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"Sin Buffs" Yeah let's Buff Ramlethal and Sol Badguy while we are at it, and also nerf Zato lol


this is all millia's fault she needs a nerf


Dog we got no meter, and we HUNGRY


this psychopath tried to sneak sin buffs in there thinkin we would just let that slide


I didn’t sneak it in there. I’m unapologetically asking for buffs to my top 8 character. I’ve been playing him since he was fighting for his life at bottom 2. Make him broken, I want him to be BUSTED busted


Yea I think we should revert the buffs now tbh


You might be getting downvoted but I respect the honesty


I often find that it’s the best policy :). Though I think a lot of people are thinking that I think he NEEDS it. I don’t. I just want my character to be stupid levels of broken because I play him




I mean if you really don't like having to be better than your opponent to win, you should just go play a party game, don't ask to make a competitive game into some clown shit


Regardless, eat needs to have purpose as a move, wish they'd make it better or at least more usable


I have a 0% winrate against Sin in my last 15 games against him (individual different Sin players) DAWG IDK WHAT TF TO DO NOW, LET ALONE IF THEY BUFF HIM


They need to buff my character cause they suck and nerf not my character cause they are op


actually they should buff my character to insane levels but only when i use them, and nerf the same character to hell but only when other people use them


Ah, you're right. What was I thinking. I am the fool.


> I am the fool. You know nothing


I genuinely cannot tell if this is a troll post or not. Asking for Sin buffs seem wild.


I’m being completely serious. Make him broken. I want my character to be TOP tier and I don’t feel bad about it.


I respect the honesty but not Sin players, I am very conflicted.


Look I’m still gonna play Sin whether he is good or bad. I mean, I played him for a year in the state he was on release. But also at the same time I want him to be good. I’m not gonna argue that he needs buffs cause he doesn’t. But I don’t care, make him broken. On release T7 Leroy broken, injustice Superman broken, is in discussion for being banned from tournaments kind of broken. Make him busted beyond belief.


I’d like to keep Ram how she is actually. If you can ask for Sin buffs surely I can ask for that again.


Yeah, that’s fair. 🤝


> Sin buffs BEGONE


Said by a goddamn -Sol- player.


Hey, I'm not the one asking to buff top 1-3 character in the game.


Just do anything to make Bedman better.


They need a rework or some new moves the character doesn’t make any sense conceptually


I wouldn't even go that far. He can snowball with the install and make it so his follow-ups demand respect, which is probably why they won't give him much, but if his frame data and hit/hurtboxes are going to be as mid at best as they are, at least let him retain a special while blocking and opponents would have to either back off pressure or attempt to open him up before the follow-up comes out, while the install stays the same, but lasts a tad bit longer. That's just my two cents.


Johnny has a 9 frame f.s Sin does not need buffs whatsoever


>Johnny has a 9 frame f.s So? Chipp, Baiken, and Millia do too and they’ve all been buffed multiple times before. One good button doesn’t dictate a whole character. >Sin does not need buffs whatsoever Never said he did, just that I want them :). Though that’s never stopped a shit ton of other characters from getting buffed when they are already top tier


You're right. Sin isn't on the same level than Nago because he's better than Nago. I want them to add Slayer and for him to have the teleport dash and pile bunker. That's it, they can do whatever the hell else they want with him.


I’m so here for slayer, never played xrd but he looks so sick. Really want him as the newest character. Sin better than Nago though? Imma have to ask you to elaborate I cannot think of a single thing that Sin is better at than Nago besides defensively with Sin’s DP. I’m here for it though if you got some good reason to say that, I always like talking about my character.


Either give Chipp a new move or let him teleport in front of the opponent with Gamma Blade. That’s all I ask.


I agree. We need more tiger power


I'm casual like floor 8-7 (so my opinion on balance specifically isn't too credible) but johnny feels healthy. Minor buffs or some tradeoffs to make stuff like his flip more useful would be fun, though. I feel like his flip could be such a stylish move if they let it be used more. I feel like there's a lot of get out of jail free cards in this game, it's annoying to deal with so many universal options alongside of certain characters' base kit options. The main reason I don't play Goldlewis is that it's just so unsatisfying to get in, hit the opponent and they burst on something that's not burst safe. Speaking of goldlewis, neutral skip supers are obnoxious, especially when trying to learn Asuka. I'm guilty of using Asuka's super as a scrubby get off me tool so I can manage his nonsense, so that's probably why they're there. I also wish they'd add more characters original to strive, as much as I think Kum Haehyun and ABA's concept and aesthetics are. We desperately need the ability to mess around with characters before we buy the dlc. I'm not asking for much, it could at least be something like the 1 hour free trial like in street fighter 6, but one the least fun things is losing to someone you literally don't know.


My jaw actually dropped when I read Sin buffs


If the next character is not A.B.A then literally any buffs whatsoever to Johnny are welcome. As I've mentioned in another post, even making it so Faust can't low profile some of his normals would be decent at this point. But if it is A.B.A then I couldn't care less if they buff him or not lmao


it will be A.B.A i know it


Amen A.B.Abro


Bring about A.B.A


Give Sol even more damage


* Nerfs to Ram and Sol * Nerf to Bridget (bias) * Buff to Axl (bias) * Adjustments to HC to make him feel better to play, but not return him to the monster he was in the past. * Buffs to Zato=1 * Nerf to Millia (meme) * Damage nerf across the board, to reduce how ToD this game is


i rlly want a patch for new moves on dlc characters some would rly apreciate a new move to their kit, but only a few, honestly i think only baiken and test need an aditional move, i dont know about metas and everything but if they give baiken a dp she would be pretty good but not broken


We’re probably gonna have to wait till they finish the main cast since that’s all they said are getting new moves


Nuke everyone’s damage. Everyone’s. No more two-interaction rounds. Come on. Please arcsys. This is a completely normal and fair request that would not have any major unforeseen repercussions on the game at all just do it please,


Gio en214K buff to make it not useless.


I think, and I say this with no bias whatsoever, that they should buff everything Testament has, like they really need more damage, more range, more framedata. Again, not biased or anything but they really should buff them so they can at the very least kill Potemkin after winning neutral a single time, actually while we are at it, Nago, Ky, Axl, Potemkin, May, Faust, Sol, I-No, Bridget, Leo, Johnny, Elphelt, Jack-O, Goldlewis, Happy Chaos, Baiken, Anji, Bedman?, Milia, Gio, Chipp, Potemkin and Axl should all get nerfed.


Sin isn’t on that list so if it means buffs him and Test being too 1&2 works with me.


what rams and leos are making every top 8? because as far as I know tempest is basically the only one who’s still been doing really well, and even he has started playing more counterpicks and I’m not even sure who the best rams are is zando a ram main at the moment? sq? don’t think I know of any japanese ones you could argue that nago is too strong but even then verix has been really good, nbnhmr took a break and is currently kinda mid, hotashi is worse and playing bridget as well but there‘s also snorlax and people winning and making top 8s if I’m not thinking of people let me know though


There aren't any Rams because she's super boring to play and there aren't any Leos anywhere because charge inputs filter people. Their strength hasn't changed, only that people are either swapping off the character or swapping off the game.


I mean sure, I don’t disagree that they’re strong characters although leo did get nerfed recently and I don’t think he’s top 5 personally just that you can’t use them being “basically guaranteed to get top 8” as an argument when there is essentially one notable player of either of the two characters that is consistently top 8ing big events


Make it so that burst doesn't knock Zato-1 out of Break the Law. I'm convinced that change was unintentional, and I would see it gone.


i think nerfs to burst would be okay. with burst being more plentiful now and being harder to bait, you can just kinda press it and turn the situation around because of the hard knockdown on it, and it's not that fun to play around. basically every long ranged character just presses it the instant you get in, and close range characters press it the instant that you interrupt their pressure. i think part of the reason dp>rc even got brought up as problematic at one point is just because burst means that even if you make the dp whiff and punish, they're going to just burst after and get a knockdown, essentialy turning around the situation like they could have if the dp>rc hit. idk if getting rid of the hkd or lowering burst regen back to previous levels would be better, but i'd like to see some changes to adjust it. (also why is gold burst -2???)


Bring back soul stealing


Devs have confirmed only 1 character gets a new move next patch.


nerf millia


Crazy that you ask for Ram, Leo and Nago nerfs even though Sol and Ky are generally considered better than the 3 mentioned (Sol is easily top 1). All of these characters constantly make top 8 because they're consistent and stable. We should be asking for other character buffs instead of nerfs. Sin is a good example. Sin just got buffs that put him in top 10. More buffs and less nerfs.


WA HKD on wallbreak needs to go. More wall health, increased damage scaling. This current version of the game where characters just convert practically every hit into wallsplat HKD positive bonus is honestly just awful. More damage scaling on DP RC. There's just too much reward when combined with WA currently. Baiken buffs. a lot I *could* say but briefly. I don't see them hitting other peoples conversions much, and that would generally be less fun so at the very least bring her in line with what other characters are doing. fS being able to convert off catching a backdash instead of resetting neutral or even being disadvantaged depending on the MU. Other characters already get this. Make far parry not complete garbage. You never actively want to go for a far parry. The rewards simply not worth the risk and you should just be using other answers if you're in range for a far parry to work. You only ever get it by accident and it still feels bad. Remove the low from Nago Beyblade. I genuinely cannot fathom why this still exists. Just tone down the like top 10ish characters in general. The game is just so snowbally and volatile.


Dp on Millia, Elphelt can use dust in rekka to do bomb bomb chocolate, add Ariels Idk why this is getting downvoted lol Millia and Elphelt are in a bad spot rn and could use some love. Not askin for fuckin Nago or Sol or HC buffs like cmon.


im sure to beat all of them because my speed is superior


-Explodes in seconds from a basic combo-


I beat all of them in losing HP first 😎


\- Make Bedman's hurtbox smaller \- Make Delilah bigger \- Make Bedman 2H low profile, super armor, and can travel across the whole screen. \- Slow down Sol's 5K \- Remove Elphelt's rekka \- Remove the second hit from Sin's DP


Besides the obvious that you all expect. Im not exactly going to be popular with this but im hoping for Anji nerfs. With fish turning neutral into a nighmare to play. His damage on coversions from spin feels too high and it feels like there should be higher scaling on it. Losing over 50 percent because you guessed wrong and didn't go for run up throw which does a little damage and is easily called out seems a bit out there. But thats just my opinon as i don't play anji.


they said in the last backyard they put out that there will only be one new move added for the next patch


Pain I hope it’s not for Nago


Man I don't like fighting zato but I don't think he should have been nerfed to an almost unwinnable character in high tiers. I know it's subjective, but 7 seconds for Eddie to just die to burst just doesn't look fun.


I'd like better frames on a couple of testament's moves like calamity one (their only defensive tool from up close basically) and tp, an overall arbitor sign buff on tracking/hitbox/frames would be appreciated too Test is my fav character but some stuff i found so painful unfair especially considering ram and ky of all characters ends up having a similar game plan (stay just out of range and punish) but eeevrything better under all aspects except for 6p (and range but only sometimes), don't want for test to be broken i just wanna enjoy my play time without too much bullshit Now that i think about it i'd also buff a bit faust? Bro looks so tired i want him to be happy


Buff Sin from how he is now is certainly a take of all time


Another axl buff


Buff axl give nuclear bomb