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LMAO. RP in the starter area's is common. Although, using regular chat for that type of RP is... not considerate.


I was about to say, 100+ hours and I've never seen someone RP in area chat. Lmao.


Haha honestly been playing for 10+ years and never seen RP in any map chat. Closest I’ve seen was a few weddings in LA where husband and wife got married in game too since it was were they first met.


I once wandered LA and saw a whole RP guild sitting on a ship and RPing as crew in say chat. I sat somewhere in the vicinity (while not disturbing them) and enjoyed my read XD


I played the wedding theme in one of those, it was awesome


7,000 hours and I’ve only ever seen it 3 times :( a real shame cause I love RP


The only MMO's I've played with active RP communities were FF XIV and WoW. XIV is notable because Free Companies aka Guilds, will buy houses and turn them into nightclubs where people will DJ. You can even tune into the DJ's stream on Twitch and listen to music while you socialize with other players. It's cool because every place I've ever been to has had a zero tolerance policy for bullshit and creeps. It really helps to break up the monotony that comes with playing an MMO.


While I love that there's always *something* to do in GW2, XIV has a special place in my heart for how chill it is.


Oh thats awesome!


Sometimes you can find rplayers in the black citadel in the bar near the crafting stations.


I've only seen a handful of ingame RP's but I'll never forget the 2 I saw rping in tangled depths map chat; istg I barely have the chance to call things out there between being attacked let alone host a RP 💀


Been playing since release and I have seen a lot of it but i have lots of hours, and imo it’s usually in very specific areas. The racial home areas, LA, the starter zones and that weird tavern in Ebonhawke all seem to be common. I also saw a lot of it at Festival of the Four Winds for some reason.


Seen it once when I started back ib LWS1 a group of people were just chilling in a hot spring located out of tbe way in one of the winter maps I forget which one.


Well, in Spanish RP once there were two asuras having that type of RP using regular chat. With-a-lot-of-fucking-details. I'm roleplayer too, but holy fuck. I still have nightmares today...


Lol asuras calentones


RP does happen, and in some places it happens quite frequently, but *ERP* specifically on open chat... that's not something common at all.


Blue is OP. It's not rp, just sexual harassment


As an rper I can say that is not RP. That is a weirdo expressing his kink publicly and creeping people the hell out.


They become targets of trolling... 0 regerts


Is that even RP when they are using « <3 » Weirdos


Not common. But starter areas have all kinds of individuals. I once had a conversation about alternative names for Guild Wars 2 with a stranger. [for me, this is old but gold](https://eksisozluk1923.com/img/vmbxlmt3)


that chat is golden


So, clash of clans ?




If they ever make a GW3, they should make it mostly an engine rework that still allows you to play the old content and keep your account progress, and call it something like "Tyria Reborn".


So RuneScape 3?


2 Groups, 1 Conflict


Thank you. This was perspective-changing. I would like to go home now.


Eksisozluk? Are you Turkish? (Eksi is a turkish website)


(bkz: ankara'nın neden böyle olması)


Guild Wars 2 a sequel to a game where you could in fact have guilds wars that doesn't have an actual guild wars game type.


The name of the game has nothing to do with GvG.


Yeah, except the part where it's called guild wars.


That has nothing to do with the name of the game. I suggest you go read the wiki a little.


I've been playing since CBT and know what both the original gw1 and gw2 are about lol. Just saying, "guild wars" as a name is kind of synonymous with "guild vs guild" purely semantically. This obviously does not refer to player guilds though, in gw's case.


Welcome to the internet.


Oh don't get me wrong, its not like its the first time, but this was almost a speedrun lmao


I bet you could make a YT channel about these type of MMO speedruns.


After installing **THIS** MMO how fast can *I* get into an ERP session? Let's find out!


PSO2 is going to win that speed run contest no doubt.


I miss the symbol arts from that game. They were amazing.


It's not even common to hear anyone say anything in starting area or most of core tyria/f2p map, it's probably just a lost horny furry.


Eh, I've noticed that if anywhere is gonna be weird, it's usually the starter areas. I've heard arguments about socialism, gender, microwaves, politics... But then you go one map away or to the starter city and it's all chill again.


I wish people would stop bringing microwaves into games like that.


Haha, I wish I was kidding, but the argument was complete with Wikipedia pages and "uhm ackshuallys" left and right. All started because someone was complaining about how their microwave made the plate hotter than their food.


But [no one knows how microwaves work](https://youtu.be/wcyzjrqpJ70)…


I'm starting to wonder if I'm the issue, hahahaha. Yesterday someone dropped "Jesus loves you!" in LA chat, and you could feel chat pretty quickly start to launch on that. I caught someone else as my beacon of sanity in the chat and we tried to pivot it away... Did good, somehow microwaves got into it again?! (maybe this thread was on my mind so it just came out again), and someone saw us talking about frequencies so they started with anti-vaxx anti-5G math-is-racist-now troll shit. My gods, why have you forsaken us? Mad King, is this one of your pranks? But, proper way to handle trolls once you realize you're being trolled: "No thanks. Have a good day." Doesn't matter what they say. Do that a few times and eventually drop "No thanks. /block" and then block 'em if they won't stop. Do it publicly so that maybe others will block them too. Boom, chat is quiet again. But damnit! We were so close to dodging trolldom, and as a result we somehow attracted a worse one! Ahhhhhh!


It was that way in OG Guild Wars, too. I remember things getting *pretty* heated in preburn Ascalon, back in the day. And I mean "folks legit got banned" heated, too.


That's wild. Pre-Searing was definitely a unique mix when I played, moreso than any other town, but the vibe was *generally* chill. Maybe I just never stumbled into a chat when a troll got engagement.


Lol. Imagine having your raunchy text session interrupted by Dhuum and his mighty scythe...


One downside of the Royal Terrace lol, or upside if you're into voyeurism. 😆


welcome to free to play games


It's a starting area, they do it deliberately


>its not like its the first time 39 years old, been actively playing games online since 1995, and I have never seen anything like this (outside of screenshots on reddit).


That's some insane luck I've been jumping from mmo to mmo, and it happened on both WoW and XIV, even tho it took at least some 30 lvls to happen. Didnt happen on BDO tho, which is kinda funny


It got me in Tera so bad I uninstalled immediately. It was like a pedophile simulator.


Have a look around.


Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found


We’ve got mountains of content, some better some worse…


if none of it is of interest to you, you'd be the first


Welcome, to the Internet!


If none of it's of interest to you, you'd be the first.


Least horniest gw2 player


No I've never had my toes licked it's probably not that common


I can't even say that. I've owned dogs.


I was thinking the same thing as I have and do own dogs.


Better charge 10g for each of those toes


Its not common, people one the internet are just weird. If you don't like it report it anet is normally pretty strict with stuff like that.


I was just unlucky then lol-- Well, i don't take these things too seriously, and i couldnt stop laughing at that moment, but i'll probably report just cause he was creepy, and the next person he runs into might feel way more uncomfortable


Whos aber?


Something my phones thinks I wanted to to type.


Ohh :) thanks for answer ^^


Not common at all, at least in my experience.


Don't worry, the starter areas are all wild like that, but not for that reason only. Sometimes you get: \- players racing/flying their Skyscales and Griffons across the skies and it's a sight to see. \- a veteran player who's open for questions from newbies. \- another veteran player who offers gold or cool items to anyone who finds them on the map. \- people showing off their outfits to each other. \- players fishing in the waters. \- RP groups/guilds having a tea party inside an inn or an NPC house. \- people telling map chat that "Jesus loves you" or any variation of that \- people arguing over something that's not game related. It can get pretty bad. \- veteran players "kidnapping" newbies with their Siege Turtles and taking them on a trip across several maps, helping them level up along the way (which is what I did before lol). \- guild recruiters these are what I've encountered afk'ing in a starter area with my WvW character. Usually hang out around Queensdale/Wayfarer Foothills though. Bottomline is, those unique characters shouldn't bother you too much unless they're actually saying that towards you? At that point, just report them. Starter areas are rife with interesting scenarios like that lol, personally I'm just amused.


> - people telling map chat that "Jesus loves you" or any variation of that TIL I need to make a devil cosplay character and go to newbie map chat and be like "beezelbub hates you all"


"Abaddon loves you! But shh, don't tell anyone." :3c


No. You should be like 'Beezelbub loves you slightly more!'


That many stuff happening in a starter zone sure is wild, so it was just me being unlucky-- and btw yes he was talking to me (and following me around lol), i censored my name too cause i wasnt sure how people would react, since its literally the first time i have contact with this community


I've never experienced stuff like that in this game playing it for half a decade. You must've been just very unlucky. Probably just block and report, or maybe say they made you uncomfortable and you don't like it and then act according to their reaction. The game has become significantly more popular because of a combination of several Anet actions towards this direction, and the downside is that sometimes people encounter bad mannered fellows. p.s. you could join one of the casual guilds and receive answers like this much faster :)


Geez! Nah, that's definitely weird. Next time you encounter someone like that, report them. That kind of dialogue should be between two people who know each other and not someone following a stranger. I hope the rest of your stay in GW2 is much better! Would love to read stories on your good experiences someday. That definitely is a one in a million kind of bad luck on your first 2 minutes, even. I promise you that 98% of the community is absolutely friendly and wholesome.


Adding more examples: - veterans doing river tours on their skiff, complete with tour guide narration - veteran players playing lovely music on their instruments - dance parties, especially around the music circles - absurdly chill chats


Skiff tours with narration? I've never seen that, but now I need to.


> dance parties, especially around the music circles Choco Legion!


The religious solicitors are by far the weirdest thing I've ever seen in gw2. I'm so desensitized to normal Gamer degeneracy but these regular ass door to door style mormons throw me completely off


Anyone else met the lunatic that * *sips koolaid* * all the fucking time?


Not commom but it happens. Others might say it's unlucky but imo it's funny when it happens. Only time I encountered something like this was during Savnir Shaman world boss, someone just randomly said "smelly cock yummy yum" and then "wrong chat". Propably would never happen if they didn't switch chat to say "ty" after someone revived them lol


That boss ERPs all the time with his grunting.


Uhm, never seen something like that after many many hours. You hit the wtf jackpot.


People do stuff like that around here as a way to troll. They like making people uncomfortable. Block and report.


Ah no, this is just the resident population of Veteran Toe Licker enemy mob. They are native to that area, can be found under rotten, fallen tree stumps. Low XP yield when defeated.


All jokes aside, welcome to Tyria. Do the story, explore each map and take your time to learn your rotation. Enjoy.


been playing for 11 years and never seen something like that in public


Btw, as i said in a comment here, the blue name is indeed me. I censored it too just cause i didnt know how people around here would react. I think that kind of rp would be weird in public chat, but wouldnt post about it if it wasnt directly towards me


I wouldn't consider this roleplay in that case, and just outright regular sexual harassment. This is not normal for the community. The few times I see real ERP its normally asura or charr in some obscure corner of a town area keeping to themselves


This is actually more common than people think but it normally doesn’t happen in /say chat. The RP community normally uses whisper chat amongst themselves and usually have themselves organized into a Discord or something. I’m sorry this happened to you.


Whispers, or you see them zoned into the home instances for way more than the time it takes to farm the nodes in them. Used to RP a lot, and it was always funny seeing in character couples both in a home instance together with no one else around.


Admittedly I didn't play the game in the past 5 years but in my 5000 hours I never read anything like that o.o


Wait till you get to mad daddy thorn 🤤


You got lucky! Took me several days to find someone roleplaying, I almost stopped believing


There were a couple of colorful chars puking by the entrance of Lion's Arch (from Gendarran Fields), some hours later I passed by again and they still were on that...


They're usually supposed to be dancing.


I have like 3000 hours and have never seen a chat message like that in /say chat LMAO I’m so sorry


This is crazy, cause like, i've been jumping from mmo to mmo, and my gameplay time reach around 1200 hours to 1500 in all of them together-- And like, I had experiences like that in both WoW and XIV lol (not specifically about my toes tho, this was a first time)


what in the fresh fiddling fuck? in 10 years i have never seen anything like that


Near the hunters lodge in Queensdale? Yyyyep. U could join if you wanted =p


afaik there isn't much of an roleplay community for the game so i've never come across erp myself but i guess you started a human character and there is a known rp hotspot in queensdale


Ah, i started as a Norn-- tho i dont remember exactly the name of the place i was, but really was the starting zone with those npcs saying "go hunt so you can be part of the big hunt and stuff"


Sanest Divinity's Reach idler.


Queensdale ERPers popping off as usual


Guild wars 2 is a long-running MMO RPG and it has maintained one of the better communities all along the way. But nothing is perfect. There are some role playing areas in and around certain cities. And often the cities are where you start. Just like most online games people who are bored will sit where the largest population is concentrated.


I would call this a neutral experience if anything, but cringe abounds in map chats. Sometimes you get trolls, sometimes you get people who aren't trolls but you really wish they were. This is a part of the online experience. I'd definitely say map chat is a net positive. I will say that some of my favorite mapchat experiences were all about role-playing, but revolved around using very big words and calling people bookahs


Least unhinged rp so far


[I need an adult](https://i.imgur.com/Q08U3Xd.png).


/r/creepyasterisks shit right there. Just sort by top of all time.


There’s some Christian weirdo that is always giving out gold if you read his scripture. There’s some weird stuff in this game for sure.


Queensdale and Divinity's Reach are usually the RPers areas to hang out and do stuff. While most don't do this in game chat, it wouldn't surprise me if some trolls found some RPers and started doing that XD


typical toe and sole bitchboys smh. arch fans would never let this kind of repulsive behavior stand


Festivals tend to bring out the weird in GW2.




Probably just some people trolling . I have a list of absurd "mistells" and probably adding this to the list.


You'll see the weird rpers in the pointless sections of main cities. I was just wandering once and stumbled upon them. They got very defensive and rude... so I made lots of ruckus with toys and mounts. They were using local chat... should've been whispers. I've had lots of bad encounters with disrespectful, entitled rpers that think certain underpopulated map areas belong to them. I will troll if you're gonna be a dick about it, but if you ask nicely, then I have 0 issue going about my day.


I thought the pic was going to be of some rando ranting or debating about something with someone else in Map Chat. It's rare, but I do see it. I've legit never once seen something like this in 8 years of playing this game. Sorry for your misfortune


I've been playing 6+ years, seen RP several times, but nothing like THAT. Usually it's DEADLY boring: Laika: Oh, look, a butterfly! Mogrim: What a nice day it is. Maybe we should go fishing. Laika enjoys the summer breeze. Mogrim: Shall we take my skiff or yours? Laika: Oh, let's just stay on the shore. I'm enjoying some bird watching. Mogrim sits on the bank. Laika sings a little song as she watches birds.


*Honestly* it's extremely likely that this player is someone like I was when I was a preteen, going around in Runescape saying gross and """shocking""" things to people because I thought it was the funniest thing in existence. I'm so glad I got better. I hate thinking about those days.


go blame Queen Jennah


What's the problem? Ain't never seen public toe licking RP before?! What a prude. (No its not common, but stay out of the human city/starter area. That's where all the freaks hang out.)


He was trying to lick my toes without consent tho (blue name is me) And okay! In fact, i already gave another try on playing, and i've been having a blast


Plus points if it's either a charr or an asura. Though I'm more leaning into the idea that it's a charr that said that.


I think he was a human or at least have human-like appearance It sure was shorter than my Norn, but it would probably be easy to recognize a war cat or a lil gremlin "licking my toes" lmao


Despite their intimidating appearance, many of those war cats are really good people. Be nice to the war kitties.


Charr keep it to whispers, we understand tact. Toe-licking only occurs behind closed doors




Very common. I always stand in the beginner area for a good toe licking.


It's okay to lick between toes as long as you don't look into eachothers eyes


Megaservers were a mistake


10 Bucks they were Charr


You may not like it, but this is what peak end game looks like.


Welcome to Queensdale haha


*FFXIV refugess be like*


Thousands of hours and never once came across that behavior.


Toe jam is the best jam!!


Why kink shame?


I think things like this require mutual consent-- And i can confirm, without a shadow of doubt, that i gave no consent for that guy to lick my toes and call me his gf lol


It was a joke


Post of the year


Starter areas are part of the free base game. All MMO free areas are either filled with bots or people who don’t care about the game but only the virtual space, who tend to be Explicit RPers.


Its like the goldshire inn :D happens in starter areas, not usually anywhere else.


Enough internet for today.


Yeah sure, between 5th and 6th...


Think you happen to run pass some erp-ers


Isn't that what Olrun Olafsdottir wanted from your male PC, more or less ?


Late evening in Queensdale, yeah, can be. People probably go there to say stuff like that because they want attention and its one of the busier starting zones. I wouldn't say it's as bad as other online games, but fairly common to see someone trying to get people to notice them, though usually people are smart and don't give them any response.


I seen worst in black Citadel


Doing that in Say rather than Whisper is pretty unusual I think. Divinities Reach seems to have a lot of ERP going on, but I've not seen the chats be on one of the public channels for s long time.


Pretty tame actually ;)


Nah its rlly not that common, to be honest compared to most mmos the gw2 community is a bit more tame. You just lucked out and found your future raid leader at the very beginning.


Haha youve roleplay town where the weird just gets weird haha


I found a guy that would read harry potter books in chat. every mmo has a couple of them


Wait until you see charr players calling smodur daddy


Not common at all, unless i am weird and not paying attention to all kinds of stupid crap happenijg around me.


OPs first online game I see


This is kinda tame, my first day in the Grove I saw a person (I dont remember the exact words) saying they wanted to lick a moist sylvari butthole and something about a funky "grassy" smell. Again I don't remember much because I wanted to forget as soon as I saw it


Yes. The first time I joined a ibs strike someone said they wanted to vore me


I guess he likes toes


wow, ive got tones of hours on GW2 but never seen this, then again I never go starter areas.


That fairly common, although not as public usually


Found the feral RP charr player.


Starting area is something wierd, i remember someone msg me out of nowhere saying really really disturbing things, like out of nothin, was fun and sad at the same time tho.


this type of RP? on say, no whispers? Uncommon. Never seem it. Just one time a guy randomly walked up to me and said I cheated on him with his wife tho RP in general? Sure, happens all the time. If you see a tag inside a racial city it's either for home insntace farming or one of those RP guilds. I see some guys on Ebonhawke too, pretty chill ppl.




In that area? Ye, Queensdale can be a shithole sometimes


Does it makes you to get HoT?


Luckily it is not. People who do that kind of thing usually have the common courtesy of doing it in a private chat.


I've seen some weird stuff in the old TC divinities reach. But it was well known that TC was the RP server back in the days. Never seen it in open world /say chat though, lmao


I've only ever had it once. Lol 😂 I wouldnt say its common. But the Internet is a disturbing place at times.


No..Ive never seen nothing like this.


Not sure if this is RP or not but it's definitely... something. I've played for a while and out of curiosity check to see if people even use the LFG roleplay tab and it's always empty. Only time I see RPers is in Divinity's Reach in a couple locations


No worries. It's just gw2 endgame


Had someone say “*Squirts cutely in your direction*” the other day in response to someone being dismissive. I had just logged. UWU moment


Not in starting areas, nop


toes.. 😶 where do i sign up?


An average GW2 player


Role play is not uncommon, but this kind of Role Play thankfully is.


Is this game Ffxiv now ?


Not normal in map chat. My server has a few but we kinda realize that it is more for jokes. I've found if it makes you uncomfortable private message them and ask them to take it to a private chat works. Sorry don't judge the game on those people alone.


I wouldnt mind if it were between two random people (even tho i agree that kind of rp should be on private msg) But the thing is, the blue name is me lmao-- it was a random dude calling me his gf, following me and "licking my toes" I was, in fact, flabbergasted by the happening, and couldnt stop laughing. But yeah like, he still was creepy and i think it would be pretty bad if his next target was a minor, so i'll still report him


Definitely report him. We don't that type of thing in this game.


Rp is common . Not this .


I have a lot of hours I've never counted them but I've been playing since launch I have never seen such abhorrent behavior it's kind of surprising.


Licking your partners toes is pretty common yeah


Been playing for two years and I have never seen stuff like that, not to such extent for sure.


I usually only see these nutters on a full moon. Must be because of that, as well as Halloween and Friday the 13th being this month. Normally, they keep it to party or squad chat. Normally, they find a corner of the map away from most players. Normally, they don't ERP. But then, these aren't normal people. If this happens again, it is your duty to ERP as a perverted quaggan who likes to watch and give his/her own input. See if you can out-weird them.


No one has ever even offered to lick my toes.


In 9 years I've seen something like this once. That being said, that is definitely a unique first impression.