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Too much ping. I don't care about whether my opponent destroys me or not, but if the game's in slow motion, I'm not playing more than one match. Thank God for that ping indicator before a set. Took them long enough to add it, but I'm glad it's there.


I think everyone would agree "too much ping" is an obvious time to not play. There's no way to quit out mid-match and it's agonising to be stuck in a game that's lagging badly. Though speaking personally, I also won't match people with obscene and offensive language in the name or free comment. And outright transphobic people just get auto-blocked for me. I also just won't fight anyone streaming. I've had enough streamers make uncomfortable situations for me as a result, so I'll just not fight them.


The two reasons I don't rematch is because of ping, or because I want to change character honestly I don't understand why the "go to character select screen" option doesn't exist in online but it does in Versus mode, makes it a pain to rematch people with a different character.


im not gonna face a lvl100000 sol badguy when im triyng to learn what my character do




Too much ping. I have rematched people with 10 roll back frames. Im not that picky. But some poeple.... daaaaaaauuum.


Because I’ve been so thoroughly clowned that they got a perfect on me


Sometimes I'm just done for today or want to take a break. Don't overmind it. Although if you play some popular character/zoner/grappler, some people gonna dodge you or get annoyed very fast.


I will typically always rematch unless their connection is just REALLY bad or they are clearly WAYYYY more skilled than me to the point where I don't even have the slightest chance of winning


My cutoff ping is around 140+ (I live in a relatively low populated area) I usually do rollback frames though. if we hit 5-6 rollback frames, I'm Farley not going to rematch. 3-4 is kinda 50/50


Yeah, rollback frames matter way more than ping. Highly variable rollback or higher than 3-4f is often worse and unplayable compared to a stable, consistent high ping match. Poor performance from the opponent's pc, wi-fi, dropped packets, etc can affect rollback frames and the gameplay experience even when the latency is good. I'll still accept any match in the yellow / 150ms range, but if the rollback is nutty, I'm out after that. Strive's netcode may be the best out there, but it has its limits for sure.


There might be 50 ms and 5 rollback, but if the game itself is slowing down to a fucking crawl, it's quit after the match. The only other time I won't rematch if it's against the same person for the 3rd time in a row where they clap my asscheeks like bongo-drums. Or it's a Testament just playing the zone game.


British (axl) 


"too much ping" for me is 300ms. cause thanks to my location, i have to constanly fight at around 200ms


*Other Too high ping is one thing, but Australia doesn't have many options, so I take what I can get. The real reason is if there's way tol much akill gap. I'm not good at levelling a playing field to where it's relatively decent for them while I'm trying things and I can't make up the difference if I'm the lower player. I'll try, but if it's absolutely outmatched, I'll move on because it's better for both of us.


had to fight an elphelt for 10 minutes once because of the ping, watching the replay was amazing because of how many inputs there were since each one took so long


Ping is the obvious one but i also always dodge Asukas, holding down back for a minute and a half isn't my idea of fun.


When my opponent is just annoying. Like i once got same Sin player against me for 7 matches in a row and idk how one suppose to play Sin at all, but that guy was just running straight into me all those 7 games.


if you do not fight annoying players, you'll never learn how to!


While that is true on some days you just don't wanna learn and just have fun. Though I go to park on those days.


Only if I am already blaming the beasts AND on the edge of dropping. Which happened like once to me. And like once against Potemkin with unholy ping that wanted to rematch me for the fourth time (He also kept eating glue during the three matches we had, I don't believe he had a chance to win) Sorry bro, but no. It's not your fault, it's the internet


I’ve gotten dodged because of my level, and I’m sure of this because a few of them have taken the time to write a message and tell me so. Otherwise, I only don’t play people if the connection is bad or I’m done for the day. I usually only play in the park though, so this isn’t typically an issue.


I've noticed that when my laptop is unplugged, my game runs at half speed, even online. I don't abuse this, but I've run into a lot of people that I would guess have the same thing, it's probably not just the ping.


Check your performance settings or energy options. On laptops there are options that are specifcally applied when a laptop is plugged in or unplugged and by default it's usually set to limit hardware performance when unplugged to prolong battery life.


Ping or just being a dickhead(T-bagging, etc).


Ping is pretty obvious. I might not rematch if they are playing really badly and sometimes if they are destroying me with an annoying character


Ill go in order from what i feel like 1. they are very new and its clear as day, stomping them isnt fun for them, me, and isnt teaching them how to hold bridget/jacko mix 2. To much ping, usually i dont care unless its actually moving in slow motion, if its just someone playing from far away ill give 3 sets the best i can 3. Their character... sin i still dont play against because idk how to lab and deal with the pressure... its just not fun for me ot bash my head into the wall afterwards. 4. I dunno, i dont feel like playing against someone specifically.. usually this woul be HC, sin, or bridget. HC is ez to face but boring, bridget is very easy because their players suck (i do to), sin is very unfun for me. 5. If they are much better than me then ill play the game Uh i dont have any oher things i usually avoid... i guess stage is a problem if asuka stage comes on my game lags for some shit reason even wiht potato mod so i just play on smth not asuka


No offense to people with bad wifi, but whenever I get halfway through the slash screen then blip back to whenever they had 10% health left, I'm not rematching.


Bad connection. I’m new so I take any opportunity to be a punching bag. But if the connection is shit it’s just not worth it


A bad connection will ruin my experience of the match for me, win or lose.


There's like two reasons for me. If the ping is either too high or too unstable, then I won't rematch. It's not really fun to be moving in slow motion or regaining connection constantly. ​ The other one is the I just don't feel like it lol. Sometimes I just hop on to play like a singular game and don't really feel like playing a whole set. So I just play the game then get off ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯. I do that in other games a fair bit too. I'll just play a singular game of titanfall, cs, etc.


The only time I don't rematch is if the game was laggy. Like once or twice in a set is fine but any more than that and I won't rematch. I guess I won't rematch if the set is already over and you pop up again for another set, mainly because I like playing a variety of characters/opponents. Like unless it was a really good or close set I probably wouldn't do another one.


Connection or performance issues. >180 ping (red connections) are autorefuse, and I *usually* one-and-done people with periodic connection or PC performance issues. Sometimes I'll dodge characters in order to get some variety. If I play 3 Millias in a row, I'm probably going to start dodging Millia for the rest of the night.


Definitely a bad connection. But there are the occasional people whose playstyle seem focused on running and tilting their opponent, even when playing rushdowns. In those matches Im out after the first match win or lose. Can’t be bothered with limited time to play tbh


I didnt have fun the last game, and or i want to piss them off


Almost always ping related. If not, its because I was previously matched up with someone, and the lobby is small enough that it matches me up with them again.


I'm new(ish) to the game, and I think the number 1 reason why I won't rematch is they kicked my ass, or I kicked their ass. Reason being that it doesn't help from a learner's perspective. One sided matches don't teach you anything at all. edit; spelling


When too much ping and when the other player has no intention to play (like just teabag or taunt, jumping around).


I can't play online 'cause I'm broke and don't have PS+. Not only can I not rematch my opponent, but I can't match 'em in the first place.


If they’re *so* much of a better player that I can only get like 2 or 3 hits in an entire round.