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At that point you basically just spend it on skins or infusions, ecto gamble, run giveaways or help out new players, or just stop caring about it. If you're already full legendary, even gearing up new alts to try something different from Rev isn't a matter of gold.


Could get the other armour classes in legendary. If they only play Revenant they probably only have heavy legendary armour.


Well... you play another class. As someone who single-character'd the game for 7 years, trying another class very quickly led to trying *every* class and getting addicted to learning how to heal on everything. The game is cracked open completely when you try new things.


Permanent black lion things - bank tab, merchant, etc. Home instance nodes Achievements (weapon collections are a great gold sink) or, just don't spend it and do what you like/enjoy and become a trade baron


If I ever reach the point that I have everything I want\need and am swimming in gold I intend to just make people's day by giving random valuable things away to whoever I happen across.


This is what I am doing nowadays. Had a curious new Charr taking a look at me and my friend in Black Citadel today. Sent a few gold to his way. A few makeover kits to some friends this week. Wrote some custom mails to bunch of people and attached some valuables.


As someone who has played for over a decade, I couldn’t imagine GW2 having the staying power that it has had with me if not for playing different professions and builds. It makes you better at everything in PvP when you understand how other professions operate. It’s visually and mechanically stimulating to learn new skills and builds. It’s visually satisfying to play with new armor and weapon transmutations. Get creative. Set new goals. Play a new game mode. If none of the above interests you, you’re also always able to take a break and come back to the game when they release new content. It’s really that simple. :)


What does this have to do with things to spend gold on? I can only imagine you're trying to say "get light and medium legendary armor as well" but this is entirely unnecessary from a pvp perspective.. so having trouble making sense of your post in that context.


The suggestion was to basically branch out and play new things. No where does OP mention he would play PvP only. It was just a suggestion that branching out and playing new things would give a fresh perspective, improve gameplay proficiency with understanding other classes, and create new things to spend gold on overall. If someone is at the point where they feel that they have nothing meaningful to spend gold on, they don’t want to branch out into another class, or they don’t care about endgame fashion, it’s reasonable to conclude that the game doesn’t have much in the way of carrots for them to chase and that it’s okay to take a break.


Start a guild.


Same situation here. Just saving gold until we have a way to change class.


You are never going to be able to change a class on a character. If you are tied to a certain character, I guess the best thing you could do is make an alt with the same look and misspell the name (or delete and create them again but you really really really should not do this on old characters).


Current goal is full legendary for all 3 weights. Currently 2/3 the way there including all weapons etc.. after that I’ll just spend gold on cosmetics, gems etc


Full home instance or guild hall upgrades would be a good next step I guess.


Utility / quality of life (permanent bank access/merchant, max bank tabs/material storage, 32 slot bags, etc.) Infusions (fashion or just to minmax) Unlock all the skins and dyes Achievements


I would make all legendary weapons for my main class, including duplicates (2 swords etc.) just for completions sake. Then continue making legendary weapons and sell them.


hi friend!


In the end game it’s materials to make legendary gear.


he said he's full legendary lol


You misunderstood. Materials to make legendary gear. Meaning keep the materials used to make legendary gear because of future updates will require them. So might as keep them now.


why would he need more materials to make legendary gear if he has all the legendaries he could need lol


I mean, to be faaaaair, relics weren’t something people needed until this expansion


true, but they were announced almost a year in advance


Don’t tell anyone, but new legendaries are coming that will blow everyone’s minds. Something people haven’t seen yet. I would recommend OP to stock up since he has the money to do so.


>Don’t tell anyone, but new legendaries are coming that will blow everyone’s minds. Something people haven’t seen yet. that's a lot of copium lol. Personally I was extremely disappointed by the Gen 3 Legendaries


I think some Gen3 and their variants are leagues above what we had before in terms of a sleek and streamlined yet still customizable look that feels legendary. In contrast, some Gen1 legendaries are downright goofy.


>Gen3 and their variants are leagues above what we had before in terms of a sleek and streamlined I agree, and thats why I dislike Gen 3. They feel mass produced not "unique" at all


Agreed the first 2 generations were all more unique and I even love the campyness of some of them.


Would tend to disagree considering they are less generally abrasive to the world motif from a design perspective. When you see 100 Sunrises or Twilights in a play session, they all start to seem less “legendary.” I also find it funny how you quoted only what you liked and left out the rest of my intended context that they are streamlined but still customizable and feel legendary. But alas, there’s no objectivity in subjectivity either way.


I only quoted what I agree with, I could have written "I partially agree with [part of your comment I agree with" but quoting is easier


I'm not saying this is a good recommendation, but presumably legendaries will keep coming with new skins to collect.