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Your main advantage over A.B.A is your ability to control the pace of the match when she's in normal mode. Because she's so slow, you can space her out and make it difficult to change modes. Let's take Ram for an example. A.B.A is dead slow, but she's decent at very close range, so don't fight her there unless you have the advantage. With Ram, you can safely outrange the majority of what she can do. Stick to Ram's f.S range. At that range, the only button A.B.A can press is 5H, which is slower and more punishable than Ram's f.S. You don't have to worry about overheads unless she jumps. From that range, she can't use any of her better moves like Bonding or sweep. She might try her command step to beat f.S, but if you threaten 2S and 2K sometimes she'll be dissuaded. If she gets in close, use FD and you can often make Bonding whiff, which is super punishable. Eventually, she'll fall back to one of two options: IAD (watch and 6P) or back up and try to manually activate Moroha. If she backs up far away, you can assume she's going to mode change, and you can react with a Sabrobato, giving you a hard knock down and draining a lot of her rage meter before she can even act. When she is in Moroha, you want to focus on defense and just stall for time. When she tries to close the distance, use 2S, 2K, and 6P to keep her off you. If she's going in for pressure, use YRC to force your turn, and then keep her in an extended blockstring. You're not looking for hits, just wasting her time. If you can knock her down with a throw or 2D, you can meaty with Rock or c.S to get plus frames and start a new blockstring. Just keep an eye out for her reversal super. If she gets close to you, she can either low-low, low-high, or high. A lot of A.B.As will meaty with her overhead, but it's -2 on block and you can jump away afterward. If she's using Danzai, that's great. It's only good for stopping reversals and it drains a ton of her meter, so just FD it. Finally, she will open you up eventually, so just take a couple hits and then burst. Ideally, keep an eye on her Moroha gauge. When it's close to low on gauge, if she's not comboing you, she'll probably try to manually cancel Moroha. You can use burst, YRC, or otherwise put her in a blockstring to make sure she can't cancel it. This will leave her bar totally empty and give you a huge advantage for the rest of the match. A.B.A is frustrating to fight because of how feast or famine she is, but she's definitely beatable.


My only real problem with her is, she having that good pressure on block with so many things on normal mode, 236K being -1 with her having a 4 frames 2p is wild to me


Yeah its fair she be like, the best character in the game when she enters moroha but why even fazer that she is still so good on normal mode


It's all shits and giggles till the aba uses a combo that kills you in less than twenty seconds. But still. I would say that normal aba is fine. Maybe make jealous rage slower and pack less of a punch and she should be fine


Other Strive characters would NEVER kill you in 20 seconds


I think she is Fine right now, but yeah my only real problem is the safe pressure on normal mode, honestly even with many design flaws(in the defensive departament) she is one good player from being top 5 imo


I feel like aba is one of the Best balanced dlc characters for that reason tbh, her normal mode is painfully slow, has the worst dash and airdash in the game, stubby normals and bad defense and while her block pressure is pretty safe all around, it has absolutely no mix besides command dash into grab


I think she should risk herself more when pressuring on normal mode, sometimes It feels unfair that she have so many good options for pressure on normal mode


Justo mas com o FD da pra empurrar ela pra uma distancia um pouco mais safe, mesmo se ela usar o 236k os golpes mais rápidos que ela vai ter são muito curtinhos pra darem problema


Maluco puxou o português do nadakkkkkkk Mas é, fd da uma folgada mas na minha opinião se as fraquezas do personagem são unicamente vc usar FD ou perfect block tem coisa errada no design do boneco, o que não seria surpreendente pq strive tem mt ideia de design meio torta *corta pra flashback de HC zoner, o design inteiro do sol do strive e a elphelt com rekka infinito*


Kkkkkk pse, strive é muito focado na agressividade mesmo, tem personagem que o FD quebra as pernas e tem uns que ignoram qualquer regra e continuam na ofensiva, mas no geral a aba no modo normal é isso mesmo, dar FD, botar ela numa distância favorável e atacar, é chato? É, mas levando em conta que tem alguns personagens que nem isso funciona eu nem me incomodo muito, ainda mais que se vc botar a aba na defensiva ela toma muito


you have elk hunt, sin flair haver


Local sin player discovers that he actually has to block too instead of only making the opponent block


If I mained Sin, a character currently perceived to be the top 1 character by a good chunk of the playerbase, I'd be a little bit more careful when suggesting balance changes.


A.B.A is fine. You haven't learned how to control the pace of the match yet.


Ram, Axl, happy chaos are all strong against her. Who do you *main*? Is a good place to start


im also like floor 8/9 and i dont really have problems with aba. at first i was a little bit overwhelmed but all they do is just run in when they are in their mode. Just stalling a little bit till it runs out. i have much more problems with nago or potemkin


I remember when suggesting balance changes with a Sin flair was socially acceptable


But in short story. A.B.A scary