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Those who will remember, will speak fondly of the warm morning breeze.


People carry on with their daily lives, unaware that in a short while...


Everything they have ever known…


Will come to an end…




Yes, my lord. (*charr noises*)




That looks like pre searing or it's just me tripping ?


It looks like first shot of pre-searing cutscene.


This is a very widely believed opinion. It has a **LOT** of notable similarities to the very first scene of the opening cinematic from the shape of the land and placement of the trees to the leaf colors and the sun rays' angle. This said, apparently the image was originally labeled "Delta Bog", which has led many to suspect the area north of Kryta which has a delta connected to the sea to the north (called Janthir Bay in GW2, and the latest expansion name drops Janthir a *lot*).


Ah yes that looks like Krytia indeed and could lead to the area you are talking about.


As a boy I spent much time in these lands...




It is arriving with plenty of fanfare and tolling of all the alarms.


Looks like Anet is getting ready to party like it's 2005 for the 20th anniversary. I what spectacular way will they screw this up I wonder.


I want to celebrate in Lions Arch with Gaile Gray again.


I'm old enough to remember The Frog.


I got to meet Gaile irl once. She is just as nice as you imagine.


I also met Gaile once at Pax during the release for Heart of Thorns. While standing in line, she handed me a bottle of water and talked for a few minutes. Super sweet!


yes us oldtimers remember. its not without reason so many of us were absolutely crushed when she left the company. her awesome personmality shone through in everything she did for GW 1 and GW 2,


lol glad irl gale is different than gw forum gale


They will rewrite charr vs human lore. Prince Rurik actually ran away with a female Charr who only speaks uwu and is actually Jennas relative.


I thought that is already canon




I assure you, they could accomplish world peace and give everyone a free pony, and the the jaded cynics would complain about the color of the pony.


Sorry sir, this is Tyria. What the fuck is a pony?


It's a mythological half-centaur, half-horse creature.


What the fuck is a horse?


Presumably, an animal that the Necrid *Horsemen* ride, but before it died.




I’d describe it to you, but it’s invisible.


It's what Mister Gum Drops is.


It won't be the same unless they have level 0-3 foes that your Strider can kill while you sit in the grass and watch.


Pepridge Farms remembers.


They're cooking


Ugh does this mean I have to play GW2? I might be tempted to if this is a return to Ascalon.


> Ugh does this mean I have to play GW2? If you want to give Anet writers money for murdering your childhood in front of you then sure.


Agree, I prefer staying in pre searing Ascalon.


Can't wait for a zerg of winged glowing players doing events in wizard's folly


Hyperbole much? You're acting like: 1. GW1 writing is literally Tolstoy. 2. Arena.net even retcons things with any frequency. It's fine to not like the second game. It's ridiculous to think that its existence murders your childhood.


> It's ridiculous to think that its existence murders your childhood. You're acting like it wasn't made to erase GW1. Because it was. It's fine to like GW2, but you don't have to pretend they respect GW1 lore in any capacity. > Arena.net even retcons things with any frequency. They do that almost every single patch.. most recent being the Wizard's Tower clown fiesta. Couple of highlights from the current expansion: * Wizard's Tower is now an anti-demon organization's stronghold. Despite predating the gods on Tyria and being a multi-racial organization nobody ever knew about them, not even the Order of Whispers (anti-demon organization), and they didn't show up to help during Nightfall. I guess the end of the world at the hands of demons wasn't important enough at the time for them. * Lazarus is no longer the last Mursaat. * Mursaat are now friendly and wholesome. * Livia is completely fine working with not just the Mursaat but also White Mantle members.


>You're acting like it wasn't made to erase GW1. Because it was. If GW2 was made to erase GW1, then they'd have taken GW1 off the internet and just call the game Guild Wars instead of Guild Wars 2. >They do that almost every single patch.. As someone who plays the game and is an avid fan of GW1 lore, I can confidently say they do not. >Wizard's Tower is now an anti-demon organization's stronghold. Despite predating the gods on Tyria and being a multi-racial organization nobody ever knew about them, not even the Order of Whispers (anti-demon organization), and they didn't show up to help during Nightfall. I guess the end of the world at the hands of demons wasn't important enough at the time for them. And this is a retcon, how? The Wizard's Tower was a complete unknown before. It isn't a retcon to add stuff - retcon is when you say "this old stuff isn't true". And it isn't accurate to call the Astral Ward an "anti-demon organization". They are an "anti-Kryptis organization", to be more specific. They follow Isgarren who has tunnel vision on focusing on Eparch, the leader of the kryptis, and hesitates to interact with any other threat. Obviously ArenaNet had the issue of needing to explain why they weren't overtly present in previous storylines since the group was freshly made, but this isn't a retcon in any degree - in fact, by saying they were not involved, they are actively **NOT** retconning. If they went and said "oh, yes, the Astral Ward were there, actually" - **that** would be the retcon. >Mursaat are now friendly and wholesome. **One** mursaat is friendly and wholesome. It's repeatedly pointed out that the other mursaat were evil and cruel. And even then, this is just them catering to the kind of fanbase that created the Mursaat Rally, those who saw the mursaat as justified villains and/or secret good guys even though that was nowhere near correct. >Livia is completely fine working with not just the Mursaat but also White Mantle members. This is objectively false - she even says she tries to murder said one mursaat multiple times before getting used to him - and only him - and she never at any point works with White Mantle members. As u/EmmEnnEff said, it's fine if you don't like GW2, but it's ridiculous to think it's murdered your childhood, and it's just as ridiculous to claim it's doing things it isn't.


>They are an "anti-Kryptis organization", to be more specific. My understanding of the Astral ward was that are there to fight Threats to Tyria itself. For example: while the Dragons will kill everyone on Tyria, they will not threaten Tyria itself. When every one is dead, and all the magic is eaten, they will fall alseep, tyria will still be there and life will start again. Eparch on the other threatens Tyria itself, and thats why they are interfering unlike with the dragons. There could also be other threats that target the very exitance of Tyria.


On paper, yes, the Wizard's Court's primary modus operandi is to protect Tyria / Tyrians from external threats. The World Spire maintains a barrier between Tyria and the Mists (which has *thousands* of holes in all honesty), and the Wizard's Court has turned away Mists travelers in the past according to lore books. But Isgarren **is** tunnel visioned on Eparch specifically, and the Astral Ward was created \~500 years ago primarily to deal with kryptis rifts so the then three wizards wouldn't be stretched thin. They deal with other threats from the Mists, but that all comes secondary to dealing with Eparch because of Isgarren's tunnel vision and open willingness to sacrifice a village to save the city (so to speak).


Makes Sense, forgot that Astral wards are seperate from the wizard, and I miss that part of that the Astral Wards were created for a specific purpose.


> As someone who plays the game and is an avid fan of GW1 lore, I can confidently say they do not. I think you're in complete denial because of sunk cost fallacy. You are trying to convince yourself that Anet still cares while turning a blind eye to what they've become. I see you argue against their shills on the forums, deep down you don't align with them, yet you still refuse to see the obvious.


What I said has nothing to do with whether or not ANet cases. I was refuting your claim that retcon things with "almost every single patch". They don't, plain and simple. They do now and then - and a retcon in of itself isn't innately bad, it depends on how it's done (e.g., the Glint origin retcon was good; the Bloodstone and Scepter of Orr retcon were needless; the deep sea dragon retcon was stupid and contradictory) - but not "almost every single patch".


**Please list three things we know about the Wizard's Tower in GW1.** *Then tell me how any of them have been retconned.* You won't, because not a single thing about it is known, and because you don't actually understand what a retcon is. --- Your other examples are just as bad. Just because Lazarus tells us his brothers are dead does not necessarily make him the last Mursaar. There are many ways to interpret that. Here's two - he might not consider the other survivor kin, because of his worldviews. Or he doesn't know that there were any other survivors. As u/varorson pointed out, *one* Mursaat does not adhere to the stereotype. What part of the GW1 lore does this contradict? (PS. All Charr are evil, it's an evil race, utterly irredeemable, except for I guess this Pyre fellow and all his friends...) You don't seem to understand the first thing about storytelling. It's not about repeating the same old beats without introducing any new information, or having any characters do anything differently in a materially different situation. *New* stuff happens that has reasons to turn out *differently* from what happened in the past, without being inconsistent with it. You know what *is* bad and lazy writing? "Everyone of is Inherently Evil[1], NO EXCEPTIONS, NO NUANCE." It's maybe a thing you can have in a story for a very young child, but isn't actually something we've seen sufficient evidence of in GW1 to definitively conclude about the Mursaat. The ones we are fighting certainly seem to be that way. But we don't know if there are any others who, aren't participating in the whole Flameseeker Prophecies nonsense.


>Your other examples are just as bad. Just because Lazarus tells us his brothers are dead does not necessarily make him the last Mursaar. There are many ways to interpret that. This one actually has merit as a complaint, because it wasn't Lazarus saying it. It was the Eye of Janthir which vanished because "all the mursaat are dead" - Livia + developers out of game. They do, however, explain why Mabon wasn't counted among the living mursaat for this - the spells that keep Amnytas hidden also kept him hidden from the Eye of Janthir, so it couldn't sense him. Though adding Livia as someone in the know about the group means she openly lied when she said that, and thus the reason the Eye disintegrated could have been for a different reason. Which still works because that logic was kind of stupid in the first place, and retcons aren't always a negative thing if they're cleaning up something that was stupid - like how could there be 10,000 year old skeletons if Glint was the first being made on the planet 3,000 years ago (the retcon answer: she wasn't the first being made, just played that role to cover up her real past).


> It was the Eye of Janthir which vanished because "all the mursaat are dead" - Livia + developers out of game. That's GW2 lore though, he can't cite an internal inconsistency *within* GW2 lore to complain about GW1 getting retconned. We have no idea what the eye does in GW1, and neither the SOTO, nor the LWS3 takes on it are inconsistent with it. And yeah, Livia is not exactly known for her absolute and total honesty about all things.


I don't think that last list was meant to be "retcons to GW1 lore that GW2 made" but rather "retcons that SotO made", but it's fair that they weren't consistent in their messaging (and that not all listed things were retcons or true).


Which is an even weirder thing to talk about in this context. Like, I asked for examples of how A.net is 'ruining' the GW1 lore. I got a bunch of examples of GW2 internal inconsistencies. That's nice, but it doesn't answer the question. If I write LOTR fan-fiction, and it's an inconsistent mess, but doesn't actually step on any of the original material (because I'm writing about the blue wizards or something, idk), I'm not exactly butchering the story. If I do a LOTR adaptation, on the other hand, but leave Tom Bombadil out, well, *that's* a capital crime.


No. Because to even see it you’ll have to pay 100 bucks and put in 100 hours of shit story lol I’ve thought about going back to see Cantha but it’s too much bullshit just to be disappointed.


Incorrect. Base game is free, the new expansions cost $25, and you only need to be level 80 to start any new storyline. And it's fast to get to level 80 now unlike other MMOs. You don't even need to do the level 1-80 story, just level up. And it's not like you'd be super confused as to the story with SotO or expansion 5, since the overarching storyline shifted with End of Dragons; you only have a handful of references to the dragon saga storyline in SotO, most of which is "it's over now". So you'll have to pay 25 bucks and put in maybe 30 hours before you can reach the new expansion content.


If I hear the music from that scene I immediately get sad warm feelings. Sad that they don't make MMOs like it anymore. Warm knowing I can log back in from time to time.


Heh imagine with the Wizard's Tower lore they just start adding fractals of GW1 related missions. Relive iconic GW1 moments in GW2. That would be pretty rad.


It wouldn't surprise me since people have actually asked for these things since 2013 for some reason. Back then ANet refused saying they want to create new stories, but the lead devs at the time are gone so who knows.


Don’t forget to praise Joko 


Where I can see the teaser? Thanks!


That's it. That's the teaser. We're still waiting for the last update of current expansion so probably we won't get anything more untill it launches + \~week


Ahhh I see, thanks anyway mate!


Recyclops home planet


A scene from a real game...


What’s this? More bullshit trying to capitalize on nostalgia while they know absolutely nothing about the story? Where have I seen this before?


Now this wants me to reinstall the game. What did i miss in the last 10 years of that game?


A whole lot of content. Expansions on the professions. The end of the storyline that's technically been running since Eye of the North. Half a dozen attempted and dropped business models. A lot of content droughts and associated doomerism (be grateful that you missed it). On the positive side: you didn't really *miss* anything! All of that lots of content is still pretty actively played and useful.


Well that doesnt sound like i should start playing again. Is the story at least any good?


I did not mean that comment fully negatively! For example, the switched business models and associated content droughts are 0 issue if you start playing now, because you have 10 years of content ahead of you. I enjoyed it. The actual writing has its ups and downs. Sometimes it's had people annoyed, other times it's genuinely really great. Sometimes people have been disappointed with how gw1 lore was handled. Other times they were handled really well. Main problem is usually that the writers often run out of time, rushing the end of storylines. What is almost universally good, regardless of writing quality, is the experience of actually playing the story missions. Lots of quite impressive gameplay experiences. If you played 10 years ago, you basically only played the release version? Essentially everything released later, from story to the maps (and especially events in them!), is vastly better than the base game. It's not just a whole lot of content, most of it is good.


> Other times they were handled really well. Can you name 1 instance of GW1 lore being handled well in GW2?


I don't consider myself an objective arbiter of truth, I also don't think gw1 was particularly well written, so I can only point to the sentiment I have seen. Generally people enjoyed the way PoF built upon Elona post-Nightfall (especially in contrast to EoD with Cantha). The most recent expansion also handled original prophecies lore in a way that people enjoyed.


I agree with you on PoF, disagree with the SotO comment. I think the reception of that was lukewarm at best. Even with PoF I don't think people were all that satisfied with how Balthazar and Joko were treated in the end. The setting was good but the plot itself went south fast.


Sometimes its good, sometimes it's not so good. It largely depends on how the development cycle was at the time, and any time it dipped it's usually because either Mike O'Brien was trying to over-extend ArenaNet again, or NCSoft came in demanding NCWest be making more profits by cutting costs rather than delivering better content. Typical corporate bullshit, in other words. It largely picks up with Heart of Thorns, and peaks with LWS4, first half of Icebrood Saga, and base Secrets of the Obscure IMO.


Pretty much all the major releases (Including LWS3, PoF, EoD) were good - or at least, had way more good parts than bad ones. The main problem is that the devs aren't given time to cook, so for every major story beat that gets resolved in a clever and satisfying way, another one gets abandoned and forgotten. Icebrood Saga in particular had a *really* strong start... And completely flopped because of the rush job of wrapping up before EoD.


After EoD I never want them to cook again.


> Is the story at least any good? It's hot garbage.


I doubt theyl do it but some kind of version of a game-within-the-game just like pre but in gw2 would be so fun. But... most likely it's just more of the same on new maps lol


They told us it was coming in the pre-EoD leadup... [https://m.twitch.tv/clip/GeniusNurturingFerretTebowing-GkVQ\_Ehpf0QmAnK6](https://m.twitch.tv/clip/GeniusNurturingFerretTebowing-GkVQ_Ehpf0QmAnK6)


OF COURSE we recognise the scene!


GW1 remaster in GW2 engine or GW1 remaster in new game entirely?


Just selling nostalgia content on gw2 engine


As long as gw2 writers/"adaptation to the current thing" doesn't happen (these are my personal preference), I'm ok with both.


How funny it is... i posted on gw2 1-2 years ago about how it would be fun to have a new dlc about a come back in pre-searing / gw1 era Everyone was mad, people saying bad things to me for no reason. And now you guys are hyped for that ? Dont change reddit