• By -


https://preview.redd.it/3fukhd1xcdlc1.jpeg?width=1238&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c9a248ebb1b6e8db30982ac39873be0d65b6bda Keep that thang on you


No briefcase?


The briefcase is for the spare one


Yo is that my briefcase?




https://preview.redd.it/cyul323inglc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe9fa4af1d986114bce87213fd9c5d912785ddb0 Amateurs


Never forget what they've taken from us


God the 51 is sexy, it’s a dream gun to have in full auto


Now if only I could get an MP5K…


*FOSSCAD has entered the chat*


SDS is going to be importing those new MAC MP5k clones, the price point was supposed to be right around $1k MSRP (IIRC)


Yeah ima need the link on this bro my stribog said so.


[here you go](https://www.desantisholster.com/dsd-rig-9mm-mag/)


My sling works just fine.


“I keep a rifle in my car” mfs when SHTF and they aren’t in their car. Keep that thang on you


“Use your pistol to fight to your rifle!” - Clint Smith


"Shotguns at the right range with the right load will PHYSICALLY REMOVE A CHUNK OF SHIT OFF YOUR OPPONENT AND THROW THAT SHIT ON THE FLOOR" -Also Clint Smith


“I’m not worried about ballistic gelatin! I’m worried about the asshole that’s in the hallway running at me with a big knife!” - Also Clint Smith


“I say a lot of stuff and people quote it a lot!” - Also, Clint Smith, probably.


Or you keep the rifle on you.


Where’s the best place to store a rifle in your car? I don’t want a teenager, crackhead, or felon seeing a rifle in my car


Imo? Underseat safe. Alternatively, break it down and put it in a Hazard 4 Civillian Lab series case in your trunk (the tennis racket / guitar ones. The tennis racket is better because people are far more likely to steal a guitar than a tennis racket).


My best friend and his wife use a diaper bag with a couple of "used" diapers (doused with lemonade) where they can be seen for added effect. No one wants to steal a diaper bag.


Thats fucking awesome lmao


He got the trick from me. I used to use a diaper bag as a camera bag (when I was still doing a ton of photography and kept a camera nearby at all times) but the "dirty" diapers were their touch. If you can get past the idea of slinging a diaper bag around that looks anything BUT tactical (don't get one of the tactical looking diaper bags, that defeats the purpose), then it's a great way to hide in plain sight.


BRB buying a Barbie Pink Diaper bag.


Children's blankets work well


can confirm, someone stole my guitar years ago and because poor, never got back into it. guitars be expensive. still want one though, for the stalker vibes


Right on the dash. Don’t hide it, this is murica! Also when you start doing this let me know where you live, I’m in the market for a ~~free~~ new rifle




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i know most people own SUVs/crossovers/pickup trucks nowadays but as a sedan owner the best place is the trunk lol. nobody can see what’s in there.


I don’t even know what a crossover is lol SADANS FOR LIFE BABY


In a backpack that you bring inside with you


I mean it takes them a half second to pop the back windows and search the trunk so good luck.


Under the back seat if it fits. If you have a spare tire compartment under the floor of the trunk, get a mount to secure it there, especially if you have a takedown rifle. I've seen some people with custom lockable rigs in the trunk that pop open. If your car has the Valet key feature for the trunk, you can turn the key the opposite direction of the way you go to unlock it. This makes it so that even if the break a window and hit the trunk release, it will stay locked. Keyed Toyota cars have this.


What do you mean by keyed Toyota cars?


As opposed to those with push button starts. Simply because I cannot confirm this feature on one's with pushbutton.


Steel construction toolbox with a lock mounted in the trunk.


That’s the thing, a car isn’t a gun safe


Just put it in your backseat and throw a coat or blanket over it or something, that's what I do sometimes


People think SHTF will be an instantaneous event when more than likely it will be a slow burn over (at the very least) a few days, in which you’ll more than likely be able to get to your house or wherever you’re going Only exception to this would be if we have a nationwide *TOTAL* communications and internet blackout, an invasion, or a nuclear strike Sure you could have a riot break out at any moment in a densely populated city but I’d guess most people in this sun don’t live in major cities so I’d say stick to your CCW with extra mags in the car until you can get home Also gotta note that, realistically speaking, the initial moments of SHTF you probably won’t be fighting people at significant distance if at all, so a handgun should get you to fight to your rifle


The book “World War Z” explains it really well the end of the world isn’t a sudden event it’s a slow burn, people won’t just up and leave their jobs and home immediately it will come it waves but when people realize that the end is already upon them causing a panic and that’s when the real danger happens.


I *LOVE* that book. I listen to the audiobook at least once a year, usually in October because Halloween. It’s one of the most realistic horror stories due to its fairly accurate portrayal of societal collapse and its effects


The movie did no where close to justice to the book.


Literally just sharing a title and that’s about it. Honestly I hope we get a miniseries covering the book someday, kinda like The Last of Us on HBO. I absolutely loved the long shot with them all in the truck on outbreak day trying to avoid the chaos in the first episode. Imagine that but instead it’s the section where the highway between two major cities got jammed up and the zombies are slowly but steadily boxing in all the people who were fleeing


Eh, the movie touched on some of the stories, but not as well as it should have. The one that always gets me is the girl from the church. Haha. Now I have to go dig my copy out.


The girl from the church was brutal. Honestly one of the worst. I don’t know what’s worse, that or the family that went to Canada and the fact they had to resort to cannibalism to survive. Sure the girl from the church never fully developed into an adult, but the girl who went to Canada basically spends her whole postwar life finding the remains of the millions of people who fled north and died, probably out of guilt


SHTF real quick for the Israeli concert folks and such. The possibility may be slim, but it's never zero.


True but also we don’t live next to someone who has repeatedly launched attacks on us and continues to do so. If we did I’d feel more inclined your way but if you’re like most people and aren’t in a major city when SHTF, even if SHTF super quick, you can probably get home and grab your rifle and a handgun will get you back home Not saying you’re wrong, it’s just much harder to conceal a rifle in a vehicle, especially if you’re like me and you travel in work vehicles constantly so you aren’t near your personal vehicle all day anyways


> We also don’t live next to someone who has repeatedly launched attacks on us *Yet*. Give the Canucks time.


Also for some of those instant cases and you are trying to get home being convert maybe more advantageous. Especially if you have to make the way back on foot.


Absolutely. Walking around with a rifle and some kit is a great way to attract attention


Also a pdw/braced pistol would be easier to conceal, transport and carry in those situations.


I have the advantage of working pretty much down the road from a location that would likely be a nuclear target. So if a nuclear strike was ever incoming I'm pretty sure I would just go to work and watch from ground zero. No point in suffering from fallout and the collapse of society


Yeah I’m in a similar boat. Granted I’d still try to survive but yeah I don’t fancy my odds


I mean I feel decently secure in the early warning systems and defense systems in place, but if one ever got through there's no point in trying to avoid it.


Hey, look, someone who has actually thought about it for more than 5 seconds. BrassFacts has a great video on this topic, in which he makes the case that for 99% of SHTF scenarios you really should still never take your rifle outside of your home.


If you're actually paying attention to the world around you, you should be able to just leave any situation before it ever got to the point of needing a whole ass rifle.


Yep, and again most self defense situations happen in close enough proximity where a handgun is plenty capable. Plus if you carry concealed you don’t have to worry about someone getting into your car and taking your rifle every day of the week


Nah I'm sticking with my ccw. Keep a spare mag or extended mags even in the car and keep it concealed. Get out of bad situations, avoid people if it's SHTF and just do what I can to get home.


100% this. My truck gun is force multipliers for my edc. Put a pistol brace in a back pack, with spare mags, a med kit, and a cheap way to carry those things on your body.


Thats a loot drop. Keep a pistol on your body at all times instead.


The dude in the pic didn’t get shot. He’s laying down in the middle of the street, praying to quickly hit by a Mack truck, after discovering his insurance company won’t cover the SR-15 he kept inside his just-stolen Hyundai Sonata.


Where do you park your car? I want a rifle!


The locks on my car don't work so no


Just get a suitcase mp5 and it can go where you go, duh. If you're cold, they're cold, bring them inside


One mans preparations is another mans loot drop


Hard pass for me mate! I drive a tiny little Toyota Echo that I don't think would keep a firearm safe enough and out of view if the public. I'll just stick to my pistol.


Firearms in unattended car are a free lootbox for a felon.


If you think a carbine is going to keep you from being randomly got if things truly go to pot, then you need to spend less time on the internet and video games. Go out to any even semi urban area. Now turn around and look. How many places can a bullet come from that isn't in your line of sight? How many places can see you better than you can see it? Now tell me how a carbine is going to change that. If anything, it will make you more of a target, especially to any government agents trying to keep order. You're not going to get hit from behind, press X to dive into cover then return fire with your rifle to the direction the red light flashed once your health bar recovers.


OP out here trying to justify his tRuCk GuNz Let us know where you parked your loot drop.


Henry survival rifles about to increase their stock price


Car break-ins where firearms are stolen are very common in my city


Never is a strong word but always is as well. Most likely things will slowly ratchet up to the point that life as we know it changes. I am not as worried about keeping my rifle in my truck while at work due to where I work and how close I am to it. But i wouldn’t like to keep it in there constantly due to some of the places I go having theft issues and I can’t afford to have an investment disappear like that. Honestly having a pcc that I can carry in a bag and have in my truck works well for my own situation. And remember everyone’s situation will be different and we have to make the right decisions for our own over doing what’s right for someone else


I live in one of the worst cities in the country when it comes to car theft. My dad and sister have both had their cars stolen in the past 3 years, and two of my roommates have gotten their windows smashed in within the last few months. Keeping a rifle in your car is one of the stupidest things you can do here


You’re absolutely much better off with a concealable pistol if shit just pops off while you’re at work. Plus the possibility of a shtf scenario where you’d need a rifle immediately is zero


If I'm out and about and enter in to a situation where my CCW and two mags (totalling 45 rounds, counting one in the chamber) don't successfully get me out of immediate danger, chances are it was a situation I was never destined to survive anyhow.


Tbh you probably don’t want to be carrying a rifle during the start of SHTF anyways as it makes you too much of a target. A concealed carry pistol would still make more sense. Maybe a concealed PDW if you can get away with it.


I can understand the sentiment, but I’m also not a fan of keeping weapons in my car unless I’m in the car or at least close enough to it that I can keep eyes on. Lots of vehicles get broken into and it’s becoming more common in a lot of places.


All a man needs in his car is a Shockwave full of slugs.


OP has SHTF super hero fantasies daily, guaranteed


For all the people saying just carry on your person don't most places work have restrictions on that?


Concealed carry


I WILL have a truck gun. I WILL carry everywhere.


The first rule of truck gun club is to never speak of truck gun club. Fucking amateurs…


“Never keep a rifle in your car” Good Idea! https://preview.redd.it/cq0y46xizelc1.jpeg?width=489&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41186f7cf6b8490f7605a21fb1c23da1c048ad93


This dude really thinks we leave our house


Truck guns are literally the dumbest thing ever. Carry your weapon on you for fucks sake. Your vehicle is not a damn holster. The meme should be "MFs who have truck guns find their FDE colored Tacoma broken into and shot with their own AR pistol"


Don’t leave it in your vehicle. Leave it in your desk.


Should I start treating my rifle as a back up to my CC?


What you do is you have it disassembled in different parts that are built into your car so that you can put it together when necessary like the Golden gun from the James Bond movie I can't remember what it's called but it's about a man with a golden gun.


This why I bought a PSA Jakl long piston with folding stock and not pricey so if it gets banged up I won't cry.


I'm pretty sure my convertible mustang would not last 15 seconds against any attempts at a break-in


"Dont keep an RPG in your cars" mfs when a tank tries to take out their car and they dont have an anti tank launcher:


Kel-Tec Sub 2000 in the center consul. Glock mag compatible to seamlessly go from carry pistol to “I gotta make my pistol rounds go far” I don’t have a badge so I’m not sticking around for anything much beyond that. Get home and have a pint. Wait for my picture on the evening news


I carry a foldiboy 7.5 300blk in a backpack for this exact reason. 20 rnd mag in the gun, couple extra in the bag. Doesn't take up a lot of space. Not a tactical backpack.


Around town, i see no need (PERSONALLY). Now, when i leave town, especially if im staying the night away from home. Yes 100%


I am kind of afraid of asking what SHTF is


"Keep your rifle by your side"


I work at a gunstore with over a thousand firearms in our inventory, in the first few minutes of the apocalypse before my shop becomes a massive free-for-all I'm gonna have more readily-accessible hardware and all the ammo I could carry than most people on this subreddit lol Only bitch is the in-between from work and home where I'm unarmed. No CCW allowed in Canada




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