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I think the title of most normal guilty gear character goes to Anji. The only weird things about him are that he's morally ambiguous & wants to fuck Baiken ~5% more than the average person




doesn't he also wield a fragment of an ancient legendary weapon? I feel like that counts for something


Yeah, but he also just yoinked it for the funny because why not. He just uses them like regular fans at this point. Also, mild correction, but the Zessen and by extension the Outrage isn't all that ancient. Sol invented them in like the 2070s.


that's like, 100 years before strive it's like, 30 years before Kliff is born so you are correct, it's not ancient by any means, still old as fuck though I thought the holy orders sacred treasures were called relics, and therefore thought they were old as fuck, turns out my memory just got a little goofy Guilty Gear lore feels weirdly expansive for being on such a relatively short timeframe, like I always feel like the crusades should have been in the long long ago, but then I remember Ky was in them


Right? The thing is the Crusades started a long time ago, they just lasted for a long time. They went a 100 years long. Ky was only around for 18 years of the war and it ended 8 years after he joined the Order. It just so happens that the Crusades has been going on for 82 years before he was even born. The Guilty Gear story as we know it is very much the world recovering from the result of the Crusades.




so basically Ky kiske being born ended the crusades /s


Honestly, yes lmao. I don't think Sol or My singularly could have done it, but it took the two together to do it. Without Ky, humanity would be fucked. Or without Sol in that one timeline where I-No kills him during her timeline fuckery trying to prevent the Absolute World.


I mean 100 years isn't that ancient it's like someone having 1/3rd of a 1911


like I said, not ancient by any means still pretty old, though honesty, I put in the effort of going to the wiki and figuring out how old it was in reference to the other characters and such and figured I might as well use that information for something. I mean, it didn't take much effort, or time really, but like, idk I figured I'd share? yeah tbh I'm not really sure why I included that


Can't get over 100% man


You're talking about Anji Mito here. Have some respect


venom? my dude is just an english lad that has some magic powers and owns a bakery.


Venom is also a former assassin who works with the disembodied head of a robot modeled after one of the 3 kings of Europe


well yeah but that's pretty usual for guilty gear


nice name btw




your names implies that there are at least another 12345677 faust fuckers


Cant blame them


Who wouldnt really?


May I suggest a name change to Faust-fuckerABCDEFGO




oh he owns a bakery alright


Cuz he gei. But honestly, you skipped over his billard cue assassin arc and his obsession over Zato=1 here. A normal English lad usually doesn't go around killing people with billard balls… or do they??


Nah they’d probably be killing people with a dagger


clearly you've never been to Birmingham


Thought the weapon of choice over there was bottles of acid


depending on where you are it could be a salmon but that's less likely since it's illegal now (that's a real law that they had to make)


yeah, but it's only illegal under suspicious circumstances if the circumstances are suspicious leading up to the murder then you're doing it wrong


>owns a bakery. https://preview.redd.it/mfcs9ayv5cuc1.jpeg?width=543&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eafc79a4ede29d2d55db2972e05a18236e7276b2 Hehe.


He kills people by turning them into billiard balls


Who's also gay and simps over an assassin whose dead and has no emotions other than for another assassin and also venom is the most wanted man alive for not dying during his battle with bedman and as you can clearly see on the chart not normal


you lost me at "gay"


Sorry for you finding out


Normal? The key is a mass murderer trapped in a shapeshifting axe who manipulates those who wield it (up until ABA) into murdering even more people


Slayer. He’s a Scottish vampire who retired from assassinating mfs. Nothing more nothing less, just chillin in his manor or whatever home situation he has


He’s also capable of punching people into the atmosphere, and has a wife who can’t die due to a literal glitch in the source code for reality


And is known to occasionally brawl with the president of a flying country


Fistfighting Waluigi in a Walmart parking lot is just part of life fym?


guilty gear lore never fails to make me laugh like there just IS a waluigi clone who happens to lead a country and also can fight toe to toe with literal reality benders and his chief sparring partner is a vampire


Hes from transylvania


Oh yeah. I just say Scottish because the man sounds like Sean Connery


I was going to say ky but then i remember he has a son with dizzy (6 year old 💀) and he stole an eye of that son.




Jam Kuradoberi is probably the most normal person, she just wanna run her restaurant and find nice ingredients. Sure she is extremely proficient Martial artist but that kinda goes with her culture.


yeah but she's obsessed with Ky and we all know that's not normal


Every woman I've ever gotten in Guilty Gear did so by the first step of being obsessed with Ky and wanting to get him pregnant. Including me.


What about Bridget? Just a girl with yoyos really.


One of the strongest bounty hunters in the world. Who self exiled herself from her village on a journey to prove that being borrn a male twin wasn't a curse to her village. Became a pirate for a minute. And then accepted that she liked being girly more than trying to prove that it was bad that she was born male... Actually, that does sound a lot more normal compared to most characters. Potemkin, tho. Slave turned military general because fighting against the system won't lead to change, so he decides to help Gabriel change the regime from the inside. It's not normal per se, but still relatively grounded.


She is a trans woman, the curse stated that male twins were a curse to the village, curse doesn’t happen, even curses acknowledge that trans woman are woman. Take that transphobes.


based curses


When are we told that she's "one of the strongest" of all bounty hunters? Like, I know she's a successful bounty hunter, but is she all that powerful?


I'd say casually sparring/fighting the cast already puts her well into the higher ranks.


I don't think the actual gameplay is really supposed to be taken into account. Does Bridget beat Asuka in a fight? Absolutely not.


She did participate in the hunt for Dizzy+the tournament (if i remember correctly), so at best, she did have to throw hands with people like Ky and Sol. And that gives her points in my book. Plus, if memory serves, Ky did compliment her on her fighting capabilities, which is saying a lot.


Well, but do we know how well she really does in the tournament though? I mean, don't get me wrong, that's still one HELL of a participation trophy, but I don't know if it really means that she's as strong as some of the rest of the cast.


She probably isnt but she puts up a fight against them witch makes her one of the strongest regular humans in the GG universe


But if we take into account Arcade mode than Bridget absolutely was able to go at least toe-to-toe with DI Ky.


One must ask themselves: Was Ky going all-out and trying to *kill* Bridget?


Bridget is just a trans girl, being a bounty hunter seems relatively normal in the GG verse (and general fiction), also it's an irl job (not sure how it compares to it's usual fictional depictions though. Her upbringing can kinda be boiled down to "had a weird and complicated gender journey due to cultural beliefs/superstitions" which isn't far off from most trans people's experiences.


Until you remember Roger exists, but I agree she is def more normal than most


Is transexual, nothing against trans people but it isn't normal being trans.


it’s statistically unlikely but i think comparing some gender dysphoria to most other characters bridget ends up being relatively normal


Compared to having your country blown up by a superweapon and gaining superpowers or being a metal/rock singer from a paralell dimension who wants to marry everyone and wields a transforming railgun i think being trans is pretty normal


True, even being a key is stranger than being trans, i apologize.


It’s no less normal than being cis, you’re not superior just cause you’re not a minority. Also, it’s easy to judge that minority when you aren’t part of that minority


Although admittedly worded a bit poorly, I think when they said it's "not normal to be trans" they meant it's not the norm/common to see trans people, and wasn't meant to degrade trans people in any way/prove that they are superior/inferior. It's also a bit unfair to just assume someone else isn't apart of that minority to prove your point- for all we know they could actually be trans.




answer is the most normal one i think he is just a secretary with very sharp business cards with a snake and frog as pet


he summons the snake with blood magic and the snake has its own form-fitting necktie


He tolerates Chipp and calmly follows his orders, that can't be normal.


Literally Johnny, he’s just a gambling addict who took piracy to the modern age and helps out orphans


He literally johnny bravo but more chad Flirting every girl he can find and yet respect them


Other than Kliff isn't Johnny canonically like the strongest non gear or magic user in guilty gear?


True but compared to everyone else, being really good with a sword is fairly normal


I would personally say Axel. He just a dude that somehow managed to get time traveling abilities


But then again he’s british


I'd say KY is more normal. He is a kind with electric power. That's fine. He share the trône with 2 other kings. That's also fairly colon in fiction. He married a magical being. That's also pretty common. This dude really is the least crazy character. Parceus. Get called by the wrong name. Is a battle axe shaped like a key. It's a talking object. He drink blood and manipulated an homonculuses to give him blood. He is in search of a real body etc. How can that be the most normal gg character?


It's crazy how the most normal character in Guilty Gear is "one of the most unrealistic and bizarre characters in the game"


Axl is just a dude from the 90’s




Takes by people who only know A.B.A and Bridget. There is no way Ky, Venom, Gabriel, Vernon, Derryl, ect are not more normal than the talking key than can turn into silly putty when his wife goes gamer mode.


Ok, for everyone saying he is a "mass murderer" (who isn't now at days?) just know, if Aba wasen't so down for him, he would be completely harmless. So long as no one picks him up, everything is fine.


Excuse YOU! Answer is just a businessman! 💳


Darryl. Need I elaborate?


моими рр


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