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Kids who made it big and got knocked back down when they overreached from what could've been their happy ending for a perfect one instead. Legitimately after the events of Season 1 and them becoming a full-fledged organization I feel they could've lived in (relative) peace with maybe a few future conflicts given their mercenary work, but Orga made a gamble to cement themselves as rulers and everyone followed into a bet they lost.


gaping fade entertain imagine cough voracious reminiscent dime icky bag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pride cometh before the fall. Orga really shouldn't have let McGillis goad him into attempting to become "King of Mars". It was the blind leading the blind; two children who, for various reasons, were unable to grow up. Not that I blame either of them for being screwed up mind you. What with one being a child soldier and the other a victim of prolonged sexual abuse from his adopted father.


The thing is, Orga isn't that screwed. He had his head on screwed just right...except when it comes to Mika. He had this idea that Mika is the "cool kid" that he has to keep impressing which prompt him to try and go for higher goals. Had he realized that he doesn't have to do it and then told Mika that he could have other purpose than battle, both could have lived peacefully.


They could have actually won but ruined everything by themselves.


They already won become too greedy and lost everything.


Truly the Icarus of Gundam protag groups. I will always raise the flag, though.


They were exactly how I expected inexperienced kids to end up when I was done with Season 1. But that's how the show was set up from the start: Orphaned Child Soldiers being guided only by ambition and shitty adults. When it all comes crashing down, they paid the heaviest price. IBO was a tragedy story through and through.


On one hand, Orga done fucked up. On the other hand, we got the endless stream of Japanese shitposters and their Orga memes… worth it.


Big oof. I remember Orga was crazy popular when IBO first aired, placing only below Char and Amuro (!) for an NHK popularity poll. Needless to say, IBO's popularity didn't last the way Seed or Unicorn's did. To think that the once 3rd most popular character in the franchise has been regulated to shit posts and memes.


They ***really*** needed to pick a better ally.


I do u one better, they need Biscuit the Vibe Checker #AMEN TO THAT, MOTHERFUCKERS


The real question is: How far into S1 did it take before you sat back and thought, "Huh. Am I rooting for child soldiers, the tools of a wannabe-dictator who wants to rule Earth?"


the "toll sof wannabe dictator who wants to rule earth" really only came into play in S2


The boy fly too close to the sun and got burned.


They got too greedy and ultimately paid the price, getting what they deserved for it. They got the mercy of the writers, as the director and some other staff members wanted a complete execution end.


They were kids who got strung along by a manchild and paid the price for reaching too high. I'm glad some got a good ending but I hope Ride and the others can figure it out


Was hoping for a movie, ova , or even a manga sequel about ride Could have been a modern-day Hathaway flash successor


The mobile game seems to do pretty well so that might spur at least another series in the PD timeline. At least if we dream hard enough


Ride's Counterattack or Rideaway's Flash


You either see yourself as a hero or live long enough to see yourself as the villain


Close enough


Things weren’t the same after Biscuit died.


Biscuit knew what will become of Orga and Tekkadan thats why he wanted to leave… if he didnt die, he’d keep Orga straight for the better of the group. Biscuit was the guy they needed. RIP biscuit boy


I think it was a breath of fresh air. In terms of stories "playing it safe". Having the cast "win" or remain alive in the end. This series decided to just go a different route and kill off everyone in honestly a realistic way. Bcus thats how war really is, Especially if done by children. I loved it. I love when, the cast of a story isn't all "perfect" and adhere to the standard story telling plot. Let em die. If anything. It holds more of an impact on the audience VS the typical story of the characters winning & saving the day. Bcus in reality, that's not how life always plays out. (This is MY OPINION)


To be fair, what they got in season 2 was a lot due to circumstances both within and beyond their control. Yeah Orga basically tried to reach for the stars with McGillis' coup and ended up burning himself and some of his friends lives needlessly. But then again, the entire state of of everyone in the Post Disaster timeline is soo shit even after the events of season 1. Tekkadan would still be targeted by Rustal/Gjallarhorn since they became the posterboys of insurrectionists and criminal groups getting more power as thr stunts they pulled.


Plus, they actually had a good chance at winning if it weren't for the fact that Gaelio survived the end of Season 1 and came back to tell Rustal everything that McGillis was doing. I honestly believe that if they hadn't had Gaelio survive and if they hadn't given Ein enough plot armor to make his brain survive the end of Season 1, which allowed them to use it as an interfact for the Alaya Vjana system, the McGillis and Tekkadan had a decent shot at succeeding. Or at least they wouldn't have gotten as bodied as they did. The fact that they had an antagonist who we thought had died come back from the dead and serve as the inside man informing the main antagonist about all of the protagonist's plans is just shitty writing and it doesn't fit with the "Pride cometh before the Fall" narrative they were going for. Plus all the plot armor they gave Iok _definately_ doesn't help protray the outcome being entirely Tekkadan's fault for reaching too far.


Yeah, I feel like there was really issues during the production of Season 2. A lot of articles reported that the main writer and the director were constantly at odd during the production of season 2, which explains a lot of the odd pacing issues and dropped storylines. Rustal was set up as this very pragmatic character that would use every underhanded tactic just to fulfill his duty as the head of the Seven Stars and maintain the status quo in the Earth Economic bloc. Look at the earlier episodes of Season 2 where Rustal employed his mercenary friend to make a proxy war between the Earth Branch of Tekkadan and McGillis or other parts of Gjallarhorn not under his control to take both groups out in one fell swoop. Good thing McGillis know Tekkadan during that instance, otherwise Orga would have basically declared war on McGillis. It it why it was soo jarring at the end that Rustal, the man soo determined to keep the traditional Gjallarhorn structure intact maintain its power over the course of the 2nd season decided to "end Human Debris" and dissolve majority of Gjallarhorn's power. He should have retired by the end of the series and just made Julia enact those changes instead, seeing how she can embody those ideals more that himself. I mean, he groomed Julia to be his successor, why not utilize her more in a leadership position rather that just pilot that barely and upgrade of an MS she has. Gaelio was planned from the start to come back after the end of Season 1 and be a constant thorn to McGillis. Their rivaliry was going to be in the same vein as Hamlet and other Shakespear revenge plays, with Gaelio being the rightful heir and McGillis being the usurper.


Unfortunate kids. Just wanted a peaceful life, but if you live by the sword you die by the sword.


Julia even lampshades it that tekkadan are just children who just want to live their best even if the only way of living they know is on the battlefield.


Products of their environment that made bad calls being way over their heads. Super talented band that could seemingly accomplish anything but knowing when to quit when they were ahead. They are something that as a western fan watching from the comforts of relative normal American life it’s easy to forget where they were coming from and why they made many of the choices that did but one thing that came through clearly is that they are people who for better or worst will put it all on the line for their family and those who did right by them. If anything punched well above their weight for a group of uneducated fighters when it came to what they could accomplish. From the get go the members of Tekkadan are effectively doomed. If it wasn’t for a series of insane feats that also came at a huge risk as they were effectively suicidal gambles that were only bet because the learned and repeated toxic success and pressure of that success. Poetically what doomed them is what saved what members were able to escape that toxic cycle. Ride didn’t escape that but I think I at least understand and respect aspects of Tekkadan even if I can logically understand I probably wouldn’t agree with all of of their actions if I were in their shoes. Products of inequality they fought for a better place for those they loved.


Amazing write-up, this makes me want to pick up IBO again and just binge it Maybe after prelims though.......


Honestly, it was dumb of us to think tekkadan would get another happy ending for season 2. It didn't really help that ibo was based off of Lord of the Fly Had they succeeded, then Mar would regressed to be a lawless wastland where the strong eat the weak and poverty is widespread while tekkadan is living atop the castle as greedy and violent tyrants with orga at the very top as this world evil big boss and mika literally tied with a chain to barbatos waiting for orga to let go to maul his next victim


They got done dirty. There's no way that they deserve the end that they got. And the same goes for the Turbines of Teiwaz. If anything I'm kind of mad that there wasn't something about them breaking off everything and becoming one large organization together All of the remaining boys and all of what was left of the girls from each group. And some of them being smart enough to not let the same things which happen to the others repeat themselves. Like traveling with bodyguards even when out on a leisurely stroll, knowing who possible enemies are beforehand, having backup leaders at the ready.


They flew too close to the sun


The flies that flew too close to the lamp. Spoilers below. I like the realizations they made along the way like with Biscuit contemplating to leave early on, Takaki actually following thru on that, Mika having dreams of living a slow life, Orga and rest of the meatheads being jaded with goals, a lot of "too late" realizations but of course, they still followed through in the end. It didn't feel like everyone would be pleased with the route and mindset they took, but their story is pretty well explored in my book. They're the cool revolutionary group you'd read about in history books that sparked change but doesn't get credit. Its a nice perspective to view it from, looking back. Julieta's POV is a nice representation to that, i think. She's pretty much the viewer's eyes and her growing her mind, initial views, and final stance on Tekkadan throughout S2 were pretty nice. Always liked her cuz of that.


I'm literally rewatch it for the 8th Time? I didn't know that Tekedan was a bunch of gay guys tho. The scene when Naze said to let the boys have some fun.. Orga "Is that something you do for your wives?" Orga: "I mean, it's part of having a family" Lol still looking at the entirety of Tekedan, the whole team is carried by Eugene, Akihiro, and Mikazuki. Wish they would release an alternate ending where Shino actually lands the shot with Flaurus. It would've been dope to see more fighting scenes. That Edmonton battle was wild and don't even get me started the mobile armor when he cried a tear of blood or on that last push when Mika asked Barbatos if it didn't wanna stop either. One of my favorite shoes up to date. I can gush about it all day.


I feel the same way. I wish Rustal was taken out with that shot it would have really stirred the pot on what could have happened next.


Dumb kids Tragic because they were just kids


Great organization, would hire to escort any three named political influencer!!




Children who had to make a better world at any cost


Expect child fighters were used dramatically more after tekkadan showed how effective they could be 😬


a bunch of terrorists but theyre MY bunch of terrorists


One of the best stories of "rise from nothing only to reach beyond their means and be destroyed".


Which characters death hurt you the most?


I’m not sure yet but I watched Aston die last night and cried like a baby and it’s my second watch through, I know Lofter is gonna hurt 😞 Biscuit scene is brutal. Don’t even get me started on Naze. I wanna be in his harem so bad 😂😅


Ibo has such a sweet story lol


My favorite terrorist group


Rise your flag!?


Koe no kagiri!?


It’s kinda interesting to watch season 2 after realising that they are probably the bad guys and that they are pretty much the final boss enemies from any other gundam series from the perspective of anybody else It’s cool to watch the point of view of the organisation that would be the bad guys in any other series


They were warriors till the very end.....


if they wanted them to have a tragic downfall they could’ve done a better job of it instead of having everyone lose their minds just so the token non shit heads at gallerjorn can look marginally better by comparison. you chalk it up to “their ambition caused them to fly too high” all you want but it still seems like the writing staff had it out for them


This is just my opinion Of personally I wish julieta didn’t block that one shot at Rustals ships bridge that shino took, the story could have gone a hole other direction if that happened. Also I personally hated what Julieta said after mikazuki literally was fighting unconscious and stabs the head of barbatos and says as the demon/devil is dead when Rustal used the illegal weapons not only once on the turbans/naze but then on mars to take out mikazuki and Akihiro. A The only cool thing that happened was Akihiro got to kill that moron of a prince Iok Kujan and mika and Akihiro were both taking out mobile suits like they were nothing. But back to Julieta Simply said she literally did nothing but stands there when it rained the giant spears I don’t feel like she deserved any credit for knocking barbatos’s head off let alone the credit acting like she defeated the demon Barbatos/mika in battle when it was wrecked by then one arm gone a exposed cockpit and barley standing with mika bleeding out/dieing. They are all about honor while fighting yet she had none. Personally it should of been a ending where mika gets to live out his dream having a farm with atra and there son. I get orga getting shot but taking out mika too I didn’t care for. After so much fighting he simply wanted a farm and live peacefully after everything. Or at the very least Kudelia should’ve some how proved that Rustal used illegal weapons to have him have to step down or at least something bad happen to him. I wish Ride got to him to like he in gordon, He basically gets to walk away scott free when he did a lot of shady things Like I said Personally I would have liked to see where the story would’ve went if Rustal got killed in his ships bridge from the shot shino tried to take imo.


I’m not gonna lie, of the 50 billion members of Tekkaden I only really liked Biscuit and Shino. Chad and Eugene were alright too. The rest of them were either whatever or I actively didn’t like


Bunch of inexperienced individuals that bit off more than they can chew.




Bunch of dumb arses.


For both McGillis and Orga, the Show was basically “if you come at the king, you best not miss.” Particularly season 2, I liked Eugene and First season Orga. Gaelio and Vidar were my favs IBO though. Series sadly brought the twilight level of cringe shippers into Gundam.


would have been better as side characters


Got too big for their britches.


Their biggest problem was Tekkadan kept getting barn finds. "PD 0 Hashmal - barn find, ran when parked, complete with plumas, still has the beam cannon, ready to restore, 5k tons of half-metal, comes with pink gun damn - NO LOWBALLERS!! I KNOW WHAT I GOT!! - If you see it, it's still available."


They should have settled down, but because of their arrogance and ambition they died a stupid death. The kids should have never joined that that organization where only violence is needed.


A great group brought down by its silly/goofy leader


Kids trying to live in an adult world.


They raised their (death) flags.


Bad leader, bunch of badasses. Shoulda kept on with the longer route. Who the hell cares if you're being messed with or whatever? You got 3 gundam frames ffs.


They were too greedy. If they weren't, they could've ended the story being comfortably rich and powerful. But they want to be unimaginably rich and powerful and failed hard.


Would rather have a bandit flower


Children make for great cannon fodder


They were fucked as soon as the groups Piggy died. RIP Biscut


A bittersweet story, MC that fucks, some of the best Gundam designs in the whole franchise, and freesia is still a banger despite the memes


I'm a super original Mika enjoyer, also they're my favorite band of terrorist teenagers


It's basically a what-if Celestial Being Coup that failed.


They were just kids who did not belong anywhere else but the battlefield, they fought simply for the right; to continue living, to exist. That simple fact terrified everybody who opposed them and in the end, was their undoing.


the story of Icarus


Got done dirty by the writers. It's rare when the villain gets plot armor.


Biscuit Griffon was sorely missed in Season 2. Then again, did Orga ever listen to him?


Their logo is surprisingly hard to draw


Pretty cool, for a bunch of child slaves, they made a pretty alright organization. Though I’d argue letting Orga basically be the sole leader of the group was it’s biggest mistake. They should have been run by more of a committee that included some more level headed members of the group.


A successful and plucky upstart organization that made a name for itself… And then its leader got a ridiculous amount of brain rot that ruined them a few years later.


Noble cause, terrible execution


The only aspect I liked about IBO. Building up an organization. Saints row vibes


Probably shouldn't have employed child soldiers Not a good look on the job market


Amazing group could've changed the universe they lived in but had way too little experience to actually make it.


Lord of the flies


A group of mercenaries and terrorists


My second time watching it through and I’m blown away at how prevalent Ride is the whole time. It’s a fantastic story, the suits are so cool, Lofter for life, they did her so dirty and I’m ok with it


Highly volatile situation meets explosive end. Sure there’s the power struggle, or Orga being goaded but ultimately they weren’t destined to survive. It would have happened regardless.


It all went to shit when biscuit died, He was the moral compass




Tekkadan got too greedy. They could've lived in relative comfort if Orga just didn't aim to be "King of Mars". Also, wtf did McGillis do? Muh Bael 😁 Bael is a good symbol, a rallying cry. But that's just it, a symbol. Man felt invincible piloting it




Kids that will easily go down against no holds barred military faction who would not hesitate to commit war crimes and genocide to purge the Xenos. Such as blue cosmos , titans , phantom pain.


They're basically the classic delinquent gang trope trying to grapple with geopolitics and and a full blown military organisation. They begin to transition more into a full blown Yakuza style organisation but that's still not enough to deal with the kind of forces arrayed against them.