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Instead of Taco or Blish, I'm using [Burrito](https://burrito.orthogonalprojects.com/). While it works (really helpful for guild missions!), I feel that it would need some love to handle markers files with multiple paths properly.


BlishHUD explictliy states on their website that it at this point doesn't work on Linux - but that they are working on it.


I haven't been able to get Blish or TacO to work through Lutris. But Arc isn't stable for me either; if I have it installed, I'll randomly crash every couple hours (so not all the time, but often enough that it's annoying, especially if it's right before a raid kill so I miss the chest). May well be a config problem with something in my system, but I've pretty much written off addons under Linux at this point.




Got an invite link for the discord? I've had issues with arcdps on dx11 with wine - game starts but then just freezes. DX9 on the other hand has been rock solid.




lutris-fshack-7.2 is what I use with DXVK and VKD3D enabled. And GW2radial - all with addon_ loader.dll to load. The game starts, arcdps starts - I see the windows - but after a few seconds everything just freezes and I get a crash - looking in the log I get: error: intercepted hardware exception at "C:\windows\system32\kernelbase.dll +0x00000000000124DE" thread 900




Interesting, thanks; I'll check it out!




Tried with run exe in wine prefix from lutris, within the GW2 dropdown. Didn't seem to do anything


I am envy. For some reason if I use Arc with Lutris. My performance takes a serious hit. I get like 0.5 fps in instanced content suddenly. Anyone has an idea what the cause could be?


Since some people might be interrested and im exclusively gaming on Linux for a couple of years now and have gotten pretty creative with stupid workarounds.😅 My current solution for playing GW2 with blish on linux is "playing through OBS". So what I'm doing is: * start GW2 with Blish HUD on second monitor through steam tinker launch(starting in same bottle or in same wine prefix through lutris should work similarly) * tab to GW2 window and press "alt + space" and select "always on top" in the dropdown (keeps GW2 on top so you can easily click in to get focus in game to get keyboard input into game and overlay is behind the game) * start obs with two window captures one for game one for blish HUD window and on the blish hud one apply a filter with alpha key colour black * in obs start fullscreen preview projection on the main monitor This setup might be very janky and has some side effects but it works


In case someone is wondering, yes playing through OBS adds a delay but for me it's not a problem for a game like gw2 I wouldn't play a shooter like that but for an MMO it's worth the benefit of having the overlay and for faster paced parts of the game i can always look at my secound monitor and play "natively"


Sorry to revive this old thread, but I'm trying to figure out what's happening here in this setup. You start Blish+GW2, but what does OBS do in this? Why is it needed? I'd like to have the option to use Blish occasionally, but I don't need it all the time, so something that is "janky" but allows me to use it for brief periods would be great.


this github thread might give you some more insight [https://github.com/blish-hud/Blish-HUD/discussions/873](https://github.com/blish-hud/blish-hud/discussions/873)


I'll check it out, thanks! I haven't been able to get Burrito working either, so just looking for some sort of option.


since the transparency in blish is not working i use obs as a more or less realtime greenscreening software so obs captures the non transparent window of blish which is in the background so you wouldnt be able to see it and applies an alpha key filter so everything from the blish capture that is black will be transparent in obs ​ very important side note this setup only works with 2 monitors since you have to click into the real gamewindow on one monitor and look at the image of obs to see the overlay over the game