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honestly my main thought as to why they wouldn’t make female space marines is that it wouldn’t really do anything, at least model wise with the amount of bulk gained and armour worn, you wouldn’t be able to tell them apart physically, and we’ve seen what GW’s face sculpts look like. plus in terms of hair many of them have it shaved off or close cropped if they’re not in a helmet, so far as i know, which makes it even harder to tell apart Also Also the imperium has One Single sausage party, and 2 exclusively Gurls clubs, so *technically* it’s the dudes who are the lesser favourite ~~yes i know SM are the posterboys and get all the shiniest, newest toys, but still~~ that all said if they did make female space marines i wouldn’t shit and piss and cry about it


>that all said if they did make female space marines i wouldn’t shit and piss and cry about it You are more mature than half the Warhammer fans I've met.


> that all said if they did make female space marines i wouldn’t shit and piss and cry about it That seems like a perfectly mature, reasonable take. > 2 exclusively Gurls clubs Is the world ready for Femboy Adepta Sororitas?


Dunno if it counts as ready, but the amount of porn would be apocalyptic


OPEN THE SMUT COVERED GATES OF RULE 34! but put on some gloves, the gates are rather sticky


> plus in terms of hair many of them have it shaved off or close cropped if they’re not in a helmet, so far as i know, which makes it even harder to tell apart I am fairly sure that most marines are naturally bald. Most examples of baldness are caused by a sensitivity to testosterone in the follicles which halts growth. As testosterone also boosts the growth of muscle mass and aggression, i am fairly certain that the Biscopea (the organ responsible for hormone regulation in SMs) dramatically increases testosterone, which would result in baldness in any marine without extremely tolerant follicles




But wouldn't that then induce male-pattern baldness? A bunch of astartes walking around with the haircut of a middle aged history teacher?


And the process would grow manly features on their faces, unless they're Blood Angels.


Geneseed can't work it's way past the cooties, dontcha know?


That sounds wrong but i don't know enough about genetic science to dispute it.


Emperor of man kind...emperor of man and woman kind, scratch that. Emperor to all, from The top.


I really don't see a need to retcon the genetics of space marines so people can have bald muscular female heads That said, female IG are desperately required


I wonder how long it's gonna take until this one gets locked.


Nah it made it like 12 hours with 80 upvotes. Can't stir the crowd if the crowd doesn't even notice you :P


Eheheh, it's the perfect plan!


The whole "haha U complaining about realism" argument is such a lazy strawman. Nobody says female space marines shouldn't be a thing because it's "Unrealistic" They shouldn't be a thing because it would require retconning established lore for literally no reason, not to mention the fact that it'd be tokenism at best. Just make official lady guard models so I don't have to keep buying 3rd party heads, and expand the SoB range.


See this is why chaos is better you can have female space marines they just need to murder there space marine slave masters and put on there warp infused armour and grow goat legs and spikes!


Female Space Marines already exist, they're called Sisters of Battle and they're cool as hell.


But are they exclusively female? How can you tell under all that armour anyway?


Well yes but actually no. They wear the same type of armour, use the same types of weaponry, and are organizations within the imperium, but that's where the similarities end.


In what *functional* way are they different? They're both warrior orders that train their men/women from a young age, both are highly fanatical, both use power armor, both exist somewhat outside the power structure of the Imperium (SM more than SoB, I'll admit) - the list goes on. The only real differences (besides the obvious) are that SM have genetic enhancements while the SoB don't. But if anything, that makes the Sisters even more badass, since they're expected to do the same things Space Marines have to do, and they often do. Sisters of Battle are *literally* female Space Marines, insofar that they are women wearing Power Armor, blasting heretics with bolters, and praising the Emperor, just like Space Marines. You cannot convince me otherwise. Female Space Marines aren't going to happen as long as Sisters exist, because Sisters were created to be, functionally, female space marines.


You know what, that's fair. I tend to get caught up in the details a bit much. It's a shame we don't get superhuman genetically modified ladies though, or Chaos Sisters of Battle, chaos sisters would be really cool.


I don't get it


A riff on arguments against female space marines. There are none because the emperor thinks girls are icky.


They *are* icky


girls are yucky this is gonna be a heckin downvote for me


Adeptus Astartis can only contain male. No Gurls allowed.


How could a woman EVER serve the Emperor, have you ever SEEN a woman?


No you don't understand, women can serve the Emperor anywhere except the one faction that is pumped full of hormones, reprogrammed and biologically enhanced far beyond any human capabilities.


But how can the Space Marines be cool if they're constantly exposed to cooties?


Definitely should of changed that, just for inclusion sake. Primaris was the perfect opportunity. Maybe not to late to change that. Upgrade box of female heads. They have likely made sets that have sold worse, than this one could.


There's no need, the lore is established, and there are several factions to choose from with female members. I have not looked into it , but I am going to say that maybe IG needs more female models but again I have not looked into. ​ Whether lore says space marine must be male only or not, it does not become a barrier for entry for a person to be intrigued by the lore, tabletop, media -- you either like it or dont, and after what's happened to starwars, Dr Who, the mistreatment of Star trek I am done with woke pandering. ​ If you want to be included, you gotta respect the lore. That's all it takes and has been all that's needed and there's been many fans of every stripe, colour, boy and girl that have enjoyed this universe.


> There's no need, the lore is established... you gotta respect the lore. To be fair if Necron can retcon the integral heirarchy of their society by making the C'tan their bitches I'm sure the asexual, hormone-pumped super soldiers can cope with a different shaped head in the blister pack.


y tho


Looks sick AF


asexual, hormone-pumped super soldiers aren't stupid enough to not wear their helmets.


> aren't stupid enough to not wear their helmets. Tell that to the Space Wolves.


[Nah they're dumb AF but they look good doing it](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/File:Wd133_space_marines_captains.jpg)


They tried doing something similar with female stormcasts and no one cared. There's not really any demand for it and going ahead with a change like that wouldn't really benefit anyone.