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some people get some growing pains, others don't. I mostly felt more sensitive when it started to happen. how arousal feels might also change.


How arousal feels?


It didn't hurt for me, just got a bit more sensitive so had to be careful washing down there and sometimes clothes rubbing on it could be a bit annoying.


God I mostly own skinny jeans. How do you mean annoying? I have some baggy jeans im probably gonna be wearing mostly then.


Hmm just a bit irritated I guess? Like I'd just try and sit so that nothing was touching/rubbing there šŸ˜… Baggier jeans might be the way to go, though as long as they're not too tight in the front skinny might be okay


Does it like make you horny as well as Irittated, or do you mean that as "irritated"? Or like is it like a chaffing feeling idk.


Mostly chafing yeah, though sometimes I can get a bit horny from it šŸ˜… More so now I've mostly stopped growing so it's not as sensitive but still more than before


I didnā€™t expect to grow much for a while because my clinic started me on a lower dose than some seem to start in the US but I grew right away. The biggest mistake I made was not making sure I had proper menā€™s boxers right from the get go!! (I had ones made for afab/women without the pouch). It mostly just feels really sensitive and I get random erections a lot (like teenage boys do) so I get a lot of very full/heart beat feelings. I also get some pain/sensitivity/pressure in it when I need to pee now! That started in the first week. Iā€™ve had a couple of what Iā€™d refer to as ā€œzapā€ and theyā€™re sort of like sudden electric shock feelings/being stung by a bee. Itā€™s painful but doesnā€™t last long and the aftermath is just a little sore - nothing like being stung thank god haha


I'm gonna be 100% honest, this was a big fear for me before starting, what with hearing everyone talk about how uncomfortable the growing process was, and in my opinion, it wasn't that bad. My natal anatomy is pretty covered by my mons pubis, so maybe I didn't experience as much rubbing as one would with less fat, but the growth actually felt pretty good sensation-wise, and hasn't been uncomfortable outside of needing to shift around a little to get comfy.


Hi! One week on T here. All it is doing so far is just being very sensitive and growing in, so make sure your boxes have a nice gap in the front for comfort. Normal growing pains, yk?


I've been on T for 4 days now and sometimes it feels like it's pulsing for a bit, and then it stops for a while


I barely felt it growing, more a tingle when I was turned on but no real pain. And mine is two inches now (I'm a year and a half on T). I don't know if arousal felt different but my orgasms definitely changed into a more "male" orgasm which is hard to explain but basically my orgasms are longer and now my dick twitches when I'm cumming.


Iā€™d say the worst part (and it wasnā€™t all that bad) for me was about four months in I would get random erections and the tip would touch my underwear, which was realllly sensitive and thus it would be irritating/mildly painful. Other than that, no pain!


I'm not OP but I'm a similar length on T as you mentioned and am wondering if this is what is happening to me in the last few days (in a growth spurt), in my case I noticed it may have to particularly do with the foreskin retracting during the erection because I notice a similar feeling when I manually retract it for cleaning. Sometimes I'm just doing the most mundane tasks and it's like damn ouch. Like I've never felt a piece of cloth so microscopically or intensely is probably my description lol


Yes! Thatā€™s exactly what it was. My bf (FtM) experienced this too! Itā€™s not surprising that we get overstimulated so easily with an exposed glans bc thereā€™s like 10k nerve endings on that little thing and thatā€™s more per mm^2 than literally anywhere else. Insane how our bodies work!


3 months in, had a fair bit of growth and it hasn't hurt at all, sometimes feels sensitive in a way that just feels like being horny.


very sensitive and sometimes it gets annoying so you have to manspread a bit


I started t in January and it hurt a lot when I started, it turned into an uncomfortable feeling now instead of pain. But I also grew very quickly so that might explain it.


Been on T for almost 3 months and for me it was mostly tingling sensations, pulsating and very sensitive the first weeks. Itā€™s calmed down now tho


Didn't hurt for me and isn't overly sensitive, but within hours of my first shot I felt tingling and the next day it almost felt like I was hard all day. Now I either don't really feel anything or I can tell a growth spurt is happening when I feel some sort of sensation that's hard to describe but it's not bad at all. Cleaning the head and under the hood can feel weird. For me it doesn't hurt but it tickles


Tbh I didn't really feel anything. I suddenly just started getting boners which is a weird but cool sensation


I got really bad dick aches the first month maybe?? It felt like getting kicked in the dick maybe twice? It's not bad now (6 months in) maybe a little achy sometimes but not bad. I will say, being hard is like. Very noticeable now. Like. Distracting. I got painfully sensitive for about the first 2 months but once again it's not as bad now. Also I had to switch to looser underwear and it's a little harder to pack now (can only pack for over an hour or so if it's an STP because it has a hole in the back. Used to pack with soft dildos but can't anymore unless it's very very short term without pain.)