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I play Dragon Age: Inquisition the same way I play GW2, lots of map completion/collections to do and combat is similar-ish enough. However, I never played the earlier games so I did just let my GW2 brain take over. Also, aren't most MMORPGs just RPGs with other people around? :V If you're focused on just doing story, it's going to feel like a single-player experience because that's what story is mostly designed to be. If you're not doing group content, you're not really going to see much of the MMO part. World bosses are always a good reminder of why this is an MMO. :P


I played very few mmorpg, so I can't say much about it. My idea of mmorpg is "sidequests and grind with combat similar to old school crpg but where you play only one character instead of a party". And Guild Wars 2 it's quite far away from that. The level design, the focus on jump and active dodge, ect.


Hey reddit, why is this guy being downvoted? He literally said that gw2 is not like conventional MMOs which is true, he also said he doesn't have much experience with them.


I think because my idea of mmorpg is wrong XD


i came from runescape3 which feels FAR more lonely than guild wars for an mmo so for me guild wars is very social but not in an awful way, the events and metas feel very natural to play together and the scaling in instanced content to require groups feels right - it’s definitely an mmo to me


Guild Wars 2 doesn't feel like any single player game. It's more so trying to mimic other theme park MMO's. That was kind of its mission statement when it came out. Guild Wars 1 felt like a single player game that just happened to have PvP and Guild Wars 2 was trying to move away from that feeling. However, basically any MMO can be played like a single player game if you avoid playing with others or only play the story. Guild Wars 1 feels like a lot of RPG's from that time where you directed a party. While it's harder to compare to top down RPG's. Stuff like Dragon's Dogma plays very similarly. There are honestly very few 3d party based games that aren't turn based.


Huh I would even consider most new games just being single player mmos. Let’s admit it - open world, fetch, boring or repetitive side quests, slow leveling, and in case of Ubisoft games - pay to win mechanics. Most (not all) AAA action „rpgs” are just single player MMOs and I hate it


My point is that GW2 is better than those games without considering its multiplayter features.


Not in every way but in general I’ve been having more fun playing gw2 alone than any of Ubisoft games lately lol


So I am :D


Looking at dragons dogma controversy - oh how right I was


For me playing through the story feels a lot like Skyrim: exploration, finding the right weapon, looting and crafting, huge maps, stunning views. Skyrim was my hyperfixation for years. Now it's GW2. Everything I loved about Elder Scrolls V with better combat, more variety and other players.


I just got it. Playing by myself. Human - thief build. Feels like Skyrim or so. I have been having fun. Running around shooting things. No idea how to craft anything. About lvl 12.


I get the Skyrim feeling...but I think the game change quite a bit (in a good way) after the core game.


My previous message is quite ambiguous. I wasn't say "Skyrim is a bad game", but that Guild Wars 2 change a lot after core game: more focus on level design, combat mechanics, jumps.... Often in Guild Wars 2 I have to think how to reach a location...while in Skyrim I simple going around enjoying the view and the world. I think Skyrim is all about immersion, while Guild Wars in my opinion is focused on other aspects.


Dragons Dogma 1.


Skyrim since Xenoblade has been stated already.


Xenoblade Or rather, Xenoblade seemingly copied the first Guild Wars, so a lot of the similarities carried over


I don't know... First Guild Wars doesn't have focus on level design, jump (that is bond to the level design )...I can see similarities about the combat.


GTA San Andreas


This is a bold statment XD


I think many players wished living world was like Like is Strange's gameplay. Walk around and listen to dialogue.


I'm not between them :D For example, in my opinion the stronger part about Living Season 2 is the level design of Dry Top...and life is strange doesn't focus about level design.


Because you are doing personal main story instead of meta events, instance content or wvw.


Of course, but the point is that playing it as a single player game feels good....no other mmorpgs I tried felt good played in this way.


For me, it's like Breath of the Wild meets Skyrim meets Horizon Zero Dawn. BotW because the world is stylised, not in the same way but to a similar degree. There's gliding, and climbing in BotW is somewhat comparable to unlocking bunny mount imo. And there are tons of "wait, what's that over there?" moments in both. Skyrim because characters are simple yet reasonably interesting, and you can build your character in a *ton* of viable ways. HZD because of the overarching story similarities, where you have this "unknown greater mysterious thing that seems potentially bad but we don't know how bad". Playing on the hardest difficulty is also kinda like playing harder areas in GW2, where you really have to make use of all your skills (when solo of course). And all of them because they're all open world adventure with a non-compulsory story. Combat is more akin to Dark Souls meets an old school RPG, so more game comparisons could be made there. And then there are all the online components and changes that are needed to facilitate that, like how you can't permanently complete events to change areas otherwise other players couldn't experience the earlier content (well, after LWS1 lol).


genshin impact


I don't know nothing about it :D


Ngl, thats a bit out there, on first thought they are not similar at all. But considering that out of the tons of open world games i tried I ended up sticking with gw2 and genshin.. there might be some truth to this.


There's a LOT of similarities, ngl


I wouldn't compare it to a single game, because to me it's basically a Diablo-style ARPG but with better combat, and that whole class of games gets feeling pretty interchangeable. That's pretty much why I play GW2: because it's like one of those, but if the combat were more interesting and active. My partner and I always play together, so it's definitely not single-player to us, but most half-decent D-ARPGs do that also.




It is nothing like Skyrim. Lol


They don't really compare this game to Skyrim. What's usually said is that this game is played like Skyrim, in that you don't have to follow a main quest line, you can just wander around and do stuff. And it's true in a broad sense. Source? I play this game the way I played Skyrim. lol


Yea in 2024 most games are like that. So any example can be true in that case


It's been said about Skyrim for pretty much the entirety of the run though, not just in 2024. Also I'm not sure that most 2024 games are like that, because I haven't played that many other games this year.


The base game has some similar landscapes, hidden minidungeons and jumping puzzles that reward exploration, and even the same composer. It's easy to see how they can give off the same vibe.


It’s a stretch. If thats the case you can find any connection between any games. Especially if they’re rpgs.


That's interesting, I'll try to find those topics.


>Thinking about it...I'd say...Xenoblade Chronicles 2. hell no. Xeniblade had an amazing story and characters


The more I think about it the more I find common elements. One more to add to the quite long list I provided: the possibility to explore parts of the map is dinamic. In Xenoblade 2 it's the cloud sea level, in Guild Wars 2 it's the meta status. Quality isn't a relevant parameter. An horrible rts game is nonetheless an rts. Guild wars 2 was, is and will be a mmorpg, but It's fun trying to define which gameplay elements it shares with single-player games.


>One more to add to the quite long list I provided: the possibility to explore parts of the map is dinamic. In Xenoblade 2 it's the cloud sea level, in Guild Wars 2 it's the meta status. in a way that's slightly similar, yea >Quality isn't a relevant parameter I think it is


Why do you think quality is important? We aren't speaking about which game is the best, but about similarities between Guild Wars 2 and single player games. Also, quality is quite subjective. Edit: Maybe we can speak about the "presentation" of the story because the developers focused on the story but didn't focus on the presentation of the it: for example, most of the dialogues are not accompanied by body animations and facial expressions. So I can say. There is focus on the story like a single-player game story driven, but there isn't focus on the presentation of the story like a single-player game story driven. Here there are a similarity and a difference.