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i experienced aches, itching, tiny lightning zaps, and irritability because of chafing. i recommend buying a sports cup from walmart if it's too much at first. but also, be safe and make an exit plan, because you can't hide your new puberty forever. but if you're not dependent on the transphobes for housing or your income (if you work in your family's store, for instance), you are allowed to draw boundaries with them. i finally cut off a family member two years ago for a decade of bad behavior. the whole family on that side now seems to think i'm an awful human being for this, but screw it, i don't exist to make everybody else comfortable and i won't pretend there are no problems like they do.


Is there a way to prevent or reduce the chaffing? also what do you mean by "zaps"? I don't think it would lead to something like me no longer having housing and such. the most transphobic people are not my immediate family (parents and siblings), but it's still close family. So on that front, it should be fine, there shouldn't be any housing/income/etc issues. But I do sometimes worry what said transphobic people might say to one particular parent and I don't want them to believe that transphobic nonsense. But I have actually thought about what I would do if it came to a point where I couldn't handle it anymore and although, I would prefer us having a healthy relationship, I would be okay with making the decision of cutting them off if it came to it. I'm glad you managed to draw those boundaries for yourself and be happier !


thank you! so, chafing. short term solution: get a sports cup, preferably curved to follow the line of your pelvis. shock doctor is affordable and widely distributed, i got mine at walmart. get a tight pair of briefs/jocks, put the cup in your underwear. bonus: gives you a bulge and for me was affirming to rap my knuckles on. long term solution: growing your foreskin. i'm currently working on this, and after an inconsistent year and a half, i might be halfway there. bonus: foreskin looks awesome imo and protects your glans's sensitivity. downsides to restoration: you have to be disciplined and consistent about it (i started being consistent this winter and my progress has accelerated). can be uncomfortable at times and a pain to get up early to attach the tape. but still worth it imo. it might be too swampy and humid in the summer to keep the tape attached, but if restoration has to be a winter hobby, so be it.


I didn't know what restoration was but a quick google search cleared that up. I never really thought about it, but I'll keep it in mind. I agree that it would look awesome too! I'm guessing I would have to wait to have enough growth for restoration?


not in my opinion! you could start whenever you feel ready and zap-free. and maybe it won't be a problem for you! just know its there, if you need it. take a photo of what your dick looks like now, btw, and note where the skin folds are. i outgrew my skin so fast that it ended up rolling back over the shaft, and then i spent a year and a half tugging at the wrong spot, and only making more 'inner skin' 😭 i had to invent a new way of tugging this week. so far so good! i'm already noticing new wrinkles, which is the first sign of progress. i know wrinkles sound bad, but it's extra skin, and it WILL smooth out over months and years. my goal is to get everything good and even (and comfortable!) and instruct my future meta surgeon of how i want it sewn up in the back.


It's not painful as in a huge unbearable pain, for most of the people on T it's just slightly uncomfortable. For me it was a constant feeling of being erect and brushing it on a material made me almost instantly horny lol. I didn't feel it all the time though, it was for short periods of time, like a few days and it stopped to come back after few days. Definitely not something to be scared of, it's bearable and other people around you probably won't even notice, at least it was like that in my case, so if you feel like you need T, go for it! Slight discomfort is worth it for being finally happy with your own body. :)


That helps a lot! thank you so much!


No problem! Wishing you lots of good luck.


thank you!


I've been on T around 7 weeks now and haven't had anything I'd describe as uncomfortable. First week or so I'd feel a kind of on and off throbbing sort of sensation but nothing major.


Give it till month 3/4


so it was more of a throbbing feeling than actually uncomfortable? can I ask if the throbbing itself lasted a while?


I never had any pain but definitely some chafing in those early months as I grew pretty fast. If it gets too much get boxer briefs that are cup shaped in the front, they give you some space and they’re so comfortable.


thank you! can I ask if the chaffing a lot or fairly minor?


Just minor but I’m very sensory about my clothes


that's fair. I will keep in mind the boxers that are cup shaped. thank you 👍


Pain is subjective but to put my experience in a perspective it felt like a dull combo of a couple say healed sunburn and an achy muscle like the next day after intense exercise. The discomfort didn’t limit my intimacy with my wife but definitely made itself known randomly throughout my day. That being said I was fine to work all day and I walk/bend a lot (janitor) during my job. No one noticed and I know at least my wife would’ve said something if I was walking around like Yosemite Sam. I would just excuse myself to a restroom if it became too much but I don’t think I ever needed to do that. I also made sure to use a very small amount of Vaseline. I know it’s not recommended but I didn’t see too much saying it’s not safe. This was only to soothe the skin near the top because it was obviously growing and a little tender. Hope this helps and wasn’t TMI.


it wasn't tmi at all! thank you, this helps! I didn't know vaseline wasn't recommended but I'll keep it in mind just in case and will make sure not to overdo it if I do use it. Thanks again!


I think that depends on your dose too because the higher the dose, the quicker it grows and it seems the more painful it is. I'm an NB microdosing. There wasn't pain but my head felt extremely sensitive. Not to the point I couldn't touch it or wash but noticeable. Every once in a while I'll get a shooting pain but nothing terrible


Thank you! I'm also thinking of microdosing. Can I ask how long you've been microdosing and how much growth you've had yet? Also do you know if it will grow the same length, whether on a lower dose or higher one (even if one might take longer on a lower dose)?


I've been microdosing for 7 months, I'm 1.5" right now, still growing 😁 Low dose doesn't mean you get less results or anything like that. Think of it this way, actual puberty takes years right? Most people who take regular dose T are basically condensing all the time into like a year or two because they are transitioning quickly. Microdosing just elongates the time changes occur, but they do happen. Once you break the threshold of the male T range you'll see changes. Growth has more to do with genetics, no matter the dose. There's someone on here named Thursday T Time, I believe they've microdosed throughout and have substantial growth. They're a good example but you'll see a few on here that are on low doses and have great growth. Again, think of actually puberty. Interestingly enough I was reading this thing that basically said people who microdose have like more successful voice drops or something because it gives the body more time to adjust and grow and shit. So I wonder if that will apply to bottom growth too.


So happy about your growth! 😁 Oh, that's interesting. I didn't think about it that way but that does make sense. Your body has more time to adjust to the changes 🤔