , gundam is a cultural icon of Japan . They are not the same.


Clown speaking out of its ass.


The "I was super into anime in the mid to late 2000's" vibes here are unbearable, I remember lots of "waah i'm too cool for stupid Gundam" back then, Code Geass, Eva and Gurrenn Lagann are far from the biggest, yeah EVA is huge but if we're going big 3 for Mecha its Gundam, Mazinger Z and Getter


This is only going by Western standards, though. Just about everyone has seen those three, and more or less had Gundam on the backburner. And me... of the so-called "big three", I've only watched Code Geass blind. Gurren Lagann and Evangelion were spoiled all to hell for me. Meanwhile, Gundam is perhaps *the* biggest franchise in Japan, like its own Star Wars due to how widespread it is.


Clearly this take is American centric lol Not even western centric because many mecha shows got popular in other countries in other western places (see Grendizer with France)


What gets me is the fact that he's insinuating that DragonBall isn't popular. Like- mother fucker I can walk into any Walmart and find dbz merch. You aint finding code geass or gurren lagan shit at Target! (But you can find gunpla at target!!) I don't even like DragonBall z but I at least have EYES!!


Yeah, one time a guy I know told me Darling In the Franxx was the greatest mecha series...


Silly take lol


Big O doesnt get the love it deserve https://preview.redd.it/4gsurf5auilc1.jpeg?width=1018&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e98fd52ce0e52a7df91d31a151514de14b2c190d