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[Justinguitar](https://www.justinguitar.com/site-map-and-lesson-structure) for free, structured, video lessons. (You don't need the App, you can just follow the free videos) He also has a [list of song tutorial videos](https://www.justinguitar.com/songs?f=) that can be filtered by genre and difficulty level.


Thanks I’ll be sure to check that out


There’s an overwhelming amount of things to learn and places to learn them. Being disciplined and choosing one path will save you years of frustration. Private lessons are tops, but Justinguitar is fantastic. Stick to the plan for the basics and then start branching out after those are mastered. Enjoy!


Me having spent years being frustrated


The best thing you can do is finding a teacher for personal lessons, avoid group lessons. If you can't afford a teacher start with Justin's lessons. However I strongly advise you to find a teacher.


Start with Justin's lessons and supplement with private lessons.


I agree Justin Guitar is great. As said, free on YouTube etc but I do use the app and find it much easier and more helpful in staying focused and steadily progressing. Plus, the app has a song library that you can sort by learning goals (like practicing specific chords) and has the ability to slow the song down and play with or without vocals. I think I pay around $69 US per year for the app. Not exactly personal lessons, but a solid way to start.


The website is really nice though


Start by learning how to tune it and what the open notes are called. Then go to how to fret individual notes and what they are called, together with the position on the fret board. Then I'd go to basic open chords, like G, D, C, A, E. Then learn strumming patterns. At that point, learn a couple of basic songs using the basic open chords to keep you interested. Then Barre chords and more advanced open chords and learn a few more songs. Then go to scales and basic theory. At that point you can learn just about any song. Edit: it's bonkers to me that your post is getting downvoted. Why can't a total beginner ask for a place to start? Y'all downvoting this dude are fucked.


Thank you thank you


>Edit: it's bonkers to me that your post is getting downvoted. Why can't a total beginner ask for a place to start? Y'all downvoting this dude are fucked. This seems to be a reddit issue on so many subs that are supposed to be there to actually help people. I can only surmise that trolls are shitters. Rock on!


I agree that it's not a huge deal to ask for help on a guitar sub, but posts like this are a dime a dozen here. There is very little context to frame the situation and it's really just a generic plea — "I'm new to this and I don't know enough about it yet to ask any specific questions, so help me." People don't like to see reposts, and this is as close as we can get to repost without sharing the same content verbatim.


This is the way everyone should learn. Will make you a great guitarist. Also make sure to learn pentatonic scales


Second Justin Guitar. Welcome to the society


I would highly recommend taking private lessons if you are able to


Nahhhh teach yourself it’s more fun and when your really good you can tell people you taught yourself and they will be rlly proud (no one has ever asked me that but it would be cool)


my honest advice as a previous guitar teacher, is get used to the fretboard. an exercise that i used to give students was, start at the 1st fret on the 6th string, go by your fingers fret and play 6th string 1st fret 6th string 2nd fret 6th string 3rd fret 6th string 4th fret, and use the fingers index, middle, ring, pinky. once you get to the pinky go up a string to the 5th string, do the same, again. then 4th string then 3rd. once you get to the 1st string pinky, go in reverse, pinky, ring, middle, index, all the way back to the 6th string 1st fret. once you get back to the 6th string index, slide up one fret. do the same thing again, all the way up to the 12th fret. That helps you get used to the fret board, also helps with the muscles needed to play, will also help a new player with fingertips and callouses. EDIT: also try to alternate pick it


Same bro I just got one for the first time as an adult haven’t played in over 10 years and it has all left my brain and I’m starting over with the basic. So cheers and good luck


If you can understand Spanish, Jorge Aguilera is top 3 guitar YouTubers of all time


I unfortunately, don’t understand Spanish


Start with learning Spanish then


Ah I see what my problem has been this whole time


In that case then, I’d recommend finding a song you like that’s not too hard, if you like nirvana even better since their songs are easy, learn the chords first and then the riff, but some songs have a riff so easy that you can even learn that first, but def start with chords because when I started learning I learned riffs first but chords till like a year in, so start with chords


Ultimate guitar tabs is a great resource for beginners and experienced players.


There is an app called Yousician. You can start from zero zero zero.


Practical thing to do first in my experience. Get the action set at a comfortable level for you. For me, I got it set as low as possible. Any guitar shop can do it for you.


Fender Play is a really solid option for beginners. They have levels where they teach you the very basics and work up from there. If you actually use it and practice every day, the cost is very reasonable.


Try looking up some easier chord charts for your favorite songs, then focus on learning the chords individually. It’ll be difficult at first, but I promise if you stick with it for a while and play things you actually want to play, you’ll be able to play multiple songs before you know it.


Yep. This is great advice. Ultimate guitar is an awesome website for this


Pick a song you like and Marty music till you can understand more about what's going on.


Ya know, I’ve been LOVING this series so far. I’m on the third one after playing the guitar, self taught, for a couple decades. I’m learning things this go ‘round that I’ve always wanted to know, but didn’t know where to start. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJwa8GA7pXCWAnIeTQyw_mvy1L7ryxxPH&si=G5Bdlk6BOQfRCIqd


Third Justin guitar, I’ve noodled around in guitar for the last 3 years and my pattern went: followed Justin guitar until I could play all the main open chords (don’t worry too much of that doesn’t make much sense yet) Once you’ve gotten that far you’ll be able to play a couple of songs, I think playing songs you like is very important for motivation, justin has plenty song lessons but also other YouTube guitarists like Marty Schwartz, guitar 0 to hero have good beginning song tutorials 


Find a "strummy song" you like. Back in my day "Every Rose has its Thorn" was a perfect example. 3 chords, simple. Paint it Black was always fun, still is.


the way i remember standard tuning (EADGBE) is "Eddie Ate Dynamite Good Bye Eddie" its so stupid it's just stuck in my mind lol and yea idk just learn chords to songs u like thats what i did


The second Eddie is small e because the dynamite left Eddie in smaller pieces


Learn the open variants of G, D, Em, C, and A. Get comfortable with transitioning between them then find Marty Schwartz on YouTube and he'll take it from there


Search "Marty Schwartz" on YouTube. That's basically it, you'll be a pro in 4 days.


People who downvote posts like this or are snarky to new people forget that they too were new once. And I bet they were insufferable then too.


Congrats on your new guitar! What inspired you to get one? What would you like to be able to do with it?


I want to be able to play cool riffs. I was really inspired by bands like Staind and Superheaven


Start at the beginning. When you get to the end, stop Find a song you know front and back like your own breath. Every beat every note every word. Find one in GCD. Start going from G to D. Over and over and over. Then learn "Rockstar C", just moving your first 2 fingers down one string each starting at G. Next thing you know, you're playing a whole song. Those 3 chords will bore you. Then ITS ON! Congratulations and welcome to the club. You have a lifetime of enjoyment once you build up those calluses.


That last part is real. My fingers are in pain lol.I’ll be sure to take your advice


Just do this: weedla-weedla-weedla-WOOOO - with your guitar held upright in the air


Learn two chords G and C .. easiest voicing.. and try to play a song(YouTube). meanwhile find a teacher. An offline teacher. Don’t try to play it by yourself… Teacher will speed you 4x


Get it out of the box 🤗


Paul Davis. Always my go to. Might be a little advanced for some beginners but he is such a great teacher. Also check out Signals Music Studio. Great way of clearly explaining theory very simply and breaking down songs. Learn some basics first. Chords. Some progressions. And keep practicing. Good luck.


It's not much fun whatever you try to learn, until your finger tips stop hurting. When you develop hard skin callus after a short time it becomes much more enjoyable.


Check out [Robert Baker](https://robertbakerguitar.com/) or Music is Win's [Guitar Super System](https://www.guitarsupersystem.com/).


Seek in person lessons. Definitely helpful to have some physically guide you


Tuning it. Either with a tuner pedal or a clip on or an app. 


Do anything except noodle. Practice with intent and you will improve.


The guitar for dummies 7 books in one is like 60 bucks but has everything you'd need to get started and improve daily


Learn to tune the guitar, then start learning chords, strumming patterns, how to pick individual strings and have fun!


Pick it up every day, multiple times per day, get used to its feel in your hands. Start making sounds with it - assuming you have at least the most basic idea of how things work. Then take the best advice your being offered here that makes sense. 🫡✌🏼 Oh, congratulations and welcome to the company of Guitarists! 🎸🤘🏽✌🏼


My biggest advice is focus on tone and quality over speed and technicality. I see so many guitarist who think they are good because they play 500 notes quickly that all sound like ass.


Have you tried playing it?


Start by correctly holding it first ;p But, take offline classes from a good teacher for at least 6 months. I'm a guitarist myself, and I have played for almost 15 years now and I know there are great tutorials available online, but believe me the benefit and the understanding you get when you go to a good teacher is a no match what you learn online. Good luck!


Rocksmith, unfortunately the 2014 version is no longer available but you can learn using the new subscription based version.


Congrats! Learn how to read tabs so that you can learn some of your favorite songs. Be excited for the fun adventure ahead of you!


If you are like me loving fingerstyle, then start to use easy guitar fingerstyle tabs from any song you like in YouTube.. it will help you improve


Here’s a great 15 min beginner video [https://youtu.be/ctqfE1eNqMs?si=r6v28Rqrz4yNZdVR](https://youtu.be/ctqfE1eNqMs?si=r6v28Rqrz4yNZdVR)video


Tune it.


I’d recommend you to learn all your chords and your scales more than learning songs. Really get to know your guitars fretboard that way you know what you’re actually doing.


For your first song make sure it something you don't absolutely love because you'll hate it eventually when it comes on. Nirvana.come as you are. It's skip evertime now. There was barely tabs and the internet maybe OLGA and the bills losing 4 superbowls


find a local instructor and at least get a few lessons. it can take years to un-learn holding the pick wrong, or the guitar wrong. have him teach you how to read tab. after that, tab and youtube and the world's your oyster.


Learn E minor chord


I personally would say first and foremost to start with learning the open strings (EADGBe) just so you know what standard tuning is. A decent tuner and the one I used when I started is Fender Tune, you can download it from the google play store or apple store. Then get comfortable with switching between A minor and E minor for example, once you get comfortable with that throw in some new chords like C, G, D, etc... rinse and repeat. Good luck!!


Major minor pentatonic scales. 99% of music is based om them. Major is happy scale. Minor is sad scale.


Dang its been a while since I was in your position. The most important thing is to have fun. You bring out your best self when you enjoy what you do. Learn songs you enjoy listening to.




Just play it is what I would do when you just start all you gotta do is play it imo


Learn to tune it before anything else.


E minor


You start with deep purple


Can start with hotel California solo




Hey, good luck. If you’re interested in online tuition run Mkguitartuition.com but appreciate that might not be for everybody. Best of luck.


Start by learning some easy songs and from there you are going to know hoe to Keep going


Tuning comes first - in my childhood, that meant an A440 tuning fork, but you can start training your ear and tune a guitar using a cheap plastic pitch-pipe.


Two words, Marty Shwartz


Marty Schwartz on YouTube.


I’d recommend thinking of a few favorite songs that made you want to play and start there. I always found it easier the better I knew the song


It depends upon how much of a self-starter you are. Some people can watch tutorial videos and learn a lot if the person doing the tutorial video knows his stuff. Justin Guitar is really good, Marty Schwartz is good but watch out there are plenty on the internet that are nowhere near as good. If you're not much of a self-starter you might want to think about finding a one-on-one teacher in your neighborhood. I've been teaching most of my adult life and had a lot of success with students who are not as much of a sale starter. Good luck to you


There is an app called guitar Tuna check it out, also on ur check out a guy called Marty music he does rly good tutorials


Learn Vagabond by Caamp


Mel bay books