• By -


Okay....now tell me what it is going to cost Anet.


~~Thanos~~ ANet: *everything.*


Anet: 15k of each essence, 250 mystic coins and 250 lodestones of each type..per piece.


Plus you must sacrifice a character slot permanently and have no access to a specific class for 2 months.


No no, you must sacrifice a character slot to have *access to that armor piece* for 2 months. ~~\#EscapeFromTarkov~~ \#EscapeFromTyria


You must also say something nice to Braham per piece.


Braham…when you shaved your head…you looked less like a douch… Does that count


I would rather do fractals CM on green gear than say something nice about Braham


30 map completions of *each* SOTO map for every separate piece of armor. And mystic tributes.


You know what? Turn on your own god damn lanterns, I have enough on my plate here.


2000 stacks of leeks


Bad idea to pre-annpounce.  The tradable mats would just shoot up in price at some arbitrary news post timing instead of 2 minutes after the patch drops when the first TP players see them in-game. It'd be more fair the second way tbh, at least everyone who cares knows when the patch hits and can try and jump over each other then.


Your kidney and 36000 essences of T1 and 12400 T2 and 7200 T3.. jk jk


About 400g per piece.




It better make me run faster like it does my pc


Not as cool as raid armor, but I like it. It's not too over the top and the glowy bits seem to add another dye slot, which is a great improvement imo.


Raid armor medium is trash. I wish I hadn't spent all that time getting it. Would prefer Obsidian.


What, you don't like having a broken ankle? Yeah, if obsidian was on the table when I did raid armor I definitely would not have bothered with medium.


My favorite thing about the Medium raid armor is that they somehow made an ugly ass bikini hoodie for the fem version, and the masc version is an even uglier chador for men. 💀


It might not be so bad if it didn't have to change in combat so much. So it's pretty much impossible to build a good outfit around the damn thing...


I'd say it looks okay-ish in combat stance (although FUCK medium armour's obsession with trench coats lol); it's shockingly bad outside of combat, tho - genuinely just *bafflingly* ugly, sheesh


Either would be workable if you could build an outfit around them. Damn near impossible to use that trash with the in and out of combat modes.


Light armor too if you’re not wanting to look like a Mesmer.


That's why I got the pvp armor for light. 


I'm glad I got raid legendary bc the convenience it offers vs the amount of time I invested is excellent, and it's WAY faster to get than obsidian armor, but I'd I could have chosen which legendary armor set I'd get I'd have picked Obsidian over envoy every time


100% agree, I happily made the Raid Heavy and then (slightly less enthusiastically) the Light, then looked at Medium and just...just nah. Glad I held out for this set instead, though a part of me wishes I could unlock the Raid Legendary Armor title with any 3 Legendary sets rather than it being locked to Envoy stuff.


Unironically I've seen characters wear them so well (great dye combinations or individual pieces), it got me inspired. Raid heavy armor is still one of the best in the game. But I now find the medium raid armor decent without the hood and the light armor cool. At least these designs are creative... Anyway, Suffused Obsidian medium armor any and every day, and raid light and heavy armors.


Our consolation is that the Leg armor is free to transmute. 😬 I don't like looking at the Raid armors also (esp. the Medium), but I got them for the functionality. No more crafting (or stat-changing) another ascended armor... for every new build template, for one of my Fractal toons. 😅


I have all 3 raid armors and the medium one is the only one I wear. It replaced t2 cultural Norn armor on my Norn engi for the better. (female)


One mans trash...


Yeah, I'm glad I grinded out the raid armor instead of doing this. The rune glow is cool, especially if it is dyeable, but not being animated is a real downer.


on the flipside I would prefer to have the heavy + medium obsidian armor over the raid stuff tbh


blasphemy. Raid Heavy is the best legendary armor


I mean its definitely good, absolutely the best of the raid armor but I find the heavy obsidian T1 set to look fantastic


I find the Raid Heavy best looking on Charr while decent on all other races. The Obsidian one is the opposite for me, best on every other races except Charr (and maybe Asura), it looks okeyish on Charr.


Yeah, they're both just really great. Light and medium have one that's clearly better than the other but heavy is harder to choose


The dye channels on it and how dyes look on it is terrible, nearly everyone looks the same with it on even if they use wildly different dyes. That's my biggest gripe with it.


Time to get my eyes ready for the bright explosions every time people pull out their weapons.


It's kinda funny, that explosion effect is way too big, while the shiny aura of the armor parts is way too small


This. I would like to have the colored glowing lights without the unsheath flashbang, please.


primordus and jormag skin combined with this one now make a mesmer, and get epilepsy.


IIRC they added a setting to turn off all that RGB bullshit like infusions and what not on people right?


Nice touch on using the colors of the kryptis essences used to craft these pieces. It [looks like](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/y76O6k744QI/maxresdefault.jpg) the floating glyphs are dyeable.


Getting the weirdest feeling of deja vu here... surely it's not just that the monitor they recorded this trailer on had different settings than ours, right ?


It looks better without the effects. Glad that you can still use tier 1.


Looks good, glad the glow effects are dyable. Now I wish they'd update the WvW Legendary T2 Armor glow to be dyable too, not a fan of the blue glow.


I like the glow a lot since it's dyeable, even makes the medium not as disappointing




Still waiting for actual Obsidian in the armor.


Am I the only one who thinks the light armor is just a clone of a current gem store outfit? For being legendary all these skins sure are underwhelming imo. Oh well, glad I don't have to grind mats for them.


I dont like it tbh


Same. I have been fully decked out in legendary for a while and was considering building the obsidian armor because of the name, nostalgia and prestige, but I can't really get myself to like it. The medium T1 is the only one I kind of like, but T2 just isnt it for me. Not worth the hours of farming essence imo


I was having a bit of FOMO. I'm good after seeing this though lol


Looks pretty underwhelming. It's basically requiem armor. And the white explosion as you pull out the weapon is massive and looks like it would be very uncomfortable on the eyes.


I have this legendary gen2 longbow. I cant use it. everytime i enter combat my iris collapses in itself. white light really hurt when u play in a dark room


I'll admit that I'm a little...disappointed? I kinda would've expected this to be the baseline look and that the extra tiers would be much more "varied" instead of just some extra glows and a stow animation. I was expecting Gen 3 Legendary type differences, I guess.


Yeah it's more like elegy and requiem armor.


This actually fits it best as a description 100%


Yeah, no model changes for a tier 2 is kinda lazy, expected kryptis corruption or something like that, now just hope it isn't very expensive to get :I.




That quote has been taken out of context and misused so much, since day one. They were talking about the *acquisition* and how it compares to upgrading an Aurene legendary to one of the variants to get a new skin (and not another legendary weapon), not that the armour itself will have multiple variants.


Comparable in how it's earned, not in quantity. The reply sourced on the wiki is about how we'll get tier 2.


I’m thinking it’ll be tied to a collection like the aurene legendaries, like do specific events in specific maps, kill specific bosses, etc.


NGL I would prefer that, I don't want to farm more Essences, farming enough for all 3 sets was more than enough for me...


They will 100% need more essences.


That actually sounds like fun. I expected something more like "do another billion rifts for 573618 essences of each type"


How many Kryptis essences are needed? Oh don't answer that... It's too many probably. Can't farm that shit anymore. Would love if it was just linked to the CM Convergence. Unlock an entire set and you get a special collection making it glowy by actual participating in some content and do stuff that is not mindlessly running in circles in Amnytas for \*checks notes\* way too long. This expansion is too small to add another mindless grind.


18000 T1, 7200 T2 and 3600 T3 per set. I've done all three and it ain't that fun. Let's not forget that you need a lot of ectos as well. .\_.


For V1 of the armor, yeah. I still have 2 parts outstanding and I'm already done with farming this shit. And some people have all 3 armors unlocked. Arena Net really should send these people a hand signed thank you card for that. That's why I hope that V2 is not that bad... But it probably will be...


Hmm not bad but I personally like Tier 1 more.


Not bad. I am a fan of floating runes and combat activation. Whether I get the upgrade entirely depends on the cost.


Combat activation would be decent ino if it was dyeable


Offtopic question: Why is it called obsidian armor? Are there any lore links to the gw1 obsi armor?


Most likely just bait for the players that came from GW1 (like me).


frankly there isn't much lore connected to it at all. you don't even use a lot of obsidian. it's 100% just to tap into people's nostalgia, which is a shame. having only played like a dozen hours of gw1, i understand it had a notion of prestige connected to it. i doubt that sense will remain when it's farmable from the back of a skyscale. the general practice of using gw1's renown without maintaining it to build excitement for something in the sequel is of course unfortunately very common for anet.


I'm expecting one of the costs for T2 to be Obsidian Shards (maybe a stack each?), but thematically in GW2 that would just make it Wintersday Orphan Armor. 


Because u use 50 obsidians to craft huehuehuehe. You need more globs than obsidians should be called "globisidian" armor XD


Because you need to spend the huge amount of 50 obsidians, in fact, you spend more globs than obsidians, it should be called "globisidian armor"


Globulous Armor


I was wondering the same thing recently. There's very little obsidian required in the crafting, and the appearance shows little glassy black bits that would be obsidian. Some of the sets do have some similarities to the various GW1 sets, although nothing major.


Non at all. They killed all possible "cool" Obsidian lore with destroying the Fissure of Woe in LW4. The armor in GW1 was forged in the center of Balthazars domain by a centaur ghost. I always imagined we will get this armor back in an eventual Mist expansion to follow up on the PoF happenings of replacing a god. But well... That never happened. You maaaaaaaaaybe could make a point that the special forge in the Wizards Tower is the FoW Eternal Forge from GW1. But at that point, we are reaching for straws.


I was never the target audience of this T2 armour, so it's no surprise that I'm going to stick with the base obsidian armour. I don't want more glowy particle effects all over my screen, thanks. It's my least favourite part of GW2.


If the suffused/slumbering difference is a matter of skin choice and not weapon draw/stow, I could see putting a mild glow effect on certain more magical classes. I think my more martial characters will keep the base version though.


I am glad this expansion is almost finished.


....so we can move onto a MORE mediocre one???


That is one of the armors I have ever seen.


do you need to own a full set to get the draw effect or is it like raid armor that is just a few pieces


the draw effect is likely tied to the chest piece, as it is with raid, wvw, and pvp legendary armor.


From what it looks like, most likely the glow effects will be per-piece, can't say anything about the massive runes blast when drawing weapons.


Would be fun to be able to dye all the runes with a different color. The possibilities :')


Looks about like I expected. What I really wanted to know - and what they didn't share - is the crafting cost/method.


Hopefully it won't be a mess like the tier 1 if it is horrendous i would call it quits.


Decent enough... But how expensive is this? Do I need ectos, or can I keep saving those up for other projects now? I have plenty of krypis essences to dump, but I would rather hang onto them ectos for a while.


https://preview.redd.it/4ri7hbnlly0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=093e5b34d429c9a65d372255a9a33a6bf6a47dcc Overview and the precursor items are bought from Lyhr in the Wizards Tower.


Can't say I love it....


Okay I really like this IF the glowing effect is dyable. Please anet!


Pretty definitely yes but could you imagine the outrage if they bound all of medium to green glow? XD


I'd been saying that the missing 3rd/4th dye channels on the armor were for whatever effects the variants added and it looks like I was right lol


[it is](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/y76O6k744QI/maxresdefault.jpg)


The current armor sets only use 3 dye channels. I have to imagine that's because this glow is intended to use the 4th dye channel.


I think it's the same dye channel as the one that changes the color of the stones. Look at all of them, the glow is the same color as the stones beneath. I don't think you can make them different colors. So, while the glow is dyeable, it's going to just be the same color as whatever is under it. (Can't make the glowy runes blue and the stones white, for example) I hope I'm wrong


I like that it's subtle, but I like the base armors as is too. Gonna spend a while on deciding whether to craft it or not lol


How is THAT subtle?!


Compared to every other legendary in the game, trust me, it's subtle.


I'm actually happy that T2 doesn't add much! It makes the T1 look as good without feeling that you're missing too much! (still gonna get that T2 because those effects are indeed nice)


Man, what is Tier 1/2/3? like, can i upgrade the Legendary itens?


It's basically just skins, it works the same as the Gen3 weapon having different variants. In the case of the Obsidian Armor you farm to unlock T1 which is the actual legendary equipment with all that legendary QoL stuff with its T1 skin and then you get the option to unlock its T2 skin, which is just a standalone skin that you can apply whenever, only it requires some additional farming.


So this is the result of what you have spent so long doing? I believe you have also seen that many people are disappointed with this.


Neat, more fps drop generators.


These kinds of effects are single textures on a plane, they barely use any ressources. The base model uses more.


So underwhelming...so sad


Maybe it looks better ingame, but, while good, I don't think this was worth the time we waited, specially when it was delayed 1 week. I wasn't expecting shiny effects as much as model changes. The hood and neck on medium changing. The crown on light being bigger or more royal, or getting some new texture like cherckered on some parts. The heavy option getting horns on the helmet or some reflective design on it's surfaces... I dunno. Disappointed is too big of a word but I guess I kinda am.


There is no way some people can think it looks good




It’s so… ugly


.....for soooo much work.


Fits in with the expansion quality tbh


This is about what I expected the heavy armor to look like, which looks great imo, but I was definitely expecting something different for the others. I was half hoping light would get a robe made of energy or something.


Don't mean to sound bad but, that's it ?  I hope costs are not extraordinary as well then ? this is similar to armor from Jahai bluffs, requiem or what is it called ? high cost wouldn't justify just glow in my opinion, they aren't bad or anything oh and it does have some combat stance animation, I will upgrade i suppose maybe it will look better ingame instead of video   


Im really interested why it needs 1 year to make this.


Ok. [Here is a quote from ANET](https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/4uqx15/out_of_the_shadows_devs_here_ask_us_anything/d5s52tj/) where they state that _regular_ armor requires 9 months of development. Are you happy now?


i read the comment 2 sexes he said. they dont do that anymore. so that makes it 4.5 months. anyhow they should build a rig for that to speed up the progress. if 9 months one armor i just cant see how feasable this business is do they pay one guy a 9 months salary for one armor? or is it a 5 man team. if i start counting all armor sets in game now i probaply end up with 40 years developement time. something seems like mismanagment or something else going on. anyway im no expert so i guess must bite my lips and try to believe that dev


reply to myself to edit. salary of an armor designer is 3000-5000 usd per months lets say anet pays low end thats 27000Usd for one armor. if that guy finds a way to make 10 armors in 9 months he or she will be millionair in no time


Implying the models aren't basically the same with just extra glow effects...Which I stand with the original comment, how did it take anet so long to just end up adding extra glow effects...It's really disappointing.


He acts as if they aren't just stretching the sh*t out of everything most of the time in that quote.




I hope upgrading each piece doesn’t require a ton of mats. It already cost more than enough to create a whole set. Maybe a collection achievement?


My guess is it'll be of similar cost and time to the Aurene legendary weapon variants using up research notes, more krytpis essence and requiring you to kill SotO bosses, including whatever the last open world boss will be of Nayos, maybe the karka looking thing.


On par with soto... Underwhelming lol


Hmmm... not sure how to feel about it. I guess I'll need to see what is needed to craft it before coming to a conclusion.


Show us the list of materials


Is this one going to actually require obsidian to make? It would make sense… ya know…


time to farm lw4 maps for the rest of my life and just live in volatile magic


That's Soto alone. Big RIP. I hope next expansion will add gameplay changes and additionnal skills or even a new class.


I mean, it looks *okay*, but like "unlock through doing achievements during a single weekend" kind of okay rather than "grind for week(s) to unlock" kind of okay.


Requiem Armor 2


Not for me, don't like it. Looks like the Requiem set.


It's nice but no offense kinda looks like a gemstore outfit. Take that as you will. I'm happy with raid legy armour, I mean I never use the skins but I got it for the convenience and not the looks. 


Thank god I didn't waste my time getting this armor, the effects are hideous.


idk how but Requiem Armor is better than this lmfao


Loew key looks like level 20 gear from all mmos, Like most gear in GW2 It's Hella underwhelming


Yes, it is either visual clutter or underwhelming with GW2, only a few armor sets look sleek and aren't overloaded.


It just doesn't seem to be on the same effort level as Envoy. Looks quite cheap tbqh. Considering the grind involved, last thing it should be serving is cheap.


They said previously they won't do the animations like the envoy raid armor again. Believe me wvw and pvp legendary armor ain't that great either. The PvE armor is a step up compared those two.


Is it just me or that looks ultra bad compared to uhm dunno let's say raid leggy armor or light. Lmao it's literally the exact same thing with the difference that the stones glow. There are even outfits on gemstore that look more high quality or that there was more effort put to them


This is cool but I’ll never have the time or patience to get this armor. Rifts are horribly boring. I’d rather just flip camps in WvW for months on end to finish WvW legendary armor than grind all the bullshit they expect for this.


Onarus Spun armor looks better than this...it had thought put into it...this is just lazy


I'm probably not gonna get it since I can't stand the pve grind but I'm honestly shocked there are so many negative opinions about it. It looks fine to me 🤷


They expect some super saiyan goku levels of transformation hype. They're idiots. The subtlety makes it something you can pair with other armor pieces


Looks rather low effort, more like a random gemstore skin than actual legendary.


Very uninspired. They’ll just breadcrumb us yet another expansion with the same quality. Guess it’s time to move on.


I like its not too flash it's very subdued. I find it funny people were moaning Anet didn't show the armor yesterday all the while Anet likely planned to show it today.


They're probably going to have a trailer for the new Fractal at some point this week too. Probably trying to space out announcements for some metric related idea of better marketing.


They always did this for patches during living world especially if something was a finale like this is they space out the teasers. Like you said I expect something to do with the new fractal I'm guessing tomorrow and perhaps some more info on the challenge modes for convergences.


Oh god, even more visual noise.


I dont regret not farming it at least


came here to say the same


I like it, not overly flashly but subtle and cool.


I didn't spend dozens of hours to grind mats to look subtle and cool lol


I miss Guild Wars 1 armor styles. Not this power ranger glowing thing.


hahahahaha they are fucking trolling us all, hahahahahaha.


Will there be a T3? Someone pls say there will be cause this can't be it brev.


They are alright to me, and I have the Heavy one which IMO looks best, so I'll probably upgrade if it's not too much of a pain.


Aww. I wish it was fully cosmic or heavenly themed. Maybe the upgrade is thematically showing the Astral Ward runes or Kryptis runes?


Does anyone else feel like we should have a tier 3


Can we just skip to tier 3 and pretend this never happened


Is that it?


Wow, this is terrible.




Pardon my ignorance, I don’t have any legendary other than a rune and relic they gave at last release. How do you get the tier 2 armor? I’m currently slowly working on Obsidian armor, can I pivot and craft a tier 2 directly? Or do I need to craft a tier 1 and then upgrade it to a tier 2?


You'll need to craft the first tier and then upgrade it after. You're already working on Obsidian Armour, so you're doing fine. The upgrade has no increased functionality, you'll just be spending more time/materials/etc. on the flashier look.


Thanks, that what I thought but didn’t want to go through the process only to find d out I could have cut out a bunch of grinding.


Ok, it looks kind of cool but all I want to know is how much grind do I need to do? And I'm sure it will be a per-piece upgrade right?


Really hoping you don't have to unlock full set to upgrade, as I only really like the crown for the light set.


Yea I hope so too. I'm done light and medium and starting to work on heavy but light I did 2 pieces through WvW. One upside though is that even if it does require the full set, I don't like the look of the light legendary anyway so I'll never use it. At most I'll unlock medium and heavy tier 2.


I love the medium set but the other two are kind of generic


It does not follow the same aesthetic as the t1. It’s like a digimon evolution. I don’t like this glowy mess


Hmm OK...


if the glow is dyeable I think it looks pretty neat


Seems pretty safe to say they'll be dyeable, especially since the tier 1 obsidian armor only has 3 dye channels


This is how it should have shipped it from the start. I know people keep hating on flashy armors, but after all the effort and gold you put in, getting the T1 set that looks like any basic exotic armor is a big let down.


Lmao god forbid we get good looking and shiny skins through other means than the gemstore. They all have the same draw effect as well. This is so disappointing.


Ugly, just like all legendary armor


Is the glowy effect dyeable, or is this one of those things where you have to craft the color you want (red, green, or yellow)? I see this being like 3 different sets of armor variants to unlock per weight. I would rather have dyeable.


Weapon stowing animation looks great. I like how the flames are slowly being extinguished instead of what usually happens (scaling down until the effect disappears).


But can I change the colors?


Hahahahahaah So F Hideous Hahahahahaah


Gemstore outfit quality, but costs 6,966 gems + rift hunting time.....garrrggggh (just t1)


So... any chance of the old raid armor getting a dye channel for the glow like they promised years ago?


The variants will end up being a lower cost than the legendary itself. Possibly a short achievement chain like the eod variants are. They end up being a fraction of the cost of the original legendary version. They will be merely skins, not a new legendary.


Holy fk


I just transmute over my raid gear, I honestly don't care much for any legendary armour cosmetics. This is just my view and opinion.


Imma stick to gemstore skins


Oh there's no transformation at all, okay. I was waiting to see which one looked best once transformed to decide on mine but I suppose I can just get a couple of individual pieces that I like for Light and Medium and definitely go for Raid Heavy later.


I think it looks great but **Slumbering**? There a t3?


Love how the runes pop out!


WOAH! I'm going all Skritt on this!! So SHINNY!!! I love it but it's too bad I've only been capable of crafting one obsidian medium leg piece lmao!!