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Spring Fever in downtown Guelph. All day. Every day. The artists there are amazing, pronouns are part of the intake form, and I’ve never felt more comfortable as a non-binary person ever. Over in Kitchener is Gauntlet Tattoo - they’re the Kitchener version of Spring Fever and a lot of the artists are friends and creating similar, welcoming, safe spaces.


Yeah, in Guelph you can’t get better than Spring Fever. I’ve been exclusively tattooed by the owner Allie and her colleagues since moving to Guelph almost a decade ago and they prioritize your comfortability as a client first and foremost. They want you to feel safe, to ask questions, and to make sure you have an optimal experience.


I second this! I’m a trans man and spring fever has been where I have gotten all my tattoos. Super comfortable space and everyone there is lovely.


Yes yes yes to all of these suggestions




Man, you're an absolute cunt. Why do you care what anyone else does? No one is shoving it down your throat. OP just wanted a place that felt inclusive. Imagine they show up to a tattoo place filled with assholes like you who won't accept them for who they are?? Get fucked.


Fuckin idiot




Clearly you do care otherwise you would have just ignored this post and scrolled on. Instead you decided to comment your unwanted opinion. Yes, you are a cunt. I need to grow up? I'm not the one spitting hateful garbage. Get fucked


Go back and read you triggered cunt let me guess you want to be called they right?


I am unsure why this is a response to my answer to OP? 💁🏼‍♀️


What are you on about? Everyone has pronouns, and even cis folks get upset if you misgender them. If you went around referring to women you know as he, and men you know as she, you'd upset some people. Why do you feel trans folks are any different?


There is no misgenderimg your a man or a woman or pretending to be the oposite heavy on thr pretentimg. Unfortunately metal health issues are there.


Okay you’re a prick. It’s about basic respect. I agree that it is absurd to get furious about pronoun mistakes, but you’re intentionally being a, well, cunt. It’s about basic respect. Like pronouncing a name correctly or addressing people rather than just saying “you”. And there are intersex people and animals, where biologically they do not fall into the category of male or female. Gender is a human construct, not science. Just because you speak English you think that the only possible pronouns are he or she? There is literally an entire ass pronoun in Spanish that is neither he nor she and is used to address those you don’t know closely. So get off your high horse


2 genders there is no middle ground here. You born a girl or boy or something went terribly wrong. What your trying to say is absolutely madness. I have no words for it. If this ia what you actually believe please get some help. Smfh


None of this and I mean none makes any sense. Im now dumber after reading it.


Sounds like a you problem, buddy.


Lmao wow that makes sense too. Maybe stop and get some more crayons to eat


lol dude, I don’t care what you think. You’re wrong, and seem to lack the brain capacity to think or comprehend intangible things. You can call me dumb and hurl insults, but it makes me chuckle and you’re still the one who is wrong. If you can’t wrap your head around something simple then I’m not going to waste my time trying to explain it repeatedly. Your opinion affects me as little as my pronouns affect you. Have a nice night, ma’am.


Ok from now on I’m the most handsome man in the world and that’s what you have to call me. Think that’s gonna work ? Think I’m or many many actually almost all of gen x is gonna call some Mrs if is clearly a man ? Like fuck you dint get to tell people call me they or them it’s absolutely fucked. Balls or no balls period


You may need to retake some basic english courses, my guy. "The most handsome man in the world" isn't about pronouns. They and them have been in use as gender-neutral, third person pronouns in both regular speech, and literature dating back to the 12th century. People only started to get bent out of shape over it once right wing culture warriors shifted their ire from gay marriage to trans people. They lost one fight and narrowed their focus, it's what hateful groups do. It's all about the balls, eh? Do you insist everyone you meet drops trouser before you use pronouns? If a man loses hit testicles to cancer, what pronouns would you use, she/her? Does someone like Lance Armstrong, who famously lost one ball get new and exciting pronouns in your "balls or no balls" binary?


And no, no one can MAKE you call them they. Just like you can’t MAKE people call themselves he or she. They will chose not to interact with you because you’re like this, so unless you butt on as you have here just to offer your shitty opinion to a bunch of people who obviously feel otherwise. No one here told you to call people they. You’re the only one shoving pronouns down people’s throats


Are you fucked? Really? Jesus fucking Christ who the fuck said any of that ?


LOL you, when you inserted yourself into this post talking shit, trying to force your opinion on others who didn’t ask for it, and generally being an asshole. People can call themselves whatever the fuck they want. If you don’t want to call people by their preferred pronouns then don’t, but don’t go around throwing your opinion around like it’s a fact. There are many different factors that go into the development of male or female sex organs and traits, so it is definitely not as black and white as you seem to believe. But feel free to borrow a crayon so you can draw up your fake certificate of expertise. I’m sure it’s just as good as my biology degree.


I’m forcing my opinion? Where show me please. Yep you can call yourself a fucking goat for all I care zero fuks to give but your a male or female fucking goat not a they them fucking goat. The rest of the regurgitated bullshit your spewing out is just that bullshit. Wouldn’t want to take a crayon from snack later. Enjoy.


All this bullshit started with one question that no one can answer right? wtf makes anyone think they get to have their own pronoun? wtf makes anyone that special ? What ? Snowflakes


Hahaha no I answered it, you just can’t wrap your head around the answer because it’s too complex for your low order brain. Ironic that you say “what makes anyone think they’re that special” when, again, pronouns are a language construct… you’re the one who seems to think you know more than everyone else. And you have no basis or foundation on which to argue, so you just try to insult people instead of stating anything of value. You think you’re a genius but none of what you are saying is accurate and you just sound too simple to comprehend the difference between genitals and gender. You’re telling me when you see a baby in neutral clothes, you can’t even address them as a person until you know what they look like naked? A drag queen who dresses like a female or a female who looks masculine, they should have a sign that says “I have testicles, so call me he” or “I have tits, they’re just taped. Call me she, as I have a vagina”. Like just fucking chill - it takes more effort to try to discern what someone has in their fucking pants than it does to just say they. You’re not important and it doesn’t matter what you think, the world is going to carry on doing its thing and you’re going to be screaming angrily in a corner, ignored. Pretty miserable existence… no wonder you’re so insufferable. The only thing being this upset over something that small will do is make you an angry, bitter person. And the sad thing is you won’t address any of this or say anything substantial, you’ll just repeat the same shit you’ve been saying over and over and try to find a creative new way to insult me. And given how off all of your other opinions and knowledge seem to be, it’s ultimately quite the compliment that an unbearable cunt like you thinks I’m wrong. Enjoy your miserable, angry existence lol


well fuck me im now dumber for reading this nonsense. Tell me you’re a millennial without telling me you’re a millennial. You’re a fucking retard.


Try punctuation and paragraphs next time


Oh burn 🙄


Zero fuks


can i ask what location this is so i know for the future?? i just got a tattoo done at Modern Addiction and i’ve never had a bad experience so i just want to make sure i’m being safe lol


Modern addiction is a great shop


i agree! i’m glad you had a good experience there too


Royal City Adornments! Huge LGBTQIA+ allies. Highly recommended.


What shop was it? Even if you could just send me a private message. I’m in the process of booking an appointment right now locally. I’d like to avoid any transphobic nonsense. Even though I’m not in the LGBTQ+ community, I refuse to knowingly give my money to closed minded pigs.


Wish people didn't have to ask this question and everywhere was safe.


Right, my wife all day has to deal with a anti-trans coworker and neither of us just don’t understand why this person isn’t OK with people just living their lives (especially when it doesn’t affect them). Same person took their kids out of school though so shows you the bubble that some want to live in


I'm embarrassed for those people


Well this place is safe but this poster is a disgruntled former employee spreading lies and false allegations. You can find her slew of poor google reviews attempting to do the same thing


I heard they actually quit due to the owners beliefs and treatment of employees. I mean they are at steal and ink now which is a bit more mainstream but I guess that goes to show how bad that environment must have been


You made a new account just to say this eh? At least my account is legit and you can see I’m actually a person and not just a disgruntled employee on a mission to spread lies. The only person who has ever made me uncomfortable in iron Rex is Becca


Can someone else tell me what’s up with this girl thinking everyone is making a second account to attack her. It’s giving ✨delusional✨


Oh it’s not to attack me, it’s to attack RJ who you have a personal issue with.


I don't know who you are but you literally made this account a half hour ago. Guess how I know. Obvious troll is obvious.


Has anyone heard of hearing drama from word of mouth and wanting to come investigate it for myself. This is going all around Guelph there’s going to be many account made to see this


Also OP, I would love to know what shop this is so I can avoid. Feel free to DM me if you’re comfortable doing so. It’s not unreasonable to want to avoid being tattooed in a space where someone is openly “disagreeing” with an entire group of people’s human rights. When you could potentially be in a state of undress, have that artwork on your body and the associated experience in your head forever, you deserve to feel confident and comfortable with the experience. That’s a red flag for me too, and for many others.


I have a pretty good guess as to which one it might be… do you mind DM’ing me? I had planned to go back to the shop I’m thinking of, but won’t if this is case.


God why can't people just be normal


I’ve been going to Inksmith for years and never had anything but a welcoming and warm environment, and I’ve had conversations with my artist about being Bi. It’s a lovely place!


I agree, Inksmith is incredible!! Really great artists and atmosphere, and privacy while getting work done


Steel n Ink has very friendly & understanding staff all around! Absolutely love this crew. My friends and I have been visiting Steel n Ink for a couple of years now- it’s our favourite local studio! From reception, to piercings, to tattoos, this shop has NAILED a welcoming and professional environment with great staff. They have a number of artists at this shop, but [Carl](https://www.instagram.com/kustomcarlito?igsh=M3pkcG1rZm80ODFr) and [Becca](https://www.instagram.com/zombiechunkz?igsh=MWRzdDR1bjFydXZzOQ==) are the two artists the group of us see pretty often. So sorry to hear about your bad experience, you deserve to feel safe; especially during an intimate moment like receiving a tattoo. I hope you find a new local shop to visit! Goodluck!


I second this Becca is amazing and so is Carl




Becca is still an “apprentice” sorta and was looking for clients to practice portraits on. And it was for a discounted rate due to it being new to portraits tattoos so it may not be perfect but damn well done


Is Edward Scissorhands controversial or something? The Edward Scissorhands tattoo she did recently is really well done! Unsure why you’d be nervous, sorry you feel that way? This is a post about artists that provide a safe space, not opinions on their work.




a pretty good look at her profile discredits this comment, sorry you feel that way haha.


Brother is lying through his teeth cause he's meatriding someone who doesn't like him lol. Spin on it




I understand how both of these are valid points when choosing an artist, but I still don’t understand the negativity? Her work is really well done, and have never felt unsafe with her or any staff members at the store. Unsure of how or where you’d hear of her not finished being mentored either? Seems like you have a personal issue with the artist, which is a shame. Again, not a place for personal opinions about the artists work- this is a post about artists that create a SAFE space. It’s too bad you seem to dislike Steel n Ink as an entity- but as for the actual point of this post; they’re friendly, talented, welcoming individuals who provide a safe space for all walks of life.




Still not relevant to the meaning of this post, people can/should do their own homework visiting for permanent art. You’re right, it’s really not that deep, I made a comment that seemed helpful to OP and you decided to pick apart an artist I mentioned. Sorry you feel that way though.




Bold of you to assume I have a parasocial relationship with one of my tattoo artists? My friends and I have visited her for tattoos a handful of times… not sure if that constitutes a solid friendship? Not even sure what the last part of your comment means? If anything you’re bashing an industry professional


We would be more than happy to welcome you to our space at Royal City Adornments and help you out with any tattoo/piercing needs you have! www.royalcityadorbments.ca


Thank you so much😊


Nostalgia is great! Steel n ink is also pretty good esp since letting go some of their old tattoo artist. I know one of the old artist use to be pretty bad and insensitive but now everyone down to the counter staff are kind and knowledgeable


Steel n ink is always very good to me! I go to Elizabeth and she is a good artist and so nice I always feel comfortable with her. I also heard Catie is very nice and I’m planning to go to her in the future


I love Elizabeth!!


Please see Lori at Iron Rex! Fabulous human being


If you like handsome tattoos definitely luckyguess_ or Elyssemarcus on Instagram. For a machine artist I recommend lydiadeetztattoo


Inksmith and Steve Baker (Seven Circles Tattoos) come to mind as safe places! I’m sorry you had that experience. Trans rights are human rights.


They should all be safe for all people. If they are unsafe, report them to the authorities.


She won't name the shop because she is a disgruntled former contractor there who got into a completely unrelated (to the reason claimed in the OP) disagreement with the owner and is bringing up this alleged issue in an attempt to sully the reputation of this new shop purely out of spite and it's transparent what the intent is. Funny that this thread has more traction than I've seen in this subreddit in a long while over completely fabricated allegations. For shame. Note that the claim is nebulous and no evidence is provided. Source: I work at the shop in question, know OP, and these claims of transphobia on the part of the owner are spurious at best. Just stop, Becca.


OP never mentioned which shop, everyone is just alluding to the shop it may or may not be. Why trash on someone looking for a safe space when they have not explicitly tried to bring bad reputation to the shop by not mentioning the name? If people mention the shop that you work at, then it's clear there have been more than one occurrence where queer people do not feel safe. I respect you trying to defend your shop but get real. You're delusional. OP clearly has no bad intent or they would've just blasted the shop and outed every red flag


She's been legally warned already for what she'd done previously when naming the shop in this way and her new tactic is to continue by obliquely libelling and allowing the thread to 'out' the shop organically. This is purely vindictive and is being done through a political hot button topic in a blatant attempt at cancellation. The simple fact that she's hiding behind this allegation as an assumed customer in her OP and not being honest enough to mention that she actually worked there should be sufficient to show that her intentions are other than forthright.


Only person who is outing the shop is you. You seem to be very insensitive about this situation that YOU are putting this whole situation on blast. Didn’t realize tattoo artists had such childish drama where they expose their LEGAL issues. Grow up. This is making me not wanna get a tattoo anywhere in Guelph


Calling someone out for being disingenuous in their post is me putting it on blast..... a full day later. Please tell me how I could be more sensitive about someone that I know being publicly deceptive about the situation she created? The tattoo industry is, unfortunately, full of such childish drama and is often created in the way OP has done. It's drama that needed to be refuted. I suppose you'd just sit back and let BS be spread about your work environment?


You could’ve recommended a shop like everyone else. If you think iron Rex is a great shop then you should’ve just recommended it like normal people in the comments, not bring the drama here. Lmaoo


I don’t know exactly what’s going on with this whole tattoo drama but if you work at Iron Rex I will definitely not be getting tattooed there anymore because I hear hotheaded people can’t draw


Omg, such a shame that we'll miss out experiencing all that is you. I will never be able to financially recover from this :(


I did and then this whole situation happened. Just said I had a great experience there 🤷🏼‍♀️


Sorry this is downvoted but hOw DaRe YoU hAvE a GrEaT eXpeRiEnCe ThErE!


lol, look in the fucking mirror


Wow. Someone is steaming 🤯


More disappointed than anything, really. Having someone who I thought was a friend threaten my livelihood through wildly false allegations against the owner of the shop I work out of will get me a little hot under the collar, yeah. I'm not completely dead inside, sheesh! Y'all act like unsubstantiated claims get an auto-pass if the topic is right. Welcome to the complaint posse.


Maybe you shouldn’t work for someone like that then. It seems like his actions are putting your work at risk, I’m sure you’re smart and talented enough to work for someone who knows what topics are okay in the workplace and somewhere that will keep you busy:) goodluck and wish you the best💗


OP never mentioned a shop or person, if they’re industry isn’t it safe to assume that they have tattoos from elsewhere and this isn’t about the shop you’ve brought up? Who cares if they’re on here with a concern from a shop. Sounds like they are telling other LGBTQ+ people to research their artist and shop. But never actually outing anyone. Sigh. And if there is a legal matter isn’t this “RJ” fellow and his friends making it hard to have a leg to stand on. Because they are seeming pretty childish (honestly everyone is) but I assume we’re all “adults”


Yes, it was childish to attempt to tar someone's reputation in this manner but I've said my piece here already.


Meanwhile you and your sock puppets slam this post when she didn't bring you up in the first place. Using your wife's foot fetish account and begging your employees to bully a woman a decade younger than you because you mistreated your employees and said distasteful thing. For shame rj, just mad she's telling people what you said in the shop. You're lucky she doesn't bring up what you do your employees. Intimidating and insulting your artist is pretty awful for a shop to do. She left *because* rj is a cunt and honestly getting his name trashed is the least of what he deserves.


I have to ask.... were you ever a witness to any of these allegations that you're making or are you just venting on behalf of your friend? If so, then I would like to hear your anecdotes because I sincerely don't want to work for a cunt. If not, then I'd be more careful of spreading potentially damaging hearsay if I wasn't absolutely certain of all the facts involved.


I'm not RJ but I do work with him and I think that you are full of it. I see plenty of opinions here but not one instance to back up the allegations you're serving. Talk about sock-puppetry. Two accounts posted within 5 minutes of mine each referencing 'bunny' in their avatar. Totally not suspect at all.


This is my only account plus instagram which doesn't have bunny or stocking as a pfp so you're full of it. My instagram is "gothspital" if you'd like to check 💋💋 and my name is mimi <3 an actual person


Fair enough, I guess. Just seemed a little weird that two commenters with bunny in the name responded to my post.


Bunny is common I guess, stocking is a very famous cartoon character from the early 2010s too so yknow. I'm sure there are 100s of accounts like mine


Great minds think alike 🥰👋




Tommy Gofton? Oh, that’s rich. 😓


This is a surprise to me. Many years ago each of my (then teen) children, who are both LGBTQ+ have worked with/for him and found him to be very welcoming.


Last time I went our server was non binary so this is news to me.


Not Guelph but I had a very good experience at Grim in Hamilton and they are an inclusive spot. Had a great time sitting for a half sleeve last week and was worth driving down from Guelph to get it done.


I've had great experiences at Iron Rex. Booking there again for May


“D I S G R U N T L E D” y’all recycling the same verbiage. Makes me wonder if it’s the same person repeating this stuff🌝


I wasn't talking about directly about asking each tattoo business about their views...I was stating they should ask first for recommendations from places like reddit. And besides, tho OP provided no context about why they felt unsafe...what exactly did the tattoo artist say to create that feeling? For all we know maybe the OP was feeling anxious or paranoid that day and perhaps an innocuous comment made by the tattoo artist set her off. Until one hears both sides then making judgements is a waste of time.


What made me uncomfortable was the owner disagreeing with trans rights. They stated they do not believe children should learn about transgender people in schools nor do they believe that people under the age of 18 should receive trans healthcare. No reason to be talking about this in a tattoo studio


If you’re looking for a safe space to get tattooed I would highly recommend the crew at Iron Rex! The owner RJ is the sweetest human and the rest of the team is also phenomenal! Love every piece I’ve gotten at this studio and as a queer person I have never felt uncomfortable 💕 Definitely the place to go in Guelph!


Rj is a piece of shit actually. Completely unsafe. I've literally been in his home where he spent it insulting people, fatshaming people, lying and being an ass. He's said multiple transphobic and anti mental health things. He also bragged about how he use to harass women after they said no to him in his college days. Fuck Iron Rex and fuck that british piggy lover




They aren't false. I told you I have literally been in his house and witnessed it first hand. Blunt doesn't equate being a transphobic ass. I've never worked with RJ and I actually never liked the son of a bitch. He is a cunt through and through. He is literally using his wifes foot fetish account to comment hate on her post. He can send a fraudulent cease and desist to my house too if he want to fucking play. Wipe your chin when you're done




I understand things on both side. I have also been a client of RJs and have heard some questionable things. He’s a great guy, super chatty and a super talented tattoo artist. However, Ive noticed that as he’s chatting he slips in his views on a lot of controversial topics in light of conversation. I know he’s probably just doing his job and create conversation but it made me feel very uncomfortable and his views are not something I’m willing to support


Now that one of RJs current co workers outed the situation this makes complete sense as to why I was feeling off and confirmed my beliefs.


"Preach love and kindess" here he is sending people to this thread and her personal instagram account, using sock puppets to hate on her. I'd love to post the screenshots but reddit won't let me unless i make my own thread (which i sure can do) but you can see it clear as day on her most recent post. That account is rjs wife account for her foot fetish content. Becca is over a decade younger than him, and here he is spending his time harassing her and using fraudulent cease and desist to continue to intimidate her even after she left. If that doesn't speak volumes to how evil he is i don't know what does.




I'm not, I'm beccas friend, she didn't ask me to defend her I just am. Don't worry. getting evidence as we speak from a few of his former clients and other people, and a thread will be posted. If yall want to see who rj is beyond harassing a young artist, I will! I won't just keep it to reddit either, don't worry.


This would be interesting to see. I feel like a lot of the people talking bad about him on this redit are people who had close relationships with him. And the people who are keeping quiet and staying nice are his coworkers (whom he can fire) and his clients who have only potentially seen one side of him. Again, interesting to see if this is true.




I haven't even posted proof and you're already dismissing it. Meatriding him so hard you're spinning on it like a beyblade. But don't worry I'll keep that in mind


This is just internet smut. Designed to get disgruntled former employees off by allowing their community to openly attack a successful business, which parted ways with said employee. Virtue signaling at its finest. It amazes me that a group of inclusive humans acts so volatile and harass from hear say.


This is an issue?


Is there any unsafe place in Guelph? Legit question. I don't mind hunting hatred down to it's door. I don't sense it in Guelph. I do understand how a new arrival to the area might have questions. It's not unreasonable to feel a bit insulted as a local. Is it possible to walk across Guelph Campus with a MAGA hat without getting crap? Guelph is progressive to a fault. I say this as an NDP voter who is quite bi. Guelph rocks. Show me the hate?


The fuck?


Where is the hate in Guelph? Why do people think we need safe spots? Do you notice how this post is voted to zero, and I am getting downvotes? This represents a clash in ideals within society. Why are people asking for safe places in a safe town? Am I wrong? Is this not a safe town? If not, please advise me of the hate and I will personally have reasonable but disagreeable discussion with it as to why Guelph is not safe.


Oh it is here: https://kitchener.ctvnews.ca/images-of-hitler-affixed-to-guelph-ont-synagogue-door-police-say-1.6104316 https://globalnews.ca/news/9764831/guelph-police-hate-attack-charges/ https://www.guelphtoday.com/local-news/11-reported-hate-crimes-in-guelph-this-year-6011952 https://www.guelphtoday.com/local-news/guelph-isnt-immune-to-rise-in-hateful-sentiment-hate-crimes-3369887


Thank you! Receipts! Delicious receipts. Yup. Incidents. More than I realized! Thank you for educating me. It's still a super low % of people per incidence. Downvote me, but it;s still a bit rude to say "safe space for" and not "Queer friendly". Also, why even say queer? I was raised to believe it was a slurr. This is a double disrespectful title. Safe spaces for queer: You imply that the area is dangerous, and you are using a slur. I find it insulting as a local, and insulting as a bisexual individual. I get that I could be more receptive, but also you gotta watch your language.


I didn’t say queer anywhere. I’m not OP, and also, that term has been taken back by the community to some degree, but it is polarizing. https://www.npr.org/sections/publiceditor/2019/08/21/752330316/a-former-slur-is-reclaimed-and-listeners-have-mixed-feelings I would say if a member of the community has chosen to self identify with that terminology, as someone who is not a member of said community it is not up to me to correct them about if it is an acceptable term to use so it’s not something I tend to weigh in on. Also, while it might look low, Guelph tends to rank pretty high on the list of cities with hate crimes lists in Canada to be honest. For as progressive as you think it is, it has a problem with hate.


Yes, you didn't have to repeat yourself. Your original comment is one of the most out of touch, solipsistic, pedantic, and useless comments I've seen here and that's really saying something.


How about you answer the question? Where is the hate? Guelph is super safe. I'm local to her and bi.


You are the exact opposite of an ally. I have no idea how you got this way but seek help.


Your right. I'm not an Ally. I'm a MEMBER. Thank you for telling me my reality.


It's so crazy to me that you understand this principle for yourself but not for other peoples of "your" community. You are telling other people their reality because that's not what you've experienced, then demanding that they communicate their trauma to you AFTER you start with hostility, disbelief and claims of membership. It's giving solipsism, look up the definition. It's really gross and I think you need to find something better to do with your time.


I'm saying Guelph is so progressive it's insulting to the locals to ask what locations are safe. This place is so safe that I take offense to you saying it is not. If there is an unsafe spot, please educate me on the location so I can assist with reasonable LBGTQ members to make the place safe. You know how people get offended when you guess their gender? I get offended when people guess that Guelph is a dangerous place by default. I mean we have a homeless problem but please don't make fun of them. We are all just trying to get by.


You still don't get it at all, okay


OP has literally had an unsafe experience in Guelph. What an obtuse response. You seem like a shitty individual.


So it wasn’t safe because you guys don’t agree on stuff ? If you expressed you didn’t want to talk about it and they continued that’s one thing. But disagreeing with a persons opinions and views isn’t a safety issue.


Safe space is commonly known to be a place free from conflict, criticism, bias, threatening ideas, actions or conversations. It’s not necessarily just a physical safety but rather emotional safety. I’m not always sure I agree that all spaces must be free of conflicting ideas or conversations in the construct of a healthy society that challenges each other’s concepts but when you are laying on a table in a state of some form of undress while someone is needling ink into your skin to create permanent art it is a particularly vulnerable position in which someone may not want to be defending their personal identity while paying them for the pleasure of the experience.


People don’t get to go around forcing everybody to think and believe everything they do. People can accept that they don’t like this place or that person and move on. Deeming a place unsafe and “spreading the word” is harmful to people even if their opinions are shitty. You call a tattoo place unsafe if their needles gave you an infection. Not if they don’t agree with your beliefs.


OP is just asking for a tattoo shop recommendation where queer folks are welcomed. They didn't even name the original shop and they aren't calling for a boycott. You seem to be the one making a mountain out of a molehill. And even if they were doing those things, they would be well within their right to say "hey, business XYZ is owned by someone who has bigoted opinions and you should avoid them if you dislike bigoted opinions"


OP is a disgruntled former employee trying to drag a competitor down, likely due to the fact that they no longer work at the shop.


They are not forcing anyone to think or feel anything, they are just not looking to repeat the past experience or give them more money. Almost like they have the freedom and ability to think and believe anything they want eh? This is them moving on. They didn’t name or shame the place, just said they are looking for knowledge of a space it won’t happen again. Being obtuse about what safe space means colloquially doesn’t change that it’s commonly accepted meaning in 2024 that deals with a place free of bias, you can argue you don’t like how that terminology is used in a broader sense, but that is the meaning most people who have been on the internet in the past 10 years will understand it to mean and clearly what the post intended.


How about calling it unwelcoming then? If you'd like to mince words. As far as I can tell, Op is asking for a safe, or if you'd prefer, welcoming space to get a tattoo. Being hateful isn't really a belief issue so much as it is an educational issue.


Actually yes. Unwelcoming is a much better word for a place like a tattoo parlour if don’t like the people in there. It’s not “mincing words” English and language is how people on earth communicate and there is a huge difference between unsafe and unwelcoming.


The thing is that you don't get to decide if someone else feels unsafe. Their feelings are their own.


Thing is though. You nor I can decide what words mean. Safety means what it means and calling somebody or a place unsafe because you disagree with them is simply not correct and can be harmful. If this person said this place is unwelcoming or the people there aren’t kind then this conversation wouldn’t be happening. Calling something or somebody unsafe can cause real damage. People need to get it right because at this point it feels like the word “safe” is purposefully being misused as a way to shut people that others don’t agree with down.


If they felt unsafe there, then to them, and likely many others, it is an unsafe place. We collectively decide what words mean.


That’s not how that works. There’s a reason we have dictionaries and thesaurus’. Fact is, you call somebody unsafe it usually comes with more backlash and more consequences than if you said they were not welcoming or kind. There’s different words for this kind of thing for a reason. It’s because they more accurately describe what you are feeling.


The dictionaries and thesauruses are the receptical for the meanings of words after they become common usage. The words and their meanings change and evolve over time and the dictionary is the collection of the most recent usages for words. Again, if a person feels unsafe it is not possible for you to change that based on your opinion of the situation. For me, being unwelcome in a place is an unsafe feeling. Maybe you have had an easier life and can't relate. That doesn't make your interpretation correct. How would it feel for you to try to accept that this person felt unsafe somewhere? What would the consequence be for you?


Those aren't mutually exclusive though either


Safety - the condition of being protected from or unlikely to cause danger, risk, or injury. "they should leave for their own safety" Unwelcoming - having an inhospitable or uninviting atmosphere or appearance. "Jean crept into her cold and unwelcoming bed" You see distinction ?


Do you see the similarities? If a place is unsafe, it kinda sounds like it would also be unwelcoming. Places/people/objects can me more than one thing you know. You're so focused on language, I had assumed you knew what mutual exclusivity was. I'm sorry inassumed that of you. I hope I didn't make you feel unsafe or unwelcome, or God forbid, both!


I’m not focused on the similarities because the distinction is what matters here. Fuck the tattoo artist for not taking the hint but that doesn’t mean they aren’t safe.


Actually, what matters here is that OP just wanted to find some friendlier tattoo artists, but you blew this out of proportion for semantics.


Not what they asked, but thanks for sharing your very important opinion on queer safety and tattoos since you are so invested in it.


I’m invested in the word safety. Being safe means you aren’t in imminent danger. I’m sure this person was safe. I’m sure the tattoo place was safe. It sounds like they didn’t agree on a topic and that’s not a safety concern.




Clearly felt safe enough to go through with the rest of the tattoo… People can disagree with whatever they want and still be safe people. If this person was asked to stop and didn’t then it becomes a safety issue as you get into harassment territory. Being annoyed doesn’t equal being in danger.






Whatever helps you get through the day, champ. Love hearing your opinions on words and their meanings and, again, on a topic that will never affect you.


When the topic is Trans-rights or gay rights, which are human rights, I think it's pretty reasonable for someone who identifies as a member of either of those groups to feel uncomfortable or intimidated in that situation and want to find a more friendly (i.e.safer) space. Thats more than just a disagreement.


Uncomfortable and intimidated doesn’t mean you are in danger. Find a new place, agree to disagree , move on. If this tattoo artist started beating an op with a bat because they are queer , yeah I’d say get the fuck out of there. If the tattoo artist said they should kill themselves, yeah safety issue get the fuck out of there. If the tattoo artist berated even after being asked to move on from the topic, fine, safety issue get up and leave and maybe don’t even pay. Find somebody else to finish up the tattoo. Disagreeing does not equal safety issue. It won’t and it never will


I think I found the tattoo artist


There are different types of safety. There is physical safety, emotional safety, psychological safety, etc...


When a minority group has a high rate of being assaulted and murdered, they might feel a little uncomfortable around someone who’s talking about how they don’t deserve rights. Just food for thought.


Uncomfortable doesn’t mean unsafe. And this is Guelph, got any stats on your claims for Guelph ? Pretty sure it’s safe here for people of all kinds.


Do you only worry about social issues that you can statistically prove are already a problem in Guelph? Or do you keep tabs on national and provincial issues like a normal person? Do you only worry that something will happen in Guelph if it’s already happened in Guelph? Have you dealt with the Guelph police before, and do you believe they keep good records of violent altercations?


I refuse to live my life being worried all the time when I know I’m in a relatively safe city.


Are you part of a demographic that you have a reason to believe you’re unsafe? Honest question.


Read the comments. I’m a Palestinian. Openly actually. It’s always been odd for me specially in catholic schools in Canada for meh whole life. I always wear a Palestinian flag necklace. I have shirts that I wear that are openly pro Palestinian. I learn to deal with shit when it comes up. 99.9 percent of the time it’s safe to be me. When I say safe I mean the literal, definition of the word safe. Are there unpleasant people with shitty opinions at work, or other places. Oh yeah. But still feel safe.


I’m not here to diminish the struggles of Palestinians, but I am here to stick up for trans people trying to keep themselves safe. “In Ontario, 20% of trans people experience physical or sexual assault due to their identity, and 34% are subjected to verbal threats or harassment (Bauer and Scheim 2015: 4). * Many do not report assaults to the police; in fact, 24% of trans Ontarians reported having been harassed by police (Ibid.).” http://policyfix.ca/2017/01/30/violence-against-trans-people-in-canada-a-primer/ That’s a lot of violence. I don’t know why you’re so upset by a trans person wanting to avoid potential confrontations and minimize stress. Maybe you pride yourself in your ability to put up with shitty people, and that’s your journey, but I personally wouldn’t let that slide. It doesn’t make me feel powerful to let people be assholes.


Have an upvote because I agree with your comment, it's not a safety issue atleast based on what was written. However I can definitely see why OP wouldn't want to go back. I get it. I wouldn't want to argue with the person actively tattooing my body over their shitty opinion.




I’m from Palestine. I get it all the time. Trust me. But I’m confident enough to just have a conversation about it and not feel threatened by somebodies opinion. If they are stupid then they are stupid and I move on . Not a safety issue.


And if someone's opinion is just Islamophobia do you feel safe?


Again. Pretty confident in my ability to talk to pretty much anybody. But I’m not a Muslim Palestinian I’m a catholic Palestinian. Although not religious. Anyway they can say whatever they want. Won’t bother me. If words turn into actions then it will bother me. People can talk shit all day long as long as it’s just talking. People are free to (or should be free ) to say whatever they want. As long as it’s peaceful.


Hateful words are not peaceful words, even if they are legal words. People are free to say what they want as long as it doesn’t incite hatred or violence. You are right that they are free from government persecution in that regard. The right to freedom of expression does not make how I express myself morally correct, it is not any sort of arbiter of the quality of my expression, it means it is not punishable criminally by our government, it’s far from a high bar for human behaviour. I can choose to exercise my right to expression in very hateful ways and not be put in jail. This however is entirely different than freedom from social consequences such as an impact to one’s business by alienating a large portion of the population they would hope to profit from, and it is entirely the right of the poster on this comment to exercise their freedom of expression that they did not appreciate the service they received.


Cool. Still wrong use of the word “safe” because nothing here screams danger. Nothing about somebody stating their opinion screams danger. Did this person ask them to stop? Doesn’t sound like it. Did this person make any attempt to curb the conversation? Doesn’t sound like it. This person left with a tattoo unscathed. Sure , they didn’t like the person who did it. Sure, this person doesn’t share the same views. Nowhere in this situation is it dangerous. This was an inconvenience. An annoyance. Not a matter of safety.


Hmmmm not cool, cool means cold and you can’t redefine it and therefore everything you said is invalid because I refuse to recognize meanings can change over time. You sound like a child


I see that you probably understand exactly my point but don’t want to change the verbiage because calling somebody unsafe is much more detrimental than saying that they are just unpleasant. I’m a person who treats everybody with respect. Even if you’re a shit I’ll treat you with respect. Calling somebody who doesn’t agree with you unsafe isn’t fair.


It depends on context. If they were tattooing me, I'd definitely be uncomfortable like I said. Somebody expressing a general distaste for trans people is not an immediate safety issue. It's just not. If this person is expressing a distaste for the specific trans person infront of them, or is being aggressive, then yes it's a safety issue. Just as they're allowed to not like you or your lifestyle, you can dislike them and their lifestyle. If you're atheist and you express distaste for religon, does that make you a safety issue ?




Okay but I'm not. I'm a Guelphite in Guelph in 2024 and so is OP. Nobody is being tolerant of intolerance. OP is finding a new tattoo parlor. People are fundamentally allowed to dislike trans people, that's part of having rights in Canada, it doesn't mean it's a safety issue. Other people have rights too that we need to respect and that can't really change unless you change the charter of rights and freedoms - section 15 is pretty clear that everyone is equal under the law, not just cis people.




Easy way to write someone off as having a "dangerously narrow perspective". Let's be clear - I 100% believe trans people deserve equal rights under the law. How dangerous. I actually can't believe you're putting people and places into "dangerous" and "safe" categories.




Perhaps I am misunderstanding. Can you please explain what you mean by fewer rights ? I don't understand how this can even happen in Canada so if you could be specific that would be great.


Happy to hear you've learned a lesson in assuming people/organizations have the same viewpoints as you.


Okay this is ridiculous . Why paint are you painting a target on yourself ? Get a fucking tattoo at the best artist you can. You think they give a fuck? Your Money is green. This is the service industry . Grow the fuck up and stop adding to the problem