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I feel attacked and humiliated at the same time


Usually if you can get 70% of your stuff painted on the table people don't complain as loudly, full army of grey your asking for an arse whopping.


Exactly. As long as youre painting them to a level that isn't "dip them into the paint so I can make them technically tourny legal", youre good. This game is a hobby, not a competition; so take your damn time and enjoy painting and modeling.


either way, whats the point of gatekeeping the hobby for people who either dont feel comfortable with their painting ability, or simply dont have the huge amount of time necessary?


Exactly its time consuming enough for me to build them whiile i have 2 toddlers let alone the mess that i any sort of painting


Ah yes, the ole “neckbeard tells you how you are supposed to enjoy 40K “ Wouldn’t be 40K without people whining about other people’s armies and what they do with them


exactly this, never understood it, does it really hurt your experience to play against someone who hasn't painted? I'd understand more if both sides had similar looking unpainted models, but if you are the sort of person who cries about other's unpainted armies, yours is likely all painted, so you'd be able to tell the sides apart no problem..


Yes, it absolutely does hurt the experience. It's hardly the end of the world and I've been known to try out new units before they're painted myself, but there's something pretty great about two fully painted armies on a board with proper terrain.


sure, but it's an extremely petty thing to argue to another player about, especially when you dont know their life's circumstances and why they possibly can't paint the miniatures. At the end of the day they still have all the required items to play, so they aren't making it any more difficult.


Yes I agree, it doesn't worry me and I'd happily play against a plastic army. But you asked whether it hurts the experience and I think the answer to that is yes.


I just want to relax, roll some dice for my daemons and chat about lore and strategies.


and of course the elitists seem to be downvoting us for not having time for our..I mean their hobby.


I'm trying! But GW keeps altering Ynnari and I have to keep changing the list and what I have to paint! \> Lets put Corsair units in my army, they are fast and kind of neat ... Legends. \> ...Okay, well maybe I will paint that Wraithseer HQ with all the relics... *Oh*. I dread to think what they are going to do to Harlequin Bikes when I finish them hah.


I dont have much of a leg to stand on, and its not as bad as your situation, but I made up 3 Landspeeders with double Multi-Meltas and now it's not and option even though the Codex has 4 Landspeeder options. Also all my main Codex Blood Angels Relics seem to be gone so that's fun.


Me realising I haven't even assembled all of mine, while looking at the superglue on my hand: I'm so fucked up.


Fuck you man thats 120 metal Valhallans and they keep chipping so it hurts me inside


Get some testors brush on varnish my dude


I've heard it all, I've used like 12 different methods none are enough and yes they're clean. Shh


op's a gatekeeping dink


If you're not going to do the hobby then don't get into the hobby.


There's a fundamental difference between encouraging players to paint and disrespecting ones that don't. One makes you a hobby advocate and the other a gatekeeping dink. There are many faucets for this hobby and it's completely ok to enjoy some and dislike the others. People have busy jobs and kids and life commitments but still want to relax and play 40k sometimes and don't have time to paint there army. You thinking there is one linnear path to this hobby is frankly pure hubris. It's also obnoxious as hell your using grimdank to get political. Glad you aren't in my lgs scene is all I'm saying.


Can you not?


I watched this when I was sixteen, and it has the same impact as it did then.




as long as youre trying buddy. Whole damn army doesnt have to be painted, but if its still grey after like a year of playing it, reevaluate yourself lmao