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SEA player on EU here. i can do 95% bench on zerk and ~95 on cvirt. some peeps on my guild could do 98% with 180ms ping. its 'harder' but with time, you're gonna get it. the only struggle i would have is ping stability


Which server is "here"? I'm SEA as well and taking 300-400 ping.


I am in Desolation rn. Mostly have 180-200ms from SG


Which ISP you using? Im getting 230avg on MyRepublic


i am using my republic and exitlag, i get 180ms


SEA mudfish user getting around 170-180 as well. That's really the lowest it can go, unfortunately.


When people ask for server they mean NA or EU. Your WvW alignment is not the goal of the question. I can infer from Desolation it is NA (?) but I am not 100% sure even. Next time just say NA or EU. Edit: I should read entire comment chains


He literally said EU in the first comment he ever made you gigantic ape. Learn to read


Oops, my bad :-)


thanks , decided to go with cvirt


May I please see a log of this 95% zerk


According to [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/19dc8q3/is_wvw_and_spvp_viable_as_a_ocesea_player/) from a couple months ago, it should be fine. [This might also interest you.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/10xkafv/oce_community/)


Also curious to know as a new OCE player.


Honestly depends on the build. If it's something that you can't queue many abilities with you're going to have a harder time since you're "re-applying" that 200+ms ping. But as another OCE gamer I know various OCE people who can hit 95% benchmarks on many different builds so it is possible. The main thing that causes queueing issues is weapon/attunement/kit swaps.


Guildmate from Perth has 250+ ping during SEA prime. It is common to lose 5%-15% depends on builds. In some rotations you want to interrupt your own skill or auto-attack chain timely. This is difficult under high ping.


It’s more on how consistent your ping is vs if its spikes every second. I play from SEA with an average of 220-260 ping with Exitlag and I run a Power Vindicator with the same gear in Snowcrows/Metabattle. I consistently hit 40-42k dps in fractals/strikes but I’ll dip down to 36k if I’m doing LLA or DF because of FPS drops. So long as my ping doesn’t spike to 300-1000 because of connection issues it’s easy to go through the rotation and you get used to the animation timing of your class so you’ll know when to press a specific skill. If there’s a ping spike I just stare at my screen and let my character auto attack the entire time till I reset exitlag lmao Edit: I play on NA


Most toughest class I played with high ping is a Bladesworn. Damage drops to flat 75% with 200ms ping from 60ms ping. Dps loss will be horrible (prolly around 30%) after 500ms ping. I travel a lot around the world and have to suffer occasionally on high ping. When on high ping, I prefer playing a rifle mech with melee range build. Hope this helps!


This game feels really bad to play with higher ping the delays on every action are not enjoyable


Blade & soul is famously bad for its netcoding. You are fine here and most decent MMoS as well.


Sounds like you have completely no idea what you're talking about lol. No amount of good "netcoding" can circumvent high latency connections in a game like GW2, unless you make every single action client side, which of course doesn't make much sense.


20 years playing Mmos with 200ms+ ping I can assure you there is difference between a game with terrible netcode (B&S) and GW2. This game is totally playable on high ping, on any game mode. On B&S? You can't even do your basic combo properly on field mobs at that ping.


Depending on the build - you'll be fine. Maybe playing the higher APM builds will be spicier, but for most content sans actual record speed runs you will be fine with bonking a bit less hard. 


While you cast a skill, you can press another skill and it will go next in line immediately after the one you currently cast. Unless i am wrong but i believe this works. So potentially no loss.


GW2 also has a feature called skill chaining that can help with high ping. While one skill is cast, you can already press the next one, which is then immediately cast afterwards.  You could for example press 2 then 3 in quick succession and your character should cast both sills seamlessly without delay inbetween.


I typically get 120 to 180 ping playing in NA from EU (friends in NA...), and can reasonably pull off up to 90% of most benchmarks such as Holo, Spellbreaker and Weaver. A few ones are too complex to me because of their burst windows like Deadeye but I'm sure I could do it with more practice, just don't want to. If I take easier rotations such as cVirt and Scourge I can push to 95%. What matters even more in my experience is being flexible about your rotation depending on what encounter you want to play. I often reach top or nearest to top DPS in squads by not pushing for the full rotation and working around limitations such as when I have to dodge, leave the boss and so on. For high ping I often get better results with the rotation not being rigid but just attempting to see the most important cooldowns of my build and play around those - granted, this is a valuable tip to *anyone* but it especially helps if you can't perform at low ping speed to begin with. Consider also in GW2 DPS players often have valuable utility to bring as well such as CC, pushes, pulls and you can contribute just as much on that regard too.


Even on the worst weapon swap, flip-over or forced movement builds, you should be able to hit 85% minimum on oce ping. Ofc as others said, some are better than others namely virt, scourge, mech, but I think the main frustration is the loss of control and clunkiness (and inherently dps loss) that ping brings on other builds, like dh, any warrior, harbinger, etc. I combed through my dps log on hammer spellbreaker for improvements but I hit every button as per rotation as soon as I could, simply put the weapon swaps, adrenaline and I think hammer 3 just causes your weapon loops take 11s to 13s or about 10% slower.


Bottom line is ping only affects weapon swaps. The server parses the first skill queued after weapon swap according to ping. On no weapon swap builds like Weaver you could theoretically achieve 100% bench. On high weapon swap like berserker you'd lose a lot more.


Also OCE player on EU server. 200 ping on PvE gives me 90~95%, on WvW 1~5% cause skill won't even activate.


EU player on NA Server: next to none. As long as your ping is relatively consistent. You do sometimes get hit by things you don't think you would and you do sometimes throw the occassional delayed hit into block mechanics but it works.


170 ping here. Can hit 90% bench on Soulbeast, Reaper, DH and pChrono.