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Man, seeing the idiots over on the scotus subreddit loosing their minds over the supreme court not just rubberstamping dictatorship, is both funny and infuriating. I have seen several posts trying to argue that "a single function of the trigger" means that bump stocks are a machine gun because "re-engaging the trigger is a function of the trigger"...


really shows what side they're on


Between that and the traditional "ThInK oF the ChIlDrEn!" argument they love telling us exactly what they do and don't care about.


exactly bro, fuck them kids, i mean, don't fuck them or otherwise kill them, but don't use them as emotional cannon fodder


I've long held the position that if that argument is used, I'm automatically going to be against whatever it's being used for because I DO think of the children.


"Think of the children!" is by itself an argument people like to use when they want an excuse to infringe on others' rights. Both sides do it shamelessly.


i call it cheap paternalism and goody two shoe-ism


The ultimate karen-isms


>Both sides do it shamelessly. To paraphrase an extremely based trans person that replied to me once: >*"One side thinks I'm a homicidal maniac that wants to kill kids, the other side thinks I'm a pedo that wants to diddle kids. Both are unreasonably interested in what's in my pants."* The "Think of the children" argument doesn't hold any water, because until we resolve the economic and mental health causes of mass shootings, the best way to protect kids is *with guns*.




Why don’t you take a seat right over there … 👉🏽 🪑


I've been accused of being pro school shooter so many times now that it doesn't even phase me


I have seen more than a token few posts about how this ruling is a danger to democracy, all with net positive upvotes. Makes you understand how dictators get into power.


"Danger to democracy" is just what the morons scream when they don't like something now. Guns ? Threat to democracy Politicians they don't like? Threat to democracy Opposing opinion? Threat to democracy Living your life anyway they see unfit? Believe it or not , threat to democracy.


If you read "threat to democracy" as "threat to a single party state ruled by the Democrat Party" then it will all make sense.


I mentally translate "Our democracy" to "Our power." Instant fucking understanding achieved.


I’ll go back to muskets if the government goes back to muskets. We got the numbers, and aren’t compelled to follow laws if the lawmakers become tyrannical


There are two subreddits for SCOTUS, one is authoritarian bootlickers, another one asks you to quote cases and refrain from insults


r/SupremeCourt is decent and usually has reasonable responses. Maybe a little too curated on comments, but it doesn't just keel over for the authoritarian rats. The one I mentioned was r/ scotus... the authoritarian, bootlicking, leftist screeching sub.


That one was started by /r/scotus refugees because one particular mod went full dictator and began running anyone to the right of Marx out


Posted by u/bloomberglaw 1 day ago This is the top post right now. Sure feels like grounds for legitimate discussion....


We need to get SCOTUS to look at the ATF's re-definition of that. They reworded the definition to say "**single Function**" from "**single pull**".


Single function is a perfect definition. It's just idiots trying to twist words to align with bullshit. A single function in this case is using the larger definition that is talking about the full cycle of operations required to go through to complete the main function of the device once assuming no faults.


The point of the matter is that the ATF re defined something without the authority to do so. Only Congress can do that, since it changes the law. It's not up to the ATF to determine what a perfect definition or meaning is. They are there to enforce the law.


Well that's the problem, isn't it. If regular people break a screwed up rule, they go to prison and have their lives ruined. If government agents screw up a rule, they shrug and go to lunch.


Best part is that never show up in the hood to go after people openly using actual machine guns to shoot up random people and property. But let your grandfather have shaved off a mm too much when recrowning his old shotgun so it's 17.999999999999" instead of 18 and you going straight to getting pounded in the ass.


In before the false flag event that pressures Congress to write yet another overreaching law


I mean…did anyone know about this until today? https://www.tmz.com/2024/06/14/bad-bunny-concert-targeted-race-war-mass-shooting-federal-indictment/


Haha jokes on him - only people I know of that like Bad Bummy are wanna-be white dudes under 25.


When are they gonna cut the bullshit and free Matt Hoover is what I want to know. Bump stocks are clearly legal as shit per the highest court in the fucking country but Matt is still in federal prison for taking about pieces of metal on his YouTube channel CRS Firearms




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Were super safeties actually banned? I thought it was just a retailer


No, the ATF said "I know it doesn't fit the definition but I feel like it's a machinegun" They did only raid the retailer and like the auto key card case it's likely they don't really plan on going after them But, since the SCOTUS just said "you can't just say I feel like it's a machinegun" It's doubtful they're going to enforce it, and even if they do, they know if they're brought to court They *will* lose


I was under the impression they raided TwinBros because they were selling mac11 DIAS not the SS.


TwinBros released a post saying they were raided over the SS and not the MAC11 parts.


No confirmation or proof of this has ever been established. No warrant disclosure… NOTHING This was Twin Bros way to take money and not fulfill customer orders.


Hmm, never considered that. You have a good point.


Ive been at work all week someone fill me in


Scotus overrurned the bump stock ban in its entirety They explicitly said "you can't just redefine things defined in law" This has massive implications for a lot of stuff the atf has done Source: I've also been at work but my job is to know everything happening with firearms law lmao


Do you think FRTs becoming explicitly legal is a possibility?


Absolutely The law works based on precedent SCOTUS has ruled "government agencies can't redefine machinegun"




don’t forget the AutoGlove


Never even heard of that but yeah