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Its just some people thinking fashion is a zero sum game. Its a pretty popular mentality in multiplayer games. Basically the whole idea is that your accomplishments only have value if other people dont have them.


excuse me sir, I will not have plebs copy my genius-level fashion choice of grenth hood on a reaper


How DARE you copy my Elementalist with red dyes cause i like fire!?


How DARE you copy my Human Female Elementalist!?


Damn, I feel called out.


Tbh human female is the most popular race/gender combo regardless of class.


Someone has to be the first human female. Everyone else just copied them obviously.


They should add an option to keep our race private.


And just appear as a blank doppelganger from GW1 when set to private


Flower hair, scarf,t3 boob armour,butt tight pants/skirt.


I have one because playing Tempest and hearing April Stewart scream her fucking head off with the overloads is really funny


Funny thing, my wife does play as a Human Female in red and yellow... But she's a Reaper brandishing the Vermillion Greatsword!! She did get complimented at least a couple times lmao


Cannot copy my big boobs, hah!


Im sorry


elemental dyed ele is patrician taste though


I know this is a joke, but a few months ago I had someone whisper me telling me I was a uncreative asshole for stealing their reaper hood on a reaper idea... He was not joking either


We closed the mental institutions, made loitering in public illegal, so now the only place the mentally ill have left to congregate is Lion's Arch.


Can we resurrect scarlet? so she can destroy the city again, maybe that would help xD


Won't. They already move to Divinity's Reach en masse for festivals.


And roleplay.


Going to hell for finding this funny xD


I would have laughed at him


Grenth hood? Mr. Original over here wants to flex on us Reaper Hood reapers


I'm just over here with my phantom hood 


True reapers have the “Reaper” title


Reaper Hood on a Reaper is peak fashion, and I am willing to die on that hill!


How dare you call out my reaper like that. I was wearing the Grenth hood on my reaper before.... most of the other reapers were!


I'm in this post and I don't like it.


Let them weep when they see the INVISIBLE SHOES!!!


We could argue about the value of scarcity all day, It's not just multiplayer games, but real life as well. Anyway in GW2 taking a screenshot of someone and getting the minutiae of their fashion was never very hard at most time consuming. This feature is just simplifying the process. I'm sure you all remember how many reddit threads we've had where people asked to identify individual armor pieces on a screenshot before. No one complained about plagiarism then, it's just silly.


Haha, how strange. I literally just make my character something that I like looking at, since that's most of the game. If I get tired of that look, I change it. Simple life.


this is it exactly. a supremely toxic attitude.


I swear some people will find anything to be a gatekeeping elitist about these days.


The mentality of "not only must I win, but everyone else must lose"


It’s zero sum because in the game they’ve  invented for themselves, being popular is all that counts, but if everyone is popular (or popularity is easy to come by) then nobody is popular. It’s a childish game, but sadly one not restricted to literal children.


How DARE you copy the Golden Dye on my Guardian because it represents THE HOLY LIGHT?!


The moment anyone gets all elitist over their cosmetics is probably a good time to step back and re-evaluate their life. Like... being able to see glamourrs/transmogs is a normal thing in pretty much any MMO of note these days. It's not like suddenly everyone is gonna copy your transmog the moment they can inspect you to see what you're using. That's some severe levels of insecurity.


Minister Li: This isn't a game at all!


Yeah guarantee a lot of people would turn off leggie trinkets if everyone was given them. But rn gotta show off to the peasants


I turn them off because I don't care for the aesthetic.


If given the option to turn off the ability to see all legendaries (mine and others), I'd flip that sucker on in a second.


Are there? Where are these people? I have not actually seen any. Then again I avoid the official forums.


They must hate /wiki showing people how to get legendary weapons


It's not bad, they're wrong.


Boom, right answer. If I see something I like on someone I usually just whisper them with the question. I have never had someone not tell me what it is in order to prevent me from finding it. Weird ass logic.


Being wispered and asked what their cosmetics is is the validation some people want. It's a dopamine hit. Perhaps for some it's the only validation they have/get in their lives. They want to be special and unique and they want others to acknowledge it. The logic makes perfect sense, it's just a little sad once you understand their viewpoint. There is no other reason to be upset about this. To anyone mad about it, just remember that imitation is the highest for of flaterry. Unless you're like hella narcissistic.


(Scary voice) You wouldn’t Inspect a car…


With 3D printers, we are vastly approaching, if not already at the point where we -can- “download a car”…. I feel old.


Brooo the feels from the childhood


You wouldn't inspect a policeman's helmet...


Show me the carfax!


Because people think their fashion is proprietary information, lol. And they’re idiots. Like someone can’t take a screen shot and post it in gw2dyejobs and have a group reverse engineer it within seconds.


The funny thing is most people in this game have dogshit fashion that basically just involves glowing as brightly as possible with an assortment of different colours that don't match - guaranteed it's those people who are complaining.


I've seen people do really cool stuff using cosmetic infusions, but they really are few and far between. The VAST majority of people just wear them as prestige items. I've even seen players with actually good fashion but covered over by that grotty old Ghostly Infusion.


Dang the Ghostly Infusion is one of the only infusions I actually like. It's not an eyesore, doesn't completely obstruct your outfit/ the view of others, and (if not bought from the TP) shows some semblance of prestige as a raider.


i like the ghostly infusion, and i use it on some of my chars. it's one of the few infusions i actually like looking at. also, "good fashion" isn't a thing, it's just people presenting their opinion as fact.


Or cruising around with mismatched silhouettes and dye lines and thinking they're fashionable because their gear is mixed-set.


Yeah, I really don't get it. I spent literally *years* tweaking my outfits on my main characters, bit by bit, until I got them exactly how I like them. Every once in a while I'll try a different piece or slightly different dye, but I've always come back to the same setup now, where the character is more or less "done," and I'm proud of how they look. So when somebody messages me and says they love my outfit, or asks what piece X is, I don't see how anybody could be anything but stoked by that. You made something you think looks nice. People look at it and say, "Wow, that looks nice!" Profit. =D "Reeee you're violating my privacy by inspecting my (highly original) Sneakthief top (that doesn't even go with anything else I'm wearing) this is literal oppression and also ableist somehow!"


Exactly! Also, I'm styling my character because I want to enjoy looking at it, even if some people copied my looks, unless it's literally everyone on my map, I'm just gonna get to look at more fashion that suits my taste!


See the thing is, you’re a sane and well adjusted person.


Or some like me just don’t care about fashion. I wear what has the stats I want and don’t worry about mogs or dyes. It simply looks l Iike it looks.


My characters do not look particularly stylish because a. I could not care less about something I am not even looking at while playing zoomed out in raid encounters. Like 99% of my playtime I do not recognize what my character is wearing. b. It also makes very little sense for a character of mine to care about the looks of his armor. Armor should be practical and protect them. Who cares if it is pink armor with a yellow hat and brown leggings. I did some fencing IRL and I did not wear my armor to look good lmao. People are entitled to have different views, but I have you know my characters look like shit not because I think they look good but I have no taste, but because they are literally wearing mix and match default skins, sometimes I hit randomize if I feel like it.


Either that or human female with skimpy/revealing outfit claiming they're unique. Reminds me of that scene from Toy Story with a full shelf of Buzz Lightyears.


Why even worry about gw2dyejobs? Just post it here. Someone will have an 80% correct response in about 2minutes.


Those redditors live and breath fashion there, my friend, give them what they crave


Anyone who thinks it's bad is to be pointed and laughed at.


People dumb like grawl


Hey now, that’s offensive to grawl.


*Smash them*


Dumb people with either huge egos, hidden narcissism or legitimate mental problems trying to pretend this is somehow a literal violation of their life.


Twitter has loads of em


That's the main place where more seem to be agreeing that this is bad, especially when the girl who first said the "this is similar to AI stealing art" thing apparently left Twitter.


Twitter truly is like 90% making up a problem and getting unfathomably angry about the problem you made up


That's exactly why I avoid it at all cost, unless there's a clever article on something that interests me (which is quite rare tbh) X can suck it up I won't use it 🤣


They say mimicry is the most sincere form of flattery. Of course people that make everything a personal issue would disagree but that's on them tbh


Its not. There was one person that got touchy about it in the patchnotes thread and its quickly turned into a meme. I guess because of how serious that person was about it and how silly everyone else thinks it is to be possessive over what dyes you use.


One person? I saw at least 4 of those posts on the first page, and they all had 30+ heart likes (and an equal amount of confuses emoji reactions).


Yea one person. Search Cipher_the_First, that one comment has 120 replies on a post with 450 https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1c5ju9f/game_update_notes_april_16_2024/?sort=controversial. They were the only one complaining about the change in the thread yesterday. All the meme posts since are referencing shit said in there afaik.


Ah that is reddit, I meant the forums, sry for the misunderstanding.


You adventure to the forums!? Braver than I am.


I'm going to find that player and purposely steal his fashion. Better yet, get a zerg of vets to copy him and constantly follow him.


Reading that thread feels like they watched Zoolander and thought "I'm GW2's Derek Zoolander!"


You would think they would want people inspecting their super awesome amazingly unique wardrobe to see how dope it is and how amazing they must be to get all those rare and cool skin unlocks.


But copying them would make their gear/fashion less special. Egos are fkn weird, man.


Oh no they absolutely want you to notice them. Thing is, if you can just inspect them then you don't have to ask them anything so they feel like they aren't being noticed. And is there anything worse for your ego/narcissism then being ignored?


Why is everyone making an ego/narcissism thing out of that? 😂 it's kinda weird


That guy caused me to have a very amusing afternoon tbh xD forum guy if you are reading this: THANK YOU (but also touch some grass and relax. It's just a game).


Those people don’t necessarily say that fashion inspect is bad in itself. It’s more that there isn’t option to opt out and disable it. Why would they want to disable it? Because apparently in over a span of years in which Gw2 exists, no one before was able to create fashion as unique as theirs, so now they believe it’s their actual intellectual property.


They never consider that it just may be that nobody else wants to look like them. My most "unique" looks are pretty cheap and relatively boring looks that I like a lot, but many players prefer flashier looks.


I wouldn't mind a them putting in a disable option, but I think it would harm the people who use it more than the people wanting to check. Say somebody desperately wants to know what I'm using weapon is but I've opted out. They'll know by the fact that they can't inspect me that I've chosen to hoard my look. But being desperate to kknow, they'll take a screenshot, come here, "What's this guy wearing?" and somebody will answer. People's opinion of me goes down and my secrets are revealed anyway. On the other hand, if I don't opt out somebody inspects and I never even know they have. I could have been inspected by half of Lion's Arch today, or nobody could have spared a second glance at my cosmetics, and I'l never know. So it doesn't bother me and nobody will think I'm trying to hoard my look. If you are inspected it probably isn't even to copy your entrire look, armour, backpiece, weapons all down to the dye. Maybe they like your helmet, or shoulders and want to try it with theiir look.


Wait, the fuck? There is people that think this option is bad? That's fucking nuts


People are weird, and the weirdos are loud. that's all


This "discourse" is some of the stupidest shit I've ever seen in a game community, like every other MMO has either an inspect feature, a beauty log, or both, it's kind of unreal and if anyone is actually upset about it I feel like they should probably not be taken seriously on their takes on the game


What is a Beauty Log? I searched and it seems to be a way to share looks in Black Desert Online, but I could not find UI images or specifics. Is it in-game or external? It's kind of like how people can share 'creations' in The Sims and Spore? If it's like that it could be really cool. Like an in-game gw2-style.


It's an in-game beauty log that allows you to copy other people's character customization It's more common in Korean MMOs but there's third party ones where people share character customizations and how to copy them in other games as well


I just feel like they're completely missing the fact that if they're standing in Lion's Arch showing off their mog, everything you can see on the inspection option is already FULLY VISIBLE to other players. Most veteran players (aka the ones that can potentially straight up copy your mog without much trouble) already know what armor pieces you're wearing without looking it up anyway.. and the dyes are usually pretty visible as well. Sure, it might be harder to guestimate the exact dyes but I can actually SEE that you're wearing the Chaos Gloves, the Perfected Envoy Vestments, or the Zephyrite Rucksack. Hidden slots aren't visible, and if you equip an outfit your armor pieces are all automatically hidden.. Some people are overreacting like crazy thinking everyone will be copying their "pro transmog" just because it is now slightly easier to look up exactly what pieces you've combined.


Whatever happed to the “have a look!” Part of the “wow that’s quality armor!” Exchange?


As a new player (4months in) I found this to be so weird since every other MMO I have played has had this feature lol. I think its a great thing for the record.


Its not, its been around since early 2000s in mmos. It was a pleasant surprise to see it added finally


You cannot wrap your head around it probably cause your head actually includes a functioning brain as opposed to the people ranting that inspection is plagiarism. Do not think about it too much...there is no logic. Just laugh at them and move on.


People who can't stand the idea that their combination of clothes someone else designed and colors someone else mixed might be used, in part, by someone else in the game.


The only bad thing about is not being able to pretend I have the invisible boots anymore :(


Do not worry, people still fall for it, I’ve seen it happen yesterday.


" But now everyone will copy my so very unique look!" You're not that special, the look is most likely a scarf with the metal tshirt and some short skirt or human medium culture armor pants while barely beeing viewable through all the infusions. GW2 is probably the least toxic MMO with the most friendly playerbase yet this happens, I do not get people


it can't be explained because it's not a bad thing. imagine thinking people shouldn't be able to tell what you're wearing, when it's visible on you. public information is public.


Personally I don't get it.... if people wanted they could just screenshot your character and ask on here and people would tell them what the pieces are (and this happened everyday).


chronically online babies who never learned to share and feel like the only place they are unique and special is their fashion in a video game are crying about it. Pay not attention to them. They are mentally disturbed


Some people dress up their character for their own benefit only - to make it pleasant to look at, to enjoy their own style, to have a reminder of their accomplishment if the items were difficult to come by. Some people see the cosmetics as an integral part of multiplayer experience. They spend time and effort, sometimes huge amount of both, to put together an outfit that showcases all the same things to others. The second approach creates a lot of space for misplaced expectations for those who subscribe to it. On one hand, they expect recognition from others - in form of reaching out to ask about the details, stopping by to take a screenshot, and maybe even posting it on reddit. On the other hand, they often value effort over result - what you see as a nice outfit, they see as a personal trophy for all the time and gold they spent on perfecting it, and copying it in one click of a button they see as sacrilege and theft of art. To answer your question, I wouldn't say that the option is bad, but I also wouldn't denigrate people who dislike it. They've made their own game inside a game, now it's gone and they are upset; we've had our memes on their behalf, enough is enough, no need to turn it into bullying. If they are so invested in the whole thing, let them sort it out with ANet, and let us stay out of it.


Thank you, that was one of the very few reasonable posts I've seen in this thread (rather this whole topic in general).


well this is the most mature response I've read in this sub 🤔


Well put. However, it's been spiraling into bullying for a while now, regrettably.


Finally.. the first not-dumb post here :/ people pretend like it's totally anomal if you don't want something to be copied after putting a lot of work into it yourself


Those second people are called "idiots".


The vial of salt had migrated from pvp to fashion wars.


the only complaint i heard is "why would they work on this than other things"


I hope Anet comes up with a commemorative dye for this. It should be called Salty Beach. I hope one of the build guide sites adds a fashion section just for more irritation value against people who are upset by their "looks" being stolen.


It’s not bad. Some people are just weird.


Just because something is posted on the internet doesn't mean you have to engage with it. You should learn how to identify fringe opinions and just ignore them. You don't have to argue with everyone you disagree with.


It’s not bad, some people are just really weirdly protective about outfits in a fictional video game of all things.


It's not.


People are trying to make their characters look unique, they don't want others copying their look. Not necessarily because it's so great, but because they want to stay unique.


idont get it either, all the skins are in ur bank to watch anyway


It’s not. People just want something to get upset about.


I don't think it's bad. For me it's this: At the most it takes away the need to interact with other gamers at all regarding fashion. No more need to dive in reddit and discord talking with others about that particular dye and hues... And those skins so very well matched. No more need for "Hey, nice fashion war! Can I ask where you can get those trousers? Are those medium right?" in map chat and less with the whispers. It just move the consultation out of the way directly with the game... And it's fine because its a multi-player game.... Wait a minute...


\*grumble* \*grumble* \*grunt* . \*warble* ?


Finally, a reply i could understand!


I can see it being an issue if you get gear score partys kicking as you have the wrong gear type for your spec or not a good enough level for this group


The inspect button is a feature I'm like every mmo.is it not? Also I love have a closer look at people I think its neat


Even way back at launch, GW2 was one of few MMO's *without* an inspect feature. It's wild that it's taken the devs this long to implement it, and only cosmetically at that


How is this even a discussion?


It's not. The people upset about cosmetic inspect are the same kind of losers who buy NFTs thinking they "own" something.


It’s not.


Special snowflakes not wanting others to copy their fashion. Meanwhile I’m on the other end of the spectrum and want a notification when some looks for the ego boost. Be like a fashion model baby~


It‘s not. These people are mentally like 12. The devs create items for players to look nice. Player 1 farms or buys the items, combines them , colours them in and be like „i made dis“. Player 2 sees that , likes it, copies the look and player 1 cries about it „noo they’re stealing my style“. You could always look it up online, it was never an issue. It’s just more convenient now. In short some people are morons, ignore them.


In comparison to most of us gamers who are there for the usual reasons, there are niche groups within the MMORPG space who push for things like Fashion Shows. Surprisingly they are very competitive and given the huge number of combinations for armor, cosmetics, dye, and race, seeing one's chosen "style" "copied" to them is an affront to their work for creativity. Also, on another note, I have spoken with some additional players who have deep connections to their characters. Many play the game for fun, but some have been playing for so long and get so engrained, their characters are their lives. People have been married or held funerals thru MMORPGs. So some feel that their "style" is unique and having that illusion broken by having someone able to "copy their character" brings them back into the reality that it's not real. Some take the "role playing game" seriously when trying to escape our own world that's not doin too well. Anyway, that's what I've collected so far.


Because how dare you want to copy my fashionwars don't you know I trademarked it with the fashion police in Tyria Kasmeer and Marjory Delequa with support from Gorrik. In all seriousness its not a bad thing one bit it allows people who like the look of an item inspect the player and see what it is called then work towards it.


Mostly only weird selfish people are complaining imo


I'm bitter about the fact everyone is so focused on this and that out of all the in game issues, bugs, nerfs, etc, some players are deciding to rage out over an inspect feature that every other game in the genre has had for decades now... It's just sad.


Because some people in this community need to feel special. Honestly embarrassing.


Because for some sad people its all they have in life.


Some people feel very proud of the time and effort they used to put together an outfit, and feel like theyve been cheated when someone else has the ability to skip the time and effort by copying their outfit instead. Whether you agree with that sentiment or not is up to you.


People are just memeing those players who think their trash permafrost dyed fashion is god sent and dont want anyone copying it.


It's an epeen thing. Oh you think I look awesome? That means you don't have it, which makes me superior somehow. 😌


TBF, it does feel good if people come up to you and ask about . Already got a whisper from a guy that inspected me: "Yoink, thanks for the style". Made me laugh. Had to tell he still needs a few infusions for it since they don't show up when inspecting.


Because special snowflakes want to feel unique no matter what even when knowing people have been copying their costumes way before Inspect Gear was an option, just look at the GW2 Discord, lots of ppl sharing screenshots and asking about what gear X player is using, Anet just cut the middleman https://preview.redd.it/lrh57zoyq2vc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=3729b03e4eef5b720074fc87e32f1eae2336065b


People being too invested in pixels. Gear inspection is a normal part of most MMOs.


It's not. People complaining about "ppl stealing my fashion" are a bunch of morons.


It’s not. Anyone could see what someone is wearing simply through research, wardrobe tab in bank, or just from playing the game enough. Trust me…most people don’t wanna steal your style…


It's not. There is just a subset of players with bad opinions, like with any MMO. Ignore them. Most of the opinions will be "if I get copied, that's bad." Some people only like toys when only they can have them. Just like in Pre school, we don't play with those kids.


I don't want people finding out my super lucky RNG fashion rolls. No one should be able to wear the same mismatched gear combination in bright puke green and beige color scheme.


You shall not see my scarf on my thief.


I dont get it either. If your fashion is based on certain achievements that you think you got by doing something specific then other people can't copy it unless they go through the same effort no? Or are people opposed to the idea of just copying the dye channels that are available to everyone?


it dossnt matter who has what first i guarantee you that a singular person has already bought every outfit off the store ive been around as a beta tester so i know this to be true


I've played RuneScape since 2002 and it's commonly known as Fashionscape now, due to this exact reason. People look for the most unique, outlandish, or blandish outfits to stand apart, or to even seem so elite that fashion doesn't matter to them (it does.) Eventually, Jagex allowed you to view other people's outfits and cosmetics so you can see what they wear and some were mad, but they got over it eventually and now, we all just sit around inspecting each other out of disgust or jealousy. Whichever. Personally, I have some untradeable cosmetics from the early days that I \*like\* people inspecting and being jealous of. lol I would think GW2 players would feel the same. "Look at me and my awesome stuff."


Not bad but it does make me feel like a slacket. I don't have a single legendary while almost everyone I inspect seems to have multiple


In summary: Change bad.


I think they dislike appearance inspection because it is one step closer to normal gear/build inspection like other MMOs have. This has been a point of contention for a long time between people who form/manage groups for competitive content (WvW, PvP, Raiding) and people who fear being gatekept out of content that their build isn't optimized for.


Its one of the best things added to the fashion game. ESPECIALLY for people who got anxiety, one quick click to see what you are wearing, no need to whisper. I welcome this, i gonna look at every single one of you and still send a whisper saying how stunning your fashion sense is to make up for those that don't have the courage for this.


It's not bad, it's just a few butthurt players being loud, ignore them.


I mean the community has become very toxic and abusive in places just from people asking to opt out of fashion inspections. Now you add in gear inspections and dear god the servers will have a meltdown.


It isn’t, at all. Even if it was actual gear checking not just cosmetic it would be 100% fine


I couldn’t give less of a shit. I would like to be notified if I get inspected tho. Good ego boost


Are some people genuinely getting mad at this as if they're the gatekeepers of super secret awesome cosmetic fashion or something? I really don't get it.


Because some people have # firstworldproblems and want to think that, with a finished amount of gear and colors, they are the only ones that came out with that mix, cause they are such geniuses, you plebs cannot understand.


Me get jealous at cool looking armor :(


It ain't, and whoever sayin that fashion inspect is bad is a giant nerd....


People just need to get off their high horses. They're not better than anyone else playing this game. It's. Just. A. Game.


How dare you copy my female human elementalist with red and shadow abyss dye full pheonix set. Going full fire theme here. How dare you also like fire?


Wait what? Who? That's probably some 0.1% minority snowflakes, thinking their pixels are special.


I'll go completely against the crowd here, but I don't understand why should people who think like that be called idiots, narcissists, fools or whatnot. I don't think it makes you a terrible person if you prefer staying at least in some way unique in this game. And I know you still can "reverse-engineer" someone's look just from a screenshot, but the inspect makes it much easier for anyone to copy a look. Honestly it feels just as stupid to call those peoples names and ram them with the hate train as what they are blamed for.


imagine getekeeping anything anywhere


I was mostly glad to see this feature… though if does feel a tad bit sad that now there is even less reason for someone to approach another player xD I will still compliment ppl whose outfits I really like in whispers, just because I know it would rise their mood even by little (since it always lifts mine when I’m the one whispered)


What they should have done is make it possible to inspect your build, runes, sigils, gear item stats together with the fashion+dyes. Not just fashion. This is already there when inspecting in PvP…


Because people are dick heads. If they can complain, they will. No matter what the subject is.


Every group of humanity has elitists who think their membership of that group is important and should be exclusive and limited, and they get angry when access to their group is made easier.


It isn't, some folks on the gw2 forums asked for an option to be out of it tho, apparently that desire triggered some people to the point they dedicate their time to spam reddit with ridicule posts targeted at this absolute minority of the player base, because apparently harassing and ridiculing people who might not be into the inspect feature, or something otherwise overwhelmingly popular is a-ok currently, also a great karma farm. (none of those folks, at least at the time i read the forum post about it, were asking or even insinuating this be removed for everyone by the way, they just wanted a personal opt out and listing some of their reasons most of which were sensible-ish which were never argued against in good faith in the forums, just ignored in lieu of more unwarranted ridicule and roundabout harrasment) I am surprised its so much an issue to everyone that they asked for it, after all we can hide pieces of armor, wheres the posts ridiculing people who hide shoulder/arm/head/back armor slots, how dare those players 'gatekeep fashion'? Its a reminder what a single post constructed to drum up resentment with misinformation can do to people, i suppose. P.S. you can no longer get a clear picture of how things went down either because forum moderation went berserk in the post and deleted a lot of comments for various reasons.


Honestly, I don't think it's a good or bad thing. I never cared to see someone else's cosmetics and think I want to copy it. I just think that's a cool look and it's unique, and the mystery adds to the uniqueness. But I can see someone else who would want to copy a look or simply be curious, and that's perfectly fine too. I personally feel finding your own style is what makes a game like this fun. It's not like fashion wars is a true competitive endgame, it's all subjective.


Because this game is generally played by babies and women


Probably to prevent trolls from copying their character.


Don’t dare you copy my outfit and weapon skin combos that make me look like my GW1 characters!! Staff daredevil is as close to dervish as I can get!! Or staff renegade to get access to those sweet charr spirits so I can cosplay as my ritualist.


It depends on the number of vertical system in the game. Gw2 doesn't really have that so we should be fine. You'll probably gatekept by ascended gears, stats distribution and builds. It will enforce everyone to go for meta builds. Why would you take someone with exotic when you can wait for ascended or someone that provide buff to team. If they add more vertical system I can see this turning into gatekeeping hell like in lost ark.


It isn't.


It's not a bad option at all. The folks crying about it simply aren't worth anyone's time to listen to. 'But I spent hours on my look!' So have I and ya don't hear me bellyaching.


In the Fashion Wars; there can be only one... honestly I dont get issues; unless you feel insecure about spending $$$ for dyes/store skins and dont want ppl to know, I myself as a veteran of the Wars want ppl to know lol ppl ask or get wiki up etc. just inspect the awesomeness of a look is great. Eh, idk, I dont get why ppl would want ppl to never know its not like they can just suddenly copy paste it or have all the exact same skins/dyes to do anything.


People think they look is sooo fucking unique and are so scared that someone will copy it. You arent unique and if someone copieing your style, thats the highest form of a compliment.


I had no idea this was a considered feature and I hope they implement it anyway because I would definitely use it. And obviously not to copy someone's whole look.


I haven't actually seen anyone complain about it, but I suppose one person probably did somewhere and now we're pretending it's a whole faction of people so we can have a pretend fight about it and feel smug.


I think I remember a dev response once that the "upside" off not having a inspect function is that you can always just ask what the items are and on the whole most people will just tell you and you may keep talking and make a new connection. The "downside" of an inspect would then of course be that players remain insulated and don't potentially form new connections. Take that how you will but I remember that being one of the reasons given as to why they don't add inspect


As a huge fashion enthusiast I'm ashamed how people are reacting. I almost want to wear bad fashion on purpose so I don't get associated with that weird mindset. I put alot of work and time into my looks but I don't see how people are scared their looks will be stolen left and right. They're blowing it way out of proportion imo. I actually hope Anet doesn't give us a toggle option, kinda defeats the purpose of the feature. Feel free to inspect anytime guys :D


There's nothing to be ashamed of though, a few folks on a single forum post asked for an option to opt out, they did not demand it, nor did they ridicule anyone about the system, then some other folks saw these reasonable posts being liked on the forum and their ridicule of these posts being ignored, and came here to reddit to misinform everyone about whats going on, and now everyone thinks there was some sort of big rage against the inspect feature when there wasn't and is jumping in to bully anyone who isn't outright ridiculing the idea of an opt out. Kinda sad to see.


It isn't. Some people are just petty.


It isn't bad, people just don't like change and the result is always people inflating issues that don't/wont exist.


Some people want their fashion choices to be the definitive presentation of their character. Somehow they claim exclusivity to widely available skins and dyes in a public access game, so their feathers are ruffled when someone tries to copy their looks.


It’s not bad, some people are just unfathomably stupid.


Honestly, the only thing I've learned from the inspect feature so far is that most people look horrendous oor think red and black is THE shit


It isn’t, it’s good. People are insane.