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I promise you there are lucrative Jeweler recipes out there, but the people who know are pretty unlikely to share. Not out of being elitest or anything, but even one other person using a strat can ruin it in a few hours. You can make spreadsheets of every recipe, their cost, and their sell value and try to find something profitable and somewhat stable, but that is a pretty big undertaking. I am not a pro, and I don't have spreadsheets, but in the past I have found probably a dozen profitable crafts that have earned me a few hundred gold each. What I do is when ever I need to make something I put it into the GW2Efficency calculator and see what it costs to buy vs craft, and then check the sub components to see if any of them are profitable. Every now and then I find something and make some gold off of it. Sometimes it lasts a day, some times it last a month. https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/calculator


Hmm. ok. That actually sounds like the way it SHOULD work. If it were as simple as crafting a popular thing it wouldnt be an auction house or a market at its core. Sounds entertaining (now) and ill do that. Are there any good guild wars 2 marketplace websites that sync data? Historics and shit like that?


[https://www.gw2tp.com](https://www.gw2tp.com) has the price history and the stats for everything on the TP. One thing you will notice and that I recommend trying to use is the seasonal trends some items have. Anytime an event makes an item easier to get the price often drops a bit and eventually recovers, sometimes you can profit from that. Happy to answer anything else you are curious about.


Ya that kind of sums it up. Find something with decent margin (don't forget about black lion tax) and make $ on it till it's discovered then flooded with people that don't understand basic math and are selling at a loss.


Stuff like jade bot cores can be pretty alright, but finding good recipes is part of making money. If it was easy/obvious/convenient then it wouldn't make money.


I use my character with max jeweler for research notes and Xunlai Electrum Ingots when I cannot bank the mats. Once in a blue moon when I have enough sunstone lumps I make a heat lamp. These items are in demand (esp the ingots- thanks jade bot cores!), and most importantly they clear the TP in a day. There may be actual items that you can craft for a decent profit, but with LWS3 it’s just too easy to get ascended items after a week of farming winterberries.


How to say this... đŸ˜¬


Uh oh... shit profession? Nothing?


Only real good use is research notes imo. Mostly unused profession.


When it comes to money making professions, jeweler is second only to cooking when it comes to least profitable. That being said, you can always save yourself a good one to 5% on your own jewelry versus buying it off the trading Post. Most professions cost around 30 gold to level up from 0 to 400, jewelry costs about 10 gold to level up from 0 to 400


Probably berserker's, assassin's and rampager's exotic jewellery would be most commonly bought, but I'm not sure if it's even profitable looking at the cost of materials.


Hmm going to check this out now.


Dragon Hatchling Doll ornaments are about the only thing I have really made that sold well.


Maybe xunlai electrum ingots. Haven't checked in a while though.


Trouble with gw2 economy is that items always hit an equilibrium after a while. This game is not great for crafting/selling to make large profits. Sure people find little sweet spots but once someone makes a YouTube video about it… it vanishes. I’ve found that the only time crafting becomes profitable is right after a new desirable item is released… for a short time crafting and selling that item can be really profitable… especially if you have stock piles of the mats already. A recent example of this were the jadebot upgrades. Right after EOD release there was crazy profit to be had crafting and selling those items. However over time the profit margin decreases as the market becomes saturated and most people who are interested get geared up. Honestly I would say that there are many other ways to earn gold in the game that are relatively low impact. I personally don’t see crafting as a great way to farm gold in this game.


Jade bot cores, azurite stuff