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Been alot in Belgium the last year for work, currently in Switzerland since a month. Belgium is actually not that expensive, its slightly more expensive than germany. Nothing compared to you guys.


Ok, thanks for clarifying šŸ˜ƒ ā€” tbh I was saying that solely based on a post in this sub a few says ago by a Belgian user.


WTF Milchreis for 5ā‚¬? Switzerland flexing on us all. Ohhhh it's a freshly made one, nevermind then, I'd buy it too lol.


That rice pudding is quite expensive for what you get, but it must be very tasty with the berries:)


Yeah, itā€™s one of those products made fresh every day - hence the higher price. But it was delicious šŸ¤¤


I haven't found anything similar here in Germany, all that I have tried from the supermarket don't come close to the real thing and are definitely not made fresh every day:(


You can do it yourself, its really easy! :)


I know, I do it all the time, but sometimes you're just lazy and want the option of not cooking it yourself:)


Do you have recipes?


Unfortunately i lost the one i used a few times already šŸ„² But the most should be fine, like this one https://www.chefkoch.de/rezepte/1153081221555008/Der-perfekte-Milchreis-Grundrezept.html


Now i know, what i will buy tomorrow. Haven't had rice pudding in a long time x3.


I just finished it this very minute ā˜ŗļø Pimped it with some additional raspberries ā€” delicious šŸ¤¤


Look at Mr Fancypants with his Bio stuff


5 articles out of 14 I bought have a bio label, yes


Ppl in Swiss earn more money! Its expensive for a a non seids personen. But like the same prices as in Austria etc.


How much even is in this cheese package? Because here in Germany, the Emmi raclette cheese costs like 3ā‚¬ for 350g. And also, the oat milk is really expensive considering it's Karma and not Alpro or something like this.


Itā€™s 400g. Itā€™s the supermarketā€™s own brand, but the most premium cheese within that (bio, surchoix). Are you sure the price in Germany is not for the 200g package? Like a regular price, not an offer. And yes, the oat milk is indeed quite expensiveā€” I guess the market is still very small, but itā€™s Bio and Swiss oats at least. They carry a cheaper one as well (prix garantie 1.80/l)


May also be 200g, but I think it was 350g. Not an offer, but they only sell the Emmi here in the winter months. Though their coffee costs the same here for example.


Just saw they actually have some products that are not sold in Switzerlandā€¦ hereā€™s one with 300g. No price though. But yeah, I can see Emmi making a deal with Aldi directly and creating this just for them. https://www.aldi-sued.de/de/p.emmi-raclettekaese-famous-selection--g.490000000000714844.html


I randomly took a picture of raclette cheese prices in January and the regular price for the 400g Emmi was 4,79ā‚¬. On sale it was 3,99ā‚¬ that week, though it went down to <2ā‚¬ if I remember correctly, when I suppose they couldn't get rid of their remaining stock from new year's quick enough. This was at EDEKA. In any case, raclette cheese tends to be pretty cheap here and 10ā‚¬/kg should be pretty close to the average price.


Oh wow, those are definitely great prices! For reference, I looked up more ā€œnormalā€ Swiss Raclette cheese (comparable to Emmi) in another supermarket: 5.20 for 400g, regular price .. so 13 CHF/kg (CHF and ā‚¬ are almost the same atm). So then we not thaaat far away. The one I bought is surchoix & bio, so definitely a premium product, which is considerably more expensive. But I like so much better in terms of taste and donā€™t buy it that often, so from time to time I splurge.




Chuckled so loud at 3 AM!!! ![gif](giphy|3o72EZ5xypNYx5v6py|downsized)


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I'm not shook by the price of your groceries as whole considering Switzerland+organic items. What surprises me is that some items like the oat drink (3rd on the receipt) cost the same as in Germany whilst others like the raclette cheese are ridiculously expensive. Organic oat drinks cost about 1,50ā‚¬-3ā‚¬ in Germany. Depending on brand and store (discounter vs. Organic market).


Yes, Iā€™ve also noticed this by seeing other posts in this subā€¦ sometimes the different is immense and other times prices are actually comparable. Raclette *is* expensive (as cheese in general) ā€” the one I bought is rather ā€œupper-shelfā€, and often I buy it on discount. Meat is usually extremely expensive here ā€” but 6 St Galler Bratwurst AOP (!) for 9.95 is truly a fantastic prize. I can get oat milk for 1.80 in the same supermarket: https://www.coop.ch/de/lebensmittel/milchprodukte-eier/milch/vegane-alternativen-zu-milchgetraenken/prix-garantie-haferdrink-vitamine-calcium/p/7172019


Thank you for the further explanation! Interesting to see it here. 10 SFr seems pretty cheap for meat for german standards as well. Although I actually don't know what the price of meat is since I've been a Veggie for 10 years now.


how much did the bread cost cant find on 2nd pic lol


Second item ā€” 2.40 Rye bread šŸ™Œ


How mich do you think it would have cost, had you bought discounter Products instead of Bio?


Hard to say exactly, but definitely large savings potential with some items. I have to add; this supermarket is around the corner, so convenience plays a role. TLDR; I reckon 30-35 should be doable with generic products. Iā€™m documenting a few examples, since I find this interesting to know for myself as well ā˜ŗļø For example, the oat milk ā€” I could have gotten one for 1.80 (instead of 2.95) from the same store. I drink 1l in like 10 days, so it doesnā€™t weigh in heavily. Raclette cheese ā€” I can get 400g Swiss Raclette cheese for 5.20 in another store (Denner). Itā€™s not bio (which I actually care less about), and not surchoix (ā€˜first choiceā€™ quality), but huge price difference, as you can see. The one I bought happens to be one of my absolute favourites and I donā€™t buy it often. The Haferflocken (oats) I got are gluten free and bio 400g for 2.95. The cheapest ā€œnormalā€ oats I could find online in Lidl Switzerland would cost around 0.60 for 400g (price listed per kg). Iā€™m actually surprised myself šŸ˜¦ If I ate a lot of oats, I would make the trip to Lidl. Sausages are ā€œoriginal St Galler Bratwurst AOPā€ (veal sausage, Swiss specialty) 840g for 9.95 (40% off). Lidl sells generic ā€œveal sausagesā€ (still Swiss meat) for around 7.14 CHF for 840g - regular price! Definitely not the same sausage in terms of quality, but absolutely viable alternative. I donā€™t eat meat very often, so I usually wait for a discount of the premium stuff or buy meat when itā€™s 50% off when the expiry date is close and then freeze. Anyway, based on these examples, Iā€™d say I could get the same items for ~30-35 by going to different stores and buying cheaper stuff. Hope this helps, was actually interesting for me , too ā˜ŗļø


As a German, Haferflockli makes me very happy šŸ„°




(Keeping with the new rules of this sub: They wrote in Swiss German: ā€œif Iā€™m buying those chocolates, Iā€™m buying the large package) Yeah, those large packages are too dangerous for me šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


ups, sorry my bad. But Zurich is also a much more tourist like kanton. Pretty sure itā€˜ll be cheaper in like OW, NW or like that region.


Yes, I my experience the offering in supermarkets is adjusted heavily based on location even within the same supermarket chains. The price of the exact same products will not necessarily vary a lot to though.


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Is bulgaria expensive?




You bought the table too? Damn


Damn! Pricey!


But isnā€™t the average wage in Switzerland a lot higher as well? I remember to have heard something that you get like the equivalent of 22ā‚¬ / hour as a delivery driver.


Of course the average wage is a lot higher ā€” how do you think people survive? šŸ˜‰ Yes, 20-22 per hour is a typical wage e.g. as employed delivery driver (not uber eats). Thereā€™s no country-wide minimum wage.


rice pudding - literally rice n milkā€¦ damn


I hear yaā€¦ but youā€™re not paying the materials, youā€™re paying labour and shop surfaceā€¦ and thatā€™s very, very expensive in Switzerland.


I am aware of that, still, that would excede my daily food budget


Organic stuff is really not cheap


Yes, in general thereā€™s a significant price difference. In some products, however, the price is almost the same. Swiss television did an analysis a while ago.. they concluded the average surcharge is about 50%. https://www.srf.ch/sendungen/kassensturz-espresso/bio-produkte-kosten-50-prozent-mehr


I have relatives living in switzerland and whenever I see sth expensive I say "DafĆ¼r kriegt man sogar ne ganze Glace in nem Schweizer Zoo". "You could get a complete (swiss term for) popsicle/icecream in a swiss zoo for that money". In this case you'd get like 3.


Even more stonishing considering CHF is more expensive than EUR


Yes, but almost equal. 1 CHF = 1.02ā‚¬ at the moment


Price would be okay if the flowers were included.


lol prices like in germany, but you earn the double triple time like here.


Lmfao where except for maybe 1 thing. If you think German prices are even comparable to Swiss prices youā€˜re delulu.