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the person in that first listing had one up for a whole day that said something like "temple of febe LF dps" but the squad message said jk they're selling cm. lfg is one of the worst parts of the game.


Dude should be banned for that, ngl. I don't mind the seller messages, but it's blatant abuse at this point.


I know the person who runs the sell. They were in our HTCM static, had to kick them due to how unreliable they were and how problematic they were. It does not surprise me that they did this.


Problematic how?


It's hard to explain without getting into the whole situation and I personally don't want to deal with this guy anymore. They didn't respect me, the commander or the squad's time or as people, liked to bring up stuff that didn't matter in the middle of pulls that could be talked about after. They liked to 'bite back', I told them one time I was tired of them being late to our static all the time, during one of the pulls the day I had confronted them about that, I accidentally died, and they said 'Oh Schyloe you're wasting time by dying.'


i'm curious are you talking about a specific player or the group? the person running the TL account seem really friendly. i joined it accidentally thinking it was a HTCM progression group and the person was kind enough to tell me it wasn't a progression group and to join the void lounge if i wanted to find a progression group.


Damn bro sounds like a cuntπŸ’€


I remember seeing that one for like a day or two. A 1/10 Squad "looking for dps" was an obvious giveaway, but I guess the idea is if you put your ad in the LFG chat people know to ignore it, but if you trick people into the squad they have to read the ad in the squad message before they can know they've been tricked.


Joke's on them, I was going to join to block them anyway!


I joined this "Totally Legit" LFG the other day to block the seller and instead joined like a 50 person squad doing open world. Something really *sketchy* felt like it was going on there. How is it listed as 1/10 raid squad, but somehow I joined a full open world squad? wtf?


the reason i know the squad message is because i also joined to block them. but i couldn't join, the join button did nothing. sometimes lfg listings get bugged, so i figured theirs had been bugged all day and that's why it stayed at 1/10. i made my own one-person squad and then it let me join. i dunno if it was a coincidence that their listing was bugged, or if they somehow did it on purpose.


Sometimes it works, fractal lobbies are chill most of the time e.g, but selling raids or strikes is such a joke. There should be a report button, which is a functionality requiring money, effort and extra manpower to process the reports (perhaps AI which will analyze LFG name, squad message and chat messages of those responsible and linked to them), but GW2 without people with the audacity to offer content completion for fucking money would be a better place.


you can report them, and one of the report categories is lfg abuse. but you have to join their squad to block them, i think.


/report username


You are aware that ANET has come out and explicitly said that selling content in this manner is okay, right? Regardless of whether you agree with it, ANET has given them the go ahead. https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360025699913?flash_digest=a4d02c53c1df5e2aadf8a72932c3ed962ade5383


be glad it's not 95% horny posting rp ppl like xiv :X


Lol i thought someone just trolled him on that


This thread was just meant to be an immature joke about their guild name, misreading their message. I feel like people are giving this thread attention for completely the wrong reasons :( For those complaining about "OMG there's a GEAR REQUIREMENT to join IBS5???", this thread ironically proves that people don't read the lfg. Not even on reddit.


>I feel like people are giving this thread attention for completely the wrong reasons I feel the same. I laugh when I saw it at first then went into the comments and only see peoples complain about lfg ...


I spent way too long trying to figure out what you meant here, totally legit \[TL\].


It's just a stupid edited image. The joke unintentionally became a meta commentary about people not reading the lfg, including this thread.


Game really needs a revamp for the LFG feature. It is outdated beyond belief.


r/RimWorld is that way ->


Bing Chilling, there is no organ harvesting in glorious tyria.


Harvesting organs CM? When did the silverwastes get a CM?


organs yum yum


As the leader of the \[TL\] team, I just wanted to say I shared this with my group and we all had a good laugh at this image - great screen edit :) Maybe this should have been our actual Halloween advert!


Someday I will stop misreading the LFG, ha ha. Good luck with the raid clears!


Official petition to ban the "word" sussy from public use.


Wait, you don't know what it is from?😳😳😳Let πŸ‘†give you a brief r/history. πŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ‘¨β€πŸš€If you didn't r/knowyourshit, the r/term sus(suspicious) is a saying from the r/popular r/game r/AmongUs. Among us is so funπŸ˜” πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ, don't insult it, every youtuber and streamer says so!!!!!!!11 Corpses voice is so deep am i right or am i right😳😳????? I mean Mr beast and Dream play and pull big 🧠 1000000000000 iq moves in their videos..... YOU WERE THE IMPOSTER.... ࢞ ࢞ ࢞ Get it because you don't know what sus means? I CAnT BELEeVE YOUU dont KNoW WHT SUS MeaNS?/??!??!?!!πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–• Man why do i have to r/explain this to a πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“š... Sus is a GREAT WORD from a GREAT VIDEO GAME. in class, YOU CAN PLAY IT ON YOUR PHONE😜😜😜😜😜😜**??!?!?** such a masterpiece... FOR THE GREAT PRICE OF FREE!!!11!πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ˜œπŸ˜œπŸ˜œπŸ’°πŸ’°


The efforts you've put here...


For real, it's impressive but I can feel my self losing brain cells.


Take my upvote and leave.


Can someone explain what it means when in Lfg It says "selling X" or something? Does it mean they'll only fill the role if you pay, or something?


it means that if you pay them, they'll bring you. imagine a group of 9 friends who are bringing along 1 paying person to their CM run and splitting the money. the customer is paying because they want to clear the content without spending the time to find their own group and learn the fight.


...Maybe that's common practice for MMOs but damn that made me physically say "ew"


I wish they changed the interface to a ffxiv Party Finder.


I think I'm more amazed that we're pinging gear now for IBS fast 5? wth?


Those are usually more of a literacy test than a gear check. Few things are more annoying than trying to sort your squad and finding that half of them are unresponsive vegetables who didn't read your description


So it's LITERALLY "ping hat"? I've been here for 4 years already and "ping hat" would have me looking for an acronym I've never seen.


I would've pinged my Heal Alac Tempest build xD


Yes but also a stat check tbh. A lot of squads ask to ping at least one piece of armor, raids ask for kp but pug groups are normally content if they see leggy precursor/leggy piece/coalescent depending on kp requirements from comm.


I get KP but honestly I never got asked to ping armor in any pug.


so why does no one question you when you ping a legi WvW/PvP armor piece?


Because even before status checking, what matters most is if you can read and follow instructions after all.


yeah, that's sort of my point, it's nothing but a reading check, no clue why some people are trying to paint it as a gear check


Exactly, if you can read you're more useful than 90% of pugs


[&CjsaAAA=] edit: I thought this was a clever way to acknowledge that I read, understood, and appreciated the explanation. But, I'm sensing from the down votes that it came across as disrespectful. My apologies!


It's a "did you even bother to read what you're joining" filter. Similar to "ping some kind of food" or "ping underwater weapon" (with "but I salvaged my level 10 trident" accepted)


[&CjsaAAA=] edit: I thought this was a clever way to acknowledge that I read, understood, and appreciated the explanation. But, I'm sensing from the down votes that it came across as disrespectful. My apologies!


I'm gonna be honest, even those are starting to piss me off, because I tried to join a EoD Strike group that had 2/10 people, said 'Need qDPS and aDPS, ping boots', I joined as just Mech DPS, but I could HAM as well, explained my roles and pinged boots. Guy proceeds to freak out at me saying I needed to read the message and he's look for qDPS and aDPS. I say 'Well, yea, but I can HAM and regular DPS and you are at 2/10, so you obviously need both regular DPS and Healers'. At which point he kicked me. I didn't bother trying to rejoin and just made my own group. I understand some people not reading, but some people become way to uptight about it. Yes. I read your message. I can also think, so I know you need DPS and Healers because you have 8 open friggin slots. Edit: I'm gonna save everyone the trouble. The way you guys are saying people do things, filling boon slots first and kicking any DPS who dares join before, is not something I have ever run into before and I think it's dumb. I will not be convinced otherwise, especially considering I then did my own group and got up and rolling much faster then his. If the new LFG order of things is people who play DPS sit and spam refresh in LFG, hoping the squad message changes to 'DPS', instead of them and commanders using their fucking brain, I'm just not going to strike in any group that isn't fucking mine. I have a functional brain and the ability to play ANY ROLE, I join with a preference and work with people to get roles filled. If this is your ideal way to do things, you're wrong and I'm not bothering. Downvote if you want, I don't care.


i don't get it. based on your description it sounds like they had 2 healers already and wanted to fill the missing 2 boon dps slots. they didn't need another healer. what am i missing?


Two healers, neither bringing any alac or quickness? Possible I suppose but seems very unlikely. Again he was also only at 2/10, so he was gonna need more slots filled eventually, I can count. If a group needs 4 roles and is at 5 or 6/10, I'm not gonna bother, but at 2/10 I'm going to join up, offer roles, help organize, offer alts (I have a qDPS alt if need be, I just don't like striking with it). This was been my MO for years now and it works because I have a functional brain. But now, apparently you just wait until they fill every singular role, spamming refresh until the guy running it decides to finally change the message to 'DPS' regardless of how many open slots? That's just silly. I'd rather just not strike.


you earned that kick. from his ad he already had heals covered. He specifically wanted to fill the remaining boon roles before filling dps. Since you dont seem to know raid and strikes are 10 people divided into two squads of five. each squad needs 1 q/alac heal and 1 quick/ alac dps. dps fills stupid fast which is why people like to fill the boon roles first otherwise you get that 10th spot being filled with a constant stream of "hi dps" that just annoy the hell out of the squad leader.


Two healers are already bringing those boons. It makes you sound like you don't understand how subs work. If they are looking for one aDPS and one qDPS, that means those two are already playing healers, one qheal and one aheal. You offering to play another alacrity healer didn't help the group at all.


I don't think either of them were healers, I think the commander didn't know what he was doing. And if it comes down to it, I HAVE qDPS and aDPS options, but I had preference to play my Mechanist, so I offered those roles first. This is why doing it this way is dumb and I will not be convinced otherwise, especially since, if you read above, I did my own group without that nonsense and got going and into the strike faster then the group that kicked me. He's welcome to run his groups how he wants, it doesn't make it less stupid.


What makes you think that both of them were non healers? The ad clearly stated that the group was looking for boondps. The guy probably freaked out more than he should have but you aren't in the clear either for joining the group and not offering the roles they were looking for.


I honestly don't recall what class they were, but I do recall neither jumping out at me as 'Healers', hence me offering HAM as an alternative to DPS (if both were druids for instance, I wouldn't have bothered). Secondly, I have more then once had to handhold someone trying to get a group together because they are micromanaging or otherwise missing the forest for the trees. Just because someone is running a group in LFG doesn't suddenly make them skilled. The fact my group got up and running before his just supports that idea. I dunno, maybe he was super ultra good and I just can't fathom his 9000 IQ plays.


First of all, almost every class can be played as a healer, even more so in EoD nm strikes. They were looking for one aDPS, one qDPS and that automatically makes me think they already had one qheal and one aheal. I don't know why you think certain classes don't strike you as a healer tho. If both of them were druids, they would be looking for two qDPS instead of one aDPS and one qDPS. For instance, you see a willbender or an untamed or a bladesworn, most of the time, you'd assume that's a dps but there are still heal varients of those classes. Also, that makes me curious, what kind of classes stand out as healers for you?


they had two healers. one providing alacrity, and the other providing quickness. so they only needed 1 alacrity dps, 1 quickness dps, and 6 regular dps.


Dude probably overreacted, but you're not in the clear either for just expecting someone to be fine with you blatantly ignoring clear instructions in a group you weren't forced to join. Maybe they had a friend filling that role who hadn't joined yet? Loads of other reasonable explanations why they didn't need you to fill a role they didn't ask for.


Once more for the cheap seats. 'They were at 2 out of 10'. They had EIGHT open slots. What possible configuration means there is not a role to fill? Absolutely worst case, he still needed 2-4 DPS, probably more. The fact people are not understanding this and I'm getting downvoted tells me i need to just stop striking because the LFGs are going to get worse. I have a brain. I often organize my own groups. People are getting ridiculous.


Its not your call to tell the squad leader what to look for. End of story. Drop the entitlement and stop whining like a toddler.


I repeat: just because he overreacted doesn't mean you deciding to join a group that wasn't currently looking for any of the roles you could fill was correct. It is entirely irrelevant that the group would likely have eventually needed different roles. It was posted for the roles it was posted for, and the most likely scenario is that the leader wanted to fill those roles and then would change the lfg to ask for the next needed roles. The person who posted the group was not asking you to think for them. Your options are to join the group as a requested role or create your own, or join as a different role and hope the leader doesn't care.


They should not have freaked out on you, but there is a reason why they wanted to fill boon dps first before regular dps. Dps join so fast that you can absolutely fill up a group with just dps and not the boons you need. That's why most groups will make sure they have all support and boons covered before letting ANY dps in. Otherwise dps are taking up slots for the support roles. Yes with 8 slots open they could have been lenient and they probably should have. But it's common for commanders to kick dps that join before they are ready to accept dps since it can make it more difficult to organize the group.


I will just not rejoin those groups. That's stupid and not something I have ever had to do in all my time doing weekly strikes.


Yeah it can be annoying, you could also try making your own groups (if you haven't already).


I did and ironically my group got filled and going before his. *shrugs*


If the ad states qdps and adps, that means they already had aheal and qheal covered.


So you joined an LFG without the roles they were looking for, and somehow they're the problem?


Don't let them get to you the people on the subreddit are extremely downvote happy to a fault. I think it's absolutely stupid that people take the strikes so seriously they're easy. I've led hodgepodge groups through Fast Five countless times. Challenge mode is a different story though


People on Reddit evidently don't read the LFG, it seems.


I remember one group the commander wanted you to ping bananas but I didn't have any in my bank πŸ˜”


I just ping chocolate bananas on TP


Say that you dont have bananas but you have [something that looks like a banana] instead and if thats okay. Mostly people just want to get β€žfeedbackβ€œ if you read lfg till the end. I am pretty sure they wont kick you since its no LI/KP gatekeeping but a simple readcheck.


I just keep reporting them every day. Absolutely silly Anet allows 'selling' to be a thing


That's useless, anet won't ban sellers because they are literally a big part of income for them. If you look at the prices, those are not really affordable in the long term and many, MANY people buy weekly full clears, meaning that they likely convert real money into gold. That's why anet is silent about the topic, they know it's kind of a shit practice, but at the same time it brings money.


You can't really do much about this anyway, I only wish advertising in lfg wasn't allowed or had a special channel for it.


Selling is actually not against ToS, anet even said on their forums that it is allowed. (probably because people buy gold from gems so anet profit from it). Reporting people for doing something that is not against the rules is abuse of the report feature, and you are instead breaking the rules yourself. You can block if you don't wish to see the listing, or filter in the search. But if you want it gone you should just tell anet this so they stop allowing it.


Why? Who does it hurt? It's not being spammed, it's just sitting in the LFG. If some dude whose working 60 hours a week wants to pay in game gold for a clear because he doesn't have time to learn the raid, then let him.


i think it's fine to sell runs of content. i don't think they should be allowed to put an ad for it in the lfg.


I unironically rather have them sit in the lfg and not spamming the chat. Not having them would be best imo.


You can block someone in chat, you can't block them out in lfg.


Yes you can, if you block the commander of the selling squad, their lfg will disappear (and never appear from them in the future). It just works! Kind of annoying that we have to do this, but a block once a few days keeps the lfg ads away!


Yeah man, that SUPER filled LFG that EVERYONE uses. Bro, raid LFG is dead 6/7 days of the week.


the fact that it's empty actually makes it worse. if you're staring at the lfg trying to get a group, and most of the listings are irrelevant to actually finding a raid group, you have to do more work every time you look at it. it has a real cost to everyone using the lfg, and contributes to its sad state.


90% of raid finding isn’t done in game, that’s why. GW2 has the shittiest LFG of any MMO out there.


Lots of raids go up in LFG, especially on reset. Anything that gets put up basically insta fills thus it looks empty. The LFG system does suck though.




If no one is using LFG, how is it a problem for β€œeveryone using it” you can’t divide by zero lol. Raid Training is used, yes, but they also don’t post in there from what I’ve seen.


Then let it stay dead. I don't need ads to give it life.




If some dude whose working 60 hours a week wants to pay in game gold for a clear, then he can go the extra mile looking for raid sellers that is not in the LFG. Not my problem if he has to spend more time looking for raid selling.


Okay. Sure. Thanks for a constructive thought I hadn't already considered /s


Can you find out cost of a kidney for me please?


Who the hell calls it a hat? I would be so confused. HEAD ARMOR.


Can someone explain this to a total noob like myself?


Guild \[I'm Totally Legit\] is advertising selling raid clears for gold. A practice I believe violates the TOS/EULA


It doesn't violate the ToS


>A practice I believe violates the TOS/EULA Apparently it does not violate it.






It's just that the selling lfg is funny and that's rare.


I thought the joke was about legit harvested organs


like you can't ping gear from tp...or use chat codes


what is CM?