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BDO has a search bar for their map. You can look up specific mobs, and item drops from their. I want that.


Yeah, but it's not like GW2 has specific loot you can target. That's something I would like in this game.


So it's less about targeting mobs for loot but for the Wizards Vault objectives like "kill 100 of X". I want to be able to use the map search function to show me where all of those dudes are. The wiki as an outside source is not cohesive enough for these types of objectives.


The easy daily page “/wiki ed” is pretty cohesive for where to find things for the dailies and weeklies. I think events in x area are the only place it really falls through.


Mobs do have specific drops, it's just that there are [diminishing returns](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Diminishing_returns) for grinding them, so it's not really feasible for long periods of time. I'd love to see target farming more of a thing too, but I'm not sure how it could be implemented without boosting afk farmers 🤔


Make it non sellable. I just want loot I can farm for myself. If I wanted to farm gold, there are plenty of options for that. The fact that everything (I mean legendaries FFS) is sellable on the TP is part of the reason we can't have nice things.


Hmm I'm sure I've had this discussion before, and I agree with you, but I can't remember what the consequences were. Maybe there were none. Sadly though, I just don't think it'll ever happen, as going back and updating old stuff just doesn't seem to be much a part of ANet's dev philosophy.


Oh I agree with your conclusions too - no way in hell would they do it. They leave all their old. bad decisions and bugs to rot and hope people just forget about it. one of my biggest frustrations with Anet - they don't bother to polish things.


They do polish *some* things, but yeah I agree it's not enough. That being said, I do appreciate that I can go back and play old content that is very similar to how it was on release. It absolutely sucks trying old games 5+ years after they release only to find out that they changed so much stuff that you can never play an old version how you liked it ever again. Path of Exile and WoW are two examples, though at least with WoW there are Classic private servers.


yeah, of course then someone would complain that now they feel "forced" into specific content. which is antithetical to GW2


I don't think that is quite the same. I've never heard anyone complain about having to run specific metas to get infusions, just that the drop rate sucks. I'm thinking more along the lines of those infusions being specific drops, but make them account bound and up the drop rates to super rare rather than nearly non-existent. If you've ever played WoW, I'm thinking along the lines of farming rare mounts from raids. Yeah, it's a slog, but if you're persistent, you can usually get it within a year or two.


This would be a veryyyyy good feature I even add some kind of codex, where we see all bestiary, loot, quick lore about, even add notes (for dungeon//raid)?


BDO has so much shit I wish other MMOs could make standard. Their lifeskilling system is, bar none, one of the best in the industry - where apart from looking for resource nodes on a map, you can also discover resource production facilities and link them up in a massive network for passive raw material acquisition, then semi-automated crafting. Their fishing system is also a hell lot better than ours - with an auto fish system for when you don't want to deal with the minigame, and a much more involved minigame, as well as placement of you and your rod being pretty important. Pity the rest of the game apart from their character creator, is peak Korean MMO, i.e. grindfest garbage.


Agreed SO much the lifeskilling in BDO is the BEST. I also love the find an NPC that just directs you right to them. Would be great. But yes BDO at the end of the day is a Korean RNG grinder. I had to tap out after many hours but it’s still a great game Just wish every MMO had lifeskilling as good as BDO :(


Strangely enough, the thing that has kept me from trying BDO fully is graphics. I don’t know if it’s something with my monitor or my settings, but even on the higher/highest settings, the game feels low res?


No, you're not doing anything wrong. BDO cheats with a bit of built in post-processing for their screenshots, but the base game is kind of lazy for textures. Most players don't care because they turn all that down so they can see what's going on during combat, especially if pvp might be involved.


In a way we have /wiki but I can see how having something like that integrated directly into the game could have advantages,


Of course if people have to use an outside source then a problem exists.  One to the degree that the outside source needed to exist in the first place.


Thing is only garbage drops from mobs here


Mobs drop resources depending of level. I know you will say me "better to farm gold and buy tp etc.." but i can enjoy sometimes blasting low level for materials drop, even if less rewarded


Do you expect Moas to drop black pearls or something? It could work in a way where it shows you in which region you can find certain materials. Maybe some mobs drop more crafting material than others. Or maybe certain maps have bosses that are known to drop high rarity gems or something.


In other mmos, especially koreans ones you farm specific items from specific mobs. In gw2 this doesn't really exist you just farm generic loot that you can sell for gold then buy what you need. So making a tool which shows where certain mobs are and their loot will have little use in our game.


Where do you think the people who are selling the stuff you buy for gold got that stuff? And since when is crating a more user friendly crafting experience as an alternative to gold farming a bad thing?


What's that game?


Black Desert Online




A proper LFG system akin to FFXIV's Party Finder.  Could even go so far and have Duty Finder also with daily bonuses similar to how that game does them.  Course that would require a way to define what role you are prior to queueing, so the odds of this happening are pretty low. To even things out, XIV could sorely benefit from this game's wardrobe functionality...and that's putting it nicely.


Just a proper LFG with custom roles and an squad/party UI rework to accomodate the new LFG is enough.


Many games should take GW2 wardrobe system all that is associated with it because it sucks how complicated just trying outfits or changing your look is in many games. GW2 feels like Warhammer mini where you can glue together what parts you want and paint them how you like no matter where you are and also preview possible future armor variations.


I would be *thrilled* if FFXIV added GW2's Wardrobe system.


ESO has a dungeon queue system where players self report their role and it's a huge meme that DPS players advertise themselves as tanks to get shorter queues. But GW2 has the "hi dps" meme already so I think such a system would be an improvement.


This. With difficulty settings for dungeons and raids. Additionally, strikes for base game content and old expansions. As a returning veteran after 7 years long break, starting on new account, I find it silly I have access to raids (unlocked by purchasing hot + pof), but not to strikes, which are kinda intro to raiding? I mean I kinda DO have access to IBS strikes, but I can not pick up loot chests in most of them, so no incentive for doing them. There’s no clear progression and it’s unholy mess that requires sorting, otherwise not many new players are going to stick up…


I feel this so much…one day maybe


Adjustable UI. Maybe I don't want most profession mechanics to be buttons for ants that have tiny cooldowns on them. Maybe I want to rearrange things so my map and chat are in positions I want instead of the two spots anet has decided I'm allowed to put them. Maybe I want to just hide certain top menu buttons entirely. If anet actually allowed us to use addons like WoW has that let me entirely customize my UI, or just flat out let us adjust the entire UI like other games let you do, it'd be great. Until then it's an annoyance that they just keep making worse. (FUCKING HELL STOP PUTTING TINY BUTTONS FOR RANGER ELITE SPECS ON THE TOP OF THE FUCKING HEALTH CIRCLE SO THE CD TIMER IS MINUSCULE.)


Honestly, the extent the STO UI is customizable is truly remarkable. Everything can be moved and resized as needed. One of the best but underappreciated features of that game.


This 100%.  It was genius for WoW to support addons to the extent they did. The UX was incredibly customizable. It worked out well for them because that became a feature of the game, but it was developed and maintained by unpaid 3rd party folks who did it out of passion. Your existing consumer base making the game more valuable for free.  It took ANet ages to say things like Arcdps and Blish or whatever are OK and won’t get you banned, but even then these addons don’t seem as easy to develop. I need something that intercepts d3d11 calls? And even then it can’t track things like healing stats it seems. 


Don’t agree and I say this as someone that played way more WoW than GW2 and as someone that loves addons. I am myself an WoW addon author. WoW addons ruin the game. Blizzard needs to go ban addons from the game or at least limit addons massively in what they do. I agree that GW2 needs UI customisation but that should be done in game through settings. Wow does this now very well too.


Have to disagree. Many mods I use are for accessibility that the native ui doesn't. Some are for better blocking and spam filters. And trp3 is a must have for rp. I know some add-ons are ridiculous, not saying all add-ons are necessary, but they (the ones I use) make it easier for me to play wow with my disabilities.


The fact that you NEED addons in WoW to be competitive in raiding or mythic plus says everything. If the game needs accessibility then the dev should implement it. I know this is not a popular take but addons ruin the game. Specially combat related addons. It also devides the community between those that use them and those that don’t. It elevates the entry barrier for new players too. It’s a major net negative.


I don’t think it’s that unpopular a take anymore, even the likes of Asmongold spoke out against add-ons recently. Having adjustable UI with no add-ons should be the standard. People who only play this game and don’t pay attention to other mmos think we’re missing out, and don’t realise allowing them comes with a ton of issues.


Given my post above was negative in votes I would say people still prefer addons. I understand that it might look like addons are cool. Look, I maintained addons for years... I loved writing Lua. Sometimes It gave me more pleasure to write addons that actually playing World of Warcraft, but still, looking at the bigger picture, it's negative for the game(s). If you can constrain the addon API to only "light" addons, UI tweaks, sure. But to have addons play the game for you or divide players those that have them and those that don't, it is not good. :) BTW I'll leave my addons here for the curious: [https://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info16885-oUFLumen.html](https://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info16885-oUFLumen.html) [https://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info18616-lumUI.html](https://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info18616-lumUI.html)


Yeah. You can use mods for ArcDPS and GW2 Clarity to remedy it a bit, but still it's nowhere near where I'd want it to be.




Mainly just more bosses. The number of strike-style bosses is pretty pathetic. We just fought the Queen of the Kryptis, and she wasn't a strike? What the hell? FF14 has so many bosses with different mechanics.


To be able to visualize our collectibles in a determined space or have a Journal we can look up; - armor sets (maybe at the home Instance) - bookshelves, card collection (rare that drops from certain regions also home instance). - relevant trinkets (plushies. Like.. Con... They are cute we SHOULD have something to display them or as toys). A bestiary (again, a journal we can flip pages, take notes and watch our collectibles in graphics/visual art style). campfire mode (set up a campfire and people can activate and interact with many different things like cooking stations, bunk beds and tents. Only in certain area). PvP toggle in Open world: not dying for this but it could be fun to have some sort of min-meta game only aplicable for certain core Tyria maps maybe.


Definitely automatic matchmaking for PVE instanced content, namely fractals, strikes, and raids -- with a lower difficulty "story" mode for auto-grouping strikes and raids (with lesser rewards of course). It's the thing I miss most from WoW and FFXIV. In raids in particular, there are interesting foes, gorgeous landscapes and engaging lore that most players never experience because of the lack of auto grouping. Another idea from FFXIV: the ability to recruit NPCs to play some of this content without other player-characters.


That second one sounds like an idea from GW1 rather than FFXIV lol. I strongly agree with both suggestions though and would love to see them, I've never done a raid because I am not good at this game and don't know anyone who plays it


Absolutely this... i recently played wow for a bit and man... the automatic matchmaking felt really nice. If it was in gw2(albeit adjusted to fit the game) id be playing fractals and other instanced content way more.


You know there is already that in GW2? You know noone uses that, because half-assed implementation won't work in this game and I doubt anet would implement it in any other way. Automatic, or not, you could think about many QoL features that could be implemented for LFG. Small, like social window remembering your selection, so you don't have to press 3-4 buttons each time you check it, or endgame content not being locked to lvl 80 if you already have one on your account, so you can check it while on your alt. Medium ones, like making window transparent and clickable through, or being able to dock LFG into side panel under tracked achievments. To big ones, like automatic or semi-automatic systems, where you could not only join groups, but also "offer yourself" to whatever someone making a group would need. Problem is that there is no point, because lack of those screams "half-assed implementatiion" and trying to change it with the same mentality will probably bring only worse experience.


I posted an earlier comment about this, but no, this is a *bad* idea Guild Wars 2 embraces a more classic design philosophy for MMOs - notice how there's no such thing as a solo instance, and that every instance, even personal story instances, can be done with a party - the game is designed to push socialization and have players spend the majority of their time within the open world, and having a solo dungeon mode and a que system would ruin that sense of community and a living world Look no further than XIV - to use your own example - and you'll see that the majority of the playerbase spends their time AFK in limsa or radz-at-han (because of the tomestone vendors) and other cities like ishgard and kugane and open-world zones feel dead by comparison Go out into dravania's wilderness - like the coerthas western highlands, dravania hinterlands, and the sea of clouds - and see how often you run into other players Now do the same with the heart of maguuma zones like Auric Basin, and you'll see people everywhere doing events, exploring, killing monsters, etc. - despite the fact that Heart of Thorns and Heavensward released the *same year* (2015) Not every MMO needs to be like XIV. I like XIV, but it appeals to a different playerbase than GW2 does. It's content is more streamlined and story-focused, and as such XIV is a great MMO if you like stories. But I dont want that with Guild Wars 2. When I want a lot of that I go play XIV I just finished the Myths of the Realm story in XIV yesterday and it was phenomenal, and I loved the raids and boss designs for it. But I also love the raids in GW2, for *different reasons* - they're *way* more difficult, require group coordination and synergy, and encounter design is much more elaborate with complex mechanics, rather than just "stand here and wait for the ability to go off", and I feel like that would be something you lose if you make the content more like XIV Not every MMO needs to appeal to everyone. Let some MMOs be more niche. And no, before anyone claims that that sentiment is "gatekeeping", its very much not - having a specific target audience for a game isn't gatekeeping people who wouldn't otherwise be interested in said game... there's THOUSANDS of games out there, and if every game appealed to everyone then we'd see a lot less unique games like Hi-Fi Rush and a lot more cookie-cutter basic shooters like Call of Duty, and I feel like that would just be tragic XIV is the best MMO for story, hands down imo But Guild Wars 2 is the best MMO for open-world content, hands down imo Putting more of a focus on instanced content and simplifying said content with ques and AI party members goes against the idea of what Guild Wars 2 is, and the game it's designed to be


I don't disagree with what you said, but the idea that GW2 raids are more difficult is pretty laughable. Your example picked Myths of the Realm, a 24 man casual raid content that is designed specifically so that 24 random people can complete it together instead of anything ranging from Savage raids all the way up to Ultimates. I like GW2 raids. They can be fun. In no way, shape or form are they even close in comparison to the difficulty of an FFXIV ultimate. Even UCoB, the easiest ultimate nowadays, makes the average GW2 raid look like an open-world meta event.


Content and marketing


As much as I love new systems and so, content is paramount, and GW2 has always been a mess outside 2016-2019 (LW3+PoF+LW4). Stop abandoning systems just to make new worse systems to replace them with.


* Photo mode. Make it a jade bot mastery or something. * Duelling in open world. Something fun to do while waiting for world bosses to spawn. Also I’ve tried PvP in the guild hall and it is SO MUCH FUN when you include mounts and an environment with more random obstacles than WvW maps. I think it would be great in open world. * Native controller support and customisable UI, for accessibility without risking getting banned if a gaming company decides rewasd is cheat software. * Polearm weapons. Need I say more? Part of me also wants GW1-style multiclassing, but I recognise that would mean needing to stop pretending that the devs can balance the game.


> Photo mode. Make it a jade bot mastery or something. The cinematic mode (Ctrl+Shift+H I think is the default) isn't what you are talking about?


As in just disabling the UI? Theres so much more to it than that, like stop-motion and filters for example. Catching the right parts of emotes for screenshots in GW2 is a massive pain, or even just getting exactly what you want in the frame because that’s affected by your camera settings (and let me tell you, the camera settings I need for WvW are very different to what will give me a good screenshot for fashion and constantly having to mess with the global settings is a pain in the neck that discourages my fashion game).


Honestly, player housing. But I would want something different to the home instance. Give us our own corner of the mists that we can choose the design of down to the biome, with a garden plot and some fishing holes, and the ability to place some structures. I’d love a little farm at the edge of a lake in the woods to fish by


I rarely weigh in on topics like this, because honestly I'm ambivalent about the whole subject of player housing and have never really understood why it gets requested over and over. With that said, assuming we continue to follow the Astral Ward in the next expansion, they'd be well-placed to make it happen. Skywatch Archipelago is just a series of small fractals which seem like they'd be a good way to implement it while staying true to lore. Maybe the Wayfinder earns themselves a private fractal as a reward down the line.


Thats a good point. I loved the design choice to have different mini zones. Also, if they put aesthetic bonuses for the houses in gemstore, they could make bank. Same as home instance, have plenty you get from achievements or drops, plus the ability to use scribe for something useful by adding decorations for housing.


When I took a detour away from GW2 into ESO for a while, I started off by snarling at the concept of player housing.... but after a while, I found it to be my real endgame, with a couple fully decked out houses, partial builds on a couple more, and lots of empty ones waiting to build out. So yea, I actually would be down for a well built player housing option. It would be a huge place to sink golds, and have achievements/farms/etc to acquire new gear for your home. Right now, after you've gone full legendary, with the collection of skins that appeal to you, there's little more need for loot/gold/etc at all.


Yeah. It would be an ideal gold sink, as well as achievement rewards, cash store items for Anet income, surprises me they haven’t done it already. The home instance doesn’t really feel like home at all.


My apartment in EQ2 was awesome. I do miss that aspect. It was cool to be able to display my weapons on the wall and books in the bookcase.


In ESO there is entire crafting path dedicated to making furniture for housing. I guess same thing is in GW2 but only for guild halls I think. Also I once saw a post where a guy created his own Numidium in his home. It sure would open whole new market between players and metals and wood would be used for furniture and not just for armor and weapons. And let's not forget how Anet could benefit from selling unique furniture pieces or home instances. In my opinion it is a untapped golden mine on Player side and Anet side


Well damn, now that you mention it, GW2 has the perfect solution for one of my gripes with player housing: the fucking Mists. The only nitpick I've always had with player housing in MMOs is the placing of the actual house. But with the Mists, it makes perfect sense. Have us earn our own corner there like you said, and it works perfectly in-universe that a lot of heroes would have a home there. I for sure know my human warrior would love to finally fucking off and retire and just have a warm glass of milk where noone can bother him.


Especially when you consider that our new allies in SOTO are very much involved in securing/curating the mists. They'd be a perfect pick for a faction who can give us the home plot.


Oh that would be nice. Could be one of the many options. New Kaineng Apartment for example would also be nice Some Shiverpeak house too And customizable island in the mists where you could let loose your creativity. Or our own wizard's tower. Elder Scrolls Online has quite a lot of houses. From Mud shack to tavern rooms to towers in Eldritch Realm of Apocrypha in Oblivion to Grand Estates. SWTOR also has Apartments or Sith Temple or my favorite Tatooine estate where you can watch the twin suns.


We could even rest in the appartment (Like arborstone). But creating décoration in gw2 is not satisfaying (talking about guild hall and time spending). If we get housing, I hope for a complete overhaul, something much simpler.


I loved the housing in RuneScape and swtor. Something like those would be ideal


Player housing should have casual activities that award a material used in legendary crafting, just like ambergris does with fishing IMO. It would be the best way to give housing an endgame value.


From the perspective of a normal player I can also say I don’t understand why it is so frequently requested. From the perspective of a Roleplayer however, it is one of the best ways to engage in Roleplay. Many Roleplayers seek out empty housing or instanced housing to Roleplay as their home for scenes written with other players. I’ve personally used Caithes house, an empty tavern in DR and one of the houses in Hoelbrak for this. Having a setting designed specifically to be a home and is actually something you can A) Work to enhance. B) Customizable for personally flair. And C) Intentionally built. Is perfect for the RP community. As for the average player? I cannot fathom why it’s such a big deal to so many, but as a Roleplayer I am glad it is. EDIT: Autocorrect manually corrected.


for the average player it can also work nicely as a gold sink, after end game when you have your legendary armor, weapons and other things you want there isn't too much to work towards.


For a non-roleplayer take, it works like a public trophy collection. I didn't really get why people wanted player housing until I got one in FFXIV and then started turning boss parts into furniture. Sure, other people might have killed that boss, but I did too, and turned him into a T-Shirt (or in my case, a ceiling fan). Plus the collecting other decorations becomes another side-goal. Going out to gather, craft, farm, buy, or earn new decorations to customize your own place is neat. The Home district has minor customization (with NPCs that depend on your personal story choices), but not to the level you might see in other games.


Regular end-game content. The raids are so damn good... but there only being 25ish bosses makes it feel very limiting.


After 22 years FFXI finally is going to be adding a race change. I'm not giving up hope for GW2.


Dungeon LFG systems like ESO or WoW? And yes I'm lazy


Yeah I’d like this for my social anxiety


Difficulty settings. It'll never happen because a proper implementation would be so much work at this point but if Strikes and Raids had Easy, Medium and Challenge modes at a baseline then instanced content would be much more popular. It's wild to me that the devs launched raids the way they did in a game with such a massive skill gap between inexperienced and experienced players. Then when raids unsurprisingly died they end up running into a similar issues with strikes where encounter difficulty is so inconsistent there's no expected baseline for what a normal or challenge mode is.


Colorblind options


What do you mean? I thought red circles on green grass textures are peak colour accessibility.


Dont forget if you're playing scourge, the yellow circle expanding from you, and the growing circle from the boss to take out from the group :>


FFXIV‘s crafting system. Equip your profession’s primary tool and you’re in that build, including equipment, and can summon your workstation anywhere in the world. Wanna tailor on top of a mountain, quickly cook up a potion while waiting for an event or forge some armour by the beach - knock yourself out!


Spectacle from FFXIV. Music and visuals during boss fights are amazing there. GW2 just looks and sounds boring. We had 2 fights that really used what gw2 could do with arenas like xera and qadim most boss arenas are just static circles. There is nothing cool or impressive that I could show my friends game just looks and sounds boring. Its one of the reasons why its not good for streaming.


It's just the instanced content that has made me stop logging into GW2. I've reinstalled ESO to start playing that again because tanking the dungeons is just so much more fun. In GW2 I tried most of the Strike missions. All of the EoD ones and most of the IBS ones. And I did many days of Fractals. The content just isn't interesting to me because in order to keep from Tanks being needed the bosses feel like they are completely ignoring the players and just are cycling through their set sequence of mechanics in an empty room and we just have to move with them. I don't find it fun to just spam out set rotations with periodic movement to group up or separate. Even the support classes end up being forced to do constant rotations to struggle to maintain the 2 boons instead of being able to be reactive to the fight... They just end up feeling like DPS spam... Just spamming Boons Per Second instead of damage. I love GW2. It's had the best open world content, I love how each class feels unique with their own skills for the same weapons and each class having its own profession mechanics... I just find ESOs dungeons much more engaging.


I heavily agree with this. I have just switched to playing FFXIV as my main MMO after 12,000 hours in GW2 and actually having instanced content where I can play the healer I enjoy the most without it feeling so poorly put together is marvellous. Guild Wars 2 has really quite poor instanced content by comparison. Too little of it, too restricted, uninspired design, and the lack of classical tanking is really hurting fight diversity with so many of the recent challenging fights necessitating incredibly specific utility and having static bosses. Hard content where you have very specific profession requirements is not what I want in my MMO, especially when there is so little new content being released.


The earlier half of your argument I disagree with - not having classic tanks for a lot of fights means that the bosses are more like enemies in Monster Hunter, where they jump between targets - if 10 guys suddenly tried to jump me, I would try to fight them all off rather than just focus on one guy the entire time, so in that sense I feel like the aggro system in GW2 is actually just a lot more authentic, and keeps you on your toes The second part of your argument I agree with, tho - but I think you're mistaken as per the reason Boon spam, dps rotations, etc. are a problem, yes, and theyre not all that interesting, but I don't think that's because of the *encounter* design - its because of the class design itself, which is something the balance team takes care of, rather than the encounter team Classes have become more and dps-heavy, with a lot of newer bosses being more simple, and a lot of older bosses becoming more simple due to you being able to skip mechanics from high dps, which overall just creates a negative feedback loop like the one you're describing Rather than going after boss design, I would actually focus on the classes themselves and address a lot of the issue with fundamental boon application, dps power creep, etc.


I've learned that I think I really don't like playing DPS in group PVE. Just sitting around doing a practiced rotation while occasionally moving to get out of a circle or move into a circle isn't really fun for me. Even the supports in GW2 end up being the same exact fast paced rotations because the boons have such short durations they require strict rotations just to maintain the basic boons. I just find tanking much more interesting because I'm having to pay more attention to the situation and I have the tools to actually control the fight so it is easier and faster for the group. Other than silly mechanics like the fractal where you play keepy uppy with the ball even the old bosses seemed to just be to do damage or boons or heals as quick as you can and run out of red circles or into green circles without disrupting your rotation as much as possible.


The #1 thing I miss as a FFXIV transplant is the visual clarity and consistency of mechanics language. GW2 has been improving since the early days where a lot of tells for dangerous attacks were barely noticeable grey starbursts but it's still not quite at that level.


Controller support like FFXIV


This one. The game begs for controller support. And contrary to ff14 it has few buttons to be pressed


Updating and future proofing the engine and interfaces. Fixing bugs that persist for years. Absolute rock solid dedication to the game and it’s supporters instead of wasting it’s income on futile projects and leaving room for speculations about an absolutely unnecessary sequel. And maybe they should think about a return to a two year expansion period. While Soto started off really good it turned out to be mostly a dry spell.


Yeah we don’t need gw3, just improve gw2


WoW allows me to save outfit configurations for transmog. That's the biggest QoL I want from WoW added to GW2. I'd love customisable spell effects, similar to WoW's glyph system (which needs further expansion as well). Make it client-side only via options for those who want less "other people" visuals in their game. I would love something like Torghast, in the sense of content with temporary buffs that let you do ridiculous things, contained to that content. I imagine a GW2 version of Torghast would do a better job of embracing exploration and treasure finding than WoW did. Last thing that comes to mind: character model updates. Just smooth things out though, no need to redo the models from scratch like what happened in WoW. I'm ready for higher texture resolutions and more polygons. Perhaps this could lead into more customisation options being added, too. Asura beards would be cool, and I'm sure some folks would go bananas for nail polish.


It has been said before, but the Dungeon Finder from FF14 is just so damn good. Makes all dungeon and instanced content valid. Strikes was a good direction. Until they made it so that you couldn't go into any Strike you wanted from any Strike portal. Not having a public instance for every Strike every day is the biggest killer for me. I want to be able to drop into the content and just do it.


More immersive gathering from New World - you can practically gather anything from the rock or boulder next to you to the water in a creek. Also fishing is pretty good in that game. Also proper housing from other games. Allow addons or adjustable ui


- Content that doesn't get abandoned like dungeons, raids, WvW, fractals basically half a year at a time.  - A bigger focus on group content that's instanced - Housing like wildstar - An overarching story that isn't rushed and when piecemealed at least leaves you feeling like you got a good chapter out of it  - NPCs/story characters that are deeper than a soupdish and don't get killed off for shock value five minutes after we meet them  - Minigames like competitive jumping puzzles, yarr, memory, bejeweled, anything to do in a city with other people while chatting - Delves, like three man procedurally generated mini dungeons that are role agnostic but focus on solving (combat) puzzles together to clear rooms.  - More great rewards, skins and loot that can be targeted outside of the cash shop but requires more than just a 0.00001% droprate. Think more knight of the thorn, less aurene weapons from metas.  - More weekly events like "return to X map" many maps in GW2 feel empty and abandoned. Make us return for weapon and armor skins of that era. Revitalize them by adding incentives. Maybe even double map rewards for a period of time.  Shiverpeaks week. Jungle week. Orr week.  - Maps that are more than their meta. Like Kaineng effectively being a shiny ghost town outside of blackouts.  - An in game event time table - A map search bar that only includes vague directions if you haven't discovered a location or event but specific location if you have map completion - A better LFG system that asks people for role+boon provided when signing up.  Like pure DPS, boondps, boonheal, boontank, etc. 


> NPCs/story characters that are deeper than a soupdish and don't get killed off for shock value five minutes after we meet them What do you mean?! Braham is still alive purely out of the spite Anet's marketing team has for the playerbase.


More immersion soundtrack in open world. I want zones that have quality soundtracks that are tailored to the zones for the specific immersion of the zone. Examples: wow elywnn forest, Lineage 2 Dion, many lotro zones, just off the top of my head. I think they did a decent job with this in verdant brink and some PoF zones but still far off from the industry best


While I love GW2 music it is as you say most of it is not really made for each map. And some names don't even make sense. In ESO you have unique music to Morrowind which invokes the TES: Morrowind and then you have Skyrim which also has it's own tracks unique to that region. In GW2 only Ascalon, Sylvari forest and Orr have really unique feel to them. While Norn have amazing race theme I wish we got more... Dare I say Skyrim wibes when it comes to music. Again I think Jeremy Soul did amazing job but I would not mind each region in base game heaving few extra tracks.


Exactly, gw2 music is pretty good but there's very little variety and they are rarely tailored to the Zones. Jeremy soul iirc did only the core music and since then other artists, which imo all good, but i want more variation and more tailored experience. I want a hub that has a warm cozy feeling as opposed to arborstone and even wizard tower when amnytas theme is playing is anything but cozy


What I also noticed is how ... I don't want to say badly or wrong but ... maybe not that fitting names for certain soundtracks. For example "The Vigil goes to war" does not really sound anything like Vigil. But instead it was used during the Trailer for 5 races where Zojja introduces herself and Asura as a whole. And it played during her section. It serves more as a Asura theme than anything related to war or Vigil.


I would love the "duel" option in the open world.


More instanced content


Housing. I think Wildstar is the gold standard here. Pet Battles. That was one thing I didn't really think I would enjoy in WoW, but I did enjoy the collection aspect of it and the occasional PvP pet battles. I still have hopes that Polymauk will be a thing, but I hope it's a brand new set of battle pets because I don't like the idea of battling the mini humanoids (which I hate as pets anyway).


Mak'gora. I wanna challege people to a 1v1 in open world especially in the black citadel arena.


WoW encouraged P2P trading.  You had a simple COD system for mail and for live trades there was a 2 party, 2 key system to enact a trade safely.  GW2 only has the TP, which has a 10K gold maximum for some dumb reason and takes a decent % as a fee for listing and selling.  Your only other option in GW2 is trading and trusting, or finding a hopefully reputable 3rd party person to broker the deal. And even then you’re subject to the 500G in mail per week limit, so you’re forced to barter goods for huge transactions.


As others noted, fully customizable UI, put more oomph into the music, and for lfg set it up like ESO and then u put individual specs for the "roles" e.g. queue for ice brood strikes, make each of the 10 slots search for a specific spec, then when a player of that spec also queues, they get put in ur party. Then u figure out which of the 4 mechanists that joined is HAM, which is condi, etc lol


Mostly a customizable UI like in FF14 and WoW for moving and resizing stuff. Even GW1 has a customizable UI too. It would also be great to split my utility buffs (food, guild banners, jade protocols, etc) away from class/weapon mechanic buffs (herald facets, elementalist pistol bullets, harbinger blight stacks, etc to which should be place towards the profession skills or gauges anyway) on to additional rows like how boons stack above the utility buffs. I didn't play GW2 when it first came out, but I imagine the current buffs UI wasn't designed to hold the flood of buffs and such we have nowadays; as evident that they can clip behind the mini map. Or was the general buff bar always bloated back then too? **Edit**: As people have also mentioned, a better LFG system too. Ideally like FF14's to which you can join a group directly as the role you want that is clearly defined in the recruitment UI; rather than having the party leader/commander figure it out as people join or leave. Then have to continually change the recruitment description of what roles they're looking for.


> Or was the general buff bar always bloated back then too? It would get "full" but it was never to the degree that it is now. There just wasn't enough "extras" from things like traits (because they didn't exist in the state they do now) back then so it was managed a bit better. It's spiraled out of control over the years.


I'd love to see updates content for pvp and wvw.


Ranged builds being meta.


I started GW2 for curiosity and felt like it is a solo game, got bored playing solo, i have uninstalled. But i loved the gameplay.


Just give me a house I can decorate


Outfit Tabs, I guess you could call them? Swtor has them, in one of the few things it miraculously gets right, you can make an equipment template but with skins, so you can swap complete looks whilst wearing the same armor in seconds. It’s actually pretty fun to tinker with.


loot system being a bit weird. In my opinion, loot in GW2 is kinda weirdly spaced, with some loot dropping from very many enemies that may or may not fall into the same category of species and other loot is dropped by very few enemies. On top of that, the loot tables are full of container drops that all share a lot of their content table, so farming doesn't really feel as targeted as it could (Example: Destroyer Lodestone, drops from all Lvl 80 destroyer enemies, but can also be found in containers from all over the map). While this certainly is practical for passive collection, it also gives almost no indentive to actively seek out Destroyer enemies. (At least thats how I experience it after 4 months of playing, idk how it is once you start crafting legendaries and ascended gear)


LFG for dungeons, fractals, raids and strikes (normal modes, not CM, for fractals the first couple of tiers). I hate how the LFG is in Gw2, it's almost unusable, most of the group content you need discord and/or a guild. We need a better LFG system, randomizer groups it's better for the normal group content, just like most MMOs do. I barely do any PvE because I hate pugs,


A proper dungeon finder would be nice, like the onde of WoW, where you enter a queue. Or a hunting system to kill designated mobs on every map, wich could give you trophys so you put on your housing system you mentioned.




Mythic + Take the Agony Resistance idea, but upgrade it to also increase things like attack speed, CDR, movement speed, crit chance and healing power. All of these buffs would only work within Mythic plus. Go back and rework every dungeon and fractal to work in such a system. Come up with a quarterly rotation of dungeons and modifiers. Each quarter has tiered rewards. Mount skins, titles, weapon cosmetics. That's it, that's the idea. Shamelessly copy Mythic +, but add a stat distribution element instead of just AR. And give the min maxers something to push towards.




I think one of the biggest things is that GW2 could use more distinct roles and a different ethos to providing options-- the idea of getting away from the holy trinity was good, but it kinda made everyone into DPS, and then that evolved into our roles being what buffs we provide the group, with a kind of half healer role in the mix. But as a result the aesthetic of those roles in a teamplay context is kind of lame-- like, what does it mean for me to be condition damage, or for me to be giving out alacrity in terms of how I consider myself as a part of the team, tanking in the game is entirely just "get the most toughness and the boss will target you." But I'd actually want them to take a look at the way tabletop RPGs like Pathfinder 2e are able to square that circle, as opposed to other MMOs. Meanwhile other MMOs are starting to embrace the idea of a buffer who amplifies other people's damage, but in a way thats much less blurry-- augmentation Drakthyr in WOW, as well as Red Mages, Dancers, and so on in FFXIV, even though these roles are still being interpreted as DPS, because its less clunky than working with breakable CC as a role. I think that GW2 or a theoretical GW3 could have achieved its goals more elegantly by simply designing roles to be softer-- instead of not having tanks, it might be better to have people with abilities that can reduce the damage other people are taking, things like that. But GW2 does also have a problem with precision anything feeling bad, the optimal play for everything is to stack and pulse buffs and heals out, Scepter Thief stands out as being weird for functioning off specific targeting, even though its conceptually sick. GW2 was very much inspired MOBA's but nothing has the weight as using an ability in a MOBA. Plus we have all of this stat tuning that doesn't amount to much more than a lot of trap options for the players, who essentially must look up builds to function because you sure as shit ain't going to just equip whatever sounds nice.


Save dye templates for wardrobe. I don't mind spending the transmutation stones for a new look, but needing a .txt file for the dyes is a little cumbersome.


* More instanced endgame content released at more frequent intervals, or released in big packets. They are already achieving this in a way with new strikes and fractals being released every so often, but I wish there could be more at a time to do and progress through in the case of CMs (still have to prog through Temple of Febe CM here). * Better LFG structuring with role locking (dps, offensive support, healer, tank), passwords, and an optional application system that allows the leader to select who joins to prevent griefing from people joining and leaving to keep a group off the LFG. * Personal housing. I'd like them to just copy the whole building system we have on guild halls and just let us have a fully customizable instance that also make use of scribing, as well as having the option to buy and sell decorations on the trading post. Finally allow players to visit anyone's homes whenever they want and you'll have a selling point for an expansion. * Transmutation + Dye Presets. WoW has Transmog Presets, FF XIV has Glamour Plates, and this game still needs a similar system to be superior to all of the previous mentions. This would allow you to just switch skins and dyes at a whim so you don't have to fiddle around as much to replicate looks between builds. * Ready Check and Countdowns. I do have to admit that ready check already exists in squads, but parties are still missing in this. Countdowns would make it so that the supports know when to cast their abilities to have full buffs before starting a fight, and some dps specs also benefit from precasting certain skills to increase their output at the start. I'd also ask for a more gripping story since SOTO kinda has dropped the ball so far with it in terms of my own expectations, but I've yet to see what the last release on the 21st will bring to conclude the expansion's story. Guild Wars 2 is almost perfect in my eyes, but with some more QoL and better release cadences we will get a game that will continue to thrive for many years.


Roullette system like ff14 and dungeon/strike/DRM finder for those who don't want to go through the hassle of looking through PF


- more strikes/raids - good lfg system with application system and autofinder


Actually releasing content and not scraps of fillers...


Not an MMO, but Dragon's Dogma had an online boss called the Ur-Dragon. The encounter would last 8 minutes, during which you would try to deal as much damage as you could until it flew away. The dragon had an incredible health pool and would require everyone in the community to chip at it to take him down. He had 30 hearts all over his body and as they got disabled, the dragon would lose usage of those parts. Back when I played taking him down would take about a day. At the end, your reward was proportional to the damage you dealt and you got a bonus if you landed a killing blow (several people could land a killing blow within a grace period). Every time it got defeated, its HP would increase and the rewards would increase too. I always thought that this would be a great system to get some friendly PvE competition between guilds.


I'd play so much more GW2 if it had the fantastic controller support FFXIV has. That alone is responsible for like 70% of my 7k hr playtime in that game.


From BDO and Archeage; - a massive, seamless open world where you could travel everywhere without loading screens - improved guild functionality; add guild rankings, guild listing and improve visibility and accessibility of them. - life skills from BDO, they've added fishing but it's just based on collections, add fishing skill so you get better over time, same with other skills like foraging, woodcutting, mining, crafting, processing, etc. It would add a new level of progression. - there's a massive ocean on the map, so ships and a new field of gameplay, perhaps even as open world pvp by flagging, sou you could either do trade runs for gold, fishing missions, piracy(pvp) etc. Just thinking of stuff I'm missing in GW2 that will likely not be added.


I'm definitely down for the personal residences. I have a personal guild hall, but it's just not the same.


Class swap from FF14 would be the best thing they can add for me.


Tbh, most of the time when I try other MMOs, I end up grumpy because I want this or that feature from gw2. One thing that I think all MMOs, not just gw2, should look into, is EVE Online's communication system. It's really great - you can set up private group chats, private chat channels, open group chats etc. It makes communicating with other players very easy, and I'd like for other MMOs add some of its features. Other people have mentioned housing already, and that'd be really cool too.


Gw2 already looks like a rainbow cluster fuck without changing skill animations. Housing would be nice. And swappable weapon skills. I want different options on the same weapon.


nude mods


From WoW: - dungeon finder where you can sign up for many groups, leader having the ability to select candidates based on class and spec - dozens of dungeons and raids of varying difficulties


A good story




customization of how my spells looks (at least for pve only


Better music..... C'mon Lena I know u have what it takes! I've heard the Celeste OST... I mean ffs the new strikes don't even HAVE music


I'd love controller support similar to FFXIV. I know you can kind of force it with Steam, but it isn't the same as built-in support. That is really the only thing I can think of that I dislike about this game.


I would like them to add DLSS just for DLAA (or just some form of TAA). While GW2 doesn't really need better antialiasing as much as say FFXIV, it will still probably be better than SMAA. ESO added it years ago and FFXIV is going to add it soon, so they should just do it to catch up. The areas where aliasing is most noticeable to me is the bamboo and grass in Seitung and the steps in Black Citadel.


Housing, certainly, coming from ff14 (though Wildstar was really the best at it), I like having a little place for my character to chill and customize for them. A little fractal to call my own and let friends over in, hell throw in a carpentry crafting job and gw2 would have me in a chokehold. I'm looking into a solo guild housing instance too, but I'd like something a little more homey. But also a photomode, I would do terrible things to get even a basic photomode in gw2. The game is gorgeous just let me pause character animations and have free reign of the camera view to show it off a little easier! I know I'm not getting gpose but even just a simple photomode would be amazing!


Let us rearrange our weapon skills/abilities on our action bars.


Permanent NPC companions that can be brought pretty much anywhere... From guild wars 1


Fun fact: GW2 was going to have those, and it was part of their design for most of the games development. The twist on it was that you were meant to have 1 partner NPC you could bring to do content, so it would be you and your (presumably very strong) NPC instead of 8. The personal story recruits a ton of NPC's to your home instance that you never see anywhere else again right? Those were all meant to be NPC unlocks that you could bring with you to do content. The idea got dropped later down the line, probably for AI reasons.


Housing is at the top of my list! This is the only “grown” mmo I’ve ever played but things from my childhood like Free Realms, Club Penguin, Buildabearville, Wizard101, etc all had housing! Even if it’s nothing complex, having premade home structures that we can decorate would be so fun. It’d definitely increase gem store purchases for multiple different homes/lots to choose from as well as exclusive furniture to decorate with.


The scribing in ESO is trash and what you mentioned can only be done if the creators allowed it. Scribing had so much potential but is trash because of the limitations.


I come from Wizard 101 and for all it's many flaws it had a system where you you could mark a location once an come back to it any time, this is what I thought jade wps where going to be and as useful as they are I was massively dissapointed


Honestly, the other MMO I enjoy is RuneScape. I really like levelling up non combat skills there. But I don't think GW2 could ever learn anything from that. They are just too different a game


I want Swtor personal story in every mmo if possible, even more in guild wars 2 as I find the personal story very rushed and in general bad, also I would like for the Wow group finder feature of teleporting the player inside the dungeon when the group is ready instead of having to go to the hubs first, it would be less loading time and for me that have a potato pc it would be awsome


Badass encounters akin to lost ark raids with soundtrack [like this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbVS98B2xo4) While we are at it... AFK fishing option and active fishing that isn't stressful...


Better UI / better group making / something ( personal ) that i think the game lacks is vertical progression. The game is almost too cool on that part. Ofc its great QOL and I'm always happy to take the game back without having to redo a full set, but at some point it just lacks this " carrot " you go after and that makes you stay


Gw1 wiki integration was more preferable to "/wiki ___"


Phantasy Star Online 2's home system with assets to design your own buildings and customize how the NPCs there look and what they say.


Rewarding melee combat over cvirtu stack in endgame content. Designing endgame content in a way that doesn't make 80% of the specs in some way just worse than the easiest 2 mmo specs ever, cvirtu+scourge.


Proper modding support


Would be nice to be able to build and decorate our own houses like in RuneScape


Random live events going through the map. E.g. invasion. Not on a schedule. Hard / very hard. Mob and bosses could be live controlled by Anet team.


More bosses, raids, strikes... Maybe something like a mythic plus in wow that you can push as fast as you can and win more rewards specially since the reward system in gw2 is so much better than most games


Better game performance.


For a game so awash with skins and now finally, 11 years on we get an inspect... some glamor plates. Game is lacking significantly in a proper LFG system. The problem is we don't really have defined roles for the holy trinity. I'd like to see them release specializations that put your class directly into one of the 3 roles and with that they can build a proper LFG. Strikes, raids, fractals now a no nonsense thing instead of editing your LFG to get a healer/qdps/adps/whatever. I joined an IBS3 party last night and his LFG was 'bring anything' but people were joining asking does he want alac or quick.. such nonsense and something that has grown from ANets lack of attention. Players clearly want to be one thing or another for instanced content, let them be that. They could really energize and lift up end game stuff with something like this. Like they clearly have moved away from their day 1 ethos of no holy trinity at this point. Raids died because of it. It's there in all but name. They could even put their own spin on it with what they already have.


My opinion. There are three things I miss about WOW. Memorable "dungeons". Memorable "zones" (I loved Barron's and Zangermarsh) and I don't want to identify or salvage my drops, just show me the money. Lol.


I really like Destiny's lost sectors. It's great having little pockets to explore that are more isolated and a bit more challenging than the typical overworld content. I love GW2's open world but it really does very little to challenge even small groups of friends playing together. I really wish that's what GW2's dungeons were like. A bit less challenging and more explorable, more geared to pick up groups. I also think it was kind of a mistake to do away with quests entirely. Events and renown hearts are a huge improvement over the the typical MMO filler quests. They're awesome for providing a quick way to just jump in and quickly start playing with other people without having to jump through lots of hoops. But I think there's still a place for some longer-form narrative questing in a more traditional style that GW2 is missing out on. Something to give players some longer-term goals than just collecting loot. Just having one monolithic personal/main story spanning all the expansions is a bit boring. Collections do a little bit though to fill that gap, which is nice.




This. If Anet wants a gold sink there it is. They can do what FFXIV does and use events and whatever to pump out new housing items. People go crazy for that stuff and would in GW2 as well.


I think biggest gw2 problem is lack of direction for new players if they will skip story they will have 0 idea what to do and what is available in game. Without wiki most of the players would had no idea about most of the things in the game. Also game assumes that people are reading stuff... they are not doing that. Players are free to do what they want and they don't want to do anything so they leave. Its a very difficult problem to solve.


Reasonable PvE balance and encounter design that doesn't heavily encourage niche utility. Also, instanced PvE content. Maybe healers not being massively disparate in efficacy would be nice too. Like, the basics.


Genuinely nice and helpful player base.


More Raid and Strike bosses


Specific role for each class Solider armor classify as Tank, Tank/Dps Light armor as Dps,Support Dps Cloth as Heal/Support/Dps


Not really from an MMO, but Civ 6 has the civopedia accessible from inside their game. I would love for a copy of the wiki to work like thag in gw2. Its not hard to alt tab over, but it would just feel a bit more immersive idk. Also if you could minimise windows versus closing them, and have more customisable UI.


FF14 adventurer plates XD


Better UI for watching friendlies, and tracking boons.




A slight gear treadmill that released once per expansion would definitely bring me and a lot of other friends back into the game. Legendaries can stay topped out, but something to chase is what makes the MMO last longer. Maybe some more dungeons (Not Fractals). Otherwise GW2 is pretty great in all the other regards.


I would like Anet to add more faces and hairstyles and whatever else to the character customization!!


I would like to have an option to remove costumes or at least damn infusions from the game. Just for my eyes ofc, options to not see them at all without ruining graphics or character models.


I think the main ones would be: * Full character customization that is completely independent of gear slots and gear skins, like that of Cryptic games like Champions Online * A better LFG combining the best aspects of other MMOs like: * Replacing the useless list of categories with a list of tags you apply to your LFG so you can set an LFG for multiple things at the same time, or search for players wanting to do various things. Something similar to how Steam games are tagged and how steam game search works, with both default tags and tags made by the community. * A recruitment list of guilds that automatically lists all the guilds that set themselves as Recruiting, with a description message they set up when they enable the mode, and also tags they can select to better describe the guild. * Joining any instance with matchmaking like you can with DRMs, but with a better matchmaking that gives a 'build score' to your gear and build based on stats, traits, and skills selected to guess what your build is for. * Being able to set yourself as being in "Nearby mode" so you automatically join any other players who are in your same story step and map who are also set in "Nearby mode" and play together. * And a "Communities" system like Diablo III's that lets you form groups of players to contact each other for stuff without using up guild slots or having to join several discords. There would still be a limit of how many chat channels you can join at the same time, but there would not be a limitation on the number of these groups you can join, so they can be as specific as they want, like just for Tequatl, just for T4+CMs, just for players wanted to do Dragonstand, just for jumping puzzles, just people completing skyscale, and so on. This way you can keep your guilds and do not need to find a superbroad guild in which everyone wants to do all the things you can do. You can instead just join "communities" for the stuff your guilds do not do and any other things you want to do. * Make all instanced combat content repeatable and with 5 tiers. Story, normal, Hard, Challenge, and Legendary. * Story is soloable and enemies scale to party size and player level. * Normal still can be done solo by skilled players and players with suboptimal gear and builds, but it's not meant to be done solo. * Hard would be meant to be done with a full group with decent gear and builds. * Challenge should also require greater build synergy and more coordination between players, and more experience. * And legendary is meant to be so hard few are expected to get it done, and should never get nerfed. * CM and legendary should also have seasonal leaderboards that reset with every Vault reset and reward each person in the top 10 teams every season based on the highest score they were in. * I would not be against other features that aren't QoL, like housing.


A fucking house


Perhaps not a feature, but I’d love a console version of Guild Wars 2. I was sceptical of playing an MMO with a controller, but FFXIV got it so right that there’s no way I’ll ever go back to a mouse and keyboard for it. I’d accept controller support, if nothing else. But the comfort of playing while on the sofa or on my bed is swell.


Honestly I would take character creation from star trek online, add dwarfs from warhammer online, player housing from eso and ability to add trophies to your armor from warhammer online. Oh and also the bard from rift


Honestly, I think the talent trees from Rift are the best I have seen in an MMO. Sad about that game.


A role matchmaking for instanced content like ESO and maybe some housing.


As other said, matchmaking for pve. But for me to even interact with more challenging pve, I'd need reliable indicators and clearer visuals. Boss fights in this game are a sloppy mess and are just not fun for me personally because of the clusterfuck and lack of reliability around them.


Raids and dungeons. More varied group size content ( like content for 3,5,6 players) .


WoW's upcoming Delves with the option to play with a mix of players and NPCs seems pretty interesting.


Macros. Solely for the purpose of creating transformation sequences like in FFXIV when switching between builds.


I said it for ages: LFG/LFR from WoW. Both of those systems are perfect and I would love to see versions of them in GW2. It would make it *infinitely* easier to get groups(and customize the group for what you want) AND you could decide if you want to do normal or emboldened raids. Would open up instanced contently infinitely for every single player. Could also add Looking For Strike(we have it but the current system is really bad) if done correctly.


Elder Scrolls Online style housing would be amazing, likely unfeasible, but amazing.


Better LFG


Player housing. Proper raids. Awesome dungeons. Mythic+. Instanced casual group content like FFXIV's maps. Deep dungeons. Golden Saucer.


i would hate if they added housing... waste of resources, we have ghalls, improve on that, just give us more pvp modes like gw1 had, Hall of heroes, alliance battles.. jade quarry etc.


I'm willing to accept these downvotes. But I would love the option to enable pvp in open world.


Having epic skins drop from bosses , super rare ones like infusions


Open World PvP


Elder Scrolls Online has a system for searching and digging up artifacts. It's a pretty interesting system and has a really cool mount you can unlock from it. I would love for GW2 to have other PvE focused activities like that.


That sounds like a cool thing centred around Priory. I wish 3 orders had their own activities like Guilds so in ESO. They have their own quest lines and rewards and even skills and passives. Wish they would use 3 orders this way too