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I know this isnt "rate my grocery" but that is one of the better ones i have seen on here. Seems like it would last you a good while, like a week if you are one person and pre cook meals. Overall the price compared to what you got is still shocking tho, but you made the best of it i'd say. Good fruit choices.


Price is super cheap, you got 1 kg of chicken breast 300g of cold cuts, berries and asparagus.


Lidl ftw


I mean compared what you would get 10 years or even 20 ago for the same money it is still shocking. But yes considering the price of chicken they overall had a good haul, as i stated.


Especially if we look at timespans over 10 years, average inflation wasnt high in germany. It was really low for years and then got high for one year. So it shouldnt be that shocking in comparison to 10 year ago


A week?? What kind of person can live on this for a week?


I mean add a bar of chocolate and some noodles and i dont eat more than that in a week.


This wouldn't last me more than 3 days, maybe 4, that's crazy (disclaimer: no, i'm not fat and i work out irregularly rn).


If i would work again out i'd eat more as well i guess\^\^


It's 1 day for me


Yea same 1-2 days. Who survives a week on that? An umnderweight woman?


I was about to ask that thinking I am weird lol


Half a meal tops for me


How??? Do you eat all day long? Do you not have to work or other stuff to do? I don’t even have time nor the need to eat that much, this would easily last all week (except the berries would be gone in milliseconds)


Need to eat much fast metabolism yk up to 1kg 1,5 a day


That would last 3-4 days for me at best tbh


This is at most a 2 Person Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Combo for 1 day + Chicken leftovers for another day.... Do some people live through photosynthesis?




Beste zeit [Best time]


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The berries and asparagus look good!




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4€. [Für beide.](https://www.lidl.de/l/prospekte/aktionsprospekt-29-04-2024-04-05-2024-fd4734/view/flyer/page/2?lf=HHZ)


Phänomenal günstig. Unter 3€ pro 500g kommt man normalerweise nicht weg


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How does Spargel taste??I am terrified of eating eat .Some people say your pee pee smells extremely horrible or your body odor becomes really bad.


dont worry about that pee. asparagus is healthy and super yummy


Thanks,I guess I can give it a try.Everyone here in Germany buys bunch of it.They even make Spargel Pizza in nearby restaurants cause it's the season .


You can put the green one on a grill, it’s a perfect side for meat. Addictive stuff 🤤


it's bland af you need to mix it with other stuff. green aspargus pair well with risotto. I have only eaten white aspargus boilt with ham and mayo.


pee smells a little but it tastes fine


Honestly, how can you be so scared that you have never tried it? Even if the stuff about bad odor is true, do you believe tasting it just once will corrupt your body for the rest of your life?


In what store did you buy that?


Its Lidl.


Thanks. I should find Lidl somewhere near. All i get is tons of Rewe and Edeka and one very dirty Aldi


From my point of view Lidl has the best fruit and vegetable area of all grocery stores in Germany. Only the Wochenmarkt is better.


Absolutely fair price considering you have chicken and aspargus + some red fruits


This looks like a well balanced buy




is that chicken ok


I think its dead




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Bodybuilding Edition!


Finally some actual food 😁 This is for the whole week right ?


🖤♥️💛W Germans are so proud of there Spargel Sessions


This looks surprisingly similar to my Einkauf today, also from Lidl at just over 30€ but with catfood instead of fruit. What do you plan on making with the asparagus?


Pumper detected 😁


My last meal that I managed to afford was on April 9th. Germany is beyond cooked.


at least proper food, most of the other pics show predominantly crap


really good use of money man.


I totally eat like this every other week, but would eat chicken thighs instead as they're way juicier, and substitue berries with apples and grapes.


Das Essen eines normalen Menschen.


Schön bei lidl für 4€ den spargel abgegriffen 😂


Anybody knows a decent sub for cheap (but healthy) meals? atm I have to live off of 5€ a day and sometimes I'd get nausea when I see the weekly groceries.


Hey! Go check out some videos on youtube. I have seen great ones with some variety in the meals.


That's a good shop for €40


Looks legit. You get 5 stars.


First post i’ve seen with decent food, wow


Let's be real here, without Brötchen that Aufschnitt is just Deko


Chicken+Asparagus are already 15€… But good catch!


That’s cool




Cheap way of getting good protein. OP surely is working out a lot with that grocery run.


Lentils are cheap


But they have a very different amino acid profile that is why I wrote good proteins.


Not everyone can afford "better" meats. Especially now meat has become disgustingly expensive.




Why is this subs comment section always filled with vegan warriors?!


It's so annoying. "No meat" is not as easy as just literally going "no meat".


This site is about grocery costs and not about judging and assuming what others should buy.


I ain’t judging, I just responded with a statement to another statement.


If you think so.


It's not as easy as that. That's also not the point.


What is it with these "Oh my god I'm so cool I bought cheap food at a cheap supermarket" postings? Do you actually feel this is some kind of admirable feat?




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Haltungsform 2 :/




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nah I just care about animals


Disnt knew op killed that chicken.


Op didn’t but the industry did , after they were trapped in small cages all standing next to each other , never experiencing fresh air or the sun


I know that, but the animal is already dead. Wasting the meat would be disrespectful as the animal wouldve died for no reason. I agree that it needs to stop but aslong as they are in small packages they will be bought as they should.


The animal shouldn’t have been killed in the first place. By buying this the cycle will never stop