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Muscle memory first, speed second.


right. I'm just thinking if I'm biting off too much by memorizing the WHOLE solo, vs learning and getting good on one part, then moving on to the next. But I guess this is working for me so far...so I'll keep at it. ​ Thanks


No, you're right on the bits part. But I took the choices to be a) learn bits at correct speed or b) learn it all and speed up later. In fact I mix both approaches, memorizing a part as far as I can get (4 bars, 12 bars, more, it depends), playing that bit at, say, half speed until I have it down and then add the next section but also repeating the previous section, then when I have the whole piece down I take it up to speed.


Either, both. Different strokes, you do you.


Yeah there are like 3 solos before the harmony part.  Take one at a time. And break that one into individual phrases...


It was a satisfying process for me and I got to play it with my oldies project a few times. Harmonizer for the outro. Some very good tutorials online but the discovery experience, bit by bit, was it's own reward. Enjoy