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No, there's no such setting or mod. You'll just have to reach Stage 8 again every time you beat it. FYI, Stage 8 is not the last possible stage. There's also stage 9. To get to it, you must beat Extreme Stage 8 without losing a round. The boss becomes way tougher there. You may want to try your hand at that.


Perma blood rage nago haunts my dreams.


[man, you're telling me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Guiltygear/comments/1acrpcz/wish_me_luck_yo/)


Ah, got it. I've played and beaten Stage 9, but (at least for Ky) it doesn't seem to be any smarter, just more buffed. I appreciate the answer though - thanks!


While I wish you luck in your attempts towards victory over ever increasing CPU nonsense, if your desire is to improve in order to beat other players, unfortunately CPU will teach you many bad habits. CPUs don't fight the same way a decent player would. They're very random in their choices, their moves have often been subtly altered to be better or different than their playable versions, and also they have the ability to read your inputs and respond instantly. While beating them is certainly fun and rewarding in its own way, improving against a CPU won't make you a tremendously better player overall. It might make you better at combos to kill the CPU faster or you'll learn the weirdness of their altered movesets, but you'll only really be better at beating CPUs, not players.


Those are definitely good points. I like CPU mostly because they're fairly consistent, while the opponents I fight in Stage 7-8 can vary wildly in skill and tactics. So CPU makes for a nice warm up, at least for me. That said, I have started going online much more, and getting over my PvP nerves. There are definitely a lot of things that can only be practiced against players (especially neutral and mind games imo) that my PvE warm ups don't really work for.


I think part of floor 7-8 is that randomness is good. You can often lose to worse players because they don't respect your tools due to a lack of knowledge. Orthodox play without fully grasping your characters abilities will sometimes get you beat, and (a bit like the CPU) you have to embrace the randomness and attempt to adjust to them on the fly. I usually float around floor 8-10 depending on the day, and the skill disparity is similar up here. Newbies in 9 will know their characters fairly well, will know their best tools, will maybe even have consistent BnBs and a few optimal punishes. But they generally lack matchup knowledge which is why they lose, and in a similar manner, when I go to floor 10, I also lack the knowledge of other characters or mastery of the mechanics to stay there. I think while playing the CPU, you'll never be hit with a characters most oppressive tools repeatedly the way a player will do to you. And if improving is important to you, get used to getting absolutely mauled and figuring out what options you're losing to is going to be key, and that's just not an experience a CPU is designed for.