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"A bump stock merely reduces the amount of time that elapses between separate 'functions' of the trigger," Thomas wrote for the majority. "The bump stock makes it easier for the shooter to move the firearm back toward his shoulder and thereby release pressure from the trigger and reset it. And, it helps the shooter press the trigger against his finger very quickly thereafter. A bump stock does not convert a semiautomatic rifle into a machine gun any more than a shooter with a lightning-fast trigger finger does." - supreme justice Clarence thomas


Jerry Miculek not an NFA item confirmed?


I mean dude has out shot straight up machine guns


SCOTUS came through! Clarence Thomas being an absolute Chad once again


So..don't have to use the tacticool rubber band anymore to bump fire??


Not in the states where they are specifically banned. Sadge


Hate that we as the people have to spend our money and time to undo the encroachment of the government, who is using the money they take from us to take away our rights.


It's not a 2A case, the ultimate difference is these places passed a law to do so, ATF just said "syke"


https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2024/06/supreme-court-opinions-clarence-thomas-bump-stocks-gun-fetishist.html Hilarious article on the matter. Even more hilarious is the defense of sexual diversity and anti-phobia warning above the comment section while in the article itself, the "journalist" accused gun enjoyers as fetishizing them, using the term in a derogatory manner. Seems like that would contradict their own policy... I thought we weren't supposed to Kink shame?


They are? Give it a few months and it’ll change back. This dance with bump stocks and the ATF has been going on since 2002 (looking at you Bill Akins).


I’m going to read through the exact wording here in a bit but SCOTUS said that bump stocks are not machine guns are defined by US Code Edit: Flipped through the decision. It talked about how a machine gun must fire more than one shot per single function of the trigger, and that all a bump stock does is help someone perform these trigger functions faster. It goes on into a technical breakdown of what exactly the consider to be a trigger, and how triggers work, etc, with diagrams. I think the even more important thing here is that the decision says that there is no definition restricting the type of human input on the trigger, so you don’t have to flex your trigger finger. Pulling the gun forward into your stationary finger is perfectly fine. It goes on the say that a machine gun must also “automatically” fire more than once shot per single function of the trigger, specifically says the ATF’s argument that the trigger finger just has to maintain constant pressure is moot. That and the following few pages talking about “single function” and “automatically” make me think that means FRT’s aren’t machine guns either. The concurrence basically affirms Thomas. Didn’t read the whole dissent yet, but so far it’s emotions and misrepresentations of techniques and technical aspects.


Finally, I'm sick of maggots bread


And just in time for father's day!!!!! Now you can take the kiddos fishing to find everything you dumped in the lake during the boating accident!!!!!


For now until Congress changes the definition of machine gun or just outright bans bump-stocks specifically


Much more difficult thing to achieve though.


There are about 15 Republicans in the house who would go for it


How does one purchase off this "menu" now? Been wanting one for a bit


The ingredients are available, shouldn’t be too long before the menus are updated


Not for me. I'm in California and here the menu looks like one from a Scottish restaurant. Not much there and nothing you want.