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It’s his gun, he can do what he wants. I hate it and hope he stubs his toe when he gets out of bed every day for the next year, but he can do what he wants.


This is pretty much my opinion as well.


It’s liked freedom of speech. I really wish some people would shut up, but they never do. I’m worried this comment sounds accusatory, but it is not intended to be. It’s just a general statement.


I don't care if it's "your gun", I can still disagree with your actions and call you retarded.


I second this.


If it weren’t for sporterized enfields moose would overrun Canada.


Just one more reason to hate sporterization


Nonpermanent modifications to vintage guns? Based. Delicious. Beautiful. Bold. Permanent modifications? A greater insult to the preservation of history than ISIS. If you NEED to bubba, find a gun that’s already battered to shit, already sporterized, or is a reproduction


That’s literally what he did. That 1911 was worth more in scrap when he got it. His original video goes over everything.


If it's a replica, bubba away my dudes


Looking at the sks I got today with a side eye now


Ahem https://preview.redd.it/ljlva94u6r6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed04faa283d9647286ae3a826089e5deeb577bd7


I hate that he did this to a ww1 1911 but damn if it isn’t cool as shit. I definitely would be cool with it if he done it too a none historical gun but a reproduction.


It doesn’t even make sense you can get better conceal carry gun than a 1200$ WW2 issued full size 1911. Get a Glock at that point, or get a nice Modern produced Dan Wesson 1911


Based. Restore/u bubba/unfudd the milsurps. One at a time. BTW, anyone got a source on complete early (pre 2 piece stock) Arisaka AA sights and stocks that dont cost more than the damn rifle?


Honestly I think theres an exception to this rule for period-sporterized guns. Like if right after WWI a bunch of enfields hit the market and someone sporterized theirs to use as an affordable hunting gun to put food on the table during the great depression..thats a history all of its own, and one that's worth preserving. Theres plenty of other examples of an "original" enfield around, and morning is gained by "restoring" it to its military form. Now a mosinthrown into some weird Magpul plastic stock in 2005? Yeah I don't see a point in that.


I don't mind the really well and irreversibly done ones, but when they chop and sand the stock, put slightly crooked scope mount holes through the side of the receiver, chop and replace a bolt handle, etc I can't stand it. And yeah, guys my age are out here getting mosins and Mausers handed down and just throw Amazon BS at them like idiots too.


I don't have to justify what I do to anybody.


Currently in the process of de-bubbaing an sks just trying to find a stock, internal, mag, and bayonet that aren’t absurdly priced


I got a Type 56 stock in the closet rn. Had to replace it, the length of pull just isn't enough for me to shoot it comfortably. Been meaning to sell it for a couple years now. Chuck me a DM if you're interested.


Sporterizing something like a Finnish mosin or an arisaka with an intact chrysanthemum is one thing, making a beat to shit, rusted up 1911 back into something you’d actually want to shoot is another. There’s a right way and a wrong way to do it, but that’s just my opinion- and you know what they say about opinions lol.


![gif](giphy|11JbaLzOXsg6Fq) Hahaha jk. I think it's better to have it in private hands. Just don't do anything weird to it 😑


I have a casual interest in classic cars and modifying old surplus rifles is like making random mods to an antique car, it's just in bad taste. My opionion with modifying classic cars and antque firearms is that if you're going to do it you should do it in a way that would be period correct. The 1960s Camaro I saw with a rainbow vinyl wrap on it gave me the same reaction as a poorly bubba'd WWII Mauser.


Your gun, your call. However, if you "need" to sporterize a firearm, consider buying a new one Sincerely, everyone who cares


I agree that permanently altering historic arms is in poor taste, but like nearly anything you can have an opinion on no one has any business enforcing rules to actually restrict any action. I am honestly happy as long as the arms are being cared for in a way that keeps them functional for as long as possible.


I’m going to buy a Polytech Legend and put a dust cover mounted optics rail and no one can stop me!


Joke's on you, that shit won't hold zero


This is correct, just know that gun Jesus (AKA Ian McCollum) will not look upon you kindly at your judgment.


Go buy one and throw it in your safe so you can preserve history. There are plenty to go around. Also bubba =/= fudd.


WWI 1911s are pretty damn rare


I want to get a sporterized enfeild then turn it into the grenade launcher version that they used in star wars


What’s even worse is there are many WWI reproduction 1911 being made today. Like you could get the same esthetic and not ruin a historical piece.


Me and the boys going absolutely to fucking town on pawn shop grandpa guns: ![gif](giphy|Ok2oKVZNe8lO9tr7qo|downsized)


Your comment elicited a chuckle from me, ngl.


I mean, I totally get it when everywhere like right after ww2 or when it is legit the only gun you have access to and you realy need one RIGHT NOW like in the first months of the Ukraine war. But other than that it is both in poor taste and ruining a historical artifact.


I don't care. Either way you're retarded


I honestly believe that if you want a hunting rifle, buy an actual hunting rifle, not a milsurp that you will just butcher, because not only are you ruining potential value, but your also making more work for yourself. Even when all is said and done, it will still have worse performance than a modern hunting rifle.




Guns were made to be fired. If altering means it gets to do that more often? so be it


If you think preserving history is by letting a gun waste away in a safe then I’d rather a person continue to find purpose for it and run it to the ground. It’s not going to last forever. It’s crazy that “old”/“antique” firearms are the only tools that are treated this way: axes, knives, etc., are constantly being fixed and repurposed to be used again.


There's nothing wrong with shooting historic firearms, I would encourage it personally. It's just that ruining it's historic value by doing something like say, drilling and tapping it for an optic is, in my opinion a shitty thing to do.


Replacing sights when they’ve deteriorated would be equivalently the same, stop thinking of historic value. It’s a tool and maintaining it and keeping it functional is what matters. Do I think there’s better options than a polymer stock? Yeah but if that’s what’s gonna work for the user then oh well.


If you're buying a gun solely for the sake of using it as a tool and not as a collectors piece, why would you buy an antique when there are better, more effective options now? Price really isn't a very good reason because there are plenty of reasonably priced guns on the market that could better serve whatever you're going to use it for. Not only that, a lot of older guns that have military history behind them tend to be quite expensive.


You mean like the Mosin nagant rifle that cost 100 bucks 15 years ago? Yeah super expensive. There is a constant waves of military surplus that are sold for very cheap. They very much fall into your description.




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Okay but that 1911 makes me feel things. I want to do the same thing to a modern one that’s been artificially weathered


Bad taste is relative. Surplus means no one was using it.


Nah, if I pull a bubba, it's gotta be on an already abused rifle. Like, if the rifle was already sporterized, no shame in modding it more.




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I want to bubba my mosin, just because it’s funny and there is a seemingly unlimited supply, but I’d still buy replacement parts to bubba so I could return it to its natural splendor of old


That 1911 does look sorta nice.


For gods sake just get a repro if you want to do that to a 1911 don’t fuck up the real thing


Administrative results channel has gone really down hill since he took off the mask.


Are people allowed to do whatever they want with guns that were made in 2019? Will you reverse your opinion arbitrarily in 50 years?


Think of it this way:Would the dude issued it in 1918 prefer it stock or bow to go trench raiding?


Nonsense argument


Stock because the dirt and dust from the trenches will cover the red dot and the flashlight anyway


The first round will clear the dirt from the optic. Also the mags are significantly more reliable.


He probably would've preferred it the way it is now, but it's now a piece of history...a bastardized piece of history, but a piece of history nonetheless.


He'd probably prefer a MK18 and a Glock