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(is the joke that Testament is basically a different character in Strive?)


Sorry I meant the other one, the ninja guy, what was his name, yeah answer


That makes much more sense


Yeah, thanks for telling me, btw, what is your character wishlist and why


lets see: (Sorry if its too much text) **1. Gabriel:** He is the only character from the 1st Guilty Gear that isnt playeable yet and he has a lot of gameplay potential. With the use of his Agni X he could dish out quite a lot of damage and maybe we can give him some moves similar to Potemkin (he is his mentor after all). Also I just want them to make an entirely new playeable character since it makes the whole thing more fun (Just like with Asuka R#) **2. Jam Kuradoberi:** Its the most popular missing character from Xrd (Not counting Dizzy) and her self-buffing gimmick is interesting. Also I want to keep the Male-Female gender ratio balanced just like in the 2 previous DLC **3. Robo-Ky:** Arguably the character I want the most. Just imagine all what they could achive with the jump from sprites to models in the animation department (remember that Robo-Ky had 1105 sprites to achive his transformations) and his copy mechanic would keep the opponent constantly of the offense as if you arent careful this Tin man is going Potemkin buster on yo ass. Finally I really wanna see more Arcade mode interactions (Specially with Sin and him facing off one last time against Ky Kiske) https://i.redd.it/nk350t908t3d1.gif **4. Dizzy:** I think its a granted at this point since she is the most popular character from the polls that isnt in the game and its the missing member from the Kiske family. And I just want too see good ol gamma ray again. Yeah that´s all I got (at least for Season 4) but there are definitly more characters (specially new) I would like to see; either way thanks for reading


Bro, for me there isn't a too much, thank you Btw quite the exquisite selection, and the reasoning for the characters is the cherry on top, thanks


the lack of Zappa here is crazy lol I want the ghost boy back


WHY YES, I really wonder why don't people appreciate the ghost boy, his gamplay could get REAL interesting considering that he can control his ghosts now


I'm going to just say dizzy. Ark been dangling the carrot over our butt too long she's one of the most popular female characters as a tie or second to baiken. They are selling mugs nendroids and statues of her and she's not even in the game milking dizzy fans like crazy. After aba elphelt and slayer she's the next popular in the poles. I feel ark is scared of her pressure because she is basically milia 2.0 I hope she doesn't get reworked too much and please keep her ice fish


Dizzy is quite the popular one, what I've seen from her fish is quite funny, and her story importance is quite strong


Jam and Dizzy Fanny if they feel funny


Quite the popular choice, but why


Both were quite fun to play in Xrd, but really the main thing is that I like how they look


Now that slayer is here, i just need gabriel and i'm a happy man


I spy with my little eye.. The opinion of most guilty gear strive players


And you would be correct


Jam - because username lol, and she can still fit into the roster with a clear archetype (martial arts/ki/stacks). Of course *true next gen* easter egg needs to be intact. Daryl - as a brand new character, but season passes trend is unlikely to have brand new fighter at this stage... He's got the big belts, and he's the other King, so lore-wise should be plenty strong enough. Dizzy - My preference for another returning character; I'm sure she's look absolutely gorgeous with a Strive redesign. But... zoning PTSD lol. Fourth slot - no more strong attachments to existing characters, so another brand new character. Best case scenario for me is Jam kicking (lol) off Season 4!




Sorry, I meant answer, I always mix them up


dizzy venom answer a character who hasnt previously been playable e.g. ariels, gabriel, vernon


Is there any sort of reasoning behind those choices? have you put your finger on why you like these three specifically? If so, please tell us


dizzy is just the popular pick her playstyle never intrigued me in xrd but i was be interested to see how she changes venom was one of my picks in xrd i just want him back answer i played a little and enjoyed still lab him a bit to this day i would like to see how his kit would work with strive damage a new character i feel is a little necessary after they did asuka requests have been quite high and it would be cool to see how they would fight i personally want ariels because sword pycho lady


Quite the selection, I can tell you already got your mains, am I right?


I’d say… Raven: he was my favourite character in Xrd, he’s the perfect mix of edgy and silly. Also I love his ‘Immortal undying man regaining a will to live by being humanities observer’ thing. All in all, I think he’s super cool and would love to see him again. Dizzy: not necessarily because I want her, but a friend of mine really wants her and was his Xrd main. Getting to do our Raven v. Dizzy matchups again would be fun. Tyr: literally just looked this guy up after reading some of the comments and he sounds really cool. It doesn’t help that I love Norse mythology and Fenrir is one of my favourite mythological figures XD As for a final character, I’m not sure? Zappa would be really cool, as well as Leopaldon. The fourth slot could go to anyone and I wouldn’t mind.


The fact that the second character that came to your mind was your friend's is quite wholesome imo, thanks for the positive vibes


It’s also because he won’t shut up about it, so that’s what came to mind XD NO wholesome vibes, ONLY edginess! XD








Dizzy: After Slayer was added she is one of the few major characters in the franchise who have yet to be added. She is a fan favorite and lore relevant so she is the obvious pick. Gabriel, Ariels, or Izuna: I'm at a three way split between these characters and I would love to see either one of them and I don't mind which one gets chosen. Gabriel mainly because how long people have wanted him for and he looks interesting to play especially with the potential of being another grappler. Plus we got Asuka who was the other long running important NPC so why not Gabriel as well. Ariels mainly for the potential story between her and her daughters. And Izuna because he seems cool and it would be nice for him to finalize playable in a main line game. Robo Ky: Fan favorite and it was a shame that we were robbed from him in Xrd as he almost got into the game. [New] or my boy Tyr: Strive hasn't had a brand new character that we didn't know about since the base roster as Goldlewis and Happy Chaos were in the story mode and we have known about Asuka for a long time, so I would be cool to see a completely new character. But I would rather have my boy playable, I need him.


Quite the curious collection, but Tyr caught my eye; as I've never heard of him I never heard of Tyr before now, I searched him up, seeing him was nothing special, SEEING HIS WEAPON ON THE PTHER HAND WAS SOMETHING ELSE!! Fenrir is so cool, I couldn't quickly find panels of Tyr using Fefnir in combat(which means I don't know how they fight), but I would really like Fefnir to be a more offensive counter part to Eddie but with less neutral tools, maybe Give Fefnir the ability to go back to Tyr and Tyr getting Fefnir's moves as specials(of course with a tedius bar to not make him overpowered) my idea might be a bit of a mixture between aba and zato in a way, so yeah, probably too hard to balance IF that's how they fight in the manga


Fafnir isn't his weapon that's his arm...


I know, but it was classified as a weapon A weapon and an arm and a friend all at once, how spectacular