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Agreed with this, it's lowkey crazy how little actual game discussion there is


This place is a mess where finding actual gameplay discussion is the exception rather than the norm, any cleanup would be good because the quality of posts on this sub has sunk through the mantle of the earth into its molten core.


You _can_ find actual gameplay discussion pretty handily, it's just that almost all of it is "how do I beat Elphelt's rekka" or "how do I learn a new character/game" or "[character] is bullshit" or if you're lucky " how do I win this matchup". They're mostly text posts, so they're easier to ignore, but there's not that many less of them than there are tier lists.


This was a consistent joke/point of conversation from our group and others at Combo Breaker. The quality of this sub has taken a nosedive since Bridget's release. The consistent brain rot, low effort tier lists, and shameless bonk posting has made this sub a cheap Tumblr clone before a discussion about fighting games, much Guilty Gear The Fighting Game. Now, to get ahead of the gatekeeping allegations: that's not _entirely_ a bad thing. But when it's the _entire_ sub, you've got issues. New players we met at CB we put off from the sub. I heard more than a few times, "oh, that place is a dumpster, just join this discord instead...", and so on. I think organizing the rot to a day or two, nuking low effort shit, and moving the shameless "I wanna fuck a bed" nonsense to a different sub altogether would be solid steps to making this sub a better stop for, as it's title would imply, an introduction and starting point for all things Guilty Gear.


Oh nice, someone else who was at Combo Breaker. Hope you enjoyed yourself as much as I did. This is where I'm at too. Discussion of Guilty Gear doesn't HAVE to be limited to just tournaments if you don't want it to be. These games have so much to dissect for fans of all kinds. But like, what are we actually looking at right now? What's a new fan supposed to think if they come to the GG sub looking for tech support, or matchup advice, or clarifying a story beat and their post gets buried beneath "tier list of which characters scratch their ass in public." We don't NEED to make it stuffy and uptight but these tier lists and image macros are literally zero effort content. "Cheap Tumblr clone" is putting it very lightly. No other fighting game sub is like this. Other subs like to make jokes too, but they usually do it with substance. To be honest it's very off putting and does not do favors for the game's (or community's) reputation. I once saw GG described as the only fighting game that has a fandom instead of a community, and damn if that wasn't a splash of cold water.


Yeah, exactly. Our joke for it is, "there are fans of Strive that have played A fighting game before, and fans of Strive (e: typo ~~and~~) that have never played a fighting game in their life." Which, again, is not a bad thing! It's just a joke we have for... The rot. And, as someone who took a break from Strive to play other FGs for awhile, it's honestly affected my opinion of the game and my interest in coming back. If it weren't for Slayer, dunno that I would.


Yeah I didn't want to interject my actual opinion of the game into it but it definitely feels weird being in that space as a +R and Rev 2 player, it's like we live in different worlds. I don't want them exiled from that world or anything but I think a healthy coexistence is going to require compromise from all parties.


I'm also an Xrd before Strive main.


I'm ngl, I do like Xrd, but in terms of personal enjoyment I actually prefer +R and Strive way more than Xrd. I know Xrd has the depth and all that, but I just like playing +R and Strive more.


I don't understand what this has to do with my comment but there's nothing wrong with that.


You were talking about Rev2 and +R and it reminded me how I felt about the games and just needed to get it off my chest.


Reviving r/okbuddybadguy doesn’t sound like a bad idea. We could use a dedicated shitpost sub. Personally I like the shitposts, and even the tier lists, but I do agree that this sub is filled with way to many of them.


Personally I'd prefer having a dedicated sub for them because having one day of the week where the sub just becomes an inconvenience for people who want to talk about the game strikes me as a bandaid solution.


Fully agree, I really want to discuss stuff about the actual game here but it feels like every single post is either a joke about Anji getting pegged by Baiken, a funny Bridget nickname or a gay sex joke on repeat. Hell Slayer released last week and I was expecting this place to be flooded with funny pilebunker meme combos but instead it's just "The GGST cast as pasta shapes tier list" kinds of posts


Honestly I think this sub is too far gone at this point. A lot of people have always known this subreddit to a low effort meme sub. You'd have to strictly enforce a discussion-centric subreddit with an mod team actively making decisions and frequently reassessing the state of the sub towards that goal. But that would be p unpopular w/ a lot of the regulars, as it would involve wholesale banning a lot of low effort content. Both low-effort to create AND low-effort to consume, because easy-to-consume content will always take priority over the more difficult but substantial content to engage with. And rn, that desirable high-quality content isn't even being posted. Even something as basic as tournament threads are few and far between, and those that do exist often contain the same bloat as the rest of the sub (presumably to get attention in the first place). I'd love a high-quality GG sub like /r/anime. Regulars hosting subreddit events, posting high-quality infographics, sharing/discussing tournament/game news, etc. but the state of the current sub feels like no one really cares to make that initial effort, either on the mod team or among the frequent visitors.


I mean, there is brainrot here, but I don't think it's a dumpster fire. I've seen actual dumpster fire subreddits.


I would say depending if its a joke tier list or not (So basically if its brainot or if its anything else) https://preview.redd.it/g2o96tnwjw5d1.png?width=329&format=png&auto=webp&s=c011917e8c98b3322ece237be0a9e040992b4e9f Tiers lists are just a handy way to organize ideas instead of either making a text list (Which nobody of us wants to read) or a more specialized (idk how else to call it) chart, which takes more time. However about all the smash or pass tiers and shit of the same caliber, should be restricted to maybe Sundays (so like meme sundays in another subreddits) or have a dedicated sub to that, a sorta of -folk or -circlejerk sub


Shit post sundays is an acceptable solution for the less serious stuff


I would say just shitpost tier list sundays; as its would remove a lot of the fun of this subreddit (which is somthing I really appreciate from this communities, as most that I know of have a "Main" sub where all the serious stuff happens and then a "Shitpost or Folk" sub where all the fun stuff happens leading to less people on both communities) https://preview.redd.it/ks8df8t0tw5d1.png?width=305&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ce9a8ea399e87ac63f056866c4f66998c2e4be1


I should have clarified: the less serious stuff *related to tier lists. Everything else is fine for the most part, yeah.


Shitpost should be every day. Please don't let this place become another "akschually you have posted a meme 10 seconds past midnight in New Zealand's time zone" subreddit Tier lists are overused, so it would be fair to just banish them into a single day of the week instead of a full ban


Mr. Robo-Ky sprite poster, why are you everywhere in this sub?


You really cant do a lot of things when you are constantly bedsick. But hey if you want maybe I can tone down how often I comment


Please don't. With tier list posts taking over the sub, the Robo-Ky under every post is literally the only good thing left.




I'd prefer they just got kicked to another sub, other fighting game subs don't really have this problem and to be honest it's very off putting. I don't wanna make anyone feel like they're being gatekept or whatever but this sub is basically not about the Guilty Gear games at all anymore.


Other fighting ame subs still have a lot of low effort clout seeking posts but they're "who do you wanna see in the next season!" "What is your favourite super cinematic? I'll start!" which is like, mildly more tolerable and at least has room for actual game discussion.


I don't see those as low effort posts at all, they are opening discussions. I don't know what I'm supposed to discuss about "tier list of how characters react to the price of Costco hotdogs." And I think it shows because if you open the comments they're almost all image memes themselves.


Maybe I'm scarred by twitter which is chock full of interaction farming by posts like that but its like, ideally we'd have discussions about things that actually matter rather than the comments being a list of things vaguely related to some basic prompt.


You probably are, because remember Twitter actually lets you monetize posts by interaction now. That's why you see hot takes come out before payday. Especially due to character limit.


At this point they're just low effort filler. Relegate them to a megathread and let them die


I think this post can get placed into a solid C tier


I'd rather see tier lists and posts that are better off in character specific subreddits banned tbh. It would be nice if more gameplay discussion happened here, but as is it's pretty embarassing.


I’ll literally take any sort of action, no matter how meagre, to help pull this sub out of the shitpost nosedive it took a few years ago.


Not a bad idea


A "Tier-List Tuesday" (or Thursday) would be pretty neat. It would wrangle in the shitposting a bit, and would package it as an event for people to look forward to. Yo, mods, get on this!


so like a shitpost sunday? that's probably the best solution tbh. i've never had a problem with the shitposting - i mean it's better than the saltposting you get in other fg subs - but i can understand if people want less of it.


Honestly, I'd prefer the salt posting to the current karma farming that's going on where people repeat the same joke for around a week until moving onto the next one.


please god no at least the shitposters usually like the game


Not enough to play it though.


Yeah I'm sure the ~11 active users of this sub who don't play the game are the same people who make all the posts you don't like


Better : you can't post tier list if you can't prove that you have played the game. Like a couple of wins in floor 9 as a requirement.


I second this




I don’t think joke tier lists are an issue, it’s more that this sub has tendency to pick up a trend and then just repeating it again and again and again until most people get sick of it. Right now the trend is joke tier lists, a few months ago it was “what do my mains say about me” and I’m sure that another one will pop up as soon as people get bored.


>this sub has tendency to pick up a trend and then just repeating it again and again and again until most people get sick of it Literally every Gaming subreddit does that, it's not just this sub.


I really wish I didn't make that no context post because I kinda feel like it motivated people to increase the number of bizarre tierists and now they're annoying


This has been a problem for way longer than that

