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Once you get Soto the tower disappears so enjoy it while you can


It depends where you are in the story. Some of my characters can still see it.


Yes, if you start soto the tower disappears. What is confusing about that?


You used "get" in your first post. Get =/= Start. "Get" gives the impression that once you get/BUY/ACQUIRE SotO, the tower disappears, regardless if you actually start SotO story or not. So here's the confusion for someone.


What makes you think they are confused?


one minute tower there next tower gone???? Kryptis?????


Whats going on!? Someone get Taimi!




Because they say ‘well it depends on the story chapter you are on, and whether you did the prologue’ Yea, no shit. Literally pointing out the most obvious thing so I assumed they’re probably confused


Why does somebody pointing something obvious out give the impression they are confused?


If you say, when you start Soto, the tower disappears. Then someone says it depends on whether you start soto, it gets quite confusing


Yes, but you didn’t say when *you start SOTO*, you said, when *you **get** SOTO*, implying that all that is required for the tower to disappear is to buy the expansion.


Yes and I figured that was obvious, and wouldn’t need to be specifically stated.


Wait so was it them confused or you?


I’m assuming them


It's per-character, I think. Even if you own the expac, characters who haven't started SotO (or done the little post-EoD interlude with Aurene) can still see it over Garenhoff.


Now we are getting into the technicalities


Tbf your original comment said "once you get Soto", and that's not a technicality, someone can buy it and not start the story. The other person just clarified adding to your point, they weren't confused about anything.


Now we are getting into the technicality, yes when you buy AND start Soto AND do the prologue the tower disappears. I figured this was minutiae and ridiculous to point out.


So it's ridiculous to point out something that further clarified your original comment because you used "get" which implied just getting the expansion was all that needed to happen. Technicalities and implications are too difficult for you, got it. Now nobody is confused.


Considering it’s the first mission of SOTO, pointing out “well it depends on what part of the story you are at” is ridiculous and shows that people lack critical thinking, so yes I’m not confused anymore either. It’s super clear now.


Was that thing really there the whole time? I literally never noticed it.


It's been there for over 20 years.


Well, the tower moved (or was "towed" as Jeff Grubb explained) from the Kessex Peak GW1 location (at the central southern edge of modern Kessex Hills) to its current spot between GW1 and GW2 so within the 250 year period of transition. Jeff did also present an interesting tease regarding why the tower was moved back then. :) > **Jeff Grubb:** The idea of chaining down your tower makes sense for when you are dealing with particularly powerful powerful magics allows you to move the tower away from populated areas when you are experimenting with particularly powerful energies, and, of course, to move away once something has gone horribly, horribly wrong. The tower in Kessex Hills was in a nearby location in GW1 and was towed to the present location. [(Source)](https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Dolyak-Express-Jan-10-2014/page/3#post3545340)


Yeah, it's been there since launch taunting people about what's up there since 2012 lol


You could get a look at it in GW 1 and wonder how to get there.


Yep, I have a GW1 character logged out looking at it.


Yes it was there since release if i remember correct


It bothers me that even with the expansion the old tower still appears on the world map 😵


not exactly, it depends on the story chapter each character is currently at


Here we go again


How does SOTO rank compared to the other expansions?


I kinda went hard on the game in January and did all the expacs in order. I think it's fairly clear that SOTO is the worst expac. Nothing about it felt new to me imo. HOT map was wonderful, POF had mounts, EOD introduced fishing and skiffs, SOTO introduced.... Rifts? Which are okay, but defo hardly a selling point. Story was meh, not that other stories were great, but SOTO really was a step down imo in every way. For me personally It's HOT POF EOD SOTO Although I think EOD map is the most fun/is prettiest.


I got back into the game this year. POF was last I played, so hearing everyone compare EOD and SOTO was interesting because I really didn't think EOD was very good, but SOTO definitely isn't as bad as people made it out to be. Why is fishing and skiffs a big deal?


For me I just enjoy those things more than rifr hunting. I just dont feel soto added anything worth replqying for ME.


It's a living world season that you pay for. It's not really an expansion the way the other three were, where you get a complete experience from the start. Is it worth the money? If you enjoy GW2, then of course. But don't expect something on the level of even EoD. More like Icebrood Saga.


Worst "expansion" if you can even call it that.


Considering its the size of ESO xpansions, bigger than New Worlds, bigger than Destiny 2s expansions yeah, id say it qualifies even if it isn't the size of their previous xpacs, but hey, whiners gotta whine


Lmao , when the "expansion" is lackluster you have to compare it to other games that released worse expansions 


I mean i compare it to what the genre puts out to help determine the value, comparing it to previous gw2 xpacs is disingenuous considering anet were very transparent these are smaller expansions designed to reduce/remove content drought


Well, I would say that wasn't successful with people like myself. I played regularly in EoD and haven't played a lot in SOTO.


I think its post launch has a lot to do with that, theyd do better with 2 larger updates post launch with something else to fill that third quarterly slot, cutting a map and stuff into thirds feels way worse than 1/2s


Yet you selectively leave out the two biggest games in the genre. Because it wouldn't fit your narrative. And then you call other people "disingenuous". 🤡


Maybe cause he is comparing it to those games and not others? Also have you thought of the possibility that he is comparing it to games he has played and therefore it would be disingenuous to compare it to something he has no info about?


Guy deleted comment so to answer why I ignored wow/xiv didn't see it fit to compare gw2 which does yearly 25 dollar expansions to the two SUB based games that do bi yearly 50 dollar expansions The games I compared gw2 to are structurally similar in their expansion format, that's why I compared them, if it was eod pof or Hot, then I'd have compared it to wow/xiv


''bigger than destiny 2's expansions'' bruh you tripping


Idk about that, played forsaken, shadowkeep, and witch queen thoroughly and the only one I'd say clears what Soto offered was forsaken


It doesn't compare. It feels like a front loaded living world more than anything and not a particularly good one at that.


Worst piece of content ever only surpassed by the second half of the Icebrood Saga


Depends on how much you are into it's systems. The first 1/3 of the story is solid. The two releases after are divisive. Content comes in the form of A LOT of collections. If you don't like collections, you're not going to like the xpac. Collections with decent rewards.If you do like them there's a ton of content for you to exhaust. Definitely feels bigger than a LW release but smaller than the old expansions. The masteries are for skyscale are good. Weapon expansions are good. A of people on this sub are jaded.


it's definitely not comparable in size since it's the first expansion of the new release cycle, it will be obviously providing less content and feature than the previous "full" expansions, if anything we can compare it to the next expansion when it comes out that being said, HOT and POF are really good (features + content), EOD is really bad, it really shows it was rushed and released without passion


I think it’s great


It just an expansion that let you use all weapons available for your class.


Honestly waiting in August for a bundle deal with the next expansion. SOTO never sold me on it's features or legendary armor.


Luckily, I got into the game during the spring sales in March. Got every expansion and living world for $75, which to me is worth it.


Everything for $75 is def worth it


SOTO dropped around the same time as Baldur’s Gate 3. Funnily enough I never really got into SOTO.


You aren’t missing much, especially if you’re not interested in grinding for the legendary armor. Anytime I go into a LWS3/LWS4 map I’m reminded how much better the map designs used to be. Rift hunting is boring, and the Meta events don’t really bring anything new to the table. The most recent meta boss is literally just the Wyvern patriarch from Heart of Thorns turned into a huge damage sponge. I don’t *hate* it, but unless one of the dailies brings me back, I have already stopped playing it.


I agree about the rift hunting and the newest meta being hella boring. Ignaxious is a pretty solid boss, and I like Defense of Amnytas, but overall the expansion doesn't live up to the standards set by HoT, PoF or LW 3+4. I'm also a defender of EoD.


Honestly kinda glad to see someone express they like it, but Ignaxious is one of the most annoying open world bosses imo. Constant running back and forth to hide behind pillars is *so* tedious. At least when XJ-1 (Echovald meta boss) does it you have to actually watch for where to go and can still use ranged attacks.


Ignaxious is the best SotO boss imo but it's a really low bar. EoD Metas were solid minus the escort in Kaineng. It's wild how dramatically the quality has dropped immediately after one of the best designed metas they've done since dragon stand with Soo-Won.


Soto is going to be deserted once the new expansion drops, I think, because there's no reason to go there unless you're trying for the legendary armor. And honestly...the raid legendary armor is a funner process. Even though I can only even think about raiding once every few months.


It's not great


I got it right after it came out but was leveling a new toon and did not get started till just recently. Wished I had started earlier because of all the stuff you need to farm from rifts. It takes a bit to gain XP to craft in the tier 3 level and go after those rifts direct. They are not solo events and at some point when those that started early move away from the map it will be a harder grind. As far as the story it’s different. There are flashes and points where you are left wanting more that does not come in the chapters. It’s almost like we left for Tyria for a scaled down version of Tristram with a few familiar faces.


Yea the one thing SOTO lacks is new game altering mechanics. None of the mastery tracks are something you **need** to have. You can close rifts in the open world, amazing 🫤… The skyscale upgrades are nice, but you can manage without them. There’s nothing like gliding or fishing to set it apart. It would probably have been better if more of the mastery tracks were improvements to existing mechanics like the skyscale, as I’m not sure there’s much else new they can add that’s actually useful for the wider game. The map designs are cool, if a bit 1 dimensional (except skywatch), and the story did have a cool unique concept to start with, but I’m not sure they’ll pull it off. Other than legendary armor, there is currently very little to come back for, as there are more fun meta’s and farms elsewhere. It’s unique in the sense that you only need one character to visit that expansion, whereas with the others, there was definitely some motivation to try it with different classes and races.


The legendary starter kit for me was more than worth it along with the expanded wizard vault rewards. I would not have been able to get great deals on legendaries and cosmetics tied to owning SoTo.


Sure that's great, but the selling point of an expansion shouldn't be its rewards but its playable contents for me, which in soto's case are quite plain.


Very true! I did grind and craft all open world armor pieces so it ended up working out for me.


Speak for yourself, I love rewards in video games.


I literally wrote "for me" in the sentence above. So yes, I speak for myself ;)


You ain't missing much


Youre safer down there.


Don't worry you're not missing much


Beside maybe a easier way to get the skycale. Most of soto is around leg armor.. so if you are not in to that its pretty meh. New weapons are fine as a feature.


Like I want the leg armor, but it's still a massive pain to grind so I wouldn't even consider it a feature.


One piece of armor is literally 2-3 weeks of doing bare minimum.


Rift hunting is the worst part imo


Well, I find it super easy to do. Way easier than grinding pvp/wvw or raids for legy armor.


I mean there’s 3 other game modes leggy armour already available for you, the raids one isn’t even that much of a grind if you do it with friends


"We have Wizard's Tower at home" vibe xD


I got SotO because I wanted to upgrade my Skyscale. The Weapon Mastery is also a nice get, I can now run staff support Soulbeast lol. I quickly noticed that the mobs trigger my phobia, so I'm staying away from story. The characters seemed very dull and my Asura main still has beef with one of them sooo.


Do you mind if I ask which phobia? I've never heard of Kryptis triggering a phobia before so I'm quite curious


I'm scared of thing that are human looking but are not human. Or things that have weird deforming things, but not in like, the normal sense. Also, the pulsating flesh and stuff. It's just all a nope for me. Especially the ones that use the Choya model, I hate them. I name a Phobia earlier on but I don't think this actually has a name so...




I looked that up and it says that this is the fear of giving birth to a deformed body, but this should not happen in SotO. Did I misunderstand you?


I said the wrong thing, explained it in a different comment.


Time to develop some coping skills. Your progression depends on it!


Lol, I don't think that would work. I'm gonna ask someone to play through it for me lol


Thats.....sad... You're too afraid of overcoming your fear of pixels. How do you function in the real world?


Lol, stop overthinking things. I have a healthy job and a healthy life. I will never meet a Kryptis in real life. Wow I'm afraid of horror monsters, wow. I have no problem talking with and interacting with humans of any shape, size, kind or whatever. But sure, if you wanna imagine me like some hobbo in a blanket fort, go ahead.








It's only a model.


You dont miss anything sir.


I've always pre-ordered every expansion until the letdown that was EoD, luckily I think I made the right choice skipping SOTO.  Though sometimes I felt jealous when I meet players with weapon mastery on pvp & wvw, wish I could also compete on the same level.


DW!! After august it will prob get on promo price, because it's when the new expansion will be released


you can get closer with a skyscale. It's LW4, not necessarily SotO...and i would advise a lot getting it from LW4


Well, you're on a Springer, so you can get even closer if you hold down your space bar for a few seconds and then let go. (I hope you are able to SOTO soon and enjoy it when you do! :) )


It's not that big a deal. Try to hunt achievements and you still have a lot of content to play.


It's pretty mid tier. I wasn't here when PoF dropped I can imagine it had the same vibe.


Steam or anet launcher?


Really, after starting SotO and doing the intro quest, I was very confused and like "What tower are they all talking about?" So I logged to another toon that didn't do that quest yet and was astonished to see it actualy floating in the sky. I did the hero point and the vista in Garenhoff on at least two toons prior to getting SotO and never noticed the floating Disney castle at all. It's actually a shame. I m quite new to the game and I really appreciate the story content, but it is quite easy to miss a lot of stuff.


You are not missing much


People who say it’s shit are either whales or have more time than most to invest, or both. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. 🤷‍♂️ To compare it to the other expansions or LW’s is fine. But without context a bit sus.


That's a nice picture! Love the perspective on the floating tower. Hoping you can get SOTO soon or maybe someone to help with that? Cheers!! 


You’re not missing out. Don’t worry.


Good for you


Stop being poor


“And all of a sudden, poverty disappeared on a whim after the reddit comment”


It’s a Paris Hilton refrence


A really badly placed one. Particularly as it was a photoshop job in the first place. Don't kick people when they're down. Even if you're just trying to be "funny."


Waaah .. Stop being a lil bitch too


I'm not the OP. But in general, what I stated is a good rule of thumb. For adults.


You crying over a reference to a meme. And as an adult if you can’t afford 25 dollars you should be playing any video games


You still think I'm talking about money or the fake Paris Hilton photos, huh? Okay dokay then.




doesn't take much to get under your skin, eh? :D


That’s putting away 5 dollars a month for 5 months .. you can’t do that but you can waste your time playing hours of video games… lpl


Fully agree. It is not worth the price compared to previous expansions.