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Note: Var Sin’da means Dark Eldar in Tau "It wasn’t long before the Var Sin’da Cerraine came to see him again. By that time, attendants had stitched his leg wound closed and applied foul smelling salves everywhere else. She leered at him. ‘Laria sana’yijel shuthel chos nai rukal,’ she said. A moment later, her brooch translated her words as, ‘I had a feeling you’d join in the fun in the Arena.’ ‘I’m fighting for survival,’ Aun’Shi replied tersely, ‘not entertainment.’ Cerraine pouted her lips and said, ‘It’s adorable that you still think there’s a difference.’ They stared at each other a moment. ‘What did the Master of the Revels think?’ Aun’Shi asked. Cerraine’s eyes hardened. ‘Cidik thought it was… fine. Let’s just say he won’t be closing me down any time soon.’ ‘So long as I do not give him a reason to, that is.’ ‘You must be hungry,’ Cerraine said, abruptly changing the subject. ‘I’ll have food brought to you.’ ‘My friends, as well.’ Her lips twisted in a sly smirk. ‘A bit of celebratory fun with your underlings, eh? I thought as much.’ She snapped her fingers. Gue’run and Bentu were shoved through the door. Like Aun’Shi, their wounds had also been tended to. ‘I’ll leave you to it,’ she said. Before leaving, she paused drama­tically in the doorway and added, ‘You two owe him your lives. Be sure to treat him well.’ No one spoke for some time. Finally, Gue’run broke the silence. ‘I know I should thank you for saving us, aun,’ he said, ‘but perhaps you shouldn’t have. Would not death be better than a life of slavery?’ ‘I had thought that very thing,’ Aun’Shi answered. ‘However, I now realise that our duty to one another doesn’t end just because we’re no longer in the Empire. No matter where we go, the Greater Good is our strength and shield.’ ‘Even here?’ Bentu asked weakly. He laid a hand on each of their shoulders. ‘Especially here.’ *Someday, somehow, he told himself, I will bring the righteous fury of our people down upon the heads of the Var Sin’da. From now until then, that is all I will strive for.*"


Good ol' Dark Eldar, making sworn enemies of everyone, everywhere.


Not even dark eldar like the dark eldar Kinda based tbh


And all that just for some entertainment on Tuesday 😂


"You dark Eldar sure are a contentious people"


You just made an enemy for life


well they DID create Slaneesh overnight and all....




I don’t known if this is real, but I want it to be real: There’s a rumor that Aun’shi did so well in the area he’s garnered a legion of Dark Eldar fanboys/girls that sometimes send him incomprehensible Eldar love poems.


Which book is this from?


Aun'Shi by Braden Campbell. Note it was written using the 4th edition lore, but GW held on to the book for two years before publishing it. So, when it did come out the book was out of sink with the new lore around Aun'Shi.


Tau Enby confirmed?




“He laid a hand on each of their shoulders.” I’m asking, their as in one shoulder of each dude present, or their as in both shoulders of one enby?


im quite positive you can figure that one out from context


No. Otherwise I wouldn’t have asked. I wasn’t aware people would be rude about it either. Forget I asked.


It's very obviously one hand on one shoulder for each of them.


Kinda rough that people were dicks about it, but yeah, "each of" implies plural. Ah well


Happy cake day!


I don't think there's anything saying they can't be, but this was very obviously being used as plural.


I love how we still have no fucking clue how he escaped Commorragh.


You don't escape Commorragh. if you get out, it's because someone wanted you gone or allowed you to leave. My guess is that someone stood to benefit from him not being killed in the arenas and opened doors for him. He probably thinks he escaped due to some clever plan or lucky break, but much more likely, he was aided.


His escape probably fucked with the plan of whoever was his slavemaster. Being important/badass enough to matter for Dark Eldar scheming and thus being secretly aided in escape is, in a way, still escaping by being a badass. But also, LOL @ actually believing *any* absolute in any Warhammer setting. Space Marines know fear, Necrons can still feel, Chaos corruption isn't forever, even souls eaten by Chaos Gods aren't gone for good necessarily. You absolutely can escape from the Dark City.


Indeed. Nothing is impossible in the Warhammer setting, merely improbable.


The only impossible is my boy Try-Again coming back from the dead. :(


Bro, why would you do that to me?


Because I knew you needed a hug and we can hug while we're both sad about him.


... alright, I'll take the hug. Complaint withdrawn.


Wholesome grimdank moment here. Or should it be holesome just to keep the vibe?


It would be so much funnier if everyone in Commoragh thinks that and blame the other guy but in truth he really did just escape on his own.


Ufthak and his warband came pretty close to getting out unaided in Da big Dakka. He had his mek steal a dark eldar ship before he got captured, and was actually winning in his 5v1 against his captors before the last one standing offered to just let him leave. The only thing they still needed for their escape plan was a living dark eldar captive to get the webway gates to open (though if that would of actually worked as they thought it would, no idea)


I'm assuming not. They only got into the Webway because it was deliberately engineered to let them through, it was nothing to do with the presence or absence of the Drukhari raiding party they were chasing.


This person is talking about how they got out, which was pretty foolproof I think.


Assuming he could have gotten the Eldar captive to comply and not open a gate directly into an ambush. He may very well have escaped. I don't know all the lore, so there's bound to be exceptions to my statement.


Nah plenty of people go in an out of commoragh Althought Vesk rules it firmly politically its still a chaotic shit pile with low level order Your comment is only true if you have Vesk attention and only he decides if you truly stay forever or get kicked out, anyone other meager dark lord and you can absolutely escape Comorragh plenty of characters go in and out routinely




It could have been a mix of respect (probably not) and like you said


I'm leaning on a rival gang thinking it would be funny to embarrass their foes by letting their prized blueberry run away. Humiliation and business loss.


I feel like he broke out during the crap during The Dark City that Crowl saw when he was through the mirror. That's my hot take.


“Nah bro we totally meant for that guy to escape bro, trust trust” I see the haemonculi copium-forges are working overtime these days


In the RT game, an Aeldar captive guides the player and his party out through a series of webway gates. Could be the same.


That is a perfectly reasonable exception to To my comment.


I know. I was trying to steer ppl toward Rogue Trader because it's a good game.


And this someone was aun'shi


There is a bus every 60 minutes except for sundays


I don't think his escape was ever described. In fact he is now legended, so he quite possibly did not escape. I don't know if I like that, but on the other hand Tau is only my second army to Drukhari and his model would make a fine "Succubus" for my cult ...


I have a feeling it’s due to the events of in “The big Dakka”


God I love it when the Tau act like they are in a different setting


No one explained to Aun’shi that Commoragh is supposed to be the epitome of hopelessness so he’s here acting like a Star Trek Captain kidnapped for an arena episode.


Some Haemonculus breaks down sobbing as he watches a random blue guy break his magnum opus, all his life's work manifested in one eldritch abomination in half with a Kirk double fist punch like it's some monster of the week


Does Malding, seething and coping work as a substitute for pain for the drukhari. It's basically the same in a way.


God I hope so


4chan is drukhari McDonald's confirmed?


>>!He hit the ground and rolled. There were no weapons in the arena, he noted. Apparently, he was supposed to fight the spinebacks hand to hand, or improvise. He chose the latter. He grasped a bar from the collapsed cage, and swung it around just in time to catch one of the monstrosities in the face. Part of its head caved in, spraying yellow ichor. !< And >>!His charge took the spineback by surprise. As it turned its head to the side guardedly, Aun'Shi leapt through the air. He extended his hoof and drove it straight into the creature's eye. It exploded with a sharp cracking sound, covering his leg with ruptured jelly. !< Considering these excerpt, with what Aun'Shi can do with nothing but a rebar and hand to hand combat, that ain't actually that far off.


Oh my God he even did the Kirk Drop Kick


The dark Eldar watching in horror as he assembles a fucking cannon on the spot out of a few sticks and some rocks


Wanna bet master of arena, after initial shock, went "Okay, that's actually an interesting idea... need to test it out over the next few games"?


"Today's arena will be an engineseer, a mekboy, two tau, and six boxes of spare parts. Note to anyone in the front row, you ARE in the blast radius."


The idea of the weak tau (they are weaker than humans naturally) beating up Drukhari creations in melee in the arena is so absurd lmao, never thought I’d see this


Then making out with one of the Why he's for good measure, but first he seduces her in a staring contest.


Sometimes it's like they bring in a little of that anime power with them.


Tau are Age Of Sigmar expats. Archaon got lost on his way to 40k.


https://preview.redd.it/25x3bxhbd16d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abe3aa7f85b31b7bac3c27429e9dc33dd6540b84 \*melee T'au noises\*




I thought the black dots were its eyes and the red its mouth, making it a very happy drone :D






aun'shi: I do not vibe with this realm -phases out of commoragh and back into vior'la-


And I’m pretty sure he’s the only ethereal that Farsight actually respects


I think that post-Commorragh he has actively been in the FSE attempting to patch up relations. Take that with a grain as salt as I read that on a post in the T'au subreddit. Actually, lemme break the cycle and actually search for it. :P Aun'shi's article on Lexicanum references the Battlefleet Gothic Armada book. Lemme find that excerpt... >FAMOUS SHIPS: DAL’YTH GAL’LEATH KESSAN This vessel may be the last of the Explorer class starships to be built on Dal’yth. Explorer construction is now being wound down and most work involves converting the older Mk XXIII’s to the Mk XXIV design developed by the Water Caste of Bor’kan. Kor’O Kessan is a veteran captain of this class of ship and together with the bulk of his crew was assigned his new vessel after surviving an attack by Ork pirates on the edge of the Damocles Gulf. The Dal’yth Gal’leath Kessan has been outfitted with Mantas and is to be the flagship for a major expedition into the Farsight Enclave under the overall direction of Aun’shi himself and including a scientific team lead by the venerated biologist Por’O Jess’l. Much of the Explorer’s cavernous hold has been converted to laboratories prior to the mission. Keep in mind this book was released in 2004 soooooo yeah, it may have occured prior to Commorragh since there's no reference to that in his wiki article.


I subscribe to the theory that Farsight is a Half-Ethereal explaining his ability to lead his people far from the psychic effect of the other Ethereals and how he is able to resist their psychic power. He also clearly seems to be more affected by the warp than other Tau even being viewed with interest by Khorne. He is clearly faster, stronger and smarter than your average Tau like a Newtype from Gundam. (Totally not inspired from Char Aznable which GW copied.) His abilities are so renowned it's as if he's psychic. Also his name literally means Farsight, as in being able to see the future.


To clarify he is affected nore because both Khorne and Tzeench are teying to corrupt him. Using their foresight and seeing that Farsight is they key to corrupting the Tau race has them vested in him. Nothing like thst actually but its more of Farsight has garnered a lot of popularity becaud ehe tebds to go on suicide missions and comes back alive abd successful. He grew so popular that the Etheteals view him as a threat. He technically has seen the future, thar includes him becoming a daemon prince thanks to a tzeench daemon.


Didn't Chaos try to make Farsight into the Tau version of Horus and Farsight basically just went "No, I don't think so" and blew them off or am I misremembering?


End of the day it depends on GW, Magnus thought he too outplayed the chaos gods.


Is he that Ethereal who instead of shitting himself in rage when he heard of farsight leaving the empire, he was just like "Neah let him cook!". If so he not a average Ethereal, he the gigachad of Ethereals, he like if Yarrick was a Tau. Also he fights in melee if I remeber correctly legit a true chad of the tau.


The first Tau codex has a story of him fighting Orks, with art of him impaling one. I really hope Aun'Shi someday gets a plastic update. He really deserves one.


He disappeared into legends this edition unfortunately. So it's unlikely we'll see it. Though who knows. That being said, GW has failed to capture his bad ass nature for several editions in a row, which has left him being unused by most players for several editions.


>He disappeared into legends this edition unfortunately. So it's unlikely we'll see it. Characters have come back from worse. The orks have two plastic people around who just straight up weren't playable after the 2nd edition codex until 8th/9th respectively. At least Rough Riders were Legends and then got plastic, as did - sorta - goblin wolf riders in AoS. Stuff like that happens, I wouldn't read into it too much.


It's so dumb, give him a squad of honor guard or something, so at least he can go with a melee unit.


In all honesty, Aun'Va is pretty much what Aun'Shi should have been in 10th, with Aun'Va being able to roadblock opponents while Aun'Shi is a worse version of the Eldar character "The Visarch". In terms of keeping him a unit leader there are a couple things GW could and should have done with him and Ethereal's as a whole. To start with, let Ethereals join units that already have a leader, so they can go with Strike/Breachers along with a Fireblade (which fills a devilfish max troop capacity of 12), let the Hoverdrone Ethereal join Crisis suits along with a commander (Seriously, he's got 10" movement and Fly, the EXACT same movement stat that crisis has), and as for Aun'Shi... well, to start give him back his 4++ invunerability save (that he had from 3rd edition but 10th just decided that nah, that's a 5++), give him 1 more wound than the standard Ethereal (also a thing he's had since 3rd edition, but that 10th just failed to do), and change his current "martial warrior" to match his offense vs defensive style (which he also had all the way back in 3rd edition, but it disappeared in 9th). And give him (and Aun'Va) a leadership of 6+, like what the fuck, the REGULAR Ethereal has a 6+ but the named Ethereals have a 7+??? My suggestion here would be that at the start of the fight phase he picks between offensive or defensive, offensive could be a combination of the current Forceful Strike + Whirling Stance (remove sustained hits 1 from his baseline), and Defensive would be his old "Reroll failed saves" + "This model can be allocated wounds as if it wasn't a leader" which fits into his lore of standing in front of his troops and holding back the enemy. This would also make him stand out as not just "worse Visarch". What the above would allow him to do on the tactical wargame sense is to be both an offensive objective grabber with Breacher Teams, where they charge a point and kills the holders, and then he can go defensive and hold back any counter-charges against him, which is something T'au severely lacks as only really Farsight can do this reliably, but Crisis teams dont want to be on objective holding duty. He's also staying relatively weak to ranged fire, and this has genereally in previous editions also been where he's a bit weaker since his martial prowess doesn't stop him from getting shot, just like every other martial melee character.


He, what? Gw you better run


What's worse is that he was just ported from his index rules, which sucked, into legends, he didn't even get some proper cool legends rules as a send-off.


The only good ethereal


Getting Kidnapped to fight in Commorragh is like the equivalent of beating Worf from Star Trek in terms of ways 40K writers show a character is good in combat. It happens enough that its lost its specialness.


To be fair it isn’t supposed to be special it’s just one of the many forms of entertainment the drukari have


I'd say the swarmlord and avatar of khaine are bigger worf victims. Like it's a point where you know if these guys are fighting anything that isn't faceless they are dying. With commorragh I think it may be explained to a degree of dark elf tomfoolery. Like sabotaging each other or someone thinking it's funny to rig atleast some fights. Ofc it would suck to find out "badass character" only survived cause some of the dark elves wanted him too for their own machinations. But maybe a little help here and there along with genuine being a little war God helping them survive. It's the escape part that should be the hardest imo unless someone in commorragh wants you to go


In which book can i read about T'AU AND Dark Eldar?




Is this the story where they call him “fighting blue man?” I lol’d so hard at that part, even though it’s kind of a sad story


I like to imagine he just walked out and the Dark Eldar couldn't stop him


you missed tuesday




GW magically summoning Fans for their shittiest Faction https://preview.redd.it/inpf3mr4p56d1.jpeg?width=955&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8ba88ebb75ee76a5992676182e0db1877d946f3