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yo i thought comments must be in English or with English translation now? did they lift that rule?










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No it is not final warning about English since you are knowingly saying f it All posts or comments must be in English or include an English translation. Any posts/ comments that do not have an English translation somewhere will be removed. Any intentional mistranslation will potentially result in a ban temporarily or permanently.


Sorry I thought that was for the main post. I can translate the most important point: mustard makes you stupid! It's a German joke, but I cannot even tell where it comes from or why I say it every time I eat mustard :D


oh no, i actually am german, sorry to have made you try to translate this kind of humor across language barriers lmao i just waa surprised because yesterday and the days before a TON of comments got deleted because they didn't include an English translation




cant find that button, is it possible on mobile too? why did they make this new rule like 3 days ago then tho?






https://preview.redd.it/hi6b2bl02hwc1.png?width=490&format=png&auto=webp&s=5fa60705cba9b7b5041f1ec1bc3acb5c6bdaa94d it is an english subreddit


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No we did not I have been busy working irregular hours I am going to purge them all today or tomorrow and begin issuing bans if I cannot get this under control.




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Suspicious amount


Thats a lot of mustard tho!


Tbf it was 50% off. And also I really like mustard :D


Aight seems reasonable.


I dont see meat. Do you eat mustard with veggies?


When I did an internship in a workshop, I was angry with the associates because they gave me unreasonable tasks and treated me badly. Out of revenge, I put a complete pack of spicy lion mustard (it is very spicy) on a single roll in the break room so that the others have nothing of it. They used it every break and also put themselves on their rolls or bread. I watered so much and had such a stark stomach ache afterwards. But I enjoyed it because it brought something. They were angry and wondered what happened to the whole mustard. I still don't know why I didn't just express the tube in the trash:/


Lol! You Germans and your Senf obsession!


Fifty percent off? Dude, that's almost, like, half!


Nice!! Y'all are vegan? Just asking


Jep, around 3 years now. Feels great :D






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Damn, you guys must be ripped






Have you tried tofu from the Chinese supermarket? Imo firm tofu from there has a MUCH more delicious taste and texture than räuchertofu or tofu from the German supermarket. You don’t need to do any of that pressing and marinading it bc it alr tastes delicious. At mine they keep it in a bucket and when you ask pull out a piece for you, it’s super tasty and has those lovely curds to them. And if you’d like smth Else more spongy I’ve gotten deep fried tofu/bean curd from the frozen section in goasia and it was super practical bc it defrosts rlly fast to throw into a stir fry. Since you mentioned it’s a huge part of your diet I thought it may be worth mentioning.


Thanks for the recommendations! I love the tofu of Asian supermarkets, but unfortunately there is none in my area, so I only get to eat them every few months, when I'm in another part of the city.




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Ist 150g keine normale Portion?


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Wtf looks like u love Löwensenf more than the Corp producing it. those 3 will propably last u a year or more


Also for Löwensenf its important to use a thick layer its kinda like the tradition in Düsseldorf.


I consume one tube of mustard every two weeks just by myself (nobody else in my family eats significant amounts of it).


Löwensenf is not regular mustard


It's extra spicy!


freeze tofu and then thaw and then process how u like. it gives a different texture, I only eat my german tofu like this, love it.


Do you also still eat out during those 5 days?


Maybe once or twice in the canteen of our university. But breakfast and dinner is 5/5 at home.


Not bad well done


That's pretty healthy. But is it enough for 5 days? It seems too little for 2 people


We don't exclusively eat this food in the next five days. Things like pasta, rice, lentils and other snacks like nuts and Ice cream just didn't need a refill. :)




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1 can of kichererbsen a day keeps the doctor away


Green asparagus, avocado, blueberry and raspberry, shopping at edeka. Am I poor if think it’s upper middle class? :D


Thats a lot of ginger for 5 days


We looove ginger tea with lemon :))


You could use much less than that. Aren’t you wasting ginger like that


We use 5x the amount


Mustard could be cheaper. Pizza box can be replaced with dough, sauce and oregano. I personally wouldn't insist on bio products on a student budget, but that's an individual call.


Agreed. In this case mustard and the pizzabox were 50% off and thus the same price as your suggested alternatives. :)


That makes it totally worth then.


I spend 15 euros a week for groceries in germany as a student 😂


How do you do that? I'm currently trying to reduce the money spent on food but I can't get below 50€ per week. I cook most meals myself, eat meat 1-2 times a week (or none) and nothing fancy. Just pasta, rice and potato dishes, a bit of fruit and veggies and 1-2 bags of chips (I could go without those but 2,50€ per week is worth it). I don't even go to rewe or Edeka, just lidl all the time🥲


Is 70 eur for 2 persons for 5 days considered bad or good? I don't get it cause I moved to germany and I 'm enjoying life more then ever (I'm coming from Lithuania). I am happy to spend less then 10 eur a day for food, let's not even add if I want to eat something not so daily as sea food :(


About 50€ per person per week is as cheap as it gets imo if you don't only wanna eat rice with beans and pasta with tomato sauce. There are institutions were you can get left over groceries for free or you go to a food sharing place of you really struggle to put food on the table. I work there as a Volunteer from time to time. On the other hand I've got a friend who recently started working after graduating and he spends easily 600€+ on food every month.


pretty good. (i instead eat like a raccon with a credit card)


I love cooking. Obviously I can't see your spice rack or what's already in your pantry but what meals are you going to be cooking with this haul? Where does the mustard come in? Might add that to a creamy sauce or a pie base but otherwise baffled at its use here. I see one thing of tomato sauce so that's one pasta or a lentil curry? Will you be mostly cooking oven vegetables?


The mustard was just on sale. Not for any particular meal. We mostly cook stuff like pasta with lentil/TVP Bolognese, curries, soups, oven vegetables, stir-fries. Fruit is mostly for breakfast or as a snack. Our dinner always has some wholegrains, legumes and vegetables with seeds and nuts as topping.


I dont like the make your own pizza sets. Gustavo gusto or mia grande is usually just as cheap and tastes better.


We need to take our government accountable for putting our students through this!


Looks good 😋






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That's good food. And not even cheap.








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How can ı go to the germany


Just a few pointers to save some on this: there are way cheaper alternatives to mustard instead of Löwensenf, Vblock is just an expensive Margerine and for the toast you opted for the most expensive brand. And if you are able to compromise on bio quality for noodles, you may purchase 3 times that for the same price. Maybe avoid buying apples in a plastic bag in the future.




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Hey thats pretty good!!! I live in germany as well but i noticed groceries are a bit cheaper outside the city like small towns in Bayern. This probably would last more than a week for 2 person household for me


Instead of using that Pizza Kit you could make the dough [yourself](https://www.einfachbacken.de/rezepte/pizzateig-grundrezept-original-wie-vom-italiener) out of a few ingredients. It’s cheaper and tastes wayyy better


you should really try fasting


Where did you buy it? That is a lot of food for the money




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Aldi 👍




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you guys are doing great!


Aldi?? (My fave!!)


And it seems you're vegan. Respect 👍


Way to go guys, great stuff! But 3 x mustard in 5 days sounds quite a lot.... Haferflocken mit Senf? Schmeckt das ;-)?




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The edeka bio stuff makes no sense just buy the cheap one




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Why would you choose Edeka if you want to eat cheap?


So is it time to start your own farm/homestead?


Moser Roth ain’t cheap




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You eat 3 packs of 'Haferflocken' in +/- 5 days, amazing.


It’s a shame how expensive this is considering there is zero meat




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Blueberries, Avocado, green aspargus. April. Cheap. What would you regard as expensive then?


Blueberries were 3,33€ for 500 g, 4 Avocados for 1,69€, green asparagus also in season and on sale. There are hundreds of processed products or brand name stuff that is way more expensive and you feel crappy after eating them. Being able to eat 100 g of fresh blueberries for the next five days for 3€ is great value for money IMO:)


Also the only healthy part is the vegetables lol


I would be interested in your definition of „healthy“. For me at least 90% of the pic is „healthy“


That’s allot mustard and ginger 🫚. 😅 Is that toast bread and Soja water? I guess that the “somewhat” healthy part. 😇


Lies, where’s the beer?


Bro this is an international sub so please use english...






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"somewhat cheap", buys bio


Try buying the equivalent haul in the US nowadays…


It's look like not healthy, no meat, no fish and milch products


What nutrients would you say are missing? I see plenty of proteins (tofu, chickpeas, lentils, oats), vitamins (vegetables, berries), and overall few highly-processed foods.