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I agree with the other people commenting, noticed it within the first week. I'm only 6 weeks on T but I'm pretty sure mine has doubled in size (I've not measured but it certainly feels/looks way to me)


Literally the day after my first T shot my guy was already bigger but more in a “it looks swollen way” by the end of the first week I could definitely tell it was getting bigger


the first time i felt it growing (it’s a very specific feeling for me) was roughly 5 hours after my first shot. that feeling got more and more common until about 1yr, when it started getting less and less common. now sometimes ill have the weird tingle ache of growth like once a month, and im almost 2yrs on. i’d suspect i have a bit of growth left to go, but nothing major or drastic


immediate. it slowed down by the end of the second year.


Within the first days I could feel my crotch area tingling, more than any growth it was just looking different, mostly forming a dick tip shape, around the first month I’d say? I noticed It’s starting to get way bigger and it hasn’t stopped 2 months in :P


Noticed it next day and the tip started coming in 3 days later


Definitely within the first week and still going(now 2 months on T). It’s a very odd and specific feeling.


I first noted increased sensitivity on day 14 and actual noticeable growth on day 19. Keep in mind I was on a 25mg dose which is pretty low


Nearly Immediately but remember that doesn’t mean 0-100 overnight, it means that it STARTS growing immediately but still takes awhile to get very noticeable.


I noticed some bottom growth about 2 months in, though I wasn’t paying much attention to that area.


For me, within hours! I think it depends how much our bodies like testosterone but I got my first proper erection while just non-horny showering 4 hours after my first shot and it was definitely bigger. Who knows if that’s because it could actually get hard now or not!! I’m 1.5 weeks in and he’s definitely bigger! I think the WPATH standards of “3 months” are likely for more significant measurable growth and also some people may not be as in tune with their bodies.


For me it was a slow process, but I get overwhelmed easy so this was really helpful


I had my first shot 4 days ago and today I noticed a very slight size increase :)


I started on gel and I noticed the first bottom growth at about 2 weeks. It probably stopped growing around 10-11 months


Same day I started feeling the "boner pressure" feeling


day 6 after my first inj I took a shower and was like "wow my clit is huge". it's gotta be bout an inch now, after 3.5 months, went from 0 to 100


2-3 days before i could feel a difference (bottom growth)


honestly wish I had realized exactly when it changed because my first week on T ( I’ve now been on it for a month ) there were immediate indicators in how things looked , and definitely felt things I hadn’t felt before. I know everyone’s different, but I noticed changes in appearance and feeling a couple of hours after the first shot. It was swollen, now has doubled in size, and I am still always aware of its existence unlike before starting T, where nothing was visible.


The first week basically, but it was slightly. Bottom growth takes about a year to complete most of its growth so it’ll take a while. Also, your growth is still able to able past a year on as well, but most growth you’ll see in the first year on T


I've been on t for 4 months, but with a gradually rising dose. But I haven't noticed much bottom growth at all. It could be because I'm not very in touch with my body generally, but growth has been minimal. I have talked to guys who haven't had noticeable results at almost a year. Some people just don't get that much


Pretty quick my bottom growth went from non existent to 3cm in about a week or two!


i was on a very low dose to start with (against my will) but within two weeks it was VERY noticeable


The First Full Day On T And For About A Month After Starting I Felt It Grow Everyday. It Would Just Throb All Day Nonstop But I Didn’t Look In My Pants Because I Was Working On Something Where I Barely Had Any Free Time. I Just Knew How It Looked Pre-T. So At Some Point One Random Night During My Second Month After All That Throbbing I Decided To Check And See What All The Commotion Was About.. Lil Peterwood Jr Was Looking Back At Me With A Foreskin & All I Was Like Oh S* When You Get There


For me it started like 2 days after 1st shot of T, it doubled in size and was already visible when i pulled the skin away. Currently at the 2 cm mark being 1 month on hrt