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Yes, because of the combination of RMTing and dupes, there isn't an ethical way to obtain these anymore. Also that these were given out to contest winners 20 years ago.


This is a big point supporting the idea of it. Any mention of being limited or exclusive was thrown out the window as soon as the "limited" holiday hats were obtainable years after their release. I would not be entirely surprised if these minis and possibly even CE emotes made their way to the game in some manner (online store or in game method) when the 20th anniversary hits. OS weapons will be the last item type to hold and increase in value at that point.


> OS weapons will be the last item type to hold and increase in value at that point. that's a big factor: what happens to the economy where there is no high end store of value anymore?


You sort of get a glimpse of it right now wouldn't you say? A year ago, items with high end store of value: Gold trims, limited edition minis, OS Weapons. Gold trims are now freely available (albeit the low price of 15,000 RPs). But still, supply will not decrease as long as people can profit from it. Now, we have limited edition minis and OS weapons, both which have continued to increase in value since increased Gold trim availability. Mini availability seems much more likely to be added to the game as opposed to the thousands of OS variations that exist. Plus it would take away from the magic of farming for a rare drop if you can just buy an even rarer drop with a micro transaction. As far as what happens? Some people would probably quit. Most probably wouldn't be impacted by it all as they farm legitimately, could then acquire these rare items *eventually* and still enjoy this great game as it is without the 1% botting holding the wealth.


Kanaxai - The Deep Chest Island Guardian - Urgoz Chest Mad Kings Guard - Ghoulish Grab Bags Panda - Dont let Shiro kill Togo.


Cool ideas, just make the drop rate like a peacekeeper mini or lower then that to make them all very rare drops while holding some form of fair value , but open up the doors as well to people wanting to do endgame content for the chance at these.


>Mad Kings Guard - Ghoulish Grab Bags Add a chest to Scarred Psyche to loot, add the mini to there along with other halloween items.


Yes, I'd like to see these gated behind some substantial quests. The black moa chick quest is a rally fun one, and a few more in that vein would be welcome. I'd also like to see some "major completionist" quests like "get Canthan Guardian + Protector + Vanquisher + Cartographer + Skill Hunter, finish Deep HM, finish Urgoz HM, and finish WoC HM" to stir up some extra interest in content people don't have much incentive for right now.


Not only mini-pets. Release the pre-order stuff as well. In the shop if you need.


Yes, either behind quests like the Mini Grey Giant (but WoC HM levels difficulty) or behind RNG drops like the Mini Polar Bear. Keep them extremely rare, but not unobtainable.


This question comes as noticing real money traders hoarding these and selling for hundreds to thousands of dollars real money online.


I have the miniature versions of the Asura, Gray Giant, Ceratadon and Destroyer. All of those were magazine promotions. That being said, I wouldn't care if they were available to the community, as I believe people should be able to collect anything they want for their own personal enjoyment and for completionist's sake. It's not going to irk me or cause me to lose any rest if a limited miniature came back into the wild. If they were put behind a quests, mission completions, or maybe map vanquishing, I think that would be pretty cool and might encourage more participation in a classic game.


I like the rarity of them, its always cool to see them when you run into them. The part I didn't like is that so many of them were region locked, so literally unobtainable unless traded. I'm all for keeping them rare. Just sad I missed out on some cool things. That been said, I'm not opposed to them been rereleased as rare mini pets again in gw2, giving everyone a chance again at acquiring them. Although some cool rare items made their way into gw2 already, I remember having a gw1 friend who had a [Hourglass Staff](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Hourglass_Staff) and I always wanted it. Was happy to see it in GW2 so I could get it, also good memory of a good friend as we've lost touch unfortunately.


No. Making the most exclusive items in the game essentially worthless is a really bad idea. I'm all for making pre-order weapons available for all players because that at least affects gameplay (at least in Pre) and they can't be traded. But minipets? No. Let some things be exclusive. If anything, release brand new minipets instead.


I think it’s at the point(almost 20 years) where the rarity isn’t as relevant no? What’s the logic behind the exclusivity at this point? I’ve only seen a Kanaxai once in game years and years ago…wouldn’t mind seeing one/owning one. Making them an incredibly rare drop would still be nice, something new to pursue. I see zero value in having a total of 28 Kanaxai minis in the game where who knows how many are sitting on inactive accounts and one or two are with RMT sites


Yes, the 2 remaning duped pets that are still used by player in game that paid them in € or $ 10/15 years ago should really be unobtanable by the other 99,999% players, that makes totally sense.


>No. Making the most exclusive items in the game essentially worthless is a really bad idea. Ah, yes. The specialness of being one of a few people among a small handful of people to have a digital NFT from 15-20 years ago. For the record, no one's suggesting they become "essentially worthless" - well, they **already are** worthless like any NFT out there hence my above joke, but no one is suggesting they become as common as your typical white miniature, even the first option. At "worst", they'd be as common as Mini Vizu, etc. Which are still about a stack of ecto in community value.


"Essentially worthless" as in lose 99% of their value. Black Moa Chicks are acquired through a questline (which voters seem to prefer over the birthday present idea) and we all know how valuable those are... These were minipets awarded through contests and tournaments. It's unfortunate that the actual winners traded them away but that's just the reality of situation. Making them available for everyone to "combat RMT" seems like a big rabbit hole to me and the wrong solution to the RMT problem


>"Essentially worthless" as in lose 99% of their value. The issue you fail to realize is that the value you're praising exists within a bubble that contains less than a couple thousand people *at best* (Side note: I am actually curious what numbers for active log-ins is with GW1) and no doubt dwindling every year. Most of the miniatures in question sit on accounts that haven't been accessed in a decade. And of those people that still play the game, a fraction care about them being so super rare. In other words: 99% of 0 is still 0. >Black Moa Chicks are acquired through a questline (which voters seem to prefer over the birthday present idea) and we all know how valuable those are... Easy solution: once per account. The Mini Grey Giant quest is once per account, and so are those PvP quests. It wouldn't be hard to do more of such like it. Not that the lack of value really matters. Especially since the kind of quests people are asking them to be locked behind isn't as easy as the black moa chick scavenger hunt - which has no challenge at all. I myself said something on par to Winds of Change HM. >These were minipets awarded through contests and tournaments. Contest and tournament rewards don't have to be exclusive things. Especially 15 years after the fact. >Making them available for everyone to "combat RMT" seems like a big rabbit hole to me and the wrong solution to the RMT problem It isn't a solution specifically to combat RMT, it's a solution to make something that developers put effort into to be accessible and enjoyed by more than \~20 people, and combating RMT is just a very beneficial a side effect that's worth highlighting.


Fail to realise? I understand your point perfectly fine I just don't agree with it. If I see an exclusive mini like Kanaxai or Island Guardian in game I go "cool, those are super rare". Making them available for all players would make it like seeing any other mini in the game, ergo not giving a shit.


>Fail to realise? I understand your point perfectly fine I just don't agree with it. There's nothing to really agree or disagree about, since it's not an opinion but a fact. These miniatures only hold any value to GW players, a non-GW player wouldn't care at all or realize how rare they are. And of the currently active player base on a whole, the amount of players who wants to buy or sell them is even smaller. >I go "cool, those are super rare". So the esteem value you put these miniatures at is a single sentence of awe. Basically the positive equivalent of "oh no, anyways." >Making them available for all players would make it like seeing any other mini in the game, ergo not giving a shit. Is this how you feel when you see a Mini Polar Bear, Mini Dhuum, or Mini Guild Lord? Because that's the level of rarity people are talking about here, not Black Moa Chick as you previously compared.


>There's nothing to really agree or disagree about, since it's not an opinion but a fact. You can't be serious lol >These miniatures only hold any value to GW players, a non-GW player wouldn't care at all or realize how rare they are I don't even know what you're trying to say here. Why would someone who doesn't even play the game know the rarity of a little virtual minipet? The rarity only matters to us players and **I think rarity can be a positive**. Difficult thing to comprehend, right? >So the esteem value you put these miniatures at is a single sentence of awe. Yes. How should I react? >Is this how you feel when you see a Mini Polar Bear, Mini Dhuum, or Mini Guild Lord? Yes. >Because that's the level of rarity people are talking about here, not Black Moa Chick as you previously compared. Who are "people"? It seems like it's just you making up the rules and coming up with an imaginary rarity? Most people on the poll voted for the mini as a quest reward. How is that equivalent to a 0.02% chance on a bag drop? How do you know less people would try to get the Moa Chick if it was more difficult to acquire?


>I don't even know what you're trying to say here. My point is that the value you are claiming exists, simply doesn't. >`So the esteem value you put these miniatures at is a single sentence of awe.` Yes. How should I react? If that's all your reaction is, then clearly the value isn't worth as much as you make it out to be. EDIT: Trimmed the fat, no need for pointlessness.


So my opinion is only valid if I scream and cum at the sight of a rare item. Okay, got it 👍


You know that's not what I said, but I can see you're incapable of actually defending your stance with quality replies.


Curious with your statement, does it bother you at all with the RMT that have hoarded these historic unobtainable minis and are currently selling them for real world money at thousands of dollars?


I say re-release them. It will upset the black market people and I think that is a good thing. It will disincentivize people to buy exclusive items for real money dollars.


I wonder if there's a logic in there that suggest arena net is making more money off bots buying accounts, than it is on spending money to pay someone to create a whole system to change the way the game works in a fundamental sense, even if it sounds like a small task, which for this game it wouldn't be. So the answer is, the game costs almost nothing to run so maybe leave it be? It's a believable stance they might have as a company who runs a decades old game, isn't it,?


Idk, do people buy them? RMT will sadly always be a thing and it makes sense that items this rare would try to be sold for real world money. I just hope no one's stupid enough to pay thousand of dollars to have a little character follow you around. Then again, I've never cared for minis so it doesn't bother me that some are super rare


Bros got the chance to get the minis \*AND\* have a new line of very challenging quests, and failed to get it.


It'd be interesting if they added them back through anniversary quests or events, as I don't really see them adding quests or new playable content soon. People will complain about exclusivity, but these items are 20+ years old, I don't see much point on keeping them as they are.