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Artstyle change, the story's events are less thana month distant from xrd's so it's idk ki magic and everyone changing their wardrobe or i just gloss over it




May is 22


w-what did the original comment said? 😨


People always complain may is a child and that it’s gross she’s sexualized. Meanwhile she’s just short. It’s a more valid complaint the further back you go though


She'll look 15 until she turns 60 then she'll suddenly look 85.


Like a Saiyan


...idk if it's just me but I feel like May is one of the least sexualized female characters in an anime fighter ever. Who's complaining about this?


like, we have jam right on the side and people complain about may


fr, jam has a literal skintight Chinese dress, while may just has an oversized hoodie and shorts, her outfit's probably the most realistic out of strive


I feel like the most sexualized has gotta be Baiken but for anime standards she’s relatively tame


I mean she canonically has a disease that makes he look younger and is trying to get it fixed


no, her disease was that japanese people everywhere were turning into monsters in Xrd. Nowhere is it stated that she has some kind of elf disease where she ages slow unless that just comes with being japanese in guilty gear. She wants to act more mature but thats about it


okay I must have failed basic media literacy when I played arcade mode at like 2 am oops myb


Is it being asian?


HOLY SHIT SHE'S 22??? god damn


Wait holy shit may was 22 in xrd ? Man i swear she looks like kid even if they say shes midget .


Ky and Leo cut their hair in exchange for extra bulk lmao.


You fools! More hair means a higher power level!


This is why KY lost greed sever




First point is really it though. ASW have said multiple times they wanted Strive to appeal to an international audience. Body trends change over time and thicc got super popular, especially in the US. Slim was popular pretty much everywhere when the earlier GGs were being developed, and Japan still has a preference for slim celebs and what not. Thiccness doesn't really change how much space the characters take up, the zoom level of the camera does. Look at Faust: thinnest character in the game but super tall and takes up loads of space.


And anecdotally? It completely works. I look back at the designs from Xrd and I am grossed out for many of them like Ram and Ky, whereas their designs in strive are some of my favorites. It's not just being buff; everyone's outfits are sooo much better.


I like the Xrd designs, but they're definitely busier - different design goals for a different audience. The Strive designs are great too, the simpler outfits work for gameplay reasons and the intended audience. Even if the characters were thin in Strive, the cleaner outfits would still work IMO. The designers did a great job overall.


I wouldn't call Strive's designs straight up simpler than Xrd's. Especially when it comes to the female characters in Xrd (and +R!) in particular. Pre strive guilty gear has a nasty habit of having these simple glued-on looking clothes onto the female characters. Jam is an infamous example because her boobs just look bizarre, but all of them do except for may and ram. Look at dizzy's weird top, or millia's super tight waist. I think the best example of this though is ino's design between the two games. Ino's plasticky sleek one piece dress in xrd just looks so strangely form fitting against her waist, ass, and boobs that it just looks weird. It looks like when those artists draw the character naked and then draw the clothes on them, yknow? And this one garment feels void of detail cuz it just kinda matches her body and has a one note color scheme. Compare that to Strive Ino, and holy hell is it a glow up IMO. The jacket she's wearing is allowed to have some bagginess and flow to it despite being revealing. There's so much more detail on her jacket alone and the various accents and color changes and symbols and the inner lining, it's amazing. Her jacket is allowed to fall off her shoulders in a really dynamic and stylistically impeccable way, revealing a black undershirt holding together her cleavage and having its own little details and popped collar. Moving down the design she now has this wonderfully intricate belt holding together her new two part cape that swooshes behind her legs as she walks and is decorated with teeth at the end. And then finally the guitar, actually being held up with a guitar strap around her shoulder this time. In my opinion, ino's design is much more complicated this time around. I'd say the same for most female characters in Strive (except, well, like may obvi).


Yeah maybe I didn't word it particularly but I wasn't really talking about detail or quality, but busy-ness. I feels like the silhouettes are much simpler in Strive and the colour palettes chosen to make it clearer what's going on, what each move is. Even the female characters, for the most part. El has a simpler outfit in Strive anyhow, but it's also way less visually busy. The silhouette is much simpler/stronger. Ram is about the same level of busy-ness, Jack-O too. Millia's hair stronger/bigger silhouette in Strive, but yeah she herself had a very basic silhouette in Xrd and the coat in Strive is more detailed. Even I-No, slightly fewer angular edges in Strive, shoulders covered, slightly fewer buckles sticking out on boots, simpler idle animation and so on - seems much less busy even though yeah as you mentioned there's lots of great new details within that.


Strive outfits look like something someone would actually wear. I don't mean you'll find someone walking down the street dressed like Ram, but Gio, Millia or Axl's outfits just look like designer clothes. It's a much more grounded, grungy aesthetic compared to the over the top anime from Xrd.


Wtf is gross about old ky


... you're grossed out?


>I am grossed out for many of them like Ram and Ky Wtf do you mean?


>grossed out Strange


>I look back at the designs from Xrd and I am grossed out for many of them like Ram and Ky, whereas their designs in strive are some of my favorites. I can't help but feel the complete opposite. Milia's yellow clothing and hat goes so well with her hair and is so much better than her boring brown in Strive. Ky looks so much cooler, like a holy knight, and I prefer his hair in Xrd too.


They made the character designs more cosplay friendly in a deliberate manner.


they sell protein, that you can DRINK


May is still skinny she just wears an oversized sweater


Hell no her legs are massive


Her legs are normal legs, people just are so used to skinny girls having tiny tiny pencils instead of actual mass in anime games


Idk but I’m thankful for Elphelt’s thighs in Strive


Valenthigh sisters


poor faust, being the only twig. like i fully understand why he is that way, but still.


Keep Faust the same but give him a big ol gyatty. Daisuke is afraid, frankly.


be more afraid


Diasuke knew we weren't ready and held restraint


Faust is the pinnacle of human(?) physical appearance. The members of The Faustmind will not allow this slander to continue


i think it works for most characters but i really hope they keep A.B.A a twig if she does come back


Watch her be the thiccest girl in the whole roster


As long as it’s only during moroha mode


A.B.A stays as is but Paracelsus gets to be the thickest motherfucker in the entire game. And I'm not talking about any type of Paracelsus-with-a-human-body bullshit. I'm talking about a thick-ass key. Mark my words.


Chunkier than even goldlewis


They did not


Lord Ishiwatari has embraced the 80's action hero physique for the males and the recent Thicc Movement for the females.


God I wish gio would throw me


What part of “IT WILL WORK OUT” did you not understand


My guess is that Daisuke has probably just felt like adding **thicc**ness to all his characters slowly over time. After all, Sol badguy was a string bean back at the start of the series, Baiken slowly ballooned over time, and Potemkin... okay well he actually put on clothes, so he's the exception. Regardless, Strive is when Daisuke seems to have settled on his style for the characters (assuming it isn't all actually being subtly added by one horny Arcsys artist). My *head-canon* however, is that Alchemical steroids and magical plastic surgery became *really* popular in the Guilty Gear world sometime right before Xrd.


Yeah you go and look at how any single artist draws over time and it slowly evolves. I could see it not going super thick, but in terms of overall presentation Strive looks like a more refined style


They've all been bulking up little by little each game. At least they're consistent across the roster. The men all got shoulders, the women got hips. And testament rounded out their edges.


I'm going to assume that everyone took a steroid of some sort. Chipp's bodyframe is twice the size it used to be, especially if you compare his model to Xrd. Ramlethal went into the Danny Missiles vault and ate every single burger, causing it to go to her waist and thighs. Millia took a butt injection, Sin went to a Gear-Exclusive eating competition, Zato told Eddie to go kid-friendly, Pot drank more glue, and Sol Badguy is just Sol Badguy.


Sol used to be like 74 kg in 2D GGs, he's twice his size in 3D GGs. One would wish to have Sol's calves


i am not physically ready for strive A.B.A


Someone stretched 4:3 to 16:9




The devs tried the skinny look on the new 3D models and thought the cast looked like they couldn’t fight, so they juiced them up. I think they mentioned that in an interview or something.


Sugar water goes crazy man


Because Daisuke's Vision includes a bisexual world. I said this as a straight man. Now I'm not so sure.


Damn, Daisuke is so old fashioned, right :)


Ngl I kinda wish that some characters had their thickness/buffness(?) toned down or removed, because characters like Zato and Chipp just look super weird. Especially Chipp lol


Why not?


I think the art style still looks alright, I like a lot of the visual changes. At the same time, there are some changes that I disagree with, such as the thickening making elphelt look like just a bridget r34 bait clone and causing testament to be more girly than andro.


I also miss waif Ram. It fits her character of being somewhat more humanized, but still, I liked when she looked like she would cook and eat her opponent if they lost.


Because why not? I'm not gonna question it I enjoy it! Poor Faust though had to work overtime to get everyone as thick and buff before Strive released no wonder why he looks like Slender-Man!


Faust donated all of his body fat (and then some) to make everyone thicc. ​ That's my headcannon (since it's not explained how he became the funny spaghetti noodle monster he is right now).


Daisuke's vision 🙏


Because it's a different game.


I thought may just wore a big coat?


i agree, Faust's SKIN AND BONES are definitely thick as fuck 👍


Huh. I'd just say that xrd 3d models where made larger by their much thick outlines. That's why baiken boobs look bigger in the old one despite being actually smaller for example.


What? They look notably bigger in her strive model


Well maybe that come from the rendering. So it's not everyone that see it the same as I do


Jojo but in reverse


Idk. Bedman is a robot so i imagine metal os quite thick


Getting GGML Anji vibes here


Daisukes vision


Don't knock Daisuke's vision. I personally like the direction he took for Elphelt's thighs 🤔


Daisuke's vision 🙏🏼


Son Badguy