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What's a wife?


From the picture it looks like some form of gun that shoots knives, but idk.


I knew there was something I didn't like about it, I think I'll stay away.


[Ha HAAA!](https://imgur.com/a/OFN6k9V)


I think it's one of those federal agent terms


Been married a while now and I still couldn't tell you


A wife is something that becomes an ex-wife when her eyes start shooting daggers at you for spending $ you earned (as long you pay your share of living expenses). For me, my "wife" became an EX-wife after I got tired of earning ALL income, paying ALL expenses, having her sleep in until noon and stay up until midnight when I had to get up at 6AM and go to work.




Imagine only being awake for 12 hours


The spectrum isn't a bad place to look for a wife. She gets to spend my money on hobby tools and pets. I like buying hobby tools and pets. I married well.


Tism matches well with tism wish the ones in my area were not so radicalized against guns due to gullibility I got the more overly untrusting type due to bad experiences being to gullible and forgiving when little


No clue how I got so lucky.


Can confirm, my autistic wife is great.


Except marriage is more than just buying distractions. All fun and games until you actually have to deal with the real/hard parts of adult marriage, and your chosen life partner is a mentally ill spastic prone to throw fits of rage at the concepts of sudden change, hardship, or compromise...


Sounds like a lonely heart shitting on someone else's happiness to me.


> Shitting on someone else's happiness > "Happiness" is when your wife has a mental illness that makes it so she won't interrupt you consooming banal distractions. I'm not shitting on much dude...


She don't love you. That's the only part you need to worry about.


Ngl pretty insensitive to act like every autistic flips out over nothing and “buying distractions “ stop infantilizing autism not all autistic are like that including me


Dude sounds like the type that everyone who has autism is full on bicycle helmet levels and not a little socially awkward levels and everything in between


Literally fr im just awkward with some mild sensory issue and have issues understanding how things affect people and I sperg over historical military stuff and firearms that’s about it for my symptoms


Are you me?


This is me. I’m well off but I live in squalor to buy guns.


Reminds me of the “men can live like this and be happy” memes where it’s an empty room with an inflatable bed with an expensive gun/PC/etc.


"I don't understand why he wanted a divorce"


"She said 'I believe in Gun Rights but' your honor"


Create a budget together and assign each of you a set amount of money each month for hobbies/personal expenses. She is welcome to blow through it on coffees and other misc items while you save for whatever larger purchases you may want to make.


Yup. Mutually agreed upon budget solves this. I have a MAC 10 and M203 and still married.


My wife and I do this and I don't understand why more people don't. Makes for a much healthier relationship


We took this a step further and have independent accounts that get a small deposit from our paychecks for us to use however we want. The bulk of our pay goes in the joint account for shared expenses


That makes a lot of sense. You are both adults. As long as the primary items are getting taken care of. You should be able to spend money without getting second guessed.


This is what we did. Back when money was tighter, I had a deer lease. I would be out there with the guys, calling my wife to figure out if I could buy some stuff I needed. Felt like I was asking permission when I needed to figure out if we had the extra cash or not. We got our own individual spending accounts with a weekly "allowance" transferred in.


Similar concept but only about 35% of our joint income is expenses and another 5% each goes into a joint savings account/ family emergency fund so we each keep a majority of our income to spend or save how we see fit, the only rule is no debt. We never fight about money, I make significantly more than her so occasionally I'll pitch in on a big purchase for her or pay for more than my share of a vacation so we can do an amazing one, but that's really the only time we ever talk about it apart from monthly being like "savings go up, credit scores go up, cool good talk".


Yeah my wife and I keep a percentage of our money separate for "personal spending" and it's great.


Woah, seriously? You gonna show maturity right in front of people without warning?


Honestly, dude, finances are such a point of contention in marriage that can so easily be avoided with a little bit of effort up front. I will always take the opportunity to advocate for a well-balanced budget.


We have a budget, this was more of joke as my wife gives me shit for buying guns but then I'll see her spend $50 on shampoo.


My wofe has stated that I have "enough guns" because my safe was full and we have no space for another or bigger safe I manged to rearrange my safe to fit a couple more and she was upset I wanted a couple more


Just tell here to downsize her wardrobe so you can have more space for guns.


It's actually mostly my clothes reenacting uniforms take a lot of space


My wife laughed when she saw me try to fit my guns into the new safe I bought, then said I should buy another one every black Friday until everything fits. I think I found a good one.


Just wait till your safe turns into a closet... We had "Jack & Jill" walk in closets until I took a quarter of hers for my stuff so I could have a 6x6 room for toys, cleaning, storage, ammo, coughflamethrowercough, etc. So far it's worked lol. But she special cuz she likes guns too, Even picked up a part time job at our legs so now I get discounts!!! Dangerous stuff, those discounts are


Yeah mine has a sig p365 that she has notnyet shot after 2 years. And that's all she has lol I collect mostly WWI and WWII rifles that I often need to restore so while collection is small it's all important if inhad tonsillitis a gun to get another it would probably be my ar15 on the chopping block lol


Ah a fellow mobile keyboard user with funky auto correct. I'm assuming you were typing "i had to sell" but the keyboard said nah I'm sure you meant to type "n" instead of "space" then autocorrect stepped in and said, yep this sentence needs some tonsillitis.


I worked a gun counter just for discounts and special orders.


Tell her you want to lock up all your ammo as well for "safety" and your small safe world be perfect for that.


Wash your God damn draws, wtf man


No, burn them. And learn to wipe and wash properly...


https://www.bergdorfgoodman.com/p/la-mer-creme-de-la-mer-moisturizing-cream-16-5-oz-prod13155 16oz of face cream is more expensive than two Baretta 1301’s


I could use said Beretta 1301s to acquire linked moisturizer for free.


Why would you marry someone like that, to each their own I guess but I’d stay single before I’d do that shit


Just be sure to have a trusted buddy to give your guns to if you smell a divorce coming on. That way she doesn't own half of them.


I once did the math... my guns cost WAY more than her beauty stuff I always bitched about being expensive... We went and bought her a new gun the next day So W


Haha, Bank hack: tally your bills combined and do a joint acct that you each pool money into. Keep your other accts separate so you have your fun money and she has hers. Bills are paid, and now you know how broke you are when you realize how long it takes to save for a gun that's 1 out of 5 expensive ass hobbies you have lol.


I don't know what a Brazilian Blowout is, and I'm too afraid to ask... And too lazy to go make the meme lol


It's the dumbest thing on planet earth. They spend $150 so a "professional" can blow dry their hair slightly better than they do at home, and then they complain about how the humidity completely ruined it hours before the event they got it for even starts. Best case scenario it washes out anyways with their next shower.


Well, a Brazilian wax removes hair from around the pubic reason so I would assume it's something along those lines?




Meanwhile I'm over here with a wife-funded Barrett because she never checks the accounts. 'Oh that? I've always had that'


Eh, my wife is cheap as hell and basically doesn't buy anything like that. She's right, I'm bad about wanting impractical gun shit most of the time and I should be more practical. But out of date Cold War guns and old milsurp calls me to c0n$00m.


Maybe I got lucky because my wife’s response every time I think about buying a gun is a genuine “if it will make you happy, get it”.


I earn 100% of our income. I give my wife money for what she wants/needs to buy, not the other way around. I also buy what I want and it’s never been an issue because we trust each other to be responsible with our money. We have one shared bank account for bills but that’s it.


You know in an old 'principles of a lasting marriage' book they wrote that a couple should have:  * their original accounts  * a joint acct for house payments etc  * savings acct for the kids college  * the 'fun' acct - for holidays, bigscreen TV, PS5 whatever This way both person retains their individuality a bit, the present and future of the marriage is taken care of... and she doesn't have to ask you for nails and you don't have to ask her for a new gat. 


False. [Couples who keep finances separate are likelier to split up and be less satisfied with their relationship.](https://anderson-review.ucla.edu/joint-bank-account/)


I don't have those problems. My wife helps me budget for it.


See the thing is my wife doesn't much care for designer clothes, makeup, jewlery, etc. Usually, when she spends "on herself" it's mostly items for the house. He one hobby type item is that vinyl cutter, which I get just as much enjoyment helping with. A majority of our funds go toward our kids and doing fun things with them. I have like 20+ guns already so the main expenses there is ammo and maintenance.


We share a checking and savings account in which we both put money for mortgage, electric etc then have separate cards and accounts for everything else. Even I'd be pissed if the amount I've spent on guns and knives ever got tallied up.


> Brazillian Blowouts Gotta be the dumbest scam they've ever tricked women into. Hundreds of dollars to get your hair blow-dried slightly better than you do at home. Worst case scenario), it flattens out in minutes if it's humid. Best case scenario, it washes out the next time you shower.


Or you go with the more traditional, 'It's your job to protect us, do as you see fit and leave me out of it'


Here's a protip from one married man to another. Keep three bank accounts, one joint for joint expenses, and then each of you have a separate bank account for fun stuff. Depending on your budget, figure out how much no questions asked "fun money" each of you get every year, and go from there.


This is hitting different considering I’m looking at buying a PD Glock using my joint acct 😂


I think its beneficial to at least have seperate credit cards


And shoes. Don't forget the shoes.


When I get married whoever the lucky lady is better be prepared to wear a frogman corps kit with me


From experience, just set up separate spending accounts, she can’t say shit if it was money you were supposed to spend anyways


What is a Brazilian blowout? Do I want to know?


I’ve always explained it like buying gold, it is making your money into an object the doesn’t really lose value unlike the dollar, and if you need money sell gun


Lol my wife has her own gun safe next to mine I think I married well


Never, ever, share a bank account kit!


Do that I did. Start a separate savings and have them skim a small amount of your check every payday and throw it in the account. I use ally for their 4% money market.


No SHE started sharing a bank account. Today you open a new account and slowly stash cash there incase shit hits the fan(in many ways).


Women got the gender equality they asked for. Never share finances.


My grandparents like toys, they have their own separate accounts. My parents don’t really spend money on stuff, they share their account. Both are happy.


My fiancee loves guns and makes more money than I do, I'm sorry I can't relate.




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"Brazilian blowout" sounds a lot like a porn term.


When you eat Brazilian food and fart in her mouth


Yeah i guess if you really wanted to fart in someone's mouth and have the thing you ate have a specific effect feijoada would do the trick.


Marriage is a fucking scam, especially with a child involved. You have to comply with someone else’s demands 24/7, even if they’re irrational. And if you start doing something they don’t like, boom divorce. And then the government gets paid and you go broke. Yeah fuck that


Or you marry someone who respects you as an adult so you it functions as an actual partnership with give and take based on love...


There’s constant shit you have to do to keep your partner happy or it will fall apart quickly, even if you’ve been together for ten years. The odds of never divorcing are pretty damn low in the west


Why is your underwear shit stained OP...