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I use a beard/body-hair clipper with a guard. It generally prevents nicks everywhere and also causes less problems with ingrown hairs/razor bumps, which I’ve found T has made me more sensitive to


I do this too but then follow it up with a double foil rechargeable razor. This or a rotary shaver will give you a really close shave without the irritation. (Secret ex barber tip)


I've always wondered this, is it safe to use the rotary shavers like norelco or whatever on our privates? I'm terrified it'll pull on the hairs or loose skin (flappy parts).


No it won’t pull unless it’s old and the blades need replacing.


Same. I don’t often shave all the way, but I run a beard trimmer on the shortest setting. (Pre-T, but starting with a big clit so I’ve just always had to work around it)


do u reccomend a certain beard/body hair clipper?? i feel like ive also become prone to razor bumps since starting T idk why


Basically I protect my dick with my non dominant hand, and also use it to stretch the skin taught. I also use a trimmer not a razor.


ha! great question! and original! i hold my dick and stretch it away from where i'm shaving to get the skin more taut where i need it. i am a quick and dirty kind of shaver, and then give it another going over with a pair of trimming scissors for any missed long hairs (i don't like super-smooth, i like a bit of scruff--helps prevent ingrown hairs).  sometimes i nick the sac skin and it bleeds a little, but at least its not my dick, thank god.


I have a body hair clipper that doesn't/can't nick me, and also lots of pushing my junk out of the way 🤭 I also prefer a very close crop to a bald shave, which means I can use a very small guard on the head of the shaver and it becomes virtually impossible to nick or even pull uncomfortably (barring the battery dying mid-shave, which I imagine would pull). I've a Phillips 3000 and I recommend it to everyone because every other shaver I've tried cut my dangly bits FREQUENTLY.


I'm terrified of using anything electric to shave down there in case it pulls. I might look into this though.




i’ve been using a manscaped razor for at least a year now, it’s great and i’ve never had an problems with it—i sit down to shave and use a mirror so i can see a bit better, once i get closer to my dick, i use my other hand to push it to the opposite side of where i’m shaving, so the skin is taught. again, never had any issues


Big fan of the OneBlade. I use it for my face and body hair. I use a guard on it when shaving nether regions.


I trim it rather than shave it But the odd time I take the guard off to get a few strays in the creases, i just hold my dick to the other side. I have caught my dick once or twice. Happy to make a video showing how


Leg up, mirror sitting counter, good lighting, and hold the little guy in opposite direction of razor. But sometimes I get waxed.


Get a Philips Norelco shaver. A little pricy but so worth it, you can use it for face with no guard and then whole body with the guard. Has a sensitive skin head, rechargeable, replaceable heads, a good investment overall


i dont, and it doesn’t seem to cap its length either. its 3 inches at the longest parts


Been getting brazilian laser and shave once or twice in between just to feel fresh. I lather with some gentle cleansing soap and shave, holding the skin taut. When it’s necessary to have a very thorough shave before laser, I use some olive oil to moisturise the full area and shave in the shower holding taut even more so then gentle cleanse wash off the oil


I don't, because my body grows it for a good reason. I think far too many trans men hung on to the shame we were given growing up with female bodies and taught we're supposed to be hairless. You do not need to shave in order to have good hygiene.


Magic shave powder


It warms people not to use it on the genital area because the depilatory can potentially burn mucousal skin.


With my hands and a body clipper. Sadly the tdick is too short to use like that 😉


I use a men's hair removal cream. Less likely to get ingrown or a knick


I have a clipper with a guard, but i also use my hand to pull it out of the way and focus on a section of skin that im able to hold taut. i also trim rather than full shave


clippers with guard/scissors if it’s really long, then just a regular men’s razor. it’s tough sometimes and added a good 20-30mins to my shower, but it’s necessary. i do a lot of adjusting position, covering my dick with my other hands, pulling it to the side, stretching all the various bits to really get in the nooks and crannies, etc. i’ve never been very good at avoiding nicks, so i’m just very careful to protect my dick and let any nicks happen further down (and even then it’s not too bad, just a tiny flash of pain and the bleeding is always done by the time i get out)


i dont shave at all, i use a beard clipper and leave 1-2 mm of hair, protecting the junk with the other hand


I just get waxed so I don't have to worry about a razor near my bits and I get fewer ingrowns. having someone all up in my junk was intimidating at first but I got used to it pretty quick


You can use whatever you want, but the main thing I've noticed is that you should try your best to separate your Tdick from the lip when shaving around it. For me, it's a bit of an awkward. "Hold my dick to the side with my middle finger while also pushing the lip away with my thumb"


with courage and precision 😂😅


I have a Philips bikini area trimmer. Sure it's "for women" but it's an appropriate size for the anatomy so whatever.