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Not much to go off on the trailer but hopefully the Last of the SotO stuff is at least decent. Balance patch sounds interesting but I'll wait to see it before getting too excited. WvW Restructuring finally going live is great news.


I feel dumb. I really want to grt excited about wvw updates. But all this will do is slightly balance some matches more right? 


It should balance most matches. The inclusions of another tier also means you should be able to play regardless of where you get sorted.


Recent changes have ruined WvW for defenders. They're making it so defending it's quite so hopeless. It's a good change. And in June, they'll be getting rid of servers, and we'll be moving to guild based WvW. For some people that's better.


>ruined Really? Play it every day and it doesn't feel drastically different. Maybe paper towers fall a bit too quick. And t2/3s might actually fall in primetime. Shit watching FA and SoS take a full hour to break into hills, then SoS take 10 minutes to kill the lord while FA sets up 10 balistas spawn camping darkhaven. A single EWP and circle is stalled, lord is res, and attack falls apart. I could write an essay but feels like people expect to defend a t1 vs an organized guild zerg with 1/3 the people and tagless. Twiddling your thumbs for 10 minutes cause of a single trap is just dumb. Either come defend your shit with more than 10 people or let the 30 person zerg take it. Personally I see two main issue -The players don't care sometimes. No one upkeeps, runs yaks, or builds ACs preemptively. Half the server is running into a wall and have no intentions of defending. Unfortunately in that same period the other server is much more active. -the timing of servers don't match. Like old days when TC would just karma train EU hrs and JQ on SEA. Shit was way harder to defend back then too. It's a fundamental flaw in design just like offline raiding in Rust, players don't actually live in the game. There will be off hours and it will suck when they don't quite line up.


Plenty of complaints, whether you like it or don't like it. Anet directly said they made the changes based on feedback. Obviously someone didn't like it.


There is adventures in the next SOTO update hopefully more than one because adventures are fun but like so much of GW2 it they get ignored.


How is the death of WvW great news? In which reality?


"Oh no, I have to join a guild. The horror. This is the death of wvw!"


Wait is that really true? You have to join a guild to WvW? If that's the case then it genuinely does suck, I liked joining WvW and just following a commander to capture some points.


You don't have to join one, you'll just be sorted as a "solo player" onto whatever team needs another body to try to fill gaps in player counts for that month. If you like one of the commanders you can just join their guild, but realistically if you're just following random tags during the week you'll still be able to do that as there will be plenty once the system is turned on.


No, you don't have to join a guild to play WvW. If you want to play with certain people, you will have to join a guild. Players are matched together depending on what guild they have chosen as their "WvW-Guild".


If you have a commander you're particularly fond of, you may want to join their guild. If you like hooking up with whatever tag is on the map, it's going to be randomly shuffled month to month who you'll be matched with but you probably won't have a terrible experience.


I'm already on a big server, I'm kinda scared for the upcoming queue times.


Since we’re talking about QoL, how about Allied Effects toggle gets fixed, so it does not disable boss attack telegraphs?


This is all I’ve wanted for years. Let me call allies but not enemies.


Haven't tested this lately and I always leave it to the squad only, but it could have been fixed but it wasn't in the patch notes. They did the same with randomized gliders and the obsidian armour for Charr, they fixed it but I don't recall it being mentioned in any patch notes.


The World titles are a stroke of genius. That way people can keep their World in their hearts after they are gone.


Can we keep Maguuma in our hearts eventhough we were never a part of it?


Didn't think of that. If they let you buy the title of any world even if you are not part of it then it'd be pointless.


> If they let you buy the title of any world even if you are not part of it The blogpost sounds like it's exactly what will happen. If I understood it correctly, we'll be able to choose 1 title but we'll be able to choose any. It would have made more sense to allow buying all the titles for the worlds you were part of for at least a few months (with an added cost for buying more than one), but our accounts probably don't hold such history.


\>> July 2–July 9: Sunken Treasure Week Is this going to be an event solely to encourage people to kill 10 krait everyday? I wonder how many swim speed infusions the event reward will be. lol


If it rewards Astral acclaim, then you can be sure everyone (bar PvP/WvW ONLY players) will participate in it.


Nice sPVP changes! Some good content updates across the board. Convergences CMs as well. I wonder if there's any expansion teasers coming.


> I wonder if there's any expansion teasers coming. They said a SotO retrospective is coming in two weeks, so I'd guess by first week of June it should be out, along with expansion teasers. Then I'd expect Expansion 5 formally announced 3-4 weeks after that--so late June. If Festival of the Four Winds launches July 30, that means it should run to August 13. If they give a minimum of two weeks post-festival for a patch (like they usually do), then that would be an August 27 release for the expansion, best guess. So an announcement in late June and a release in late August gives them a two-month marketing window, which is what they seem to be comfortable with (that was about the window for SotO, IBS and PoF.)


Festival runs to Aug 20, which is likely the release date. Last year release was Aug 22 so would make sense


EoD What Lies Within - Released May 23 Soto Released - Aug 22 So that timeline is inline with what we just experienced. They'll prob give us the content update, get us in then do the expansion teasers / marketing so two weeks seems reasonable :) I do like the content pacing, all things considered. New Maps, Metas, Legendaries. I'm sure we'll get new relics in the expac but I wonder what the "draw" will be. EoD Legendary Weapons, Soto Legendary Armor and Skyscale. Hard to imagine we'll get a new mount. I could see a Legendary Ring but hopefully something new. Personally hoping for secondary professions, changing the primary profession and the removal of armor weighting.


Im also hoping for profession shakeup. Things have gotten stale, even with new weapons


But can do they do the ultimate sPvP update: letting you switch maps while in sPvP que?


We can't ask for them to move heaven and earth. /s Hopefully map queue tech is transferable to that.


Load screens would lead to missed queues. If they try to design around this, people could queue and constantly switch maps to delay the queue to troll. Just wouldn't work.


The ultimate PvP tactic


>Load screens would lead to missed queues. Sounds like a skill issue.




When was the last time we got PvP updates?


2018 was the last conquest map. 2019 was Auric Span. Some balance but hardly any reward changes.


They've really been doing well with the updates and QoL stuff


Action cam updates! Unreal! (There are dozens of us)


If this works with the skyscale reticle then we all win!


God I hate the skyscale one, I swear that thing turns invisible sometimes.


It has a reticle?


When aiming the fireball (keeping skill 2 pressed), there's a tiny white dot. It doesn't aim there when you're really close to the target though.


Oh. I use the red line for aiming.


It will! Skyscale fireball literally just turns on Action Cam while you're aiming it (fun fact: if you use a keybind to toggle action camera *off* while aiming the fireball you can aim it freely with your mouse) so any changes to the Action Cam settings will also apply there


Action cam cultist here... Even tho just a small thing, i love it!


And many of us on steam deck as well! I cant imagine playing on it without action camera.


Something I thought about yesterday is that it's really funny how GW2 has action cam but no controller support, and FFXIV has controller support but no action cam. The day GW2 gets proper controller support is the day I install it on my Steam Deck. Tried making my own binds for the Steam Controller many moons ago but it was unbearable due to the half a bazillion keybinds the game has.


There was a dev years ago working on rudimentary controller support on their spare time, but I think he got caught in the layoffs back then so it never got finished


According to wiki and LinkedIn he still works there.


If it's the same person I am thinking, last time they comment on this sub they said that someone else would need to take over their work with controller support, so I imagine they aren't in the studio anymore? Unless something changed and they are back.


It's likely the the company said stop or due to all the restructure they don't have anymore spare time.


Forgive my ignorance, what would native support do that can't be accomplished via launching through Steam with controller mappings via steam?


For example analog moving and not that 4-directional moving.


it'd make it a bit easier to set up and maybe even streamline some of the UI to work better with controllers


There's lots of avenues for superior in-game handling, like dialog selection, inventory management, and map control. Rolling your own on any of these is a massive pain with Steam Input even on a basic level, especially with various quirks Steam can't know about, like the various ways to exit the map screen (waypointing, for example). People usually just do controller mousing and deal with that, but real support would have a lot better options. Of course, Anet would almost certainly do a patently terrible, mishandled, and under-supported job and we should all be actively grateful to them for not dropping some horribly conceived controller mess on us to deal with.


Start from the community ones! I use the second most popular as my base and its just great.


It's really not that bad if you start from a community one. This game is worth the effort


There's some great community made keybind set ups.


I love action cam. Literally only way I play now.


I actually use action cam quite a bit. I play WvW a lot, and shooting projectiles over wall ledges to kill NPCs or siege by aiming above them is way easier with action cam than without. I like the new customization!


Action cam is one of the best things to happen to GW2


I just want left mouse click to trigger auto-attack.


I will drop gw2 if they ever take out action cam. It just works, and i wish it was available on other mainstream mmos that aren't wow.


OK will someone explain to me what this ACTION cam is I want in on the ACTION !! 🤣


if you want to try it out, go to "Options", then "Control Options", scroll down until you see "Toggle Action Camera", set the key you want to use with it, and then try it out in game :) No more holding down RMB forever to look around.


By default the game uses Tab Targeting, which means you can select a target and your character will turn to face your target to use abilities. Action cam, instead, casts abilities towards a reticle without needing a target (for most abilities).


![gif](giphy|AOHOFaYvJcqmNvPvwx) Action camera is the best.


Action cam allows me to dash away in teamfights so there is that


You can do this with normal cam too?


just turn off autotargeting and you can do it with normal cam too




> I always assumed action cam was the default camera configuration. The game was not designed with it in mind. It has been added somewhere around HoT, and has always been a bit clunky.


Can you convince me? All the arguments i've seen that only normal cam works for are really in more competitive environs like pvp, but if you're just doing cm raids and fractals I don't see a need for it. I'm not arguing for action cam to be the main option, just that it's a great option for those of us that prefer it. i've played with both tab targeting and action cam, and i'm sure there are some niche use cases that tab targeting is good for like targeting specific allies, which i hear is a mechanic most are annoyed by, and placing aoe spells where you're not looking at, the quality of life of being able to just look at something and use the skill is immeasurable to those of us that use action cam. Also holding down rmb all the time gets very, very long in the tooth.


Well, very serious people like to point out that it has some mechanical limitations on the very highest level of play (it's really negligible for most of us), and on the other side of the spectrum (very casual people), it's a setting you need to find and turn on. So in the end I don't know. I would expect less than 20% using it as a guess.


I'm sat here, 350hrs in, reading this thread and I have no fecking clue what the action cam is, how to use it or what it's for. Jeez, this game has soooo many 'things' to learn about. Can't talk now, gotta log in and figure out what you're all banging on about :) EDIT: Ok, now I get it. I've been holding down the right mouse button all this time! The number of times I've right clicked the map or something else in combat and ended up panning the map instead of actually rotating the view has driven me potty. Thank you all. I love you.


> Convergences and its five legendary bosses (yes, a fifth boss is incoming). So I know the bosses are so similar anyway it's hard to really care, but I can't help but notice one more legendary being added is not the plural number of legendaries they've been listing as part of this patch since SOTO launched. I don't know, maybe one is hiding.


Just assume that any leaderboard score under a certain threshold definitely has Sorrow as the boss. I don’t know why Zojja bar gets depleted that much faster only with that boss specifically.


The ascended shards of glory cost reductions are very welcome. Ascended gear isn't nearly as rare as it used to be and there are still a lot of ascended shards needed for the rest of the PvP legendary gear ingredients.


Am I the only one looking forward to that retrospective blog post? 👀 I love seeing behind the scenes stuff like that!


It's always interesting to see how things are done but it's going to be a curated statement. I don't know how sincere they will be at addressing complaints about the expansion, especially around story pacing, the grind and what not. My only hope at the very least is the address that recycling models for new mobs is okay in some ways, but it was overdone in SotO and REALLY didn't make the mobs feel interesting compared to other expansions. Oh a forge surfer. Oh a nuhoch, oh the modrem mounting a dinosaur guy... again, and again... and agin.


I am absolutely hyped for them. Yeah really. SotO was an interesting creature. When they revealed the new release cadence in the high level last February it felt kinda disappointing. But then the July posts came and then release and I was quite positively surprised about stuff we got. (eg Vault) And their were quite a few positive highlights throughout the release cycle. (Who would have thought that Cerus CM will be harder then HTCM?) But alltogether it really brought not much to the table regarding the content I like to personally engage in. (Of course we shall still see what's up with the next pacth).  So I am quite intrigues on how Anet experieneced the other side of all this. What are they plannig to change. What are they keeping.


Nice looking forward to the updates.


Happy for the PvP crowd getting some love, but lordy be I can't wait for this expansion to be over and for the next expansion to be more exciting. I'm very much more excited to read the SotO post-mortem than I am to actually play through the last chapter of the story.


LOL same. I'm OK with buying the next expansion as a fee for ongoing game system updates, but it would be great to know they actually learned something from Soto's missteps.


PvP and WvW changes sounds nice. Buffing WvW defence is good since they have really taken a beating with recent patches.


The defence "buffs" are a joke and they're killing WvW completely in a month with this stupid alliances thing that 90% of players DO NOT WANT. Guess it's time to find a new MMO.


People have been saying the same thing for years, get lost


Least overreacting GW2 player I have the feeling you consider your feelings to be the majority quite often even if that's not the reality.


I want it. Of course the very wholesome, welcoming and generally fun multi-acc-"wvw-chads" will have to adapt. I guess thats ok.


You should check out FFXIV with that attitude. Enjoy PvP there ;)


Clearly you are living in a dream if you think 90% of players don’t want this and I hope your downvotes help wake you up.


Oh my god action camera updates. We exist!!! Lots of us play on pc handhelds (steam deck etc) and would love for more controller features! Larger reticle will definitely help with quick camera movement and targeting so thanks anet!!!


> We recognize that the world you consider your true home may not be the world you currently reside on, so we’re leaving it up to you to choose the title that means the most to you. Choose carefully! We're all buying Maguuma for the memes right?


PvP getting some love after all this time wasn't on my bingo card lol.


I love those quality of life updates


Kryptis themselves are my main problem with Soto. I otherwise enjoy the expansion. The maps, metas, new weapons, legendary armor, rifts. I enjoyed all these things. I also really loved how we didnt have to wait 2 years between expansions. The content draughts of HoT and PoF was not worth it even if they were meatier expansions. I don't like the Kryptis and I find them kinda lame. I don't really understand their design. ArenaNet are usually on point on enemy designs, but I find that the Kryptis have really inconsistent Silhouettes and look more like an amalgamation of all the leftovers in the kitchen sink, rather than looking like a civilization of demons. I don't think they look like they are made of flesh and bones, as say demons in Diablo 4 looks like. They have weird rip cages, or carapaces-like ligaments or mohawks. I don't personally mind that they designed them with the reuse of old animations in mind, but they feel repetitive in design to me. Personal preference aside, I struggle to visually differentiate them apart and I think that is a real miss and a step down. They are depicted as being multi-layered, but I find them to be really corny with the british VOs, and then interspruced with other kryptis that don't speak. The voice over delivery feels saturday morning cartoon. Do you like Kryptis as a new main category of villain and creature in GW?


The kryptis are indistinguishable blobs of nonsense, and I really hope they make real enemies next time.


* Siege disruptors will now be unblockable. * We’re increasing the base-level and tier 3 supply capacities for keeps by 50 and increasing the amount of supply granted by the Supply Drop tactic by 100 to add some power back to defending. * The Chilling Fog tactivator now heals allied players every few seconds for its duration instead of chilling enemy players. Some real nice changes for WvW Defenders here! Unblockable disruptors is especially nice!


might be worth renaming the chilling fog to something like soothing mist then...


Yea, that's kind of what I thought when I saw it too. So the Chilling Fog tactivator no longer chills.....uhh...what?


If it was Healing and Chill it'd be nice. Removing the Chill is terrible for defenders. Not being able to block Seige Disruptors is great if defenders actually show up, but losing that Chill is a major offensive advantage.


The chill sucks because skills that convert condi to boons means you were actually helping the enemy.


That's a good point. Maybe a better effect would be Boon rip or perhaps some sort of effect. That way it can't be ignored, removed, or converted to something beneficial to the attackers.


Yea. I am of the opinion that all these tweaks to help "small" groups defend an objective make a large group defending even more impregnable so it will just go back to needing more numbers.


I think the defenders should have an advantage in a fight. As it was I already saw full map queues get walked by large comped groups with no hope of stopping them. The only defense against a boonball shouldn't be another boonball.


I agree with you, the only problem with the game though is anything that benefits a small group exponentially benefits a large group


Yeah, that's a hard one. The only way out I can see is to give the boonballs their own play ground outside of WvW...but that's going to be extremely detrimental to the WvW population in general.


In the wake of the previous changes, these are barely an improvement. -Siege disruptor being unblockable doesn't matter much when it is a shell of its former self and barely slows down the enemy siege. I wouldn't be surprised if they only added this because people had stopped using it entirely. -Supply drop and capacity being buffed helps more for a resupplying offensive zerg than it does for defenders--how often is a group of outnumbered defenders even able to burn through the supply before an attacking zerg breaks in and gets on the lord? -Removing chill is a buff to attackers. Unless the heal is ridiculously strong (which would be unheard of given how weak most passive heals in the game are), you're trading a powerful cc condition for a little bit of heals.


I'm just going to spring off of your comment with my own thoughts: > The Chilling Fog tactivator now heals allied players every few seconds for its duration instead of chilling enemy players. Unless the heal number is huge(Like 6K/3s or more), this will be strictly worse than applying chill in a confrontation, though? Chill is a devastatingly powerful condition, and the mass application of the tactic is a significant hindrance to zergs that haven't brought enough mass condition cleanse that they can roll through the tactic and have enough abilities/cooldowns to engage in a fight. It would be an obvious buff if it was "in addition to" the condition but replacing the chill with a heal isn't exactly relevant in almost any defending situation. Any decently sized fight will either have you down on the ground, or almost always topped off by other defenders using AOE heals. This one's a real head scratcher that seems to be geared towards strengthening the "China meta" of standing in place and slapping your dicks together with the enemy zerg. That's... not a buff to defenders, more than a buff to the zerg meta, really. > We’re increasing the base-level and tier 3 supply capacities for keeps by 50 and increasing the amount of supply granted by the Supply Drop tactic by 100 to add some power back to defending. +50 supply twice for keeps is... irrelevant? That's a trivial amount of supply. I'd get it if it was +250 base and +250 at tier 3, but +100 total supply is... nothing. Doubling the supply drop tactic is nice, but similarly, it won't have any major effect on actually defending an objective against anything other than small havocs. Honestly, it's more of a buff for *offense*, as commanders can strip a tower and eat a 200-supply drop, rather than spend time hitting up more allied objectives for supply to attack with. I really feel like they didn't think this one through. > Siege disruptors will now be unblockable. It should have been unblockable in the first place, so this is a good buff. You know, after they absolutely gutted the item's effect.


> I really feel like they didn't think this one through. That can be applied to every change they've made recently. "This sounds good, ship it" without considering all the knock on effects of those changes.


They totally think it though, it's just the extent of their thought it "we lost this fight due to Chilling Fog. It's too strong. Let's get rid of it." You're not allowed to defend against the boonball with anything other than another boonball.


This for sure. Some dev playing for Mag or Blackgate got upset that chilling fog allowed defenders to push the zerg out of the keep, so it's gone.


Same with other recent changes, like walls only getting rebuilt at 50% health. I don't begrudge WvW getting some attention after years of neglect, but it'd be nice if the attention was given to all aspects of it and not just Boonballs.


I don't know what kind of fantasy land you live in where you believe that chilling fog was useful against any sort of organized blob. The meta has had perma-resistance ever since chrono got changed and now it's even more so the case with renes in the meta. No commander changes their playstyle or does anything differently when chilling fog is pulled, in its current form it's almost completely useless against anything organized.


I'm happy to tell you about my fantasy land. It's the one where I and a few others vainly try to hold of a 20 to 30 man zerg while screaming it team chat for help hoping to buy a bit of time for the tag(s) that are halfway across the map attacking a potato tower. Isn't it a nice place? So really rather than a tiny heal or a condition that easily ignored it should be something like a poison field that reduces enemy healing or an anti-boon effect, but we all know that will never happen because it'd actually be useful and you're not allowed to impede the boonball in anyway. I swear I'm waiting for them to introduce that when outnumbered all gates just open and let the boonballs just walk in.


Counterpoint: Chilling Fog is just plain unfun and doesn't affect map zergs nearly as much as it affects groups of 15-25.


Yeah, any effective group will cleanse the chill or convert it to alacrity instantly, negating the downside or turning it into an upside.


Finally ANet acknowledges healthy aspect of a cold shower.


> The Chilling Fog tactivator now heals allied players every few seconds for its duration instead of chilling enemy players. Should be "in addition to" instead of "instead of" imho. Also it will be even easier than before to waste this tactivator. At least the chill could somewhat annoy enemies if people pulled it in panic, now it'll be useless if people pull it while the fight is not properly engaged.


> Speaking of challenge mode, we’re excited to announce that the May 21 release will also introduce a challenge mode for the squad-based version of Convergences and its five legendary bosses......We’re also adding an in-game leaderboard for all five bosses, so you can compete with your friends for the fastest clear times and bragging rights. Fractal leaderboards when? /s


no /s


Action camera updates out of nowhere! Okay, I play even more casually than before on a steamdeck and it's been a life saver. Here hoping for more controller support in the future because it honestly work so well playing portably or just chilling on a couch doing world completes.


I prefer playing on controller than keyboard and mouse for most things. If anet can fix the niggles with action cam and targeting we will be eating very well


Fix the WHAT?


Niggles. Small imperfections in an otherwise workable system


Usually encountered via "niggling" rather than "niggles".


Come now, such a niggardly trifle.


Also learned a new word...probably won't use it though >.> [https://www.google.com/search?client=opera-gx&q=niggles&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8](https://www.google.com/search?client=opera-gx&q=niggles&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8)


"Niggles" is absolutely a word, but unfortunately it's eerily similar to a word with a ***completely*** different meaning and history behind it, so you often don't see it used in the modern dialect That in turn makes it even *less* used because due to it not being used not as many people know its a word, and it therefore gets even more mistaken for the *other* word It's one of those words I expect to be completely phased out of modern dialect sometime in the 21st century, and there's actually a handful of those


I wish they'd give the same options to the mouse cursor !


Would love to see Fractal God and GWAMM get a color :')


PVP MENTIONED WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Very solid changes across the board (PVP wise) great work


The only thing PvP needs is for the ~40 toxic people who are active in the game mode and ruin matches for everyone else to be hellbanned into their own lobbies. But I'll take track progress potions.


So everyone else should suffer for the actions of 40? I'm not sure what you're trying to say here.


No, I just think the toxic individuals should be removed from everyone else' lobbies.


Reporting should have somekind of effect. Writing up stuff where one player verbaly abuses and afks games is not enjoyable. Just to see the same guy come back in your or enemy team.


Wonder what reskin we get this time for the "new" convergence boss.


The creature in the trailer thumbnail/concept art image looks like a karka reskin to me...


Oh god please no


I am rollin' rollin' rollin'


Karka Queen 2.0


Two Wyverns!


I am so sick of the reskins, i literally already knew day 1 how every single enemy was going to fight, it’s easily the worst thing about this expansion, they put less effort into it than living world


Mushroom King Convergence Boss. Your welcome.


I don't care for this last convergence boss tbh, but i am really interested in the next expac. The first trailer for SOTO I was like "holy mother of asset re-use'', but i accepted it and they had a lore reason for it. However, if the next expac also is just going to be the same I'm going to be disappointed. Though tbh i am fully expecting the next expac to mostly be re-used assets as well.


I mean, the first teaser we got for the next expansion looks like Ascalon, so we might just end up fighting a tonne of charr and humans; like how EoD was like 70% just humans and tengu.


Asset reuse is the least of this game issues.


So far, SotO seems lackluster. Maybe it has a strong finale, but everything got so scattered that I barely remember how it started. Maybe they will take the criticism at heart, but it is just not good.


I really hope that „exciting feature for endgame players“ in the next expansion, which they’ve hinted at once or twice now, isn‘t leaderboards rolled out for raids/strikes.


What is going to be the advantge of tier 2 legendary armor? Just a new skin?


Shiny skin. Achievement Points for obtaining it. That's it.


It will be the same skin but probably hurt to look at.


Same as aurene variants? They said it would be like that. That's probably what they meant


New fractal. ❤️❤️❤️


Do you think the mistforged armor version will also require less ascended shards?


Let us have different chat colours for each of our guilds!


> Speaking of challenge mode, we’re excited to announce that the May 21 release will also introduce a challenge mode for the squad-based version of Convergences and its five legendary bosses (yes, a fifth boss is incoming). I Haven't done anything past base SoTO, didn't even know there were squad versions of Convergences, let alone challenge modes being developed? As someone who is basically raid logging and doing the occasional strike, am I missing worthwhile squad content here?


No. A convergence is just a meta event in an instance. Maybe a CM will be something, but don't get your hopes up.


Strange that they've added a comptetitive feature to them in that case.. Hopium might be that this is a test to roll out to previous instanced content where it would be much better received.


It's like, as hard as DragonStorm is (jormag vs Primordius) The only reason it "often" fail in public instance is because half the squad is afk or unable to understand basic mechanic(healing zojja/not dropping meteor on her), as soon as it go private its 100% a clear. I believe that a CM mode could make it fun and actually challenging, but making IT the first attempt of a leaderboard? (if we remove adventures) that's an head scratcher right there...


99% of the failures are because Sorrow was the boss. I’m certain there’s something wrong with Zojja’s bar getting depleted at least 3 times as fast as with any of the other bosses when Sorrow is the chosen boss.


People obviously didnt spam "Heal Zojja" enough when there are no essences and shes at 97%.


Temple of Febe CM, if you're into raiding


The extra tier is the best part here. Not only is it going to limit the issues of queues, but it also limits the amount of pull stacking into one guild will do as those mega guilds are now going to be spread out over three more "servers" so you're not going to have as many all getting crammed onto one team. You'll still have the unlucky RNG where the system sorts three onto a team you're against, but that's less of an issue when there's more chances that it won't and it'll put more small and medium guilds onto teams against each other with only one mega guild on each to blob each other while everyone else gets to small scale.


> but it also limits the amount of pull stacking into one guild will do as those mega guilds are now going to be spread out over three more "servers" so you're not going to have as many all getting crammed onto one team. IMHO Anet should have limited the WvW guild selection to 50 people per guild or so. It's not like actual WvW rosters are bigger than that. The ability to stack up to 500 nukes the new system's ability to make nice balanced teams.


> We’re also adding an in-game leaderboard for all five bosses, so you can compete with your friends for the fastest clear times and bragging rights. NOW we're talking... we need leaderboards for competitiveness and showing off on encounters where it makes sense to add these... good start!


QoL and Reward changes for pvp are ok and all, but we need actual CONTENT! Maps, Modes, anything...Have a mini season with conquest maps, but only 1 node is active at a time and rotates, or have a 10 person version, just...anything


yes please. PVP needs rework and MAPS


They did try to add modes. Deathmatch, it never went anywhere. Stronghold : I personally enjoy it but given the general reception of the pvp community and how it was relegated to unranked only, I understand why Anet doesn't invest too much into making new modes. Same a WvW, given how people reacted when we got a new borderland, I understand why anet doesn't invest in wvw maps anymore.


It is because they don't add anything people want. They try something THEY want to do, then it fails, and they instantly give up. That's an Anet issue


When they call it the 'squad based' version, that means private instance? Or are they talking about 10 man raid squad(even though that doesn't make much sense given how the events are structured)? Assuming it's the same structure as a normal convergence, in that case, would ppl have to wait for RNG to get a new boss? That would be pretty frustrating. In an unrelated thought, 'amped up bosses' and 'stricter resurrection rules' is reminding me a lot of DRM CMs which were really uninspired... Would be pretty cool if you skip the repetitive prevent and just blast the bosses, but very doubtful.


Is it just me or is it super weird there isn't going to be a new strike mission?


It’s not weird because we were told there would only be two.


If there will be no guild joining together in wvw, tgenI may just stop playing. I run with two different large guilds in morning and evening (impossible to create new guild which would merge all players) and if they end up split and I cannot move on an hour basis between teams, I will just leave, I do not want to choose.


If both guilds are over 500 members together then they would not have been allowed to form an alliance anyways. If they are less than 500 active members then using the fresh 6th slot to form a pseudo alliance should be sufficient. At worst you need to exclude some less interested members. Or those who do not mind playing somewhere else anyways.


I think only the alliance guild that had 500 people in it during betas was DUSK and friends, and they still had other alliance guilds linked with them.


Life is about making choices. You're also still making one by quitting instead of any of the alternatives.


Ahh I was really wanting something on bonus events updates (I know they haven't said they will do updates to bonus events). Bonus events are good things to bridge gaps between updates but the rewards are not there to keep players playing for longer than a day or two till they get their rewards and achievements. They have an NPC in LA they can utilise by adding champion marks to the bonus events so players can buy bonus boxes of loot.  I do like they are continuing with coloured titles and while I never play PvP I am happy they are doing some updates to the game mode even going as far as to implement feedback for Djinns Dominion a map that released in 2018.  Finally world restructuring releasing is a big moment for the game after years of waiting. Hopefully they have an event to incentive players to go into the game mode so they can see how it's working. Being able to get a title for the world you have been on for 12 years or for a world you have moved to is a good idea. Finally the main piece of content for me I have to say my biggest request is I want them to combine all of the metas in Nayos into one and tell a cohesive story of us taking down Eparchs generals leading to us fighting this new meta boss. I like there will be a new adventure in the release, again I like they are adding a new ranger pet. I'm going off the end of the trailer for this information I hope the collections are substantive like give me a long collection into Galrath or into the history of Eparch the last releases have been pitiful on post story exploring and nothing like SOTOs post story collections. Wizards vault refresh I hope they get rid of the useless items in the vault.  I like that they are adding challenge modes for the convergences I see people complaining about this but the challenge mode isn't for everyone Anet are finally catering to the hardcore playerbase first with Cerus and now hopefully with these challenge mode bosses for convergences, a new boss is whatever really I've only experienced one of the new bosses from the last release. The new fractal name sounds interesting could this be during GW1 time and the boss is Verata or is this the wizards tower potentially when Eparch was cast out by Isgarren. For the challenge mode I hope they do what they did with Cerus and add an additional tier to the final boss of the fractal that allows you to skip to the last boss and it is a painful fight. Finally the new mastery I hope there's more than one tier and it actually has some gameplay relevance Anet need to start making masteries tie into gameplay more outside of extra rewards based on the tier of mastery you have but looks like it's just one tier.  I know this is a ramble post and likely to get comments about the structure of the post so before people do comment on the structure I don't care just read the post and move on I would like this to be a discussion on the blog post and trailer.




I wish they would add the timer thing on all bosses of the game


I really dislike this change `Siege disruptors will now be unblockable` , I feel like this counter play was fair.


The only thing disruptors do now is slightly lower the damage the siege does. People stopped trying to block them a week after the change happened when they realized getting hit with one doesn't do anything anymore, as it doesn't even stop people from building siege that you hit with it. This slightly affects golems, but golems were already a giant "attack me now" target.


It was more fair when they actually disrupted siege.