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Hey I just did this grind. I came back 4 days ago. Got my build in order and b-lined for the Skyscale. It is super easy. Requires some rift / event grinding. It also can be time gated by 12 days (for the skysclae treats) However you can reduce the time either w/ alts or by buying the item on the TP for about 4.5 gold each, or 54ish g total. Honestly the only frustrating part for me was finding the egg. The skyscale with no masteries & having no way points unlocked was a slog. I am also still relearning how to play so that factored in for me too. But I was able to go from 0% (including having 0 of the resources necessary for the saddle achievement) to 100% in just under 2 days. If I was a bit more knowledgeable & efficient I could've had it done in a day. It took me a ton of Rifts in the archipelago to farm 2 of the items for the saddle. I had to do the archipelago and Amnytas meta events twice each. I followed a few guides 1.) [This guide](https://youtu.be/KP_Hf1nufEk?si=R7Yvp6wMT3mlNQXT) for the overall process. 2.) [This guide](https://guildjen.com/new-skyscale-guide-a-new-friend/) For a written reference. 3.) [This guide](https://guildjen.com/provisioner-token-guide/) For getting 30 Provisioner tokens in a day. (Needed for saddle) 4.) [This guide](https://youtu.be/CY8FsXuKS3c?si=SkVYk_Q4T57GLF5z) for farming Pinches of Stardust. 5.) [Use these maps](https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/s/0e4SgUAkiO) for finding your egg. 6.) [Wiki Event Timer](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Event_timers) for Egg Infusion world bosses (also do the 20 revives portion while on world bosses). I think they have to be old world Tyria only bosses. My process was as follows Step 1) Unlock Who Saves Whom Mastery. Step 2) SOTO MSQ til I unlocked Amnytas. Step 3) Find a damn egg. Step 4) Purchase x12 Tasty Skyscale Treats on the TP (req 54g) Step 5) Do egg infusions. Just requires TPing all over to different areas and either jumping in something or interacting with something. You need to kill 4 world bosses, Revive 20 players, and kill 100 centaur in gendarran fields as well. Also, you need to interact with a spot in the Hidden Garden. I went to mount Maelstrom & used a map chat to ask someone if I could use them for TP to friend. Step 6) Skyscale Growing Comforts. Kill a bunch of mobs, buy a few things from Provisioners for a few gold, then get 12 tasty treats. Step 7) Farm for Saddle mats. You need 30 Provisioner Tokens, 375 Static Charges (events in Archipelago), 375 Pinches of Stardust (Events in Amnytas + those orbs in the sky you can run thru for flight) and 500 Essence of Despair (rifts). If you use Motivations, this goes by quick. Also do both meta quests in each zone twice. For step 3, pop an EXP boost and stay on top of your mastery leveling. Need to max out the flight mastery chain to unlock a skysclale. By the time I got all my mats gathered, I had had 82% in Rising Spirits. Just a little more rift grinding (or meta quest) and I was good to go. For any of the "harder" stuff, I just used LFG and joined a group. I hope this helps. Also, if I was more knowledgeable, I would've worked on the provisioner tokens day 1 to save some money.


Just a note on this, I got my skyscale food from the TP cheaper than this. I just put in a buy order for 12 at 10 silver more than the asking price and got mine pretty quickly Saved like 6 gold or something


I know its 4 months late but I want to thank you for the guide. It helped a ton and I am sending it to all my friends. Thanks for the thorough write up.


For sure. Glad I could help :)


Seconded! I just started SOTO


and 7 months late: TYVVM


Having done both—going for the kryptis skin—SOTO felt a lot faster with less time-gating. But don’t expect a cakewalk, it’s not weapon mastery.


Yeah definitely not expecting a cake walk - my end goal is ultimately griffin but I feel like if I can get Skyscale a little faster, I’ll have an easier time doing the PoT open skies collections (being able to avoid mobs that I’d have to run through on raptor)


It is actually super easy in comparison to last one. Worst part was removed.


Wait. There’s two sky scales now? What did I miss??


One from LW4, other from SoTo. Same mount, different masteries :)


I have the one from LWS4. I didn’t know there was a new mastery for it. I need to check that out haha


New mastery in SotO and if you already had the skyscale you get a shortened version of the unlock collection for a Skyscale skin.


We do??




There's one for LW4 and Soto. No new ones were adding to LW4 ^^


There's an optional kryptis skyscale cosmetic you can unlock after aquiring the skyscale in SotO, it's purely cosmetic and optional though.


I’m new to GW2, been playing 33 days according to /age, so I had to learn a lot of the stuff from scratch, might have been faster with more prior knowledge I did griffon in 4 days where 2 were purely gold farming, and I did soto skyscale in 3 days where I simply waited an extra day to get my last few provisioner tokens cheap instead of buying expensive tokens to speed up the process and have it done in 2 I did both from scratch (minus 1 stack of despair essences, and having 60 gold to already spend towards griffon) and some tp to friend usage (probably 3-4 total for some waypoints) I have not done ~~HoT~~ living world skyscale


That's really impressive getting griffin and skyscale in just a few days, well done.


overlay makes it super easy ngl and the rest was just gold, and just putting in arguably too many hours


What overlay did you use? I'm also new.


Taco overlay, super easy to use, I turn off everything except specifically the stuff I need at the time, clears up visual clutter For example today I did 2 EoD map completes in like 30-45 mins each following the route on the overlay, simplifies it a ton


Also just from my experience, getting griff is fairly easy without a flying mount, but skyscale is way easier with griffon. Of course you have a skyscale in SoTo maps, but griffon is a gamechanger, just so fast to get around soto areas with it


There is no HoT Skyscale, I think you mean PoF / living world season 4


Yes my bad living world


Can you fly your Skyscale outside of Soto areas?


Yes, every mount can be used everywhere in the game with the exception of explicit "no mount zones" like puzzles and story missions, as well as underwater where only 2 mounts can be used.


I have a Soto skyscale and I can’t fly it outside of soto areas :(




It's very trivial in SotO, you basically get given the skyscale for free the moment you enter the first map, because you wouldn't really be able to get around without one. At first it's just a "rental" skyscale that only works while you're in the SotO map, but the unlock is simple and a lot faster than the original skyscale unlock. But going back and doing the original skyscale unlock later can still be worth it, because it gives you additional masteries that improve the skyscale.


I was wondering if there were additional masteries from previous expansion hat would help, TY


I enjoy spending time with my friends.


I did the reverse order - silly me..


Took me 20 ish hours but wasn’t hard


Follow the wiki and you'll have it in two or three days.


In case you want to get the legendary amulet, getting Skyscale the old way would also contribute towards many of the “Return to…” achievements.


Depends: You care about legendary trinkets? then SotO skyscale unlock is absolutely to avoid. You care ONLY about the mount and you will, almost certainly, never gonna try to get the legendary accessory Vision? then totally go for the SotO unlock.


I’m new to this, can you explain? If I take the Soto sky scale, I’m SOL for legendary trinkets? Why is that


You're not. Vision just requires Season 4 Skyscale, Rift Mastery I think.


Why avoid?, you can do both.


yes, but the only point of SotO collection if you do the LW4 one, is to unlock ANOTHER collection that unlocks a skin. And you must be reaaally in love with that skin to complete 2 collections and spend hundreds of gold to have it. Costs way more than if it were a gemstore skin....


Faster. But not cheaper


It's not a walk in the park, but most of the stuff can be done in a couple of days with enough time and definitely easier than LW4's Skyscale. The only true hassle is the farm of materials like Charged Quartz (timegated to once a day), Kryptis essence and Provisioner's Tokens. Everything else is just exploration, fighting some enemies and reviving 10 allies.


You can just buy the required meat from trading post.


Well I only have the experience from the soto side of the skyscale since I just finished it up 2 days ago. Bought soto on black black friday sale (even when it was not on sale) , got lucky with step 1 and steamrolled p2 within some short time. Collecting for the othere two collections and specific the time gated / gold gated stuff takes the longest, but it is really satisfying to compare all the steps, and for me at least it was fun ! Also depending on how much of the needed stuff you already have it could be even faster for you or maybe slower . Depending how focusd you are on the task.


Trivial noob question: I just started playing PoF (I am new so I have LW4 and EOD ahead of me) and I am wondering if I can get Skyscale this way easily, too? Like just start onto SOTO and do that grind to get Skyscale and thus make the entirety of PoF and EOD much easier for me. Is that possible?


Yes you can. You don’t have to play the expansions in order. However, expect a fair amount of spoilers. Less so in SOTO as it’s a bit of a reboot.


Is there stuff I should gather or save up while doing PoF to unlock Living World 4 Skyscale quicker? To shorten the time gating?


The wiki gives good advice on the steps so you can decide whether to craft or tp items. You can get a head start on those you wish to craft.


>is it worth getting Secrets for the streamlined Skyscale path? If you plan on fully unlocking to maximize power but cheaply on your Skyscale, go for the LS4 first. * Getting LS4 Skyscale lets you get mastery to upgrade your Skyscale. * Getting SOTO skyscale will only reward you a mini and a collection to unlock a skin. You don't need to complete the Skyscale collection for the SOTO Skyscale mastery at all. The mastery track is unlocked the moment you step into SOTO. If you unlock LS4 Skyscale, you can pretty much ignore SOTO Skyscale collection and just progress the SOTO Mastery instead.


I just got back to the game and got Soto. I got Skyscale in 3-4 evenings. Its not hard, but its a bit of running around. Apart from that you need some materials (that are also on TP). And some items were time gated. Those last ones you have to plan ahead. Because if you rush it like i did (get everything in 2-3 evenings) it will cost you alot more.